
Use this function to lock a portion of the texture for write-only pixel access.

Syntax 语法

  1. int SDL_LockTexture(SDL_Texture* texture,
  2. const SDL_Rect* rect,
  3. void** pixels,
  4. int* pitch)

Function Parameters 函数参数

texture the texture to lock for access, which was created with SDL_TEXTUREACCESS_STREAMING 为访问并要锁定的纹理,该纹理在创建时必须使用SDL_TEXTUREACCESS_STREAMING
rect an SDL_Rect structure representing the area to lock for access; NULL to lock the entire texture 代表要锁定访问的区域的SDL_Rect结构,或为NULL以代表锁定整个纹理。
pixels this is filled in with a pointer to the locked pixels, appropriately offset by the locked area 一个指针的地址,该指针指向锁定的像素,该区块的像素已根据锁定的区域做好了偏移处理。
pitch this is filled in with the pitch of the locked pixels; the pitch is the length of one row in bytes 一个变量的地址,该变量为锁定的像素的对齐长度。该值为每一行像素的字节长度。

Return Value 返回值

Returns 0 on success or a negative error code if the texture is not valid or was not created with SDL_TEXTUREACCESS_STREAMING; call SDL_GetError() for more information.

Code Examples 代码示例

  1. 暂无

Remarks 注意

As an optimization, the pixels made available for editing don’t necessarily contain the old texture data. This is a write-only operation, and if you need to keep a copy of the texture data you should do that at the application level.

You must use SDL_UnlockTexture() to unlock the pixels and apply any changes.

Related Functions 相关函数


Translated by SteDeshain
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