一、Zookeeper Java 客户端
    zookeeper 官方的客户端没有和服务端代码分离,他们为同一个jar 文件,所以我们直接引入zookeeper的maven即可, 这里版本请保持与服务端版本一致,不然会有很多兼容性的问题

    1. <dependency>
    2. <groupId>org.apache.zookeeper</groupId>
    3. <artifactId>zookeeper</artifactId>
    4. <!--这里最好是和服务器安装的版本一致-->
    5. <version>3.5.9</version>
    6. </dependency>


    1. package zookeeper.client;
    2. import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
    3. import lombok.SneakyThrows;
    4. import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
    5. import org.apache.zookeeper.*;
    6. import java.io.IOException;
    7. import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
    8. import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
    9. @Slf4j
    10. public class ConfigCenter {
    11. private final static String CONNECT_STR = "";
    12. private final static Integer SESSION_TIMEOUT = 30 * 1000;
    13. private static ZooKeeper zooKeeper = null;
    14. private static CountDownLatch countDownLatch = new CountDownLatch(1);
    15. public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, InterruptedException, KeeperException {
    16. zooKeeper = new ZooKeeper(CONNECT_STR, SESSION_TIMEOUT, new Watcher() {
    17. @Override
    18. public void process(WatchedEvent event) {
    19. if (event.getType() == Event.EventType.None
    20. && event.getState() == Event.KeeperState.SyncConnected) {
    21. log.info("连接已建立");
    22. countDownLatch.countDown();
    23. }
    24. }
    25. });
    26. countDownLatch.await();
    27. MyConfig myConfig = new MyConfig();
    28. myConfig.setKey("anykey");
    29. myConfig.setName("anyName");
    30. ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
    31. byte[] bytes = objectMapper.writeValueAsBytes(myConfig);
    32. String s = zooKeeper.create("/myconfig", bytes, ZooDefs.Ids.OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, CreateMode.PERSISTENT);
    33. Watcher watcher = new Watcher() {
    34. @SneakyThrows
    35. @Override
    36. public void process(WatchedEvent event) {
    37. if (event.getType() == Event.EventType.NodeDataChanged
    38. && event.getPath() != null && event.getPath().equals("/myconfig")) {
    39. log.info(" PATH:{} 发生了数据变化", event.getPath());
    40. byte[] data = zooKeeper.getData("/myconfig", this, null);
    41. MyConfig newConfig = objectMapper.readValue(new String(data), MyConfig.class);
    42. log.info("数据发生变化: {}", newConfig);
    43. }
    44. }
    45. };
    46. byte[] data = zooKeeper.getData("/myconfig", watcher, null);
    47. MyConfig originalMyConfig = objectMapper.readValue(new String(data), MyConfig.class);
    48. log.info("原始数据: {}", originalMyConfig);
    49. TimeUnit.SECONDS.sleep(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
    50. }
    51. }
    1. package zookeeper.client;
    2. import lombok.Data;
    3. import lombok.NoArgsConstructor;
    4. import lombok.ToString;
    5. @Data
    6. @ToString
    7. @NoArgsConstructor
    8. public class MyConfig {
    9. private String key;
    10. private String name;
    11. }


