
  • 了解数据是如何在内存和磁盘存储的
  • 数据是怎么移动到磁盘
  • 主键是如何保持唯一性
  • 索引是如何形成
  • 如何进行全表遍历
  • 熟悉Go语言对内存以及文件操作




Go语言从0到1实现最简单的数据库! - 图1
其中:前端的输入是一个SQL查询。输出是sqlite虚拟机字节码(本质上是一个可以在数据库上操作的编译程序) 后端:VM将前端生成的字节作为指令,然后对一个表或者多个表或索引进行操作,每一个表或者索引都存储在B树中,VM本质上时指令的分支选择语句。B树组成了每一个节点,每个节点的最大长度时一页。B树可以通过pager的命令,将数据保存到磁盘上。pager收到数据读写的命令,负责数据偏移与读写,它还将最近访问的页面缓存在内存中,并确定何时需要将这些页面写回磁盘。



Go语言从0到1实现最简单的数据库! - 图2


  1. // run main 主函数,这样写方便单元测试
  2. func run() {
  3. table, err := dbOpen("./db.txt")
  4. if err != nil {
  5. panic(err)
  6. }
  7. for {
  8. printPrompt()
  9. // 语句解析
  10. inputBuffer, err := readInput()
  11. if err != nil {
  12. fmt.Println("read err", err)
  13. }
  14. // 特殊操作
  15. if len(inputBuffer) != 0 && inputBuffer[0] == '.' {
  16. switch doMetaCommand(inputBuffer, table) {
  17. case metaCommandSuccess:
  18. continue
  19. case metaCommandUnRecongnizedCommand:
  20. fmt.Println("Unrecognized command", inputBuffer)
  21. continue
  22. }
  23. }
  24. // 普通操作 code Generator
  25. statement := Statement{}
  26. switch prepareStatement(inputBuffer, &statement) {
  27. case prepareSuccess:
  28. break;
  29. case prepareUnrecognizedStatement:
  30. fmt.Println("Unrecognized keyword at start of ", inputBuffer)
  31. continue
  32. default:
  33. fmt.Println("invalid unput ", inputBuffer)
  34. continue
  35. }
  36. res := executeStatement(&statement, table)
  37. if res == ExecuteSuccess {
  38. fmt.Println("Exected")
  39. continue
  40. }
  41. if res == ExecuteTableFull {
  42. fmt.Printf("Error: Table full.\n");
  43. break
  44. }
  45. if res == EXECUTE_DUPLICATE_KEY {
  46. fmt.Printf("Error: Duplicate key.\n");
  47. break;
  48. }
  49. }
  50. }


  1. func doMetaCommand(input string, table *Table) metaCommandType {
  2. if input == ".exit" {
  3. dbClose(table)
  4. os.Exit(0)
  5. return metaCommandSuccess
  6. }
  7. if input == ".btree" {
  8. fmt.Printf("Tree:\n");
  9. print_leaf_node(getPage(table.pager, 0));
  10. return metaCommandSuccess;
  11. }
  12. if input == ".constants" {
  13. fmt.Printf("Constants:\n");
  14. print_constants();
  15. return metaCommandSuccess
  16. }
  17. return metaCommandUnRecongnizedCommand
  18. }

Go语言从0到1实现最简单的数据库! - 图3




  1. func prepareStatement(input string, statement *Statement)PrepareType {
  2. if len(input) >= 6 && input[0:6] == "insert" {
  3. statement.statementType = statementInsert
  4. inputs := strings.Split(input, " ")
  5. if len(inputs) <=1 {
  6. return prepareUnrecognizedStatement
  7. }
  8. id, err := strconv.ParseInt(inputs[1], 10, 64)
  9. if err != nil {
  10. return prepareUnrecognizedSynaErr
  11. }
  12. statement.rowToInsert.ID = int32(id)
  13. statement.rowToInsert.UserName = inputs[2]
  14. statement.rowToInsert.Email = inputs[3]
  15. return prepareSuccess
  16. }
  17. if len(input) >= 6 &amp;&amp; input[0:6] == "select" {
  18. statement.statementType = statementSelect
  19. return prepareSuccess
  20. }
  21. return prepareUnrecognizedStatement
  22. }


