;;; ActiveX和脚本技术及其应用
;;; ------------------------------------------------------------
;;; 此文提到的程序,都通过验证。不排除某些特殊情况下不能通过。另
;;; 外,有些地方虽然是C:开头的函数,但是不建议运行整段程序,否则
;;; 可能无法通过。之所以列出来,仅仅为提供思路和举例说明。
;;;Get the system special path 用来获取计算机系统的特别路径
(defun GetSpecialPath (n / fso path)
(setq fso (vlax-create-object "Scripting.FileSystemObject"))
(setq path (vlax-get (vlax-invoke fso 'GetSpecialFolder n) 'path))
(vlax-release-object fso)
(defun GetSpecialFolder (name / wsh spec folder)
(setq wsh (vlax-create-object "wscript.shell"))
(setq Spec (vlax-get wsh 'SpecialFolders))
(setq folder (vlax-invoke spec 'item name))
(vlax-release-object spec)
(vlax-release-object wsh)
;;;Get some special folders 用来获取计算机的所有特别路径
(defun GetAllSpecialFolders (/ wsh spec count folders)
(setq wsh (vlax-create-object "wscript.shell"))
(setq Spec (vlax-get wsh 'SpecialFolders))
(setq count (vlax-invoke spec 'count))
(repeat count
(setq count (1- count))
(setq folders (cons (vlax-invoke spec 'item count) folders))
(vlax-release-object spec)
(vlax-release-object wsh)
;;;import type library 获得输人类型库
(defun C:GetLibrary (/ path)
(setq path (strcat (GetSpecialPath 1) "\\wshom.ocx")) ;for Wscript.shell
(if (not wc-Alias)
:tlb-filename path
:methods-prefix "wm-"
:properties-prefix "wp-"
:constants-prefix "wc-"
(setq path (strcat (GetSpecialPath 1) "\\msscript.ocx")) ;for ScriptControl
(if (not sc-Connected)
:tlb-filename path
:methods-prefix "sm-"
:properties-prefix "sp-"
:constants-prefix "sc-"
(setq path (strcat (getSpecialPath 1) "\\scrrun.dll")) ;for Shell.application
(if (not fc-Alias)
:tlb-filename path
:methods-prefix "fm-"
:properties-prefix "fp-"
:constants-prefix "fc-"
(setq path (strcat (getSpecialPath 1) "\\shell32.dll")) ;for Shell.application
(if (not ac-ssfwindows)
:tlb-filename path
:methods-prefix "am-"
:properties-prefix "ap-"
:constants-prefix "ac-"
;;(VL-REGISTRY-READ "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Office\\14.0\\Word\\InstallRoot")
(if (not mswc-wd70) ; check for a WinWord constant
:tlb-filename "C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Office\\Office14\\msword.olb" ;依据自己的安装路径和版本
:methods-prefix "mswm-"
:properties-prefix "mswp-"
:constants-prefix "mswc-"
;;; 利用wscript发送键
(defun c:sendkey ()
(setq wsh (vlax-create-object "WScript.Shell"))
;;Send keys
(wm-sendkeys wsh "C{ENTER}0,0{ENTER}100{ENTER}") ;Draw a circle in CAD. 在CAD里面画一个圆
(WM-SENDKEYS wsh (chr 1)) ;Ctrl + A
(WM-SENDKEYS wsh (chr 15)) ;Ctrl + O
(WM-SENDKEYS wsh (chr 22)) ;Ctrl + V
;; if your system can read Chinese,these will be interesting.
(WM-SENDKEYS wsh "赌") ;Open My computer 打开我的电脑
(WM-SENDKEYS wsh "品") ;Open Calc.exe 打开计算器
(WM-SENDKEYS wsh "血") ;Open Search 打开搜索
(WM-SENDKEYS wsh "恋") ;Open Media Player 打开媒体播放器
(WM-SENDKEYS wsh "爽") ;Open homepage 打开主页
(vlax-release-object wsh)
;;; 测试scriptcontrol,wscript.shell
;;Create a scriptControl instance. 创建脚本对象
;;(setq scr (vlax-create-object "MSScriptControl.ScriptControl.1"))
(setq scr (vlax-create-object "ScriptControl"))
;;put its language as "VBS" 赋予脚本语言为vbs
(vlax-put Scr "language" "vbs")
(sp-put-Language scr "VBS") ;the same as upper 两者方法相同
;;Create a Wscript.shell 创建Wscript.shell对象
(setq wsh (vlax-create-object "WScript.Shell"))
;;Pop up a simple box 简单的对话框
(wm-Popup wsh "Hello,World!")
;;Input box 输入框
(vlax-invoke scr 'ExecuteStatement "str=InputBox(\"Input your string:\", \"Input Box\")")
(sm-ExecuteStatement scr "str=InputBox(\"Input your string:\", \"Input Box\")")
;;Eval a WSH variale. 对脚本变量的求值
(vlax-invoke scr 'eval "str") ;get the string you input.
(princ (strcat "\n脚本中str的数值是:" (sm-eval scr "str")))
;;Create a URL shortcut 创建一个快捷链接
(setq Spec (wp-get-SpecialFolders wsh))
(setq deskTopPath (wm-item spec "DeskTop"))
(setq url (wm-CreateShortcut wsh (strcat deskTopPath "\\MyTest.URL")))
(wp-put-TargetPath url "http://www.theswamp.org/")
(wm-save url)
;;Create a shortcut and assign a shortcut key 创建快捷方式或者快捷键
(setq link (wm-CreateShortcut wsh (strcat DeskTopPath "\\MyTest.lnk")))
(wp-put-TargetPath link "http://www.theswamp.org/")
(wp-put-WindowStyle link 1)
(wp-put-Hotkey link "Ctrl+Alt+T")
(wp-put-IconLocation link "shell32.dll,14")
(wp-put-Description link "The desciption for Mytest")
(wp-put-WorkingDirectory link "c:\\")
(wm-save link)
;;Run command 运行命令
(wm-run wsh "cmd.exe /C dir c:\\temp\\*.* /a /s >>c:\\1.txt")
;;Get a WshEnvironment 获取系统环境变量
(Setq env (wp-get-Environment wsh "System"))
;;Get the special path of system. 获取某些特殊路径
(alert (wp-get-item env "WINDIR"))
(alert (wm-ExpandEnvironmentStrings wsh "%windir%"))
(alert (wp-get-Item env "TMP"))
(alert (wp-get-Item env "TEMP"))
;;Add or remove an Environment variable 添加或者移除环境变量
(alert "Add a test var to the system!")
