Use the "scopes" field of a manifest to set configuration for many resources at once. The "scopes" field works by matching resources by their segments. If a scope or resource includes "cascade": true, unknown specifiers will be searched for in their containing scope. The containing scope for cascading is found by recursively reducing the resource URL by removing segments for [special schemes][], keeping trailing "/" suffixes, and removing the query and hash fragment. This leads to the eventual reduction of the URL to its origin. If the URL is non-special the scope will be located by the URL’s origin. If no scope is found for the origin or in the case of opaque origins, a protocol string can be used as a scope.

    Note, blob: URLs adopt their origin from the path they contain, and so a scope of "blob:" will have no effect since no URL can have an origin of blob:; URLs starting with blob: will use for its origin and thus https: for its protocol scope. For opaque origin blob: URLs they will have blob: for their protocol scope since they do not adopt origins.