  1. // executeStatement 实行sql语句 ,解析器解析程statement,将最终成为我们的虚拟机
  2. func executeStatement(statement *Statement, table *Table) executeResult{
  3. switch statement.statementType {
  4. case statementInsert:
  5. return executeInsert(statement, table)
  6. case statementSelect:
  7. return executeSelect(statement, table)
  8. default:
  9. fmt.Println("unknown statement")
  10. }
  11. return ExecuteSuccess
  12. }



Go语言从0到1实现最简单的数据库! - 图4


  1. // 将row序列化到指针,为标准写入磁盘做准备
  2. func serializeRow(row *Row, destionaton unsafe.Pointer) {
  3. ids := Uint32ToBytes(row.ID)
  4. q := (*[ROW_SIZE]byte)(destionaton)
  5. copy(q[0:ID_SIZE], ids)
  6. copy(q[ID_SIZE+1:ID_SIZE+USERNAME_SIZE], (row.UserName))
  7. copy(q[ID_SIZE+USERNAME_SIZE+1: ROW_SIZE], (row.Email))
  8. }


  1. // deserializeRow 将文件内容序列化成数据库元数据
  2. func deserializeRow(source unsafe.Pointer, rowDestination *Row) {
  3. ids := make([]byte, ID_SIZE, ID_SIZE)
  4. sourceByte := (*[ROW_SIZE]byte)(source)
  5. copy(ids[0:ID_SIZE], (*sourceByte)[0:ID_SIZE])
  6. rowDestination.ID = BytesToInt32(ids)
  7. userName := make([]byte, USERNAME_SIZE, USERNAME_SIZE)
  8. copy(userName[0:], (*sourceByte)[ID_SIZE+1: ID_SIZE + USERNAME_SIZE])
  9. realNameBytes := getUseFulByte(userName)
  10. rowDestination.UserName = (string)(realNameBytes)
  11. emailStoreByte := make([]byte, EMAIL_SIZE, EMAIL_SIZE)
  12. copy(emailStoreByte[0:], (*sourceByte)[1+ ID_SIZE + USERNAME_SIZE: ROW_SIZE])
  13. emailByte := getUseFulByte(emailStoreByte)
  14. rowDestination.Email = (string)(emailByte)
  15. }



  1. // Pager 管理数据从磁盘到内存
  2. type Pager struct {
  3. osfile *os.File;
  4. fileLength int64;
  5. numPages uint32;
  6. pages []unsafe.Pointer; // 存储数据
  7. }


  1. // Table 数据库表
  2. type Table struct {
  3. rootPageNum uint32;
  4. pager *Pager;
  5. }


  1. // pagerFlush 这一页写入文件系统
  2. func pagerFlush(pager *Pager, pageNum , realNum uint32) error{
  3. if pager.pages[pageNum] == nil {
  4. return fmt.Errorf("pagerFlush null page")
  5. }
  6. offset, err := pager.osfile.Seek(int64(pageNum*PageSize), io.SeekStart)
  7. if err != nil {
  8. return fmt.Errorf("seek %v", err)
  9. }
  10. if offset == -1 {
  11. return fmt.Errorf("offset %v", offset)
  12. }
  13. originByte := make([]byte, realNum)
  14. q := (*[PageSize]byte)(pager.pages[pageNum])
  15. copy(originByte[0:realNum], (*q)[0:realNum])
  16. // 写入到byte指针里面
  17. bytesWritten, err := pager.osfile.WriteAt(originByte, offset)
  18. if err != nil {
  19. return fmt.Errorf("write %v", err)
  20. }
  21. // 捞取byte数组到这一页中
  22. fmt.Println("already wittern", bytesWritten)
  23. return nil
  24. }