(wp-put-item env "TestVar" "Windows Script Host")
(alert "Remove the test var from the system!")
(wm-remove env "TestVar")
;;List the Environment variables 列表环境变量
(setq i 0)
(repeat (wm-count env)
(princ (wp-get-item env i)) ;wouldn't display 不会显示
(setq i (1+ i))
;;Registration table
;;Regread ,RegWrite,RegDelete 读写注册表
(vlax-invoke wsh 'RegRead "HKCU\\Software\\AutoDesk\\AutoCAD\\R16.2\\curver") ;ensure your CAD is autocad 2006 根据自己的CAD版本确定
;;Maybe you would like this way: 利用vbs的脚本来获取
(setq str
"Set WshShell = CreateObject(\"WScript.Shell\")
Msgbox \"Environment.item: \"& WshShell.Environment.item(\"WINDIR\")
Msgbox \"ExpandEnvironmentStrings: \"& WshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings(\"%windir%\")
set oEnv=WshShell.Environment(\"System\")
Msgbox \"Adding ( TestVar=Windows Script Host ) to the System type environment\"
oEnv(\"TestVar\") = \"Windows Script Host\"
Msgbox \"removing ( TestVar=Windows Script Host ) from the System type environment\"
oEnv.Remove \"TestVar\"
for each sitem in oEnv
strval=strval & sItem & vbcrlf
Msgbox \"System Environment:\" & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & strval
set oEnv=WshShell.Environment(\"Process\")
for each sitem in oEnv
strval=strval & sItem & vbcrlf
Msgbox \"Process Environment:\" & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & strval
set oEnv=WshShell.Environment(\"User\")
for each sitem in oEnv
strval=strval & sItem & vbcrlf
Msgbox \"User Environment:\" & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & strval
set oEnv=WshShell.Environment(\"Volatile\")
for each sitem in oEnv
strval=strval & sItem & vbcrlf
Msgbox \"Volatile Environment:\" & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & strval
set oEnv = nothing
set WshShell = nothing
(vlax-invoke Scr 'ExecuteStatement str)
;;Get some information from OS 获取操作系统信息
(setq str "Set mc=GetObject(\"Winmgmts:\")")
(setq objWMI (vla-eval scr "mc"))
;;another way 另一种方法
(setq objENv (vlax-invoke objWMI 'get "Win32_Environment"))
(setq objvar (vlax-invoke objenv 'SpawnInstance_))
(setq objPro (vlax-get objvar 'Properties_))
;; get more usage 获取更多用法
(vlax-dump-object objvar T)
(vlax-for n objpro
(vlax-dump-object n T)
;; 测试环境比变量的查询、增加和删除
(vlax-put (vlax-invoke objpro 'item "name") 'value "TestValue")
(vlax-put (vlax-invoke objpro 'item "UserName") 'value "System")
(vlax-put (vlax-invoke objpro 'item "VariableValue") 'value "This is a test")
(vlax-put objvar 'name "MyTest")
(vlax-put objvar 'UserName "System")
(vlax-put objvar 'VariableValue "This is a test")
(vlax-invoke objvar 'put_)
(vlax-for obj (vlax-invoke objWMI 'ExecQuery "Select * from Win32_Environment Where Name = 'Path'")
(princ (strcat "\nName is:" (vlax-get obj 'name)))
(princ (strcat "\nUser Name is:" (vlax-get obj 'username)))
(princ (strcat "\nVariable value is:" (vlax-get obj 'variablevalue)))
;; 最终释放
(and ObjPro (vlax-release-object ObjPro))
(and objvar (vlax-release-object objvar))
(and objENv (vlax-release-object objENv))
(and objWMI (vlax-release-object objWMI))
(and scr (vlax-release-object scr))
(and wsh (vlax-release-object wsh))
;;; 用WMI来获取系统软硬件等信息.