    1. ZooKeeper(String connectString, int sessionTimeout, Watcher watcher)
    2. ZooKeeper(String connectString, int sessionTimeout, Watcher watcher, ZKClientConfig)
    3. ZooKeeper(String connectString, int sessionTimeout, Watcher watcher, boolean canBeReadOnly, HostProvider)
    4. ZooKeeper(String connectString, int sessionTimeout, Watcher watcher, boolean canBeReadOnly, HostProvider, ZKClientConfig)
    5. ZooKeeper(String connectString, int sessionTimeout, Watcher watcher, boolean canBeReadOnly)
    6. ZooKeeper(String connectString, int sessionTimeout, Watcher watcher, boolean canBeReadOnly, ZKClientConfig)
    7. ZooKeeper(String connectString, int sessionTimeout, Watcher watcher, long, byte[])
    8. ZooKeeper(String connectString, int sessionTimeout, Watcher watcher, long, byte[], boolean, HostProvider)
    9. ZooKeeper(String connectString, int sessionTimeout, Watcher watcher, long, byte[], boolean, HostProvider, ZKClientConfig)
    10. ZooKeeper(String connectString, int sessionTimeout, Watcher watcher, long, byte[], boolean)
    参数名称 含义
    connectString ZooKeeper服务器列表,由英文逗号分开的host:port字符串组成,
    的操作,都会基于这个根目录。例如,客户端对/sub-node 的操作,最终创建 /zk-node/sub-node, 这个目录也叫Chroot,即客户端隔离命名空间。
    sessionTimeout 会话的超时时间,是一个以“毫秒”为单位的整型值。在ZooKeeper中有
    watcher ZooKeeper允许
    客户端在构造方法中传入一个接口 watcher (org.apache. zookeeper.
    Watcher)的实现类对象来作为默认的 Watcher事件通知处理器。当然,该参
    数可以设置为null 以表明不需要设置默认的 Watcher处理器。
    canBeReadOnly 这是一个boolean类型的参数,用于标识当前会话是否支持“read-only(只
    这就是 ZooKeeper的“read-only”模式。
    sessionId和 ses
    long getSessionId();
    byte[]getSessionPasswd( );
    1. @Test
    2. public void createTest() throws KeeperException, InterruptedException {
    3. String path = zooKeeper.create(ZK_NODE, "data".getBytes(), ZooDefs.Ids.OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, CreateMode.PERSISTENT);
    4. log.info("created path: {}",path);
    5. }


    1. @Test
    2. public void createAsycTest() throws InterruptedException {
    3. zooKeeper.create(ZK_NODE, "data".getBytes(), ZooDefs.Ids.OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE,
    4. CreateMode.PERSISTENT,
    5. (rc, path, ctx, name) -> log.info("rc {},path {},ctx {},name {}",rc,path,ctx,name),"context");
    6. TimeUnit.SECONDS.sleep(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
    7. }


    1. @Test
    2. public void setTest() throws KeeperException, InterruptedException {
    3. Stat stat = new Stat();
    4. byte[] data = zooKeeper.getData(ZK_NODE, false, stat);
    5. log.info("修改前: {}",new String(data));
    6. zooKeeper.setData(ZK_NODE, "changed!".getBytes(), stat.getVersion());
    7. byte[] dataAfter = zooKeeper.getData(ZK_NODE, false, stat);
    8. log.info("修改后: {}",new String(dataAfter));
    9. }

    二、什么是 Curator
    Curator 是一套由netflix 公司开源的,Java 语言编程的 ZooKeeper 客户端框架,Curator项目是现在ZooKeeper 客户端中使用最多,对ZooKeeper 版本支持最好的第三方客户端,并推荐使用,Curator 把我们平时常用的很多 ZooKeeper 服务开发功能做了封装,例如 Leader 选举、分布式计数器、分布式锁。这就减少了技术人员在使用 ZooKeeper 时的大部分底层细节开发工作。在会话重新连接、Watch 反复注册、多种异常处理等使用场景中,用原生的 ZooKeeper 处理比较复杂。而在使用 Curator 时,由于其对这些功能都做了高度的封装,使用起来更加简单,不但减少了开发时间,而且增强了程序的可靠性。
    Curator 实战
    这里我们以 Maven 工程为例,首先要引入Curator 框架相关的开发包,这里为了方便测试引入了junit ,lombok,由于Zookeeper本身以来了 log4j 日志框架,所以这里可以创建对应的log4j配置文件后直接使用。 如下面的代码所示,我们通过将 Curator 相关的引用包配置到 Maven 工程的 pom 文件中,将 Curaotr 框架引用到工程项目里,在配置文件中分别引用了两个 Curator 相关的包,第一个是 curator-framework 包,该包是对 ZooKeeper 底层 API 的一些封装。另一个是 curator-recipes 包,该包封装了一些 ZooKeeper 服务的高级特性,如:Cache 事件监听、选举、分布式锁、分布式 Barrier。

