• 继承自: {errors.Error}

    Node.js generates system errors when exceptions occur within its runtime environment. These usually occur when an application violates an operating system constraint. For example, a system error will occur if an application attempts to read a file that does not exist.

    • address {string} If present, the address to which a network connection failed
    • code {string} The string error code
    • dest {string} If present, the file path destination when reporting a file system error
    • errno {number} The system-provided error number
    • info {Object} If present, extra details about the error condition
    • message {string} A system-provided human-readable description of the error
    • path {string} If present, the file path when reporting a file system error
    • port {number} If present, the network connection port that is not available
    • syscall {string} The name of the system call that triggered the error