• path {string|Buffer|URL}
    • options {Object}
      • force {boolean} When true, exceptions will be ignored if path does not exist. Default: false.
      • maxRetries {integer} If an EBUSY, EMFILE, ENFILE, ENOTEMPTY, or EPERM error is encountered, Node.js will retry the operation with a linear backoff wait of retryDelay milliseconds longer on each try. This option represents the number of retries. This option is ignored if the recursive option is not true. Default: 0.
      • recursive {boolean} If true, perform a recursive removal. In recursive mode operations are retried on failure. Default: false.
      • retryDelay {integer} The amount of time in milliseconds to wait between retries. This option is ignored if the recursive option is not true. Default: 100.
    • callback {Function}
      • err {Error}

    Asynchronously removes files and directories (modeled on the standard POSIX rm utility). No arguments other than a possible exception are given to the completion callback.