据统计容器中的大部分文件不会被使用。根据这一特征,Nydus 自定义了 Rafs 格式的文件系统,实现了镜像文件的按需加载,以解决大镜像导致的启动慢和占用存储的问题。而在 AI 场景下,无论是推理还是训练,镜像常常都是几个 G 起步,甚至几十个 G,Nydus 非常适用。

本篇主要是一些具体操作步骤,用于快速配置镜像懒加载方案 Nydus,以及常见问题的处理方法。

1. 安装 nerdctl 和 nydus

  • 安装 Opscli
  1. curl -sfL https://mirror.ghproxy.com/https://mirror.ghproxy.com/https://raw.githubusercontent.com/shaowenchen/ops/main/getcli.sh |VERSION=latest sh -

如果已经安装,可以更新 Opscli 到最新版本。

  1. opscli upgrade
  • 安装 nerdctl
  1. opscli task -f ~/.ops/task/add-nerdctl.yaml

通过 -i ~/.kube/config 参数指定整个集群。

  • 安装 nydus
  1. opscli task -f ~/.ops/task/add-nydus.yaml

通过 -i ~/.kube/config 参数指定整个集群。

2. 启动 nydus-snapshotter

在文档 https://github.com/containerd/nydus-snapshotter/tree/main/misc/snapshotter 中有很多示例配置。我们线上 Linux Kernel 并不是都高于 5.19 ,这里选择了 fuse 的方式。

2.1 创建配置文件 /etc/nydus/config.toml

  1. mkdir -p /etc/nydus
  2. wget https://mirror.ghproxy.com/https://raw.githubusercontent.com/shaowenchen/hubimage/main/nydus/config.toml -O /etc/nydus/config.toml

2.2 创建配置文件 /etc/nydus/nydusd-config.fusedev.json

  • 配置后端、缓存
  1. wget https://mirror.ghproxy.com/https://raw.githubusercontent.com/shaowenchen/hubimage/main/nydus/nydusd-config.fusedev.json -O /etc/nydus/nydusd-config.fusedev.json
  • 创建 Systemd Unit 启动文件
  1. wget https://mirror.ghproxy.com/https://raw.githubusercontent.com/shaowenchen/hubimage/main/nydus/nydus-snapshotter.service -O /etc/systemd/system/nydus-snapshotter.service
  • 创建数据目录
  1. mkdir -p /data/containerd/io.containerd.snapshotter.v1.nydus
  • 启动配置
  1. systemctl enable nydus-snapshotter
  2. systemctl start nydus-snapshotter
  3. systemctl status nydus-snapshotter
  • 查看服务日志
  1. journalctl -u nydus-snapshotter -f

3. Containerd 集成 Nydus

  • 添加 nydus snapshotter 插件


  1. vim /etc/containerd/config.toml


  1. [plugins]
  2. [plugins."io.containerd.grpc.v1.cri"]
  3. [plugins."io.containerd.grpc.v1.cri".containerd]
  4. default_runtime_name = "runc"
  5. ignore_rdt_not_enabled_errors = false
  6. no_pivot = false
  7. discard_unpacked_layers = false
  8. disable_snapshot_annotations = false
  9. snapshotter = "nydus"
  10. [proxy_plugins]
  11. [proxy_plugins.nydus]
  12. type = "snapshot"
  13. address = "/run/containerd-nydus/containerd-nydus-grpc.sock"
  • 重启 containerd
  1. systemctl restart containerd
  • 检查是否安装成功
  1. ctr -a /run/containerd/containerd.sock plugin ls | grep nydus
  2. io.containerd.snapshotter.v1 nydus - ok

