This is a role-playing activity in which children need to judge whether mTiny the Nurse and mTiny the Policeman should stop on the map blocks to fulfill their duties. If the robot departs from the Hospital Map Blocks, then it should play the role of the nurse and help the injured passer-by; if it departs from the Police Station Map Blocks, it should play the role of the policeman to catch the thief.

Intended Learning Outcomes

By the end of this activity, children will be able to:
(1) Understand the concept of conditionals by matching the role and the scene;
(2) Plan the appropriate route between the two corresponding map blocks;
(3) Understand the roles and duties of different careers.

Key Competencies

Physical Cognitive Socio-emotional
Hand-eye Coordination One-to-one Correspondence Contextualizing Needs
Gross Motor Skills Decomposition Empathy
Fine Motor Skills Abstraction Communication
Comparison Leadership


For Child
Input Card
× 1
Go! Card
× 1
Activity 04 Help Me, Please! - 图4
Forward Card
× 4
Activity 04 Help Me, Please! - 图5
Turn Right
Card × 4
Activity 04 Help Me, Please! - 图6
Turn Left
Card × 4
mTiny Toolkit × 1
×2 Repeat
Card × 2
×3 Repeat
Card × 2
×4 Repeat
Card × 2
×5 Repeat
Card × 2
For Educator
Hospital × 1
Police Station × 1
× 2
× 6
Road Corner
× 6
Straight Road
× 5
Road with
Scenes × 5


Prepare and assemble the map blocks beforehand. With regard to the Starting Point, you can decide it with your children during the game.

Educator-Led Instructions


  1. Introduce the following pairs of Role-playing Map Blocks: | image.png
    Hospital — Help! Someone hits his head! | image.png
    Police Station — Help! Catch the thief! | | :—-: | :—-: |

  2. Have children discuss the roles of the characters appeared in the map blocks.

    Main Activity

  3. Introduce the topic of the scenario: “Today, mTiny will act as the nurse or the policeman, and you need to help direct the way to where it could help.”

  4. Explain the rule: “However, whether mTiny plays the role of the nurse or the policeman depends upon its Starting Point–whether mTiny departs from Hospital Map blocks or Police Station Map blocks.”

  5. Instruct children to plan the route:

(1) Children select either the Hospital Map blocks or the Police Station Map blocks as the Starting Point;
(2) According to mTiny’s role, children then write code to give commands.
(3) Instruct children to think about which map block with scene should be the End Point while planning the route and making the decision.

:::tips Note:
The concept of conditionals is embodied in two ways during this activity:
(1) The separated pair of role-playing map blocks should be the start and the end.
(2) There are other map blocks with scenes in the route, and children need to judge whether it is the right one that corresponds with mTiny’s role. :::

  1. Encourage children to create another scenario on other mTiny’s roles which may match the situation appeared in the below map blocks (e.g. mTiny the Fireman).



  1. Have children share their scenarios with peers and teachers.
  2. Summarize the concept of conditionals in the context of the roleplaying.