• method {string}
    • params {Object}
    • callback {Function}

    Posts a message to the inspector back-end. callback will be notified when a response is received. callback is a function that accepts two optional arguments: error and message-specific result.

    1. session.post('Runtime.evaluate', { expression: '2 + 2' },
    2. (error, { result }) => console.log(result));
    3. // Output: { type: 'number', value: 4, description: '4' }

    The latest version of the V8 inspector protocol is published on the [Chrome DevTools Protocol Viewer][].

    Node.js inspector supports all the Chrome DevTools Protocol domains declared by V8. Chrome DevTools Protocol domain provides an interface for interacting with one of the runtime agents used to inspect the application state and listen to the run-time events.