(defun C:Test2 (/ SVR WMI)
;; ProcessorId 获取处理器ID的子程序
(defun C:CPUID (/ WMI SVR CPU s)
(setq WMI (vlax-create-object "WbemScripting.SWbemLocator"))
(setq SVR (VLAX-INVOKE WMI 'ConnectServer))
(setq CPU (vlax-invoke SVR 'InstancesOf "Win32_Processor"))
(vlax-for item CPU
(setq s (cons (vlax-get item 'ProcessorId) s))
(vlax-release-object CPU)
(vlax-release-object SVR)
(vlax-release-object WMI)
(reverse s)
(defun CPUID(/ scr str objwmi objcpu)
(setq scr (vlax-create-object "ScriptControl"))
(vlax-put scr 'language "VBS")
(setq str "Set mc=GetObject(\"Winmgmts:\")")
(vlax-invoke scr 'EXECUTESTATEMENT str)
(setq objWMI (vla-eval scr "mc"))
(setq objCPU (vlax-invoke objWMI 'InstancesOF "Win32_Processor"))
(vlax-for obj objCPU
(alert (vlax-get obj 'ProcessorId))
(vlax-release-object objCPU)
(vlax-release-object objWMI)
(vlax-release-object scr)
;;(setq str "Set mc=GetObject(\"Winmgmts:\")")
;;(setq SVR (vla-eval scr "mc"))
(setq WMI (vlax-create-object "WbemScripting.SWbemLocator"))
(setq SVR (VLAX-INVOKE WMI 'ConnectServer))
;;you can get more details by these ways:
(foreach p (list
(vlax-for n (vlax-invoke SVR 'InstancesOf p)
(alert (vlax-invoke n 'GetObjectText_))
;;Just collect some simple information:
;;Get User name.用户名
(vlax-for n (vlax-invoke SVR 'InstancesOf "Win32_ComputerSystem")
(princ "\nUser name is:")
(princ (vlax-get n 'name))
;;Get the running process 进程
(vlax-for n (vlax-invoke SVR 'InstancesOf "Win32_Process")
(princ (strcat "\n" (vlax-get n 'name)))
;;Get the information of CPU 处理器
(vlax-for n (vlax-invoke SVR 'InstancesOf "Win32_Processor")
(princ (vlax-get n 'name))
;;Get the Total of Computer System 计算机系统
(vlax-for n (vlax-invoke SVR 'InstancesOf "Win32_ComputerSystem")
(princ (/ (read (vlax-get n 'TotalPhysicalMemory)) 1048576))
(princ "M")
;;Get the information of physical memory 物理内存
(vlax-for n (vlax-invoke SVR 'InstancesOf "Win32_PhysicalMemory")
(princ "\n")
(princ (vlax-get n 'Description))
(princ "\n")
(princ (vlax-get n 'DeviceLocator))
(princ "\n")
(princ (vlax-get n 'speed))
;;Get the information of Video Controller 显卡
(vlax-for n (vlax-invoke SVR 'InstancesOf "Win32_VideoController")
(princ "\n")
(princ (vlax-get n 'Caption))
(princ "\n")
(princ (vlax-get n 'VideoModeDescription))
;;Get the information of Disk drive 磁盘
(vlax-for n (vlax-invoke SVR 'InstancesOf "Win32_DiskDrive")
(princ "\nThe Caption is:")
(princ (vlax-get n 'Caption))
(princ "\nThe size is:")
(princ (/ (read (vlax-get n 'size)) 1073741824))
(princ "G")
;;Get the information of Sound Device 声卡
(vlax-for n (vlax-invoke SVR 'InstancesOf "Win32_SoundDevice")
(princ "\nThe product Name is:")
(princ (vlax-get n 'ProductName))
;;Network Adapter 网卡配置信息
(princ "\nThe Mac Address is: ")
(vlax-for obj (vlax-invoke SVR 'InstancesOF "Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration")
(if(/= (vlax-get obj 'IPEnabled) 0)
(princ (vlax-get obj 'MacAddress))
;;Get the information of Network Adapter 网络适配器
(vlax-for n (vlax-invoke SVR 'InstancesOf "Win32_NetworkAdapter")
(princ "\nThe Description is:")
(princ (vlax-get n 'Description))
(princ "\nThe MAC address is")
(princ (vlax-get n 'MACAddress))
;;Get the information of FloppyDrive --haha,do you have a floppy drive? 软驱
(vlax-for n (vlax-invoke SVR 'InstancesOf "Win32_FloppyDrive")
(princ "\nThe caption is:")
(princ (vlax-get n 'Caption))
;;Get the information of CD/DVD ROM 光驱
(vlax-for n (vlax-invoke SVR 'InstancesOf "Win32_CDROMDrive")
(princ "\nThe Drive name is:")
(princ (vlax-get n 'Name))
(princ "\nThe description is:")
(princ (vlax-get n 'Description))
;;Get the information of Desktop Monitor 显示器
(vlax-for n (vlax-invoke SVR 'InstancesOf "Win32_DesktopMonitor")
(princ "\nScreen Width:")
(princ (vlax-get n 'ScreenWidth))
(princ "\nScreen Height:")
(princ (vlax-get n 'ScreenHeight))
;;Printer 打印机
(vlax-for obj (vlax-invoke SVR 'InstancesOF "Win32_Printer")
(vlax-dump-object obj T)
(alert (vlax-get obj 'Name))
(vlax-get obj 'PaperSizesSupported)
(alert (vlax-invoke obj 'GetObjectText_))
(vlax-release-object SVR)
(vlax-release-object WMI)
;;; Shell.Application的一些例子函数和应用
;;; some small applications of Shell.application
(setq path (strcat (getSpecialPath 1) "\\shell32.dll"))
(if (not ac-ssfwindows)
:tlb-filename path
:methods-prefix "am-"
:properties-prefix "ap-"
:constants-prefix "ac-"
(setq *SHELL (vlax-create-object "Shell.Application"))
(am-CascadeWindows *SHELL) ;Cascade Windows 层叠窗口
(am-ControlPanelItem *SHELL "inetcpl.cpl" ) ;Open a control panel(internet) 打开控制面板
(am-settime *SHELL) ;Open the time setting dialog 打开时间和日期设置对话框
(am-TrayProperties *SHELL) ;日期和时间 属性
(am-explore *SHELL "c:\\") ;Explore C: 打开 C 盘
(am-FindComputer *SHELL) ;Search a computer 搜索计算机
(am-findPrinter *SHELL "canno") ;Search a printer 搜索打印机
(am-GetSystemInformation *SHELL "ProcessorSpeed") ;Get the processor speed(in windows 7 or vista) 处理器速度
(am-GetSystemInformation *SHELL "PhysicalMemoryInstalled") ;the capacity of physical memory 物理内存容量
(am-GetSystemInformation *SHELL "IsOS_Professional") ;Check the Operating system version is professional or not. 是否是专业版
(am-filerun *SHELL) ;Open "Windows Run" 打开运行窗口
(am-ShutdownWindows *SHELL) ;Shutdown windows 关机对话框
(am-findfiles *SHELL) ;Searh files 搜索文件
(am-toggledesktop *SHELL) ;toggle desktop 显示桌面
(am-IsServiceRunning *SHELL "Spooler") ;check a service is running or not(e.g,spooler service) 检测某项服务(打印机)是否在运行
(am-WindowsSecurity *SHELL) ;Windows Security Windows安全
(am-AddToRecent *SHELL "c:\\1.txt") ;Add to recent 添加到最近打开文档
(am-namespace *SHELL "c:\\") ;return a folder object 返回所打开的Folder对象
(am-BrowseForFolder *SHELL ;BrowseForFolder 选择文件夹对话框
(vla-get-hwnd (vlax-get-acad-object) )
"Select a folder"
(am-BrowseForFolder shapp 0 "我的电脑" 16 17) ;打开文件浏览对话框,并获得文件夹对象
(am-open *SHELL "c:\\") ;Open a folder. 打开某个目录
;;Here is an example,to get some details of a picture file. 获得图像的详细信息,包括分辨率等等
(defun GetInfoOfPic(*SHELL path name / info root file i l)
(setq root (am-namespace *SHELL path))
(setq file (am-ParseName root name))
(setq i 0)
(repeat 256
(setq info (am-GetDetailsOf root file i))
(if (/= info "")
(princ (strcat "\nIndex " (itoa i) ": " info))
(setq l (cons info l))
(setq i (1+ i))
(reverse l)
(getInfoOfPic *SHELL "D:\\temp" "1.jpg")
;; 下面是一个小小的程序,用来获得某个目录下的文件夹和文件名
;; Here is a program to get a foler and its subdirectories and files name.
