Genetic Algorithm
    遗传算法(Genetic Algorithm, GA)是Holland在20世纪60年代末提出的,是受遗传学中自然选择和遗传机制启发发展起来的一种搜索算法。它的基本思想是使用模拟生物和人类进化的方法求解复杂的优化问题,因而也称为模拟进化优化算法。模拟进化优化算法在计算原理上是自适应的,结构上是并行的,而且模仿了人的智能处理特征,因而成为人工智能的一个重要研究领域。

    实验环境 Win 10 + Python 3

    1. # 初始化种群
    2. population = initPopulation(cities, numOfCity)
    3. # 演化
    4. curGen = 0
    5. while curGen < MAXGENS:
    6. random.shuffle(population)
    7. # 选择
    8. population = select(population, numOfCity)
    9. # 交叉
    10. population = crosscover(population, numOfCity)
    11. # 变异
    12. population = mutate(population, numOfCity)
    13. # 引入局部搜索,加强进化
    14. population = localSearch(population, numOfCity)


    1. # Initial population
    2. def initPopulation(cities, numOfCity):
    3. population = []
    4. individual = [i for i in range(numOfCity)]
    5. for _ in range(int(POPSIZE * 2 / 10)):
    6. random.shuffle(individual)
    7. population.append(individual[:])
    8. for _ in range(int(POPSIZE - len(population))):
    9. start = random.randint(0, numOfCity-1)
    10. gIndividual = []
    11. gIndividual.append(start)
    12. j = 1
    13. while j < numOfCity:
    14. mixDis = float_info.max
    15. i, bestId = 0, 0
    16. while i < numOfCity:
    17. if (i not in gIndividual) and i != gIndividual[-1] and distance[gIndividual[-1]][i] < mixDis:
    18. bestId = i
    19. mixDis = distance[gIndividual[-1]][i]
    20. i += 1
    21. j = j + 1
    22. gIndividual.append(bestId)
    23. population.append(gIndividual[:])
    24. random.shuffle(population)
    25. return population

    关于适应度评估,其适应度等于该路径的的倒数,即1 / totalDistance

    1. # calculate indibidual fitness
    2. def evaluate(individual):
    3. fitness = 0.0
    4. for i in range(len(individual) - 1):
    5. fitness += distance[individual[i]][individual[i+1]]
    6. # back to starting point
    7. fitness += distance[individual[len(individual)-1]][individual[0]]
    8. return fitness


    1. # selection operation
    2. def select(population, numOfCity):
    3. newPopulation = []
    4. best = float_info.max
    5. bestId = 0
    6. fitness = []
    7. sumOfFitness = 0.0
    8. # evalute
    9. for i in range(POPSIZE):
    10. fit = evaluate(population[i])
    11. fitness.append(1 / fit)
    12. sumOfFitness += 1 / fit
    13. if (best > fit) :
    14. best = fit
    15. bestId = i
    16. # choosing the best individual to directly inherit to the next generation
    17. newPopulation.append(population[bestId])
    18. # cumulative probability
    19. cumPro = []
    20. for i in range(POPSIZE):
    21. if i == 0:
    22. cumPro.append(fitness[i] / sumOfFitness)
    23. else:
    24. cumPro.append(fitness[i] / sumOfFitness + cumPro[i-1])
    25. # roulette selection of offspring
    26. for i in range(POPSIZE-1):
    27. pro = random.random()
    28. for j in range(POPSIZE):
    29. if cumPro[j] >= pro:
    30. newPopulation.append(population[j])
    31. break
    32. return newPopulation

    关于交叉操作,取随机的两条染色体i,j,有一定的概率进行交叉。这部分使用次序交叉法(Order Crossover)

    1. # order crossover
    2. subPopulation = []
    3. for i in range(POPSIZE):
    4. if random.random() <= PXOVER:
    5. chromosomeFir = random.randint(0, POPSIZE - 1)
    6. chromosomeSec = random.randint(0, POPSIZE - 1)
    7. while chromosomeFir == chromosomeSec:
    8. chromosomeSec = random.randint(0, POPSIZE - 1)
    9. start = random.randint(0, numOfCity - 2)
    10. end = random.randint(start + 1, numOfCity - 1)
    11. newIndividual_i = []
    12. newIndividual_j = []
    13. k = 0
    14. for j in range(numOfCity):
    15. if j >= start and j < end:
    16. newIndividual_i.append(population[chromosomeFir][j])
    17. j = end
    18. else:
    19. while k < numOfCity:
    20. if population[chromosomeSec][k] not in population[chromosomeFir][start:end]:
    21. newIndividual_i.append(population[chromosomeSec][k])
    22. k += 1
    23. break
    24. k += 1
    25. k = 0
    26. for j in range(numOfCity):
    27. if population[chromosomeSec][j] in population[chromosomeFir][start:end]:
    28. newIndividual_j.append(population[chromosomeSec][j])
    29. else:
    30. if k == start:
    31. k = end
    32. newIndividual_j.append(population[chromosomeFir][k])
    33. k += 1
    34. subPopulation.append(newIndividual_i[:])
    35. subPopulation.append(newIndividual_j[:])


    1. # competition
    2. subPopulation.sort(key = lambda x: evaluate(x))
    3. for i in range(len(subPopulation)):
    4. for j in range(POPSIZE):
    5. if evaluate(subPopulation[i]) < evaluate(population[j]):
    6. population[j] = subPopulation[i]
    7. break


    1. # mutation operation
    2. def mutate(population, numOfCity):
    3. for i in range(len(population)):
    4. if random.random() <= PMUTATION:
    5. geneFir = random.randint(1,numOfCity-2)
    6. geneSec = random.randint(geneFir+1, numOfCity-1)
    7. population[i][geneFir:geneSec] = population[i][geneSec-1:geneFir-1:-1]
    8. if random.random() <= PMUTATION:
    9. geneFir = random.randint(0,numOfCity-1)
    10. geneSec = random.randint(0, numOfCity-1)
    11. while geneFir == geneSec:
    12. geneSec = random.randint(0, numOfCity-1)
    13. population[i][geneFir], population[i][geneSec] = population[i][geneSec], population[i][geneFir]
    14. return population

    测试 TSP - ch130
    Optimal solutions for symmetric TSPs - ch130: 6110
    种群大小 50
    遗传代数 1000
    交叉概率 0.9
    变异概率 0.2
    算法本次测试结果为 6637(8.63%) ,参考最佳结果为 6110 。大多数情况下,算法与最优参考解的平均差值为9%,最优的结果为6627.0,误差为8.5%。


