1. [root@prod-cloudsino-server ~]# racadm
    2. ===============================================================================
    3. RACADM version 9.3.0
    4. Copyright (c) 2003-2019 Dell, Inc.
    5. All Rights Reserved
    6. ===============================================================================
    7. RACADM usage syntax:
    8. racadm <subcommand> <options>
    9. Examples:
    10. racadm getsysinfo
    11. racadm getsysinfo -d
    12. racadm getniccfg
    13. racadm setniccfg -d
    14. racadm setniccfg -s
    15. racadm getconfig -g cfgLanNetworking
    16. Display a list of available subcommands for the RAC:
    17. racadm help
    18. Display more detailed help for a specific subcommand:
    19. racadm help <subcommand>
    20. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    21. Remote RACADM usage syntax:
    22. racadm -r <RAC IP address> -u <username> -p <password> <subcommand> <options>
    23. racadm -r <RAC IP address> -i <subcommand> <options>
    24. The "-i" option allows the username and password to be entered interactively.
    25. Examples:
    26. racadm -r -u racuser1 -p aygqt12a getsysinfo
    27. racadm -r -u racuser2 -p gsdf12o1 getractime
    28. racadm -r -u racuser3 -p djh2iuha getconfig -g cfgSerial
    29. racadm -r -u racuser5 -p dsajkhds help getsysinfo
    30. Display a list of available subcommands for the remote RAC:
    31. racadm -r <RAC IP address> -u <username> -p <password> help
    32. Display more detailed help for a specific subcommand:
    33. racadm -r <RAC IP address> -u <username> -p <password> help <subcommand>
    34. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    35. [root@prod-cloudsino-server ~]#
    1. [root@prod-cloudsino-server ~]# racadm -r -u root -p Admin@9000 getsysinfo
    2. Security Alert: Certificate is invalid - self signed certificate
    3. Continuing execution. Use -S option for racadm to stop execution on certificate-related errors.
    4. RAC Information:
    5. RAC Date/Time = Tue Mar 2 08:19:20 2021
    6. Firmware Version =
    7. Firmware Build = 47
    8. Last Firmware Update = 02/27/2021 11:02:56
    9. Hardware Version = 0.01
    10. MAC Address = f4:02:70:a3:97:56
    11. SVC Tag = 10VF4Y2
    12. Common settings:
    13. Register DNS RAC Name = 0
    14. DNS RAC Name = iDRAC-10VF4Y2
    15. Current DNS Domain =
    16. Domain Name from DHCP = Disabled
    17. IPv4 settings:
    18. Enabled = 1
    19. Current IP Address =
    20. Current IP Gateway =
    21. Current IP Netmask =
    22. DHCP Enabled = 0
    23. Current DNS Server 1 =
    24. Current DNS Server 2 =
    25. DNS Servers from DHCP = Disabled
    26. IPv6 settings:
    27. Enabled = 0
    28. Current IP Address 1 = ::
    29. Current IP Gateway = ::
    30. Autoconfig = 1
    31. Link Local IP Address = fe80::f602:70ff:fea3:9756/64
    32. Current IP Address 2 = ::
    33. Current IP Address 3 = ::
    34. Current IP Address 4 = ::
    35. Current IP Address 5 = ::
    36. Current IP Address 6 = ::
    37. Current IP Address 7 = ::
    38. Current IP Address 8 = ::
    39. Current IP Address 9 = ::
    40. Current IP Address 10 = ::
    41. Current IP Address 11 = ::
    42. Current IP Address 12 = ::
    43. Current IP Address 13 = ::
    44. Current IP Address 14 = ::
    45. Current IP Address 15 = ::
    46. DNS Servers from DHCPv6 = Disabled
    47. Current DNS Server 1 = ::
    48. Current DNS Server 2 = ::
    49. System Information:
    50. System Model = PowerEdge R740
    51. System Revision = I