(defun BrowseFolder(*SHELL fp / root items count i item path name)
(setq root (am-namespace *SHELL fp))
(setq items (am-items root))
(setq count (ap-get-Count items))
(setq i 0)
(repeat count
(setq item (am-item items i))
(setq path (ap-get-path item))
(setq name (ap-get-name item))
(if (= (ap-get-IsFolder item) :vlax-true)
(princ (strcat "\n---Folder:" path))
(BrowseFolder *SHELL path)
(princ (strcat "\nFile name:" name))
(setq i (1+ i))
(BrowseFolder *SHELL "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\AutoCAD 2006") ;此处路径根据你的情况而定
;;to Create a new foler 创建文件夹
(setq root (am-namespace *SHELL "d:\\"))
(am-NewFolder root "Test")
;;to copy a file 拷贝文件
(setq file (am-ParseName root "1.jpg"))
(am-copyhere (am-namespace *SHELL "c:\\") file 16)
;;to move a file (e.g,move a file to recyle bin) 移动一个文件
(setq bin (am-namespace *SHELL 10)) ;Recyle bin
(am-movehere bin "c:\\1.dwg" opFlag) ;move to recyle bin
;;Get some special folder. 得到某些特殊文件夹
(am-NameSpace *SHELL "shell:PrintersFolder")
(am-NameSpace *SHELL "shell:personal")
(am-NameSpace *SHELL "shell:drivefolder")
;;(am-ShowBrowserBar *SHELL "{C4EE31F3-4768-11D2-BE5C-00A0C9A83DA1}" :vlax-true);;???
;;Verbs and File Associations 执行跟一个文件或者文件夹相关联的
(am-doit (am-item (am-verbs (ap-get-self root)) 0))
(am-doit (am-item (am-verbs file) 0))
;;Open some control panel options
(am-ShellExecute *SHELL "Explorer.exe" "::{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}") ;Open "My Computer" 打开我的电脑
(am-ShellExecute *SHELL "Rundll32.exe" "shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL netcpl.cpl,,1") ;
(am-ShellExecute *SHELL "Rundll32.exe" "shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL sysdm.cpl,,2" ) ;Open "System Property" 系统属性
(am-ShellExecute *SHELL "Rundll32.exe" "shdocvw.dll,OpenURL %l") ;Internet shortcut ,IE8,IE7? Internet 快捷方式
(am-ShellExecute *SHELL "Rundll32.exe" "msconf.dll,OpenConfLink") ;SpeedDial
(am-ShellExecute *SHELL "Rundll32.exe" "zipfldr.dll,RouteTheCall") ;Zip file 压缩文件夹shdocvw.dll,OpenURL
(am-ShellExecute *SHELL "Rundll32.exe" "netplwiz.dll,UsersRunDll") ;user account control panel 用户帐户
(am-ShellExecute *SHELL "Rundll32.exe" "shell32.dll,Options_RunDLL 0") ;Open Folder Options 文件夹选项
(am-ShellExecute *SHELL "Rundll32.exe" "shell32.dll,Options_RunDLL 1") ;Open Taskbar 显示任务栏和开始菜单
(am-ShellExecute *SHELL "Rundll32.exe" "shell32.dll,Control_RunDLLAsUser") ;Open Control panel 控制面版
(am-ShellExecute *SHELL "rundll32.exe" "kernel32.dll,Sleep 10000")
(am-ShellExecute *SHELL "rundll32.exe" "kernel32.dll GetVersion")
(am-shellExecute *SHELL "Rundll32.exe" "user32.dll,Messagebox 0 hahah aaa 0")
(am-ShellExecute *SHELL "Rundll32.exe" "shell32.dll,SHCreateLocalServerRunDll {601ac3dc-786a-4eb0-bf40-ee3521e70bfb}");
;;Execute shell command.
