Thank you for choosing CyberPi series products!

    The CyberPi series includes a powerful main control board, abundant and optimized structural and electronic parts, which can be used in multiple education scenarios including large-class teaching, community teaching, and online/offline education & training. The series covers multiple teaching fields including programming, makers, and robots and thus can meet the diversified education needs, such as AI, IoT, data science, and UI design.

    This user manual describes the structural and electronic characteristics, supporting software, key electronic parts, classic example programs, and available suites of CyberPi series products, which helps you explore how you can use the CyberPi series more flexibly and effectively to learn or teach programming.

    Reading suggestions: To know about the product characteristics → To learn programming → To know about the key electronic parts

    To know about the product characteristics

    Structural Characteristics
    Electronic Characteristics

    To learn programming

    Programming Software

    To know about the key electronic parts

    Pocket Shield
    mBuild Modules

    The content in this manual may be changed with the upgrade or modification of the products, without prior notice.
    If you find any errors or have any ideas or suggestions on how to improve the product or this manual, contact us through