mTiny is a programmable robot for preschool children growing up in the digital age. It is a toolkit to nurture children’s 21st century skills–in particular, literacies that go beyond reading and writing skills. Information literacy, media literacy, technology literacy, and numeracy are key focuses in this curriculum. Moreover, mTiny’s tangible programming blocks and jigsaw-puzzle-based map blocks are fun for children, but also help develop their higher-order thinking skills, bridging the concrete and abstract thinking with scaffolding instructions.

Logic and Computational
mTiny Discover Getting Started Activities.jpg Visual and Spatial Thinking
Pattern Recognition Orientation
Abstraction Mental Rotation
Algorithms Route Planning
Evaluating Solutions Navigation

Theoretical Underpinning


Connection to Child Development

With mTiny, preschool children will not only learn about focus, concentration, and memory by following instructions and guide during the activities but also enjoy a lot of developmental benefits.

Physical Development Mathematics
Hand-eye Coordination Number Sense and Counting
Gross Motor Skills One-to-one Correspondence
Fine Motor Skills Symbols and Numbers
Spatial Sense
Language Arts and Literacy Shapes and Patterns
Vocabulary and Concepts Parts and Wholes
Computational Concepts Sets and Groups
Spatial Concepts Sorting, Categorizing,
and Classifying
Signs and Symbols
Communication Sequencing
Creative Storytelling Comparison

Cognitive Development Socio-emotional Development
Focus and Concentration Listening and Responding
Memory Self-management
Representation Independence
Self-reflection Collaboration and Leadership
Imagination Confidence
Logic and Analytical Thinking Persistence and Resilience