    1. <dependencies>
    2. <dependency>
    3. <groupId>org.apache.curator</groupId>
    4. <artifactId>curator-recipes</artifactId>
    5. <version>5.1.0</version>
    6. <exclusions>
    7. <exclusion>
    8. <groupId>org.apache.zookeeper</groupId>
    9. <artifactId>zookeeper</artifactId>
    10. </exclusion>
    11. </exclusions>
    12. </dependency>
    13. <dependency>
    14. <groupId>org.apache.curator</groupId>
    15. <artifactId>curator-x-discovery</artifactId>
    16. <version>5.1.0</version>
    17. <exclusions>
    18. <exclusion>
    19. <groupId>org.apache.zookeeper</groupId>
    20. <artifactId>zookeeper</artifactId>
    21. </exclusion>
    22. </exclusions>
    23. </dependency>
    24. <!--这里最好是和服务器安装的版本一致-->
    25. <dependency>
    26. <groupId>org.apache.zookeeper</groupId>
    27. <artifactId>zookeeper</artifactId>
    28. <version>3.6.0</version>
    29. </dependency>
    30. <dependency>
    31. <groupId>junit</groupId>
    32. <artifactId>junit</artifactId>
    33. <version>4.13</version>
    34. </dependency>
    35. <dependency>
    36. <groupId>org.projectlombok</groupId>
    37. <artifactId>lombok</artifactId>
    38. <version>1.18.12</version>
    39. </dependency>
    40. <dependency>
    41. <groupId>com.fasterxml.jackson.core</groupId>
    42. <artifactId>jackson-databind</artifactId>
    43. <version>2.12.2</version>
    44. </dependency>
    45. </dependencies>

    Curator 提供了多种方式创建会话,比如用静态工厂方式创建:

    1. // 重试策略
    2. RetryPolicy retryPolicy = new ExponentialBackoffRetry(1000, 3)
    3. CuratorFramework client = CuratorFrameworkFactory.newClient(zookeeperConnectionString, retryPolicy);
    4. client.start();

    或者使用 fluent 风格创建

    1. RetryPolicy retryPolicy = new ExponentialBackoffRetry(1000, 3);
    2. CuratorFramework client = CuratorFrameworkFactory.builder()
    3. .connectString("")
    4. .sessionTimeoutMs(5000) // 会话超时时间
    5. .connectionTimeoutMs(5000) // 连接超时时间
    6. .retryPolicy(retryPolicy)
    7. .namespace("base") // 包含隔离名称
    8. .build();
    9. client.start();

    这段代码的编码风格采用了流式方式,最核心的类是 CuratorFramework 类,该类的作用是定义一个 ZooKeeper 客户端对象,并在之后的上下文中使用。在定义 CuratorFramework 对象实例的时候,我们使用了 CuratorFrameworkFactory 工厂方法,并指定了 connectionString 服务器地址列表、retryPolicy 重试策略 、sessionTimeoutMs 会话超时时间、connectionTimeoutMs 会话创建超时时间。下面我们分别对这几个参数进行讲解:
    connectionString:服务器地址列表,在指定服务器地址列表的时候可以是一个地址,也可以是多个地址。如果是多个地址,那么每个服务器地址列表用逗号分隔, 如 host1:port1,host2:port2,host3;port3 。
    retryPolicy:重试策略,当客户端异常退出或者与服务端失去连接的时候,可以通过设置客户端重新连接 ZooKeeper 服务端。而 Curator 提供了 一次重试、多次重试等不同种类的实现方式。在 Curator 内部,可以通过判断服务器返回的 keeperException 的状态代码来判断是否进行重试处理,如果返回的是 OK 表示一切操作都没有问题,而 SYSTEMERROR 表示系统或服务端错误。

    策略名称 描述
    ExponentialBackoffRetry 重试一组次数,重试之间的睡眠时间增加
    RetryNTimes 重试最大次数
    RetryOneTime 只重试一次
    RetryUntilElapsed 在给定的时间结束之前重试