4. 直接将 OCI 镜像转换成 Nydus 镜像

  • 登录镜像仓库
  1. nerdctl login https://index.docker.io/v1/

nerdctl 的用法和 docker 一样,如果有使用到其他仓库,就登录其他仓库。

  • 转换镜像
  1. nydusify convert --source shaowenchen/demo-ubuntu:latest --target shaowenchen/demo-ubuntu:latest-nydus
  2. pulling image docker.io/shaowenchen/demo-ubuntu:latest module=converter
  3. pulled image docker.io/shaowenchen/demo-ubuntu:latest, elapse 9.743015898s module=converter
  4. converting image docker.io/shaowenchen/demo-ubuntu:latest module=converter
  5. converted image docker.io/shaowenchen/demo-ubuntu:latest-nydus, elapse 4.002142728s module=converter
  6. pushing image docker.io/shaowenchen/demo-ubuntu:latest-nydus module=converter
  7. pushed image docker.io/shaowenchen/demo-ubuntu:latest-nydus, elapse 1m25.054493982s module=converter

可以通过 —backend-config-file ~/.docker/config.json 指定镜像仓库的凭证。

5. 使用 Buildkit 构建 Dockerfile 生成 Nydus 镜像

除了使用 Nydusify 转换,还可以直接构建 Dockerfile 生成 Nydus 镜像。

  • 下载 Buildkit

https://github.com/moby/buildkit 提供的源码不支持 Nydus,需要使用 https://github.com/nydusaccelerator/buildkit 提供的版本,但后者又没有 release 版本,需要下载编译。这里,我编译好了一个版本,可以直接下载使用。

  1. wget https://mirror.ghproxy.com/https://github.com/shaowenchen/nydusaccelerator-buildkit/releases/download/latest/buildkit-linux-amd64.tar.gz
  • 安装 Buildkit
  1. tar xvf buildkit-linux-amd64.tar.gz
  2. mv bin/* /usr/local/bin/
  • 配置 Buildkitd
  1. mkdir -p /etc/buildkit /data/buildkit
  1. cat > /etc/buildkit/buildkitd.toml <<EOF
  2. debug = true
  3. root = "/data/buildkit"
  4. [worker.oci]
  5. enabled = false
  6. [worker.containerd]
  7. address = "/run/containerd/containerd.sock"
  8. enabled = true
  9. platforms = [ "linux/amd64", "linux/arm64" ]
  10. namespace = "buildkit"
  11. gc = true
  12. gckeepstorage = 9000
  13. cniPoolSize = 16
  14. EOF

生成 Systemd Unit 文件

  1. cat > /etc/systemd/system/buildkitd.service << EOF
  2. [Unit]
  3. Description=buildkitd service
  4. Documentation=https://github.com/moby/buildkit
  5. [Service]
  6. Environment="NYDUS_BUILDER=/usr/local/bin/nydus-image"
  7. ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/buildkitd --config /etc/buildkit/buildkitd.toml
  8. [Install]
  9. WantedBy=multi-user.target
  10. EOF
  • 启动 Buildkitd 服务
  1. systemctl enable buildkitd
  2. systemctl start buildkitd
  3. systemctl status buildkitd
  • 测试 Buildkitd 构建 Nydus 镜像
  1. cat << EOF >Dockerfile
  2. FROM shaowenchen/demo-ubuntu:latest
  3. RUN touch 123
  4. EOF
  1. buildctl build --frontend=dockerfile.v0 \
  2. --local context=. \
  3. --local dockerfile=. \
  4. --output type=image,name=shaowenchen/demo-ubuntu:latest-build-nydus,push=true,compression=nydus,force-compression=true,oci-mediatypes=true

也可以使用 nerdctl 进行构建,nerdctl 会自动调用 buildkit 进行构建。

  1. nerdctl build -f Dockerfile --output type=image,name=shaowenchen/demo-ubuntu:latest-build-nydus,push=true,compression=nydus,force-compression=true,oci-mediatypes=true .

