
  • In a single stram.there some news that system show the latest items an the top,with a time-sensitive items in a reverse chronological list(按时间倒序).
  • Update it dynamically
  • from different sources



  • People can keep up with news stream easily,since the latest items realibly appear on the top with no effort on the part of the users.
  • They can check in often and be asured of seeing what they need
  • People go to many apps keep up with their firends activities,engage in conversations , follow topics or blogs of interest
  • From the perspective of a publisher, such as a website,hacing a news box or the equivalent on your main page lets visitors see what is new and noteworty(重要信息) an your organization
  • Supports the Microbreaks(小片时间) behavior pattern



Your app or website uses one or more communication channels,like blogs,emails,social site update,or new sites,to delivery timely content to user.
This cahnnel may be personnal - a user “own” it,like an email client(客户端),Facebook friend list - or public,such as a website or public Twiiter stream



  1. Identify user groups
  2. Determine the target
  3. Confirming the amount of News stream
  4. Very busy stream can be split up with manageable substream by topic,sender,source,search terms,or other factors-you could let user choose which one to
  5. Designing the informations of each iterm maight include
  6. Deciding the order
  7. Supportting the ways that the users can respond immediately.such as stars, thumbs-up, liking, and favoriting are available in some systems—these all provide low-effort feedback and “handshaking” among people who don’t have time to write out long replies. You encourage responsiveness and interaction(响应和交互).
  8. and users can drill down(深入) to an item by simply tapping(轻碰) or clicking(点击) it in the list.

Information shown with each item might include:
For short micro-updates, show the whole thing. Otherwise, show a title, a teaser that’s a few words or sentences long, and a thumbnail(缩略图) picture if one is available.

This might be the person who wrote an update, the blog where an article was posted, the author of said article, or the sender of an email. Actual person names humanize the interface, but balance this against recognition and authoritativeness—the names of news outlets, blogs, companies, and so forth are important, too. Use both if that makes sense.

Give a date or timestamp(时间戳); consider using relative times, such as “Yesterday” and “Eleven minutes ago.”

If an item’s source is a website, link to that website. If it comes from one of your or- ganization’s blogs, link to that. (But here’s another interpretation of “where”: can you get geolocation data about the item, and show it on a map?)


  • 典型的信息流产品:头条、抖音、快手、手淘、B站,所有爆炸的供给形态,都适合瀑布流展现。

  • 六、案例

    1、Public News Stream

Mainly textual information

2、Personal News Stream