    超时时间:Curator 客户端创建过程中,有两个超时时间的设置。一个是 sessionTimeoutMs 会话超时时间,用来设置该条会话在 ZooKeeper 服务端的失效时间。另一个是 connectionTimeoutMs 客户端创建会话的超时时间,用来限制客户端发起一个会话连接到接收 ZooKeeper 服务端应答的时间。sessionTimeoutMs 作用在服务端,而 connectionTimeoutMs 作用在客户端。

    1. @Test
    2. public void testCreate() throws Exception {
    3. String path = curatorFramework.create().forPath("/curator-node");
    4. // curatorFramework.create().withMode(CreateMode.PERSISTENT).forPath("/curator-node","some-data".getBytes())
    5. log.info("curator create node :{} successfully.",path);
    6. }

    在 Curator 中,可以使用 create 函数创建数据节点,并通过 withMode 函数指定节点类型(持久化节点,临时节点,顺序节点,临时顺序节点,持久化顺序节点等),默认是持久化节点,之后调用 forPath 函数来指定节点的路径和数据信息。

    1. @Test
    2. public void testCreateWithParent() throws Exception {
    3. String pathWithParent="/node-parent/sub-node-1";
    4. String path = curatorFramework.create().creatingParentsIfNeeded().forPath(pathWithParent);
    5. log.info("curator create node :{} successfully.",path);
    6. }


    1. @Test
    2. public void testGetData() throws Exception {
    3. byte[] bytes = curatorFramework.getData().forPath("/curator-node");
    4. log.info("get data from node :{} successfully.",new String(bytes));
    5. }

    我们通过客户端实例的 setData() 方法更新 ZooKeeper 服务上的数据节点,在setData 方法的后边,通过 forPath 函数来指定更新的数据节点路径以及要更新的数据。

    1. @Test
    2. public void testSetData() throws Exception {
    3. curatorFramework.setData().forPath("/curator-node","changed!".getBytes());
    4. byte[] bytes = curatorFramework.getData().forPath("/curator-node");
    5. log.info("get data from node /curator-node :{} successfully.",new String(bytes));
    6. }


    1. @Test
    2. public void testDelete() throws Exception {
    3. String pathWithParent="/node-parent";
    4. curatorFramework.delete().guaranteed().deletingChildrenIfNeeded().forPath(pathWithParent);
    5. }

    guaranteed:该函数的功能如字面意思一样,主要起到一个保障删除成功的作用,其底层工作方式是:只要该客户端的会话有效,就会在后台持续发起删除请求,直到该数据节点在 ZooKeeper 服务端被删除。
    Curator 引入了BackgroundCallback 接口,用来处理服务器端返回来的信息,这个处理过程是在异步线程中调用,默认在 EventThread 中调用,也可以自定义线程池。

    1. public interface BackgroundCallback
    2. {
    3. /**
    4. * Called when the async background operation completes
    5. *
    6. * @param client the client
    7. * @param event operation result details
    8. * @throws Exception errors
    9. */
    10. public void processResult(CuratorFramework client, CuratorEvent event) throws Exception;
    11. }

    如上接口,主要参数为 client 客户端, 和 服务端事件 event
    inBackground 异步处理默认在EventThread中执行

    1. @Test
    2. public void test() throws Exception {
    3. curatorFramework.getData().inBackground((item1, item2) -> {
    4. log.info(" background: {}", item2);
    5. }).forPath(ZK_NODE);
    6. TimeUnit.SECONDS.sleep(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
    7. }


    1. @Test
    2. public void test() throws Exception {
    3. ExecutorService executorService = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor();
    4. curatorFramework.getData().inBackground((item1, item2) -> {
    5. log.info(" background: {}", item2);
    6. },executorService).forPath(ZK_NODE);
    7. TimeUnit.SECONDS.sleep(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
    8. }

    Curator 监听器:

    1. /**
    2. * Receives notifications about errors and background events
    3. */
    4. public interface CuratorListener
    5. {
    6. /**
    7. * Called when a background task has completed or a watch has triggered
    8. *
    9. * @param client client
    10. * @param event the event
    11. * @throws Exception any errors
    12. */
    13. public void eventReceived(CuratorFramework client, CuratorEvent event) throws Exception;
    14. }

