
    1. [root@n9e ~]# cat /etc/security/pwquality.conf |grep -v ^#
    2. minlen = 8
    3. minclass = 1
    4. maxrepeat = 0
    5. maxclassrepeat = 0
    6. lcredit = -1
    7. ucredit = -1
    8. dcredit = -1
    9. ocredit = -1
    10. [root@n9e ~]#


    1. [root@n9e ~]# authconfig --passminlen=9 --passminclass=3 --passmaxrepeat=2 --passmaxclassrepeat=2 --enablerequpper --enablereqother --update
    2. [root@n9e ~]#
    3. [root@n9e ~]# cat /etc/security/pwquality.conf |grep -v ^#
    4. minlen = 9
    5. minclass = 3
    6. maxrepeat = 2
    7. maxclassrepeat = 2
    8. lcredit = -1
    9. ucredit = -1
    10. dcredit = -1
    11. ocredit = -1
    12. [root@n9e ~]#
    1. [root@n9e ~]# echo "1qaz2wsx#EDC" | pwscore
    2. Password quality check failed:
    3. The password contains more than 2 characters of the same class consecutively
    4. [root@n9e ~]#
    1. [liwm@n9e ~]$ passwd
    2. Changing password for user liwm.
    3. Changing password for liwm.
    4. (current) UNIX password:
    5. New password:
    6. BAD PASSWORD: The password is the same as the old one
    7. New password:
    8. BAD PASSWORD: The password contains more than 2 characters of the same class consecutively
    9. New password:
    10. BAD PASSWORD: The password contains more than 2 characters of the same class consecutively
    11. passwd: Have exhausted maximum number of retries for service
    12. [liwm@n9e ~]$
    1. [liwm@n9e ~]$ passwd
    2. Changing password for user liwm.
    3. Changing password for liwm.
    4. (current) UNIX password:
    5. New password:
    6. BAD PASSWORD: The password is shorter than 9 characters
    7. New password:
    8. BAD PASSWORD: The password fails the dictionary check - it is based on a dictionary word
    9. New password:
    10. BAD PASSWORD: The password contains more than 2 characters of the same class consecutively
    11. passwd: Have exhausted maximum number of retries for service
    12. [liwm@n9e ~]$
    1. # set 8 for minimum password length
    2. [root@linuxprobe~]# authconfig --passminlen=8 --update
    3. # the parameter is set in a config below
    4. [root@linuxprobe~]# grep "^minlen" /etc/security/pwquality.conf
    5. minlen = 8
    6. # 在新密码中设置同一类的允许连续字符的最大数目
    7. # set 4 for maximum number of allowed consecutive characters of the same class
    8. [root@linuxprobe~]# authconfig --passmaxclassrepeat=4 --update
    9. # the parameter is set in a config below
    10. [root@linuxprobe~]# grep "^maxclassrepeat" /etc/security/pwquality.conf
    11. maxclassrepeat = 4
    12. # 在新密码中至少需要一个小写字符。
    13. [root@linuxprobe~]# authconfig --enablereqlower --update
    14. # the parameter is set in a config below
    15. # (if you'd like to edit the value, edit it with vi and others)
    16. [root@linuxprobe~]# grep "^lcredit" /etc/security/pwquality.conf
    17. lcredit = -1
    18. # 在新密码中至少需要一个大写字符
    19. [root@linuxprobe~]# authconfig --enablerequpper --update
    20. # the parameter is set in a config below
    21. # (if you'd like to edit the value, edit it with vi and others)
    22. [root@linuxprobe~]# grep "^ucredit" /etc/security/pwquality.conf
    23. ucredit = -1
    24. # 在新密码中至少需要一个数字
    25. [root@linuxprobe~]# authconfig --enablereqdigit --update
    26. # the parameter is set in a config below
    27. # (if you'd like to edit the value, edit it with vi and others)
    28. [root@linuxprobe~]# grep "^dcredit" /etc/security/pwquality.conf
    29. dcredit = -1
    30. # 密码包括至少一个特殊字符
    31. [root@linuxprobe~]# authconfig --enablereqother --update
    32. # the parameter is set in a config below
    33. # (if you'd like to edit the value, edit it with vi and others)
    34. [root@linuxprobe~]# grep "^ocredit" /etc/security/pwquality.conf
    35. ocredit = -1
    36. # 在新密码中设置单调字符序列的最大长度。 (ex⇒'12345','fedcb')