    52. System BIOS Version = 2.2.11
    53. Service Tag = 10VF4Y2
    54. Express Svc Code = 2229556682
    55. Host Name =
    56. OS Name =
    57. OS Version =
    58. Power Status = ON
    59. Fresh Air Capable = Yes
    60. RollupStatus = Ok
    61. Watchdog Information:
    62. Recovery Action = None
    63. Present countdown value = seconds
    64. Initial countdown value = seconds
    65. System Thermal Information:
    66. EstimatedSystemAirflow = 49 CFM
    67. EstimatedExhaustTemperature = 37 Degrees Centigrade
    68. Embedded NIC MAC Addresses:
    69. NIC.Integrated.1-1-1 Ethernet = E4:43:4B:5B:E0:30
    70. FIP = E4:43:4B:5B:E0:31
    71. WWN = 20:00:E4:43:4B:5B:E0:31
    72. WWPN = 20:01:E4:43:4B:5B:E0:31
    73. NIC.Integrated.1-4-1 Ethernet = E4:43:4B:5B:E0:35
    74. NIC.Integrated.1-2-1 Ethernet = E4:43:4B:5B:E0:32
    75. FIP = E4:43:4B:5B:E0:33
    76. WWN = 20:00:E4:43:4B:5B:E0:33
    77. WWPN = 20:01:E4:43:4B:5B:E0:33
    78. NIC.Integrated.1-3-1 Ethernet = E4:43:4B:5B:E0:34
    79. [root@prod-cloudsino-server ~]#
    1. [root@prod-cloudsino-server ~]# racadm -r -u root -p Admin@9000 get iDRAC.Users.2
    2. Security Alert: Certificate is invalid - self signed certificate
    3. Continuing execution. Use -S option for racadm to stop execution on certificate-related errors.
    4. [Key=iDRAC.Embedded.1#Users.2]
    5. AuthenticationProtocol=SHA
    6. EmailAddress=
    7. Enable=Enabled
    8. IPMIKey=FE93D698ED7E3A4B8D57A35F659DC02441009967D1DF83F8C221438C21C13F09
    9. IpmiLanPrivilege=4
    10. IpmiSerialPrivilege=4
    11. MD5v3Key=BE86FAF29726279F90921E22F4DB5A76
    12. !!Password=******** (Write-Only)
    13. PrivacyProtocol=AES
    14. Privilege=0x1ff
    15. ProtocolEnable=Disabled
    16. SHA1v3Key=D9377927CA5B8BBF2416FF418242EEE628C45938
    17. SHA256Password=0540288F93E8ADA373AE8CCA0480E7E15F6EBA949D9383CABB1DF75857191D5A
    18. SHA256PasswordSalt=F18DD402F95A2F871A417BA44089A250
    19. Simple2FA=Disabled
    20. SMSNumber=
    21. SolEnable=Enabled
    22. UseEmail=Disabled
    23. UserName=root
    24. UseSMS=Disabled
    25. [root@prod-cloudsino-server ~]#
    1. [root@prod-cloudsino-server ~]# racadm -r -u root -p admin@9000 get iDRAC.Users.2 |grep UserName
    2. UserName=root
    3. [root@prod-cloudsino-server ~]# racadm -r -u root -p admin@9000 set iDRAC.Users.2.Password Admin@9000
    4. Security Alert: Certificate is invalid - self signed certificate
    5. Continuing execution. Use -S option for racadm to stop execution on certificate-related errors.
    6. [Key=iDRAC.Embedded.1#Users.2]
    7. Object value modified successfully
    8. [root@prod-cloudsino-server ~]#
    1. [root@prod-cloudsino-server ~]# sh racadm.sh
    2. Security Alert: Certificate is invalid - self signed certificate
    3. Continuing execution. Use -S option for racadm to stop execution on certificate-related errors.
    4. [Key=iDRAC.Embedded.1#Users.2]
    5. Object value modified successfully
    6. Security Alert: Certificate is invalid - self signed certificate
    7. Continuing execution. Use -S option for racadm to stop execution on certificate-related errors.
    8. [Key=iDRAC.Embedded.1#Users.2]
    9. Object value modified successfully
    10. [root@prod-cloudsino-server ~]# cat racadm.sh
    11. #! /bin/bash
    12. pw=admin@9000
    13. for i in `cat /root/ip.txt`; do
    14. racadm -r $i -u root -p $pw set iDRAC.Users.2.Password Admin@9000
    15. done
    16. [root@prod-cloudsino-server ~]# cat /root/ip.txt
    19. [root@prod-cloudsino-server ~]#