  1. func dbClose(table *Table) {
  2. for i:= uint32(0); i < table.pager.numPages; i++ {
  3. if table.pager.pages[i] == nil {
  4. continue
  5. }
  6. pagerFlush(table.pager, i, PageSize);
  7. }
  8. defer table.pager.osfile.Close()
  9. // go语言自带gc
  10. }


  1. func getPage(pager *Pager, pageNum uint32) unsafe.Pointer {
  2. if pageNum > TABLE_MAX_PAGES {
  3. fmt.Println("Tried to fetch page number out of bounds:", pageNum)
  4. os.Exit(0)
  5. }
  6. if pager.pages[pageNum] == nil {
  7. page := make([]byte, PageSize)
  8. numPage := uint32(pager.fileLength/PageSize) // 第几页
  9. if pager.fileLength%PageSize == 0 {
  10. numPage += 1
  11. }
  12. if pageNum <= numPage {
  13. curOffset := pageNum*PageSize
  14. // 偏移到下次可以读读未知
  15. curNum, err := pager.osfile.Seek(int64(curOffset), io.SeekStart)
  16. if err != nil {
  17. panic(err)
  18. }
  19. fmt.Println(curNum)
  20. // 读到偏移这一页到下一页,必须是真的有多少字符
  21. if _,err = pager.osfile.ReadAt(page, curNum);err != nil &amp;&amp; err != io.EOF{
  22. panic(err)
  23. }
  24. }
  25. pager.pages[pageNum] = unsafe.Pointer(&amp;page[0])
  26. if pageNum >= pager.numPages {
  27. pager.numPages = pageNum +1
  28. }
  29. }
  30. return pager.pages[pageNum]
  31. }










  1. // 返回key的位置,如果key不存在,返回应该被插入的位置
  2. func tableFind(table *Table, key uint32) *Cursor {
  3. rootPageNum := table.rootPageNum
  4. rootNode := getPage(table.pager, rootPageNum)
  5. // 没有找到匹配到
  6. if getNodeType(rootNode) == leafNode {
  7. return leafNodeFind(table, rootPageNum, key)
  8. } else {
  9. fmt.Printf("Need to implement searching an internal node\n");
  10. os.Exit(0);
  11. }
  12. return nil
  13. }


  1. func leafNodeFind(table *Table, pageNum uint32, key uint32) *Cursor {
  2. node := getPage(table.pager, pageNum)
  3. num_cells := *leaf_node_num_cells(node)
  4. cur := &amp;Cursor{
  5. table: table,
  6. page_num: pageNum,
  7. }
  8. // Binary search
  9. var min_index uint32
  10. var one_past_max_index = num_cells
  11. for ;one_past_max_index != min_index; {
  12. index := (min_index + one_past_max_index) /2
  13. key_at_index := *leaf_node_key(node, index)
  14. if key == key_at_index {
  15. cur.cell_num = index
  16. return cur
  17. }
  18. // 如果在小到一边,就将最大值变成当前索引
  19. if key < key_at_index {
  20. one_past_max_index = index
  21. } else {
  22. min_index = index+1 // 选择左侧
  23. }
  24. }
  25. cur.cell_num = min_index
  26. return cur
  27. }


  1. // Cursor 光标
  2. type Cursor struct {
  3. table *Table
  4. pageNum uint32 // 第几页
  5. cellNum uint32 // 多少个数据单元
  6. endOfTable bool
  7. }
  8. func tableStart(table *Table) * Cursor{
  9. rootNode := getPage(table.pager, table.rootPageNum)
  10. numCells := *leaf_node_num_cells(rootNode)
  11. return &amp;Cursor{
  12. table: table,
  13. pageNum: table.rootPageNum,
  14. cellNum: 0,
  15. endOfTable: numCells ==0,
  16. }
  17. }
  18. func cursorAdvance(cursor *Cursor) {
  19. node := getPage(cursor.table.pager, cursor.pageNum)
  20. cursor.cellNum += 1
  21. if cursor.cellNum >=(*leaf_node_num_cells(node)) {
  22. cursor.endOfTable = true
  23. }
  24. }




3.https://github.com/gobuffalo (Buffalo - The Go Web Eco-System Web 生态系统)