(am-ShellExecute *SHELL "cmd.exe")
(setq root (am-namespace *SHELL "c:\\windows\\system32"))
(setq exec (am-parsename root "CMD.exe"))
(am-invokeverb exec)
;;Favorite,add to bookmark 加入到收藏夹
(setq mark (vlax-create-object "Shell.UIHelper.1"))
(vlax-invoke mark 'AddChannel "http://www.theswamp.org/")
(vlax-invoke mark 'AddFavorite "http://www.theswamp.org/" "Theswamp")
(vlax-invoke mark 'AddDesktopComponent "d:\\1.jpg" "image")
;;Get information from a special path 获取某些特别路径
(defun GetInfo(*SHELL folds / objs i obj name lst prop)
(setq objs (am-items (am-namespace *SHELL folds))) ;from ac-XXXXXX
(setq i 0)
(repeat (ap-get-count objs)
(setq obj (am-item objs i))
(setq name (ap-get-name obj))
(setq prop (am-ExtendedProperty obj "type"))
(setq lst (cons (cons name prop) lst))
(setq i (1+ i))
(reverse lst)
;;some examples: 一些例子用来获取某些特殊目录下的文件信息
(getInfo *SHELL ac-ssffonts) ;Get the fonts installed.获取系统中安装的字体
(getInfo *SHELL ac-ssfCONTROLS) ;Get the control panles.获取有哪些控制面板
(getInfo *SHELL ac-ssfMYPICTURES) ;Get the pictures in "My Pictures" 获取我的图片
(getInfo *SHELL ac-ssfDRIVES) ;Get the Drivers in "My computer" 获取系统的磁盘信息
(getInfo *SHELL ac-ssfnetwork) ;Get the information of "network" 获得网上邻居
(getInfo *SHELL ac-ssfsystem) ;Get the files from system folder.系统文件夹信息
(getInfo *SHELL ac-ssfRecent) ;Get the Recent opened files 获得最近打开
;;this function to get the windows that opened by "Explore"
(defun GetWindows(*SHELL / i l lst obj winobj)
(vlax-invoke *SHELL 'windows)
(vlax-get (vlax-invoke *SHELL 'windows) 'count)
(setq winobj (vlax-invoke *SHELL 'windows))
(setq i 0)
(repeat (vlax-get winobj 'count)
(setq obj (vlax-invoke winobj 'item i))
(setq lst (list
(vlax-get obj 'toolbar)
(vlax-get obj 'StatusText)
(vlax-get obj 'FullName)
(vlax-get obj 'LocationURL)
(vlax-get obj 'Path)
(setq l (cons lst l))
(setq i (1+ i))
(reverse l)
(GetWindows *SHELL)
(vlax-release-object mark)
(vlax-release-object root)
(vlax-release-object file)
(vlax-release-object exec)
(vlax-release-object *SHELL)
;;;Get filesystemObject
(defun c:test4 ( / FSO PATH)
(setq path (strcat (getSpecialPath 1) "\\scrrun.dll"))
(if (not fc-Alias)
:tlb-filename path
:methods-prefix "fm-"
:properties-prefix "fp-"
:constants-prefix "fc-"
(setq fso (vlax-create-object "Scripting.FileSystemObject"))
;;Print a foler and its subfolders
(defun showSubFolder (folder)
(vlax-for subfolder (fp-get-SubFolders folder)
(princ (strcat "\n" (fp-get-Path subfolder)))
(ShowSubFolder subFolder)
;;Get a folder and all of its subfolders(recursively)
(defun GetSubFolder (fso path / l)
(defun GetSubFolder1 (folder / p)
(vlax-for subfolder (fp-get-SubFolders folder)
(setq p (fp-get-Path subfolder))
(setq l (cons p (GetSubFolder1 subFolder)))
(setq l (list path))
(if (fm-folderExists fso path)
(reverse (getSubFolder1 (fm-getFolder fso path)))
(showSubFolder (fm-GetFolder fso "C:\\temp"))
(getSubFolder fso "C:\\temp")
(defun GetNumOfDrives(fso / drives i)
(setq drives (vlax-get fso 'drives))
(setq i 0)
(vlax-for drive drives
(vlax-dump-object drive)
(setq i (1+ i))
(princ "\nThe count of disks is: ")
(princ i)
(GetNumOfDrives fso)
;; Read stream
(defun ReadStream (path format / fso file str res size)
;;path the full name of a file
;;iomode 1 ;; 1 = read, 2 = write, 8 = append
;;format 0 ;; 0 = ascii, -1 = unicode, -2 = system default
(setq fso (vlax-create-object "Scripting.FileSystemObject"))
(setq file (vlax-invoke fso 'getfile path))
(setq str (vlax-invoke fso 'OpenTextFile path 1 format))
(setq size (vlax-get file 'Size))
(setq res (vlax-invoke str 'read size))
(vlax-invoke str 'close)
(if str (vlax-release-object str))
(if file (vlax-release-object file))
(if fso (vlax-release-object fso))
;;Write stream
(defun WriteStream (path text format / fso str file res)
(setq fso (vlax-create-object "Scripting.FileSystemObject"))
(setq str (vlax-invoke fso 'CreateTextFile path -1 format))
(setq file (vlax-invoke fso 'getFile path))
(vlax-invoke str 'Write text)
(vlax-invoke str 'close)
(setq res (vlax-get file 'size))
(if str (vlax-release-object str))
(if file (vlax-release-object file))
(if fso (vlax-release-object fso))
(writeStrem "C:\\test1.txt" (readStream "c:\\1.txt" -2) -2)
(and fso (vlax-release-object fso))
;;; Manage user account 账户管理
;;; need run as Administrator 需要以管理员身份运行此程序
;;; maybe invalid in window 7 or vista 在vista以上版本可能无效
(defun c:User(/ PATH NEWUSR USROBJ)
(setq path (strcat (GetSpecialPath 1) "\\shgina.dll"))
:tlb-filename path
:methods-prefix "Um-"
:properties-prefix "Up-"
:constants-prefix "Uc-"
;;add an account,and set password or something
;;then remove this account.