    37. [root@linuxprobe~]# vi /etc/security/pwquality.conf
    38. # add to the end
    39. maxsequence = 3
    40. # 设置新密码中不能出现在旧密码中的字符数
    41. [root@linuxprobe~]# vi /etc/security/pwquality.conf
    42. # add to the end
    43. difok = 5
    44. # 检查来自用户passwd条目的GECOS字段的长度超过3个字符的字是否包含在新密码中。
    45. [root@linuxprobe~]# vi /etc/security/pwquality.conf
    46. # add to the end
    47. gecoscheck = 1
    48. # 设置不能包含在密码中的Ssace分隔的单词列表
    49. [root@linuxprobe~]# vi /etc/security/pwquality.conf
    50. # add to the end
    51. badwords = denywords1 denywords2 denywords3
    52. # 为新密码设置hash / crypt算法。 (默认为sha512)
    53. # show current algorithm
    54. [root@linuxprobe~]# authconfig --test | grep hashing
    55. password hashing algorithm is md5
    56. # chnage algorithm to sha512
    57. [root@linuxprobe~]# authconfig --passalgo=sha512 --update
    58. [root@linuxprobe~]# authconfig --test | grep hashing
    59. password hashing algorithm is sha512
    1. Options:
    2. -h, --help 帮助
    3. --enableshadow, --useshadow 默认启用屏蔽口令
    4. --disableshadow 默认禁用屏蔽口令
    5. --enablemd5, --usemd5 默认启用 MD5 口令
    6. --disablemd5 默认禁用 MD5 口令
    7. --passalgo=<descrypt|bigcrypt|md5|sha256|sha512> 新密码使用加密算法
    8. --enablenis 默认使用 NIS 用户信息
    9. --disablenis 默认禁用 NIS 用户信息
    10. --nisdomain=<domain> 默认的 NIS
    11. --nisserver=<server> 默认的 NIS 服务器
    12. --enableldap 默认使用 LDAP 用户信息
    13. --disableldap 默认禁用 LDAP 用户信息
    14. --enableldapauth 默认使用 LDAP 验证
    15. --disableldapauth 默认禁用 LDAP 验证
    16. --ldapserver=<server> 默认的 NIS 服务器hostnameURI
    17. --ldapbasedn=<dn> 默认的基于 DN LDAP
    18. --enableldaptls, --enableldapstarttls
    19. LDAP 使用 TLS
    20. --disableldaptls, --disableldapstarttls
    21. LDAP 不使用 TLS
    22. --enablerfc2307bis enable use of RFC-2307bis schema for LDAP user information lookups
    23. --disablerfc2307bis disable use of RFC-2307bis schema for LDAP user information lookups
    24. --ldaploadcacert=<URL> 从这个 URL 加载 CA 证书
    25. --enablesmartcard 默认状态为启用智能卡验证
    26. --disablesmartcard 默认禁用智能卡验证
    27. --enablerequiresmartcard 默认需要使用验证智能卡验证
    28. --disablerequiresmartcard 默认不需要使用智能卡验证
    29. --smartcardmodule=<module> 默认使用的智能卡模块
    30. --smartcardaction=<0=Lock|1=Ignore>
    31. 删除智能卡时进行的操作
    32. --enablefingerprint 默认启用指纹验证
    33. --disablefingerprint 默认禁用指纹验证
    34. --enableecryptfs enable automatic per-user ecryptfs
    35. --disableecryptfs disable automatic per-user ecryptfs
    36. --enablekrb5 默认启用 kerberos 验证
    37. --disablekrb5 默认禁用 kerberos 验证
    38. --krb5kdc=<server> 默认的 kerberos KDC
    39. --krb5adminserver=<server>默认的 kerberos 管理服务器
    40. --krb5realm=<realm> 默认的 kerberos
    41. --enablekrb5kdcdns 启用 DNS 来查找 kerberos KDCs
    42. --disablekrb5kdcdns 禁用 DNS 来查找 kerberos KDCs
    43. --enablekrb5realmdns 启用 DNS 来查找 kerberos
    44. --disablekrb5realmdns 禁用 DNS 来查找 kerberos
    45. --enablewinbind 默认启用 winbind 来获取用户信息
    46. --disablewinbind 默认禁用 winbind 来获取用户信息
    47. --enablewinbindauth 默认启用 winbind 进行验证
    48. --disablewinbindauth 默认禁用 winbind 进行验证
    49. --smbsecurity=<user|server|domain|ads>
    50. samba winbind 使用的安全模式
    51. --smbrealm=<realm> security=ads 时,samba winbind 的默认域
    52. --smbservers=<servers> 用来验证的服务器名称
    53. --smbworkgroup=<workgroup>验证服务器所在的组
    54. --smbidmaprange=<lowest-highest>, --smbidmapuid=<lowest-highest>, --smbidmapgid=<lowest-highest>
    55. uid range winbind will assign to domain or ads users
    56. --winbindseparator=<\>
    57. the character which will be used to separate the domain and user part of winbind-created user names if winbindusedefaultdomain is not enabled
    58. --winbindtemplatehomedir=</home/%D/%U>
    59. winbind 创建的用户将会作为主目录的目录
    60. --winbindtemplateprimarygroup=<nobody>
    61. winbind 创建的用户将会作为主要组群的组群
