① 概念


② 平台支持


③ 接入方式


④ 接口文档

Result Code

Result Code Result Message
0 success
20001 user secret key not correct
20003 channel

not exists | | 20004 | not your channel | | 20005 | multipart stream request needed | | 20006 | file size limit exceeded | | 20007 | file format not recognized | | 20010 | image id not valid | | 20012 | too many images | | 20013 | image feature insufficient | | 20014 | image identifier not exists | | 20015 | system busy | | 20016 | image name taken |

URL: https://rest.xxxx.com/AddImage

Request post field:

Tag M/O Description
username M user key
secretkey M user secret key
channel M channel name
identifier M user defined ID for each image

(^[A-Za-z0-9@_.]+$ 3 to 50 digit ) | | metadata | O | user defined JSON string | | image | M | image file (.jpg, .jpeg, .png) |

Response json data:

Tag M/O Description
returncode M 0, 20001, 20003, 20004, 20005, 20006,

20007, 20010, 20012, 20013, 20016 | | level | O | 1 to 5 if the level is high, means the image can be detected easily |

URL: https://rest.xxxx.com/RemoveImage

Request post field:

Tag M/O Description
username M user key
secretkey M user secret key
channel M channel name
identifier M user defined ID for each image

Response json data:

Tag M/O Description
returncode M 0, 20001, 20003, 20004

GetImages //order by image identifier
URL: https://rest.xxxx.com/GetImages

Request post field:

Tag M/O Description
username M user key
secretkey M user secret key
channel M channel name
position O start index

Response json data:

Tag M/O Description
returncode M 0, 20001, 20003, 20004
totalcount O total count
images O images
identifier O user defined ID for each image
metadata O user defined JSON string
matchratio O match ratio

URL: https://rest.xxxx.com/GetImage

Request post field:

Tag M/O Description
channel M channel name
identifier M user defined ID for each image

Response json data:

returncode M 0, 20003, 20014
metadata O metadata
matchratio O match ratio
level O 1 to 5

URL: https://rest.xxxx.com/UpdateImageInfo

Request post field:

Tag M/O Description
username M user key
secretkey M user secret key
channel M channel name
identifier M image identifier
matchratio O match ratio
metadata O metadata

Response json data:

Tag M/O Description
returncode M 0, 20001, 20003, 20004, 20014

URL: https://rest.xxxx.com/Statistics

Request post field:

Tag M/O Description
username M user key
secretkey M user secret key
startdate M start date (yyyy or yyyyMM or

yyyyMMdd) | | enddate | M | end date (yyyy or yyyyMM or yyyyMMdd) | | channel | O | channel name | | identifier | O | image identifier |

Response json data:

Tag M/O Description
returncode M 0, 20001, 20003, 20004, 20014
username O username
channel O channel name
records O records
date O date (yyyyMMdd)
channel O if channel not specified, records will show

channel data | | identifier | O | if channel specified, records will show identifier data | | count | O | match count |

URL: https://rest.xxxx.com/FindImage

Request post field:

Tag M/O Description
username M user key
secretkey M user secret key
image M image file (.jpg, .jpeg, .png)
channel O channel name

Response json data:

Tag M/O Description
returncode M 0, 20001, 20003, 20004, 20006, 20007, 20013
identifier O if image matched, will return its

identifier | | level | O | if channel not specified, this tag will show |