(setq usrObj (vlax-create-object "Shell.users"))
(setq newusr (um-create usrobj "test"))
(up-put-setting newusr "AccountType" 3)
(Um-changePassword newusr "111222" "")
(um-remove usrObj "test")
(vlax-release-object usrobj)
(vlax-release-object newusr)
;;;Common File Dialog 公用对话框(包括文件对话框,颜色对话框等)
(setq path (strcat (GetSpecialPath 1) "\\comdlg32.ocx"))
(if (not dc-cdlalloc)
:tlb-filename path
:methods-prefix "dm-"
:properties-prefix "dp-"
:constants-prefix "dc-"
(setq dlg (vlax-create-object "MSComDlg.CommonDialog")) ;UserAccounts.CommonDialog
(dp-put-MaxFileSize dlg 10000)
(dp-put-filter dlg "All Files (*.*)|*.*|Lisp Files(*.lsp)|*.lsp|DWG Files (*.dwg)|*.dwg")
;put the file filter
(dm-ShowOpen dlg)
(princ (strcat "\nThe file you opened is:\n" (dp-get-filename dlg)))
;;Another way
(setq path (strcat (GetSpecialPath 1) "\\safrcdlg.dll")) ;safrcdlg.dll
(if (not Fdp-get-FileName)
:tlb-filename path
:methods-prefix "Fdm-"
:properties-prefix "Fdp-"
:constants-prefix "Fdc-"
;;just for open (simple)
(setq dlgobj (vlax-create-object "SAFRCFileDlg.FileOpen")) ;"SAFRCFileDlg.FileOpen"
(Fdp-put-FileName dlgobj "C:\\")
(Fdm-OpenFileOpenDlg dlgobj)
(princ "\nThe file you opened is:\n")
(princ (Fdp-get-FileName dlgobj))
(vlax-release-object dlgobj)
;;Open for save
(setq dlgobj (vlax-create-object "SAFRCFileDlg.FileSave")) ;"SAFRCFileDlg.FileSave"
(setq FSOobj (vlax-create-object "Scripting.FileSystemObject"))
(Fdp-put-FileName dlgobj "test")
(Fdp-put-fileType dlgobj ".txt")
(if (Fdm-OpenFileSaveDlg dlgobj)
(setq FN (Fdp-get-FileName dlgobj))
(setq FT (Fdp-get-FileType dlgobj))
(princ (strcat "\nThe file you will save:\n" FN FT))
(vlax-invoke FSOobj 'CreateTextFile (strcat FN FT))
(vlax-release-object dlgobj)
(vlax-release-object FSOobj)
;;;Get or set clipboard by Form2.0 利用form2.0来设置或获取剪切板
(defun c:Form (/ BOX CTR FMO STR)
(setq path (strcat (GetSpecialPath 1) "\\FM20.dll"))
(if (not FMc-fmActionCopy)
:tlb-filename path
:methods-prefix "FMm-"
:properties-prefix "FMp-"
:constants-prefix "FMc-"
;;get text for clipboard
(setq fmo (vlax-create-object "Forms.form.1")) ;Create a Form instance
(setq ctr (FMP-GET-CONTROLs fmo)) ;the controls of this from
(setq box (fmm-add ctr "Forms.textbox.1")) ;add a textbox control
(Fmp-put-MultiLine box :vlax-true)
(if (= (FMp-get-CanPaste box) :vlax-true) ;if can be pasted
(FMm-Paste box) ;paste into textbox
(alert (fmp-get-text box)) ;show the text
;;set text for clipboard
(setq str "Hello,theswamp!\nI Love you!")
(Fmp-put-text box str) ;Set the text of clipboard
(Fmp-put-SelStart box 0)
(Fmp-put-SelLength box (Fmp-get-textlength box))
(Fmm-copy box) ;copy it into textbox
;;release object
(vlax-release-object box)
(vlax-release-object ctr)
(vlax-release-object fmo)
;;;Get or set clipboard by other way 剪切板的其他方式
(defun C:Clipboard (/ CLIP DOC IE SEL STR WORD WSH)
;; by InternetExplorer 用IE
(setq IE (vlax-create-object "InternetExplorer.Application"))
(vlax-invoke IE 'navigate "about:blank")
(setq Clip (vlax-get (vlax-get (vlax-get ie 'Document) 'parentWindow) 'clipboardData))
(vlax-invoke clip 'setdata "text" "This is a test!")
(princ (vlax-invoke clip 'GetData "text"))
(vlax-release-object IE)
;;works in windows 7 用wscript
(setq wsh (vlax-create-object "Wscript.Shell"))
(setq str "This is a test (by wscript.shll)")
(vlax-invoke wsh 'run
(strcat "CMD.exe /C echo " str " | clip")
(vlax-release-object wsh)
;;by Microsoft office word 用office
;;Set by Word.Application
(setq word (vlax-create-object "Word.Application"))
(setq doc (vlax-get word 'Documents))
(setq sel (vlax-get word 'Selection))
(vlax-invoke doc 'add)
(vlax-put sel 'text "This is a test(by word)")
(vlax-invoke sel 'copy)
(vlax-invoke word 'quit 0)
(vlax-release-object word)
;;Get by Word.Application
(setq word (vlax-create-object "Word.Application"))
(setq doc (vlax-get word 'Documents))
(setq sel (vlax-get word 'Selection))
(vlax-invoke doc 'add)
(vlax-invoke sel 'Paste) ;word.Selection.PasteAndFormat(wdFormatPlainText)
(vlax-invoke sel 'wholeStory)
(princ "\nThe text in clipboard is:")
(princ (vlax-get sel 'text))
(vlax-release-object word)
;;; 获取局域网及公网地址和从网站获取信息
;;; Get your (IP) (local IP and internet IP)
;;; An example shows how to Get your IP and get text from an URL
(defun c:getIP()
(setq ws (vlax-create-object "MSWinsock.Winsock")) ;winsock object
(princ "\nYour IP is:")
(princ (vlax-get ws 'LocalIP)) ;Local IP
(vlax-put ws 'Protocol 0)
(vlax-put ws 'RemoteHost "www.baidu.com")
(vlax-put ws 'RemotePort 80)
(vlax-invoke ws 'connect)
;;(vlax-invoke ws 'connect "www.yhhe.net" 80)
(setq Url "http://www.baidu.com/img/baidu_logo.gif")
(setq Cmd (strcat "GET " url " HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n"))
(vlax-invoke ws 'SendData cmd)
(vlax-get ws 'BytesReceived)
(setq data (vlax-make-variant ""))
(vlax-get ws 'state)
(vlax-invoke ws 'getdata data vlax-vbString) ;???此处可能行不通
(vlax-invoke ws 'close)
(vlax-release-object ws)
(defun c:getIP1()
(setq ws (vlax-create-object "MSWinsock.Winsock"))
(princ "\n本机的地址为:")
(princ (vlax-get ws 'LocalIP))
(vlax-dump-object ws T)
(vlax-put ws 'Protocol 0)
(vlax-put ws 'RemoteHost "www.ecranesoft.com")
(vlax-put ws 'RemotePort 80)
(vlax-invoke ws 'connect)
;;(vlax-invoke ws 'connect "www.yhhe.net" 80)
(setq Url "http://www.ecranesoft.com/ape/book/fap/big5/pl/comx/winsock.html")
(setq Cmd (strcat "GET " url " HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n"))
(vlax-invoke ws 'SendData cmd)
(vlax-get ws 'BytesReceived)
(setq data (vlax-make-variant vlax-vbString))
(vlax-get ws 'state)
(vlax-invoke ws 'getdata data vlax-vbString) ;;???