    62. --winbindtemplateshell=</bin/false>
    63. winbind创建的用户的shell将作为登录shell
    64. --enablewinbindusedefaultdomain
    65. configures winbind to assume that users with no domain in their user names are domain users
    66. --disablewinbindusedefaultdomain
    67. configures winbind to assume that users with no domain in their user names are not domain users
    68. --enablewinbindoffline winbind 配置为允许离线登录
    69. --disablewinbindoffline winbind 配置为阻止离线登录
    70. --enablewinbindkrb5 使能winbindKerberos 5验证
    71. --disablewinbindkrb5 使能winbind用默认的方法验证
    72. --winbindjoin=<Administrator>立即作为系统管理员加入 winbind 域或 ads
    73. --enableipav2 enable IPAv2 for user information and authentication by default
    74. --disableipav2 disable IPAv2 for user information and authentication by default
    75. --ipav2domain=<domain>
    76. the IPAv2 domain the system should be part of
    77. --ipav2realm=<realm> the realm for the IPAv2 domain
    78. --ipav2server=<servers>
    79. the server for the IPAv2 domain
    80. --enableipav2nontp do not setup the NTP against the IPAv2 domain
    81. --disableipav2nontp setup the NTP against the IPAv2 domain (default)
    82. --ipav2join=<account>
    83. join the IPAv2 domain as this account
    84. --enablewins 启用 wins 进行主机名解析
    85. --disablewins 禁用 wins 进行主机名解析
    86. --enablepreferdns prefer dns over wins or nis for hostname resolution
    87. --disablepreferdns do not prefer dns over wins or nis for hostname resolution
    88. --enablehesiod 默认启用 hesiod 来获取用户信息
    89. --disablehesiod 默认禁用 hesiod 来获取用户信息
    90. --hesiodlhs=<lhs> 默认的 hesiod LHS
    91. --hesiodrhs=<rhs> 默认的 hesiod RHS
    92. --enablesssd enable SSSD for user information by default with manually managed configuration
    93. --disablesssd disable SSSD for user information by default (still used for supported configurations)
    94. --enablesssdauth enable SSSD for authentication by default with manually managed configuration
    95. --disablesssdauth disable SSSD for authentication by default (still used for supported configurations)
    96. --enableforcelegacy never use SSSD implicitly even for supported configurations
    97. --disableforcelegacy use SSSD implicitly if it supports the configuration
    98. --enablecachecreds enable caching of user credentials in SSSD by default
    99. --disablecachecreds disable caching of user credentials in SSSD by default
    100. --enablecache 默认启用缓存用户信息,当SSSD使能时,自动失能
    101. --disablecache 默认禁用缓存用户信息
    102. --enablelocauthorize 本地用户可以使用本地授权
    103. --disablelocauthorize 通过远端服务授权本地用户
    104. --enablepamaccess 在帐户验证过程中检查 access.conf
    105. --disablepamaccess 在帐户验证过程中不检查 access.conf
    106. --enablesysnetauth 通过网络服务认证的系统帐号
    107. --disablesysnetauth 仅通过本地文件认证的系统帐号
    108. --enablemkhomedir 使能用户第一次登录创建家目录
    109. --disablemkhomedir 失能用户第一次登录创建家目录
    110. ++++++++++++++++++++
    111. 下面的设置,其实是修改/etc/security/pwquality.conf配置文件
    112. --passminlen=<number> 最小密码长度
    113. --passminclass=<number> 密码中字符最小个数
    114. --passmaxrepeat=<number> 密码中相同连续字符的最大个数
    115. --passmaxclassrepeat=<number> 密码中同类连续字符的最大个数
    116. --enablereqlower 使能密码中至少包含一个小写字母
    117. --disablereqlower 失能密码中至少包含一个小写字母
    118. --enablerequpper 使能密码中至少包含一个大写字母
    119. --disablerequpper 失能密码中至少包含一个大写字母
    120. --enablereqdigit 使能密码中至少包含一个数字
    121. --disablereqdigit 失能密码中至少包含一个数字
    122. --enablereqother 使能密码中至少包含一个特殊字符
    123. --disablereqother 失能密码中至少包含一个特殊字符
    124. ++++++++++++++++++
    125. --nostart do not start/stop portmap, ypbind, and nscd
    126. --test 不更新配置文件,只打印配置信息
    127. --update, --kickstart 更新配置文件
    128. --updateall 更新所有配置文件
    129. --probe probe network for defaults and print them
    130. --savebackup=<name> 备份所有配置文件
    131. --restorebackup=<name> 恢复配置文件的备份
    132. --restorelastbackup 恢复备份配置文件前,预览变更配置