- 对于随机变量,均有概率,即有对应的分布特征。
- Probability Distribution(概率分布)
- Specifies the probabilities of the possible outcomes of a random variable.
- Discrete/Continuous random variables(离散/连续随机变量)
- Discrete random variables(离散随机变量)
- take on at most a countable number of possible outcomes but do not necessarily to be limited.
- 取值可数
- Continuous random variables(连续随机变量)
- cannot describe the possible outcomes of a continuous random variablewith a listbecause the outcomenot in the list, would always be possible.
- 取值不可数
- 特征:
- (even thoughcan happen)
- (计算概率时通常是计算区间的概率)
- Discrete random variables(离散随机变量)
- Probability function(概率函数)
- For discrete random variables
- Probability density function(PDF,概率密度函数)
- For continuous random variable commonly.
- 用密度函数图形的面积表示概率(以下为正太分布的概率密度函数)
- Cumulative probability function(CPF,累积概率函数)
2、概率分布:离散分布(2 种)
(1)Discrete uniform distribution(离散均匀分布)
- A known, finite number of outcomes equally likely to happen.(取值确定、取值概率相等)
- Every one ofoutcomes has equal probability
如:Rolling a dice will have 6 possible outcomes as,the probability of each outcome is 0.167
(2)Binomial distribution(二项式分布)
Bernoulli random variable(伯努利随机变量)
- 一个事件只有两种结果的情况(如抛硬币,结果只能是正面 or 反面)
- Binomial random variable(二项式随机变量)
- the probability ofsuccesses intrails
- 如:计算抛次硬币,有次正面朝上(假设代表成功)的概率(每次实验都相互独立,且每次实验均只能有两种结果)
- 次实验
- 次成功,成功的概率用表示
- 次不成功
- 公式原理:从次实验中挑选出次(即:),乘以其概率,剩下的次均为不成功的,其概率为,相乘即为所求概率。
- 次实验
- 应用:可应用到预测生孩子判断性别概率上,如:医院里当天生个孩子,求生出个男孩的概率
- 伯努利随机变量 vs 二项式随机变量
- 相同点:事件均只有两种结果
- 不同点:
- 伯努利随机变量中,只做一次实验
- 二项式随机变量中,做了 n 次实验
- Expectations(期望)、variances(方差)【了解,不太考,推导见视频】
3、概率分布:连续分布(3 种)
(1)Continuous Uniform Distribution(连续均匀分布)
- All intervals of the same length on the Continuous Uniform Distribution’s support are equally probable.
- The support is defined by the two parameters, and, which are its minumum and maximum values.
- (决定正太分布的变量:均值和方差)
- Symmetrical distribution:skewness=0, kurtosis=3
- 密度函数的图形形状对称
- A linear combination of normally distributed random variables is also normally distributed.
- 如果和均服从正太分布,则他们的线性组合也符合正太分布
- The tails get thin and go to zero but extend iinfinitely, asympotic(渐近)
(a)Confidence intervals(置信区间,正太分布的置信区间)
- 68% confidence interval is
- 90% confidence interval is
- 95% confidence interval is
- 99% confidence interval is
- standardization(普通正太分布的标准化):
- 如果,则
- 推导:
- 如果,则:
- 如果,则:
- (一组数据同时加上一个数,不会影响其离散程度)
- 如果,则:
- 为什么要进行标准化?
- 方便查表(Z-table 表);统计学家不可能做无数个正太分布表。
- Z-table 表如下(每个数值均为累积概率,只给出了的部分,另外一部分对称):
- 方便查表(Z-table 表);统计学家不可能做无数个正太分布表。
Shortfall risk
- :threshold level return、minimum return required
- 如果,出现这种情况的概率(),即为 Shortfall risk
- 即:基金经理做投资的回报率小于客户最底要求回报率的风险
- 越小越好
- Roy’s safety-first criterion
- 类似夏普比率,但此处的基准是(客户要求的最低回报率),而夏普比率的基准为(无风险回报率)
- 越大越好
Maximize S-F-Ratio
Ifis normal, thenis lognormal.
- 如果是正太分布,则服从对数正太分布(注意:不能颠倒说法)
- 特点:Right skewed(右偏).
- 考试时,可能会与偏度的相关概念与特性结合起来考
- The values of random variables that follow lognormal distribution are always be positive, so it is useful for modeling asset prices.
- 资产价格(P)总是大于 0 的,因此实际应用中总是假设资产价格符合对数正太分布。
- 而 Return 可以小于 0 或大于 0,与正太分布的特性相似,故实际应用中假设 Return 是符合正太分布的。
4、Monte Carlo simulation、Historical simulation
- 离散(Discrete)
- 连续(Continuous)
- (持有一年)
- (持有 T 年)
- Monte Carlo simulation
- generate a large number of random samples from specified probability distribution(s) to represent the operation of risk in the system.
- It is used in planning, in financial risk management, and in valuing complex securities.
- Limitations:
- The operating of Monte Carlo simulation is very complex and we must assume a parameter distribution in advance.
- Monte Carlo simulation provides only statistical estimates, not exact results.
Historical simulation
- repeat sampling from a historical data series.
- grounded in actual data but can reflect only risks represented in the sample historical data.
- Compared with Monte Carlo simulation, historical simulation does not lend itself to “what if” analyses.
(e)二项式分布:求期望 E(X)
(b)正太分布:Confidence intervals
(e)Shortfall risk、Roy’s safety-first criterion、Maximize S-F-Ratio
Roy’s safety-first criterion 计算与比较
- (求解取最大值即可)
Shortfall risk 的理解、Roy’s safety-first criterion 计算与比较、正太分布概率计算
(3)Monte Carlo simulation