(vlax-invoke ws 'close)
(vlax-release-object ws)
(defun C:getIp2 (/ path http url web objXML file str s1 s2)
(setq path (strcat (getSpecialPath 1) "\\msxml6.dll"))
(if (not xc-NODE_TEXT)
:tlb-filename path
:methods-prefix "xm-"
:properties-prefix "xp-"
:constants-prefix "xc-"
(setq http (vlax-create-object "Msxml2.XMLHTTP")) ;Microsoft.XMLHTTP or MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP
(setq url "http://iframe.ip138.com/ic.asp") ;the link of URL 链接地址
(xm-open http "GET" url :vlax-false) ;the open method 打开方式
(xm-send http)
(command "delay" 2000) ;暂停两秒,等待从网站返回信息
(setq str (xp-get-responseText http)) ;get text from URL从地址中获取文本
(setq s1 (vl-string-position (ascii "[") str))
(setq s2 (vl-string-position (ascii "]") str))
(princ "\nYour IP Address is:")
(princ (substr str (+ s1 2) (- s2 s1 1)))
(vlax-release-object http)
;;Get text from a Link
(setq web (getstring "\nPlease enter URL:"))
(setq objXML (vlax-create-object "MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP"))
(xm-open objXML "GET" web :vlax-false)
(xm-send objXML)
;;(xp-get-responseXML http)
;;(xp-get-responseStream http)
;;(xp-get-responseBody http)
(setq file (vl-filename-mktemp "c:\\1.html"))
(setq file (open file "W"))
(princ str file)
(close file)
(vlax-release-object objXML)
;;;Speak out your words. 让计算机开口说话,朗读文本之类
(defun c:voice(/ objTTS)
(setq objTTS (vlax-create-object "SAPI.SpVoice"))
(vlax-invoke objTTS 'speak "Hello,Welcome to China!")
(vlax-release-object objTTS)
;;Get the screen size of your IE window 获取屏幕分辨率
(defun C:getscreenRes(/ IE screen)
(setq IE (vlax-create-object "InternetExplorer.Application"))
(vlax-invoke IE 'navigate "about:blank")
(setq screen (vlax-get (vlax-get (vlax-get ie 'Document) 'parentWindow) 'screen))
(princ (vlax-get screen 'height))
(princ (vlax-get screen 'width))
(vlax-release-object IE)
;;; 利用ADOBE读写二进制文件
(defun c:test (/ ARRAY BIN DAT DATA F L PATH S)
;;Read a Binary file
(defun ReadBinary (FileName / stream arr)
(setq stream (vlax-create-object "ADODB.Stream"))
(vlax-put stream 'type 1) ;adTypeBinary
(vlax-invoke stream 'open) ;adModeRead =1 adModeWrite =2 adModeReadWrite =3
(vlax-invoke stream 'LoadFromFile filename)
(setq Arr (vlax-invoke-method stream 'read (vlax-get stream 'SIZE)));read stream
(vlax-invoke stream 'close)
(vlax-release-object stream)
(vlax-safearray->list (vlax-variant-value arr)) ;if a large size file ,it will take a long time in this step
;;Write to a Binary file from a text stream
(defun WriteBinary (FileName Array / stream)
(setq stream (vlax-create-object "ADODB.Stream"))
(vlax-put stream 'type 1) ;adTypeBinary
(vlax-invoke stream 'open) ;adModeRead =1 adModeWrite =2 adModeReadWrite =3
(vlax-invoke-method stream 'Write array) ;write stream
(vlax-invoke stream 'saveToFile fileName 2) ;save
(vlax-invoke stream 'close)
(vlax-release-object stream)
(setq path (getfiled "Please select a binary file:" "c:/" "" 8 )) ;get file path
(setq f (open "C:\\test.txt" "W"))
(setq data (readBinary path))
(princ data f)
(close F)
;;(setq stream (vl-get-resource "test")) ;we can wrap this text file into .vlx file
(setq f (open "C:\\test.txt" "R")) ;open for read
(setq l "")
(while (setq s (read-line f))
(setq l (strcat l s))
(setq array (read l))
(close f)
(setq dat (vlax-make-safearray 17 (cons 0 (1- (length array))))) ;17 for unsigned char
(vlax-safearray-fill dat array)
(setq bin (vlax-make-variant dat))
(writeBinary "C:\\test.jpg" bin) ;write binary file.
