


如果是在Pro Tools中,使用Send/Return插件

  • 确保声床和对象与Dolby Atmos Renderer Send plug-in(杜比全景声渲染器发送插件)使用同一条母线。
  • 确保在渲染器的Preferences中选中了Send/Return插件
  • 确保你已经在Pro Tools工程中挂载Dolby Renderer Send and Return plug-ins(杜比渲染器发送和返回插件);
  • 如果没有发送或返回插件,音频和元数据就发不过来。
  • 确保渲染器的monitoring(监听)页面中,headphone or speaker monitoring(耳机或扬声器监听)功能被选中。

如果是使用Dolby Audio Bridge

  • 确保工作站的播放引擎选的是Dolby Audio Bridge
  • 在系统设置中确保杜比全景声渲染器具备话筒的访问权限
  • 确保在渲染器的Preferences中,选中Core Audio,并且将Dolby Audio Bridge选中为输入设备
  • 确保渲染器的monitoring(监听)页面中,headphone or speaker monitoring(耳机或扬声器监听)功能被选中

Why can’t I hear anything when using the Production Suite?

There are a few things to check.

Ensure the Renderer is authorized and the status indicator is green. .

If using the Dolby Atmos Renderer Send/Return plug-ins with Pro Tools

  • Ensure the beds and objects are using the same busses as the Dolby Atmos Renderer Send plug-in.
  • Ensure that the Send/Return plug-ins are selected in the Renderer preferences
  • Ensure you have assigned Dolby Renderer Send and Return plug-ins in your Pro Tools session;
  • if there are no Send or Return plug-ins, no audio or metadata will be routed.
  • Ensure that either headphone or speaker monitoring is enabled in the monitoring page of the Renderer Application.

If using the Dolby Audio Bridge

  • Ensure that the DAW playback engine or audio device is set to use the Dolby Audio Bridge
  • Ensure that the Dolby Atmos Renderer is has access to the Microphone in System Preferences
  • Ensure that Core audio is selected in the Renderer preferences and the input device is set to Dolby Audio Bridge
  • Ensure that either headphone or speaker monitoring is enabled in the monitoring page of the Renderer Application.