推送使用的凭证是 ~/.docker/config.json,可使用 nerdctl login 登录。

  • 验证镜像
  1. nerdctl --snapshotter nydus run --rm -it shaowenchen/demo-ubuntu:latest-build-nydus

6. 应用层验证 Nydus

6.1 Containerd

  1. nerdctl --snapshotter nydus run --rm -it shaowenchen/demo-ubuntu:latest-nydus

其他 Nydus 镜像还有

  • shaowenchen/demo-whomai:latest-nydus
  • dragonflyoss/python:3.9.15-nydus
  • ghcr.io/dragonflyoss/image-service/ubuntu:nydus-nightly-v5

6.2 Kubernetes

  • 创建负载
  1. kubectl create deployment nydus-test --image=shaowenchen/demo-ubuntu:latest-nydus

也可以直接创建 DaemonSet 在每个节点上进行测试。

  1. cat << EOF | kubectl apply -f -
  2. apiVersion: apps/v1
  3. kind: DaemonSet
  4. metadata:
  5. name: nydus-test-daemonset
  6. spec:
  7. selector:
  8. matchLabels:
  9. app: nydus-test-daemonset
  10. template:
  11. metadata:
  12. labels:
  13. app: nydus-test-daemonset
  14. name: nydus-test-daemonset
  15. spec:
  16. tolerations:
  17. - key: "node-role.kubernetes.io/control-plane"
  18. operator: "Exists"
  19. effect: "NoSchedule"
  20. containers:
  21. - image: shaowenchen/demo-ubuntu:latest-nydus
  22. name: nydus-test-daemonset
  23. EOF
  • 查看负载
  1. kubectl get deployment nydus-test -o wide
  • 换不同节点
  1. kubectl patch deployment nydus-test -p '{"spec":{"template":{"spec":{"nodeName":"node1"}}}}'
  • 清理负载
  1. kubectl delete deployment nydus-test

7. 配置 Grafana 监控面板查看 Nydus 指标

  • 编辑 prometheus-server 配置
  1. kubectl -n monitor edit cm prometheus-server
  • 添加抓取 Nydus 指标的 Job
  1. scrape_configs:
  2. - job_name: nydus
  3. metrics_path: /v1/metrics
  4. static_configs:
  5. - targets:
  6. - x.x.x.x:9110
  7. - x.x.x.x:9110
  • 在 Grafana 添加面板

我绘制了一个简单的面板,已经分享到 Grafana 官网,可以直接导入,ID 为 20245 ,链接地址 https://grafana.com/grafana/dashboards/20245-nydus-dashboard/


[Docker] Nydus 懒加载镜像配置与实践 - 图1

8. 常见错误处理

使用 Nydus 时,可能会遇到各种问题,这里记录我遇到的问题和处理方式,持续更新。最好能使用干净的环境,一次性配置成功,反复配置可能会出现一些奇怪的问题。

8.1 拉取镜像时 no processor for media-type

  • 报错信息
  1. FATA[0000] failed to extract layer sha256:58e33caaf7a78562cc25629ed0414320c3d755b66bf1f313fdcff75748102013: failed to get stream processor for application/vnd.oci.image.layer.nydus.blob.v1: no processor for media-type: unknown
  1. failed to register layer: Error processing tar file(exit status 1): archive/tar: invalid tar header
  • 处理方式

nydus-snapshotter 服务异常,需要查看服务日志,或者在没有配置 Nydus 的情况下拉取镜像。

  1. journalctl -u nydus-snapshotter.service -f

8.2 应用起不来,snapshot already exists

  • 报错信息
  1. FATA[0001] unable to prepare extraction snapshot: target snapshot "sha256:58e33caaf7a78562cc25629ed0414320c3d755b66bf1f313fdcff75748102013": already exists
  1. create snapshot: missing parent "k8s.io/14/sha256:e3e5579ddd43c08e4b5c74dc12941a4ef656fab070b1087a1fd5a8a836b71e7d" bucket: not found
  • 处理方式


  1. nerdctl rmi shaowenchen/demo-ubuntu:latest-nydus
  1. nerdctl image prune --force --all

8.3 nydus-snapshotter 起不来,failed to initialize snapshotter: initialize filesystem