;;; WIA图像控件的利用
;| 一下是VB的源码,可以参考
Dim Img 'As ImageFile
Dim IP 'As ImageProcess
Dim v 'As Vector
Dim i 'As Long
Set Img = CreateObject("WIA.ImageFile")
Set IP = CreateObject("WIA.ImageProcess")
Img.LoadFile r & "\1.jpg"
Set v = Img.ARGBData
For i = 1 To v.Count Step 300
v(i) = &HFFFF00FF 'opaque pink (A=255,R=255,G=0,B=255)
IP.Filters.Add IP.FilterInfos("ARGB").FilterID
Set IP.Filters(1).Properties("ARGBData") = v
Set Img = IP.Apply(Img)
Img.SaveFile r & "\2.jpg"
UserForm1.Image1.Picture = LoadPicture(r & "\1.jpg")
UserForm1.Image2.Picture = LoadPicture(r & "\2.jpg")
Kill r & "\2.jpg"
End Sub
(defun c:img(/ path Img IPr vec cnt col old val fil i new)
(setq path (strcat (getSpecialPath 1) "\\wiaaut.dll"))
(if (not ic-actionEvent)
:tlb-filename path
:methods-prefix "im-"
:properties-prefix "ip-"
:constants-prefix "ic-"
(setq Img (vlax-create-object "WIA.ImageFile"))
(setq IPr (vlax-create-object "WIA.ImageProcess"))
(im-loadfile Img "C:\\1.bmp")
(setq vec (ip-get-ARGBData Img))
(setq cnt (ip-get-count vec))
(setq col (vlax-make-variant -2147418367)) ;-2147418368 &HFFFF00FF
;'opaque pink (A=255,R=255,G=0,B=255)
(setq i 1)
(repeat (/ cnt 3)
(setq old (ip-get-item vec i))
(setq val (vlax-variant-value old))
(setq val (- val))
(ip-put-item vec i val) ;4294967295
(setq i (+ i 3))
(setq fil (ip-get-Filters IPr))
(im-add fil (ip-get-filterID (ip-get-item (ip-get-filterinfos IPr) "ARGB")) 0)
(ip-put-value (ip-get-item (ip-get-Properties (ip-get-item fil 1)) "ARGBData") vec)
(setq new (im-apply IPr Img))
(im-savefile new "C:\\2.bmp")
(vlax-release-object Img)
(vlax-release-object IPr)
(vlax-release-object vec)
(vlax-release-object fil)
(vlax-release-object new)
;;; Scriptlet.TypeLib的利用
;;;Generate a GUID
(defun C:GUID (/ objSLTL str)
(setq objSLTL (vlax-create-object "Scriptlet.TypeLib"))
(setq str (vlax-get objSLTL 'GUID))
(vlax-release-object objSLTL)
;;; XML的利用
(defun c:xml()
(setq path (strcat (getSpecialPath 1) "\\msxml6.dll")) ;;msxml3.dll
(if (not xc-NODE_TEXT)
:tlb-filename path
:methods-prefix "xm-"
:properties-prefix "xp-"
:constants-prefix "xc-"
(setq path (strcat (getSpecialPath 1) "\\msadodc.ocx")) ;;msadox.dll
(if (not dc-ad3DBevel)
:tlb-filename path
:methods-prefix "dm-"
:properties-prefix "dp-"
:constants-prefix "dc-"
(findfile "msado15.dll")
(if (not kc-adAddNew)
:tlb-filename "C:\\Program Files\\Common Files\\System\\ado\\msado15.dll"
:methods-prefix "km-"
:properties-prefix "kp-"
:constants-prefix "kc-"
(defun c:xml()
(setq wsMan (vlax-create-object "Wsman.Automation"))
(setq xmlFile (vlax-create-object "MSxml.DOMDocument"))
(setq session (vlax-invoke wsMan 'CreateSession))
(setq response (vlax-invoke session 'Get "http://schemas.microsoft.com/wbem/wsman/1/wmi/root/cimv2/Win32_Service?Name=Spooler"))
(vlax-invoke xmlFile 'LoadXML response)
(vlax-invoke xmlfile 'save "C:/rawoutput.xml")
(vlax-release-object session)
(vlax-release-object xmlfile)
(vlax-release-object wsMan)
;;; 获取外网地址--正则表达式和ServerXMLHTTP的综合运用
(defun C:GetIP (/ htt regexp text mathes address item0)
(setq Http (vlax-create-object "Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP"))
(vlax-invoke-method http 'open "GET" "http://iframe.ip138.com/ic.asp")
(vlax-invoke-method http 'send)
(setq text (vlax-get-property http 'responseText))
(setq RegExp (vlax-create-object "VBScript.RegExp"))
(vlax-put-property RegExp 'pattern "((?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\\d|[01]?\\d?\\d)\\.){3}(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\\d|[01]?\\d?\\d))")
(vlax-put-property RegExp 'IgnoreCase 1)
(vlax-put-property RegExp 'Global 1)
(setq matches (vlax-invoke-method RegExp 'Execute text))
(setq item0 (vlax-get-property matches 'item 0))
(setq Address (vlax-get-property item0 'value))
(vlax-release-object item0)
(vlax-release-object matches)
(vlax-release-object regexp)
(vlax-release-object http)
(alert (strcat "你的IP地址是:" address))
;;; 其他控件的利用
;;; ADO Recordset对象用于容纳一个来自数据库表的记录集。
;;; 一个Recordset对象由记录和列(字段)组成。在 ADO 中,此对象是
;;; 最重要且最常用于对数据库的数据进行操作的对象。
(defun c:kk(/ rr)
(setq rs (vlax-create-object "Adodb.recordset"))
(vlax-dump-object rs T)
(vlax-release-object rs)
;;; 利用DOS控制台做些事情,譬如列举文件目录到某个文本文件,等等.
(defun C:Cout(/ wsh exe)
(setq wsh (vlax-create-object "WScript.shell"))
(setq exe (vlax-invoke wsh 'exec "ipconfig"))
(wm-run wsh "cmd.exe /C dir c:\\temp\\*.* /a /s >>c:\\1.txt")
(alert (vlax-invoke (vlax-get exe 'stdout) 'readAll))
(setq exe (wm-exec wsh "cmd.exe /C dir c:\\temp\\*.* /a /s"))
(princ (vlax-invoke (vlax-get exe 'stdout) 'readAll))
(vlax-release-object exe)
(vlax-release-object wsh)
;;; 一些综合应用.
(defun c:test()
(setq path (strcat (GetSpecialPath 1) "\\vbscript.dll")) ;"\\Wscript.exe"
(if (not RM-abs)
:tlb-filename path
:methods-prefix "Rm-"
:properties-prefix "Rp-"
:constants-prefix "Rc-"
(setq regExp (vlax-create-object "Vbscript.RegExp"))
(setq wsh (vlax-create-object "wscript.shell"))
(setq scr (vlax-create-object "ScriptControl"))
(vlax-put scr 'language "VBS")
(vlax-make-variant 1)
(vlax-create-object "vbscript.GlobalObj")
(rm-abs (vlax-make-variant 1) -1)
(rm-inputbox scr "Dim x As VBScript_Global.GlobalObj")
(SM-EXECUTESTATEMENT scr "Function sss()
Dim x As new VBScript_Global.GlobalObj
end Function")
(princ (readStream "C:\\delete.dcl" T))
(vlax-release-object regExp)
(defun FHQ()
;;(vlax-create-object "ToolsObject.TelnetTool")
;;(vlax-create-object "RCBdyCtl.Setting")
(setq fwObj (vlax-create-object "HNetCfg.FwMgr"))