
Fairies and elves love forest parties! In this activity, children will be invited to have a role-playing adventure with mTiny. Children will help “transform” mTiny into another kind of “animal” by using a costume and a map block with an animal character. Children will match the animal robot and its favorite food. The activity helps children make sense of the hidden interactive effects within the map blocks with an object, as well as the interaction between the robot and the map blocks.

Intended Learning Outcomes

By the end of this activity, children will be able to:
(1) Understand the possible interaction between the robot and the map blocks;
(2) Use appropriate ways to trigger different interactive effects ofmTiny.

Key Competencies

Physical Cognitive Socio-emotional
Hand-eye Coordination Focus and Concentration Listening to Your Teacher
Fine Motor Skills One-to-one Correspondence Responding to Your Teacher
Creative Storytelling


For Child
mTiny Toolkit × 1
Costume (Choose 1 from 3)
For Educator
Toby the Puppy× 2
Milo the Kitten × 1
Chicka the Chicken× 1
mTiny × 2
Lawn × 14
Meat × 2
Fish × 2
Corn × 2
Bamboo × 2

:::info Note:

  • The example activity provided assumes that four children will participate in the game, therefore, four mTiny Robot Kits are necessary.
  • Please note that the two mTiny Map Blocks are not necessary–they merely act as the reference for children who would like to compare the effects among mTiny, Toby the Puppy, Milo the Kitten, and Chicka the Chicken. :::


Please prepare and design the Forest Party Map. You may assemble the map blocks in the way shown below:
You can also add other map blocks to generate more interactive effects, for example:

Educator-Led Instructions

Main Activity

  1. Introduce the three map blocks with a character and the attached costumes below:


  1. Explain to the children: “Today we will hold a forest party with mTiny. Could you please help mTiny choose one costume for the party? Which animal do you think mTiny would prefer to be?”

  2. Instruct children to help mTiny dress up and to put the robot on the map block that corresponds with the costume: wait and see what happens.

:::warning Note:
Some children may need your assistance to put a costume on their robots.
You can also encourage children to imagine and narrate stories on this forest party. Ask children to think about these questions:

(1) Why, when and where was the forest party held?
(2) Why did you transform mTiny into other kinds of animals?(2) Why did you transform mTiny into other kinds of animals?
(3) What would happen at the forest party? :::

  1. Instruct children to help Toby the Puppy/ Milo the Kitten/ Chicka the Chicken identify their favorite foods.

  2. Hand out other map blocks with an object (or blocks and toys in the classroom), and have children reassemble and design the map blocks and continue their scenarios.