    针对 background 通知和错误通知。使用此监听器之后,调用inBackground 方法会异步获得监听
    Curator Caches:
    Curator 引入了 Cache 来实现对 Zookeeper 服务端事件监听,Cache 事件监听可以理解为一个本地缓存视图与远程 Zookeeper 视图的对比过程。Cache 提供了反复注册的功能。Cache 分为两类注册类型:节点监听和子节点监听。
    node cache:
    NodeCache 对某一个节点进行监听
    public NodeCache(CuratorFramework client,

    1. public NodeCache(CuratorFramework client,
    2. String path)
    3. Parameters:
    4. client - the client
    5. path - path to cache


    1. public void addListener(NodeCacheListener listener)
    2. Add a change listener
    3. Parameters:
    4. listener - the listener
    1. @Slf4j
    2. public class NodeCacheTest extends AbstractCuratorTest{
    3. public static final String NODE_CACHE="/node-cache";
    4. @Test
    5. public void testNodeCacheTest() throws Exception {
    6. createIfNeed(NODE_CACHE);
    7. NodeCache nodeCache = new NodeCache(curatorFramework, NODE_CACHE);
    8. nodeCache.getListenable().addListener(new NodeCacheListener() {
    9. @Override
    10. public void nodeChanged() throws Exception {
    11. log.info("{} path nodeChanged: ",NODE_CACHE);
    12. printNodeData();
    13. }
    14. });
    15. nodeCache.start();
    16. }
    17. public void printNodeData() throws Exception {
    18. byte[] bytes = curatorFramework.getData().forPath(NODE_CACHE);
    19. log.info("data: {}",new String(bytes));
    20. }
    21. }

    path cache:
    PathChildrenCache 会对子节点进行监听,但是不会对二级子节点进行监听,

    1. public PathChildrenCache(CuratorFramework client,
    2. String path,
    3. boolean cacheData)
    4. Parameters:
    5. client - the client
    6. path - path to watch
    7. cacheData - if true, node contents are cached in addition to the stat


    1. public void addListener(PathChildrenCacheListener listener)
    2. Add a change listener
    3. Parameters:
    4. listener - the listener
    1. @Slf4j
    2. public class PathCacheTest extends AbstractCuratorTest{
    3. public static final String PATH="/path-cache";
    4. @Test
    5. public void testPathCache() throws Exception {
    6. createIfNeed(PATH);
    7. PathChildrenCache pathChildrenCache = new PathChildrenCache(curatorFramework, PATH, true);
    8. pathChildrenCache.getListenable().addListener(new PathChildrenCacheListener() {
    9. @Override
    10. public void childEvent(CuratorFramework client, PathChildrenCacheEvent event) throws Exception {
    11. log.info("event: {}",event);
    12. }
    13. });
    14. // 如果设置为true则在首次启动时就会缓存节点内容到Cache中
    15. pathChildrenCache.start(true);
    16. }
    17. }

    tree cache:
    TreeCache 使用一个内部类TreeNode来维护这个一个树结构。并将这个树结构与ZK节点进行了映射。所以TreeCache 可以监听当前节点下所有节点的事件。

    1. public TreeCache(CuratorFramework client,
    2. String path,
    3. boolean cacheData)
    4. Parameters:
    5. client - the client
    6. path - path to watch
    7. cacheData - if true, node contents are cached in addition to the stat


    1. public void addListener(TreeCacheListener listener)
    2. Add a change listener
    3. Parameters:
    4. listener - the listener
    1. @Slf4j
    2. public class TreeCacheTest extends AbstractCuratorTest{
    3. public static final String TREE_CACHE="/tree-path";
    4. @Test
    5. public void testTreeCache() throws Exception {
    6. createIfNeed(TREE_CACHE);
    7. TreeCache treeCache = new TreeCache(curatorFramework, TREE_CACHE);
    8. treeCache.getListenable().addListener(new TreeCacheListener() {
    9. @Override
    10. public void childEvent(CuratorFramework client, TreeCacheEvent event) throws Exception {
    11. log.info(" tree cache: {}",event);
    12. }
    13. });
    14. treeCache.start();
    15. }
    16. }