What’s up @Dev-Build Tester! Today I didn’t really have a mood to do big stuff, and almost all of the critical bugs are fixed, so I did some minor things.
嘿!@Dev-Build 测试者们!今天我并没啥兴趣整啥大活,加上关键的 BUG 基本上都修得差不多了,所以我只做了点微小的工作。

McLib 2.0-dev9 :

— Added keybinds for panels (Numpad 0, Numpad 1, etc.)
— 为各个操作面板添加了热键(小键盘 0, 1, 等)

Aperture 1.4-dev5 :

— Added “Movies folder” button in Minema recording panel to allow faster access to the folder
— 在 Minema 录制板中加入了「视频文件夹」按钮,用于更快地打开文件夹
— Added keybinds O and P for changing the overall speed factor of the flight mode along side with mouse wheel (suggested by @Mr Wolf)
— 加入了 O 和 P 键,用以调整飞行模式的整体速度系数和鼠标滚轮(由 @Mr Wolf 建议)
— Changed the rendering of envelope markers to be more intuitive (suggested by @Chunk7)
— 修改了调整器包络中标记的渲染方式,使其变得更加直观(由 @Chunk7 建议)
— Fixed an issue where you go underground when entering the camera editor (due to switching to spectator mode)
— 修复了打开相机编辑器时遁地的问题(这是因为切换到旁观者模式所导致的)

Blockbuster 1.7-dev16 :

— Added drag and drop sorting to replay selector (suggested by @Lucatim)
— 玩家回放选择器加入了拖拽排序功能(由 @Lucatim 建议)
— Added cut action button to player recording editor (suggested by @Lucatim)
— 玩家录制编辑器加入了剪切按钮(由 @Lucatim 建议)
— Fixed “Pick skin” button not working in model editor (suggested by @Lucatim)
— 修复了模型编辑器中的「选取皮肤」按钮不能点的问题(由 @Lucatim 建议报告)

I’m not 100% sure about picking Numpads for dashboard panel keybinds, so like feel free to suggest something in #dev-feedback. I tried before already Ctrl + 0-9 and Ctrl + Shift + 0-9, but those feel very clunky, it’s not really easy to to do that, at least for me… I hope that the next dev-build will have something bigger than minor features or bug fixes. :joy:
我不能百分百确定如何挑选小键盘上的按键来作为仪表盘的快捷键,所以希望大家可以在 #dev-feedback 里为我提供一些建议。在此之前我已经尝试过 Ctrl + 0 至 9 和 Shift + 0 至 9,但都觉很别扭,要做到这一点还是挺难的,至少对我来说是这样。我希望下次的开发版能有些比小功能或修 BUG 更牛逼的东西 :D

Thank you guys very much for testing these dev builds! I wouldn’t be able to fix all these bugs without you guys discovering it. If anyone are losing morph categories, like @ItsKylos, please please report what kind of morphs did you have in your categories in #dev-issues! I really hope this bug could be found until the release, because @ItsKylos already lost his morphs twice. :sweat:
感谢各位好兄弟们测试这些开发版模组!没有各位的辛勤试错我不可能修复这么多 BUG。如果还有人像 @ItsKylos 一样丢失伪装分类的话,请务必在 #dev-issues 中向我反馈你的分类中包含哪种伪装,因为这个 @ItsKylos 已经丢了两次伪装。:d

反馈问题可以通过私信或加入 McHorse 中文用户交流群提交


将前一个开发版的 MOD 替换为此次修复版本,再启动游戏

📦 just-a-devpack-vol-9.zip