- 时间价值(为后面科目打基础)
- Time value of money
- 今天的一块钱不等于明天的一块钱(100 块钱存银行,每年利率 10%,则一年后得 110)
- Discounted Cash Flow
- NPV、IRR 相关计算
- 各种收益率(r)的计算
- Time value of money
- 概率论和数学统计
- 概率论
- Probability Concepts
- 描述性统计
- Statistical Concepts and Market Returns
- Common Probability Distribution
- 推断性统计(样本 —> 推断总体,抽样估计)
- Sampling and Estimation
- Hypothesis Testing(判断推断是否准确)【难】
- 概率论
compound interest:复利(利滚利)
- When an investment is subjected to compound interest, the growth in the value of the investment from period to period reflects not only the interest earned on the original principal amount but also on the interest earned on the previous period’s interest earnings(the interest on interest).
- required rate of return:要求回报率
- Equilibrium interest rates are the required rate of return for a particular investment, in the sense that the market rate of return is the return that investors and savers require to get them to willingly lend their funds.
- annuity:年金
- An annuity is a stream of equal cash flows that occurs at equal intervals over a given period.
- Receivina $1000 per year at the end of each of the next eight years is an example of an annuity.
- perpetuity:永续年金
- A perpetuity is a financial instrument that pays a fixed amount of money at set intervals over an infinite period of time.
- holding period yield(HPY,holding period return):持有期收益率
- Holding period yield is the total return an investor earns between the purchase date and the sale or maturity date.
- effective annual yield:真实(有效)年利率
- The effective annual yield (EAY) is an annualized value, based on a 365-day year, that accounts for compound interest.
- bond equivalent yield:债券等价收益率
- The bond eauivalent yield refers to 2 x the semiannual discount rate. This convention stems from the fact that yields on U.S. bonds are guoted as twice the semiannual rate, because the coupon interest is paid in two semiannual payments.
- absolute frequency:绝对频数
- The absolute frequency, or simply the frequency, is the actual number of observations that fall within a given interval.
- relative frequency:相对频数
- The relative frequency is another useful way to present data.
- The relative frequency is calculated by dividing the absolute frequency of each return interval by the total number of observations.
- frequency polygon:频数多边形
- To construct a freauency polyaon, the midpoint of each interval is plotted on the horizontal axis. and the absolute freauency for that interval is plotted on the vertical axis. Each point is then connected with a straight line.
- quantile:分位数
- Quantile is the general term for a value at or below which a stated proportion of the data in a distribution lies.
- outliers:异常值
- Outliers are observations with extraordinarily large values, either positive or negative.
- unconditionalprobability:非条件概率
- Unconditional probability (a.k.a. marginal probability) refers to the probability of an event regardless of the past or future occurrence of other events.
- conditional probability:条件概率
- A conditional probability is one where the occurrence of one event affects the probability of the occurrence of another event.
- joint probability:联合概率
- The joint probability of two events is the probability that they will both occur.
- discrete uniform random variable:离散均匀分布随机变量
- A discrete uniform random variable is one for which the probabilities for all possible outcomes for a discrete random variable are equal.
- continuous uniform distribution:连续均匀分布
- The continuous uniform distribution is defined over a range that spans between some lower limit, a, and some upper limit, b, which serve as the parameters of the distribution.
- continuous compounding:连续复利
- Discretely compounded returns are just the compound returns we are familiar with, given some discrete compounding period, such as semiannual or quarterly.
- Daily or even hourly compounding will produce still larger effective yields. The limit of this exercise, as the compounding periods get shorter and shorter, is called continuous compounding.
- sampling error:抽样误差
- Sampling error is the difference between a sample statistic (the mean, variance, or standard deviation of the sample) and its corresponding population parameter (the true mean, variance, or standard deviation of the population).
- standarderror of the sample mean:样本均值的标准误
- The standard error of the sample mean is the standard deviation of the distribution of the sample means.
- confidence interval:置信区间
- A confidence interval is a range of values around the expected outcome within which we expect the actual outcome to be some specified percentage of the time.
- Confidence interval estimates result in a range of values within which the actual value of a parameter will lie, given the probability of
. Here, alpha,
, is called the level of significance for the confidence interval, and theprobability
is referred to as the degree of confidence.
- hypothesis testing:假设检验
- Hypothesis testing is the statistical assessment of a statement or idea regarding a population.