• S(single)-单一职责原则- 一个程序只做好一件事;如果功能过于复杂就拆分开,每个部分保持独立;
  • O(open-close)-开放封闭原则- 对扩展开放,对修改封闭;增加需求时,扩展新代码,而非修改已有代码;
  • L(Liskov)-里氏置换原则-子类能覆盖父类;父类能出现的地方子类就能出现;
  • I(Interface)-接口独立原则-保持接口的单一独立,避免出现”胖接口“;js中没有接口(typescript除外),使用少;
  • D(Dependence)-依赖倒置原则-编程依赖抽象接口,不要依赖具体实现;使用方只关注接口而不关注具体类的实现;



  1. // 单一职责原则:
  2. // const fs = require('fs')
  3. class Joyral {
  4. constructor() {
  5. this.entries = {}
  6. }
  7. addEvent(text) {
  8. let count = ++Joyral.count
  9. let entry = `${count}:${text}`
  10. this.entries[count] = entry
  11. return count
  12. }
  13. removeEntry(index) {
  14. delete this.entries[index]
  15. }
  16. toObject() {
  17. return this.entries
  18. }
  19. }
  20. Joyral.count = 0
  21. let joyral = new Joyral()
  22. joyral.addEvent('今天早上吃了面条')
  23. joyral.addEvent('今天中午吃了米饭')
  24. console.log(joyral.toObject())



  1. let Color = Object.freeze({
  2. red: 'red',
  3. green: 'green',
  4. blue: 'blue'
  5. })
  6. let Size = Object.freeze({
  7. small: 'small',
  8. medium: 'medium',
  9. large: 'large'
  10. })
  11. class Product {
  12. constructor(name, color, size) {
  13. this.name = name
  14. this.color = color
  15. this.size = size
  16. }
  17. }
  18. class ProductFilter {
  19. filterBycolor(products, color) {
  20. return products.filter((p) => p.color === color)
  21. }
  22. filterBySize(products, size) {
  23. return products.filter((p) => p.color === size)
  24. }
  25. filterBySizeAndColor(products, size, color) {
  26. return products.filter((p) => p.size === size && p.color === color)
  27. }
  28. // 如果还有不同的功能需要挨个添加
  29. }
  30. // 颜色规格
  31. class ColorSpecification {
  32. constructor(color) {
  33. this.color = color
  34. }
  35. isSatisfied(item) {
  36. return item.color === this.color
  37. }
  38. }
  39. // 尺寸规格
  40. class SizeSpecifcation {
  41. constructor(size) {
  42. this.size = size
  43. }
  44. isSatisfied(item) {
  45. return item.size === this.size
  46. }
  47. }
  48. class AndSpecification {
  49. constructor(...specs) {
  50. this.specs = specs
  51. }
  52. isSatisfied(item) {
  53. return this.specs.every((x) => x.isSatisfied(item))
  54. }
  55. }
  56. let apple = new Product('Apple', Color.green, Size.small)
  57. let tree = new Product('Tree', Color.green, Size.large)
  58. let house = new Product('House', Color.blue, Size.large)
  59. let products = [apple, tree, house]
  60. let pf = new ProductFilter()
  61. console.log('绿色的产品有(老):')
  62. for (let p of pf.filterBycolor(products, Color.green)) {
  63. console.log(`${p.name}是绿色的`)
  64. }
  65. class BetterFilter {
  66. filter(items, spec) {
  67. return items.filter((x) => spec.isSatisfied(x))
  68. }
  69. }
  70. let bf = new BetterFilter()
  71. console.log('绿色的产品有(新):')
  72. for (let p of bf.filter(products, new ColorSpecification(Color.green))) {
  73. console.log(`${p.name} 是绿色的`)
  74. }
  75. console.log('既大又绿的产品:')
  76. let spec = new AndSpecification(new ColorSpecification(Color.green), new SizeSpecifcation(Size.large))
  77. for (let p of bf.filter(products, spec)) {
  78. console.log(`${p.name} 是大的还是绿色的`)
  79. }