  • 报错信息
  1. level=error msg="Process 770795 has been a zombie"
  2. ...
  3. level=fatal msg="failed to start nydus-snapshotter" error="failed to initialize snapshotter: initialize filesystem thin layer: wait for daemon cmb35s0g2p2n0dt9tqag: wait until daemon is RUNNING: get daemon state: daemon socket /data/containerd/io.containerd.snapshotter.v1.nydus/socket/cmb35s0g2p2n0dt9tqag/api.sock: not found"

可能还有另外一个 containerd-nydus-grpc 没有彻底退出。

  • 处理方式
  1. ps aux |grep containerd-nydus-grpc

找到并杀掉另外一个进程,然后重启 nydus-snapshotter 服务。

8.4 nydus-snapshotter 起不来,failed to parse configuration information

  • 报错信息
  1. "failed to parse configuration information"
  2. containerd-nydus-grpc[21763]: at api/src/config.rs:243
  3. containerd-nydus-grpc[21763]: note: enable `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` env to display a backtrace
  4. containerd-nydus-grpc[21763]: [2024-01-04 17:19:49.125269 +08:00] ERROR [/src/error.rs:22] Error:
  5. containerd-nydus-grpc[21763]: Rafs(LoadConfig(Os { code: 22, kind: InvalidInput, message: "Invalid argument" }))
  6. containerd-nydus-grpc[21763]: at service/src/lib.rs:121
  7. containerd-nydus-grpc[21763]: note: enable `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` env to display a backtrace
  • 处理方式

根据提示是配置文件有问题,包括,配置格式、键值、目录是否存在等。我遇到的问题是 root 目录不存在。

  1. mkdir -p /data/containerd/io.containerd.snapshotter.v1.nydus
  1. systemctl restart nydus-snapshotter

8.5 Kubelet 报错,找不到目录

  • 报错
  1. Failed to get the info of the filesystem with mountpoint" err="failed to get device for dir "/var/lib/containerd/io.containerd.snapshotter.v1.nydus": stat failed on /var/lib/containerd/io.containerd.snapshotter.v1.nydus with error: no such file or directory" mountpoint="/var/lib/containerd/io.containerd.snapshotter.v1.nydus"
  • 处理方式

根据 https://github.com/containerd/nydus-snapshotter/issues/288 ,Nydus 目前的 root 目录需要为 $containerd_root_dir/io.containerd.snapshotter.v1.nydus。

查看 containerd 的 root 目录

  1. cat /etc/containerd/config.toml |grep root
  2. root = "/var/lib/containerd"

编辑 Nydus 配置文件

  1. vim /etc/nydus/config.toml

修改 root 目录为 containerd 的 root 目录下的子目录 io.containerd.snapshotter.v1.nydus 。创建一下这个目录,然后重启 nydus-snapshotter 服务。

8.6 重启之后 Containerd 托管的 Pod 全部无法启动

  • 处理方式

先关闭 containerd 中的 nydus 配置

  1. sed -i 's/snapshotter = "nydus"/snapshotter = "overlayfs"/g' /etc/containerd/config.toml
  2. systemctl restart containerd.service

等待一会儿,再打开 nydus 配置。

  1. sed -i 's/snapshotter = "overlayfs"/snapshotter = "nydus"/g' /etc/containerd/config.toml
  2. systemctl restart containerd.service

8.7 应用起不来,报错 bucket: not found

  • 报错信息
  1. containerd[937]: time="2024-01-07T08:17:13.044578960+08:00" level=error msg="RunPodSandbox for &PodSandboxMetadata{Name:kube-scheduler-bj6-a-ai-kas-k8s-master-03,Uid:d63b14268dcd89918c2eba5fa110d396,Namespace:kube-system,Attempt:2,} failed, error" error="rpc error: code = NotFound desc = failed to create containerd container: create snapshot: missing parent \"k8s.io/14/sha256:e3e5579ddd43c08e4b5c74dc12941a4ef656fab070b1087a1fd5a8a836b71e7d\" bucket: not found"
  • 处理方式



清空 Containerd 的 root 目录,重启机器,实测可行。