Dev Build 3

@Dev-Build Tester, I fixed a couple of stuff, but I was mostly working on fix for Emoticons and S&B.
@Dev-Build 的测试者们,我修复了一些问题,但主要是针对 Emoticons 和 S&B 的。

Blockbuster 1.7-dev10:

— Removed some code and replaced it from McLib (so technically no changes, but you have to replace -dev9 with this)
— 删除了一些代码,并从 McLib 中移植了过来(所以技术上没什么变化,但你必须用这个来替换 -dev9)

McLib 2.0-dev3:

— Added the transformations (translate, scale, rotate) from Blockbuster and added value presets for trackpad fields, now translation has 32th of a block for every 1 pixel incerement, with alt modifier, it’s 128th of a block, for shift it’s half of the block (0.5) and for </> buttons it’s 16th of a block. For rotation it’s 1 degree, with alt it’s 0.1, with shift it’s 5 and with </> it’s 15.
— 加入了 BB 中的变换选项(平移、缩放、旋转),加入了调整框的调整预设值,现在调整平移选项拖动调整框时,当你的光标移动 1 像素时,值会根据你鼠标拖动的方向增加或减少 1/32 个方块,按住 Alt 键时则会增加或减少 1/128 个方块,按住 Shift 时会增加或减少半个方块,按住 </> 时则会增加或减少 1/16 个方块。当调整旋转时,一像素对应 1°,按住 Alt 时对应 0.1,按住 Shift 时对应 5,按住 </> 时对应 15。

Metamorph 1.2-dev3:

— Added replaced the hardcoded fields to a transformation panel with uniform toggle element
— Added origin points for body parts within GUIs
— Added a couple of utilities for drawing and stuff
— Fixed a couple of list deselecting bugs
— 用统一的切换元素取代了硬编码字段到转换面板上的硬编码字段。
— 为 GUI 中的身体部位添加了原点
— 加入了一些用于绘图和填充的实用功能
— 修正了几个列表取消选择的 BUG

Emoticons 0.5-dev1:

— Added limb picking, if you click on the blue boxes while holding left control, like you can do with Blockbuster, you can select a bone like this, instead of looking through the list
— Fixed to work with new dev builds
— 加入了肢体选择,如果你在按住 Ctrl 的同时点击蓝色方块,就可以像 Blockbuster 一样选择一个骨骼,而不必在列表里苦苦寻找
— 修复了和新的开发版的使用兼容问题

If there will be no crashes to fix, I’ll take a break from modding. I hope this should be sufficient to work with. :mmThumbsUp1::mmThumbsUp2:
Edit: I’ll send working S&B builds a bit later, after testing it.
编辑:测试过后,我稍后会把可以工作的 S&B 开发版发过来。

Dev Build 4

Hello there @Dev-Build Tester, here are some more fixes, both critical and minor.
各位 @Dev-Build 的测试人员,修复更新来了,主要和次要的都有。

McLib 2.0-dev4:

— Fix background issues with Optifine or after taking a screenshot
— 修复了 因为 OptiFine 或是在截图后产生的背景功能上的问题

Metamorph 1.2-dev4:

— Fixed an issue with syncing of morphs (model blocks wouldn’t get changed or director blocks wouldn’t get saved)
— 修复了 伪装同步的问题(模型方块不产生更新或导演方块无法保存)

Blockbuster 1.7-dev11:

— Added 4 default factory presets for snowstorm morph
— Added quick editor presets support for snowstorm morph
— Added recursive skins picking in the presets for image and custom model morphs
— Fixed snowstorm morph not showing up
— Fixed crash with model editor when picking OBJ (reported by @KuenYo)
— Fixed image picker not appearing in image morph (reported by @Greyberet)
— 加入了 4 个默认的 Snowstorm 伪装预设
— 加入了 对 Snowstorm 伪装的快捷编辑器的支持
— 在图片伪装和自定义模型伪装编辑的预设中添加了递归材质选择
— 修复了 Snowstorm 伪装无法显示的问题
— 修复了 在模型编辑器中选择 OBJ 模型导致的崩溃 (由 @𝐊𝐮𝐞𝐧𝐘𝐨
— 修复了 图片选择在图片伪装中不出现的问题 (由 @Greyberet 报告)

Emoticons 0.5-dev2:

— Fixed pick texture picker not appearing (reported by @ItsKylos)
— Fixed animated pose check box in the pose editor not being respected when the animated pose animation is in progress (reported by @Chunk7)
— 修复了材质选择器选择后无法显示的问题(由 @ItsKylos 报告)
— 修复了姿势编辑器里的动画选项被勾选后,所编辑的动画并没有按预期显示的问题 (由 @Chunk7 报告)


将前一个开发版的 MOD 替换为此次修复版本,再启动游戏
