
Dev Build 13

I had an issue with dev build myself while making a short, so here we are with a little dev build, @Dev-Build Tester! :agoogleclap:

McLib 2.0-dev13:

— Fixes sizing with slot elements
— 修复了物品框控件的尺寸

Aperture 1.4-dev8:

— Added visualization of timeline cursor to the envelope visualization
— 包络可视化系统中加入了时间轴光标
— Fixed interpolation and easing buttons not appearing on the first time
— 修复了插值和缓入缓出按钮首次使用时不出现的问题

Blockbuster 2.0-dev20:

— Fixed particles coming out of actor’s bottom
— 修复了粒子从演员的下体喷薄而出的问题
— Fixed item equip and drop action panel slots (reported by @AlphaThink and @McBraigar)
— 修复了穿戴物品动作和丢弃动作界面中物品框出现的问题(由 @AlphaThink 和 @McBraigar 报告)

Dev Build 14

So I got a bit tired of shooting Teletubbies, so I decided to take a little break and fix few annoying issues today. Fortunately, I believe, I was able to fix a couple of major annoying bugs, fix a handful of minor bugs and added and tweaked a couple of tweaks. It’s finally all coming together @Dev-Build Tester!Ultimate Dev Build - 13 & 14 / 终极开发版更新 13 & 14 - 图1
我拍天线宝宝拍累了,所以今天我决定休息一下,修点↑↓的 bug。幸好,我认为这次能修一些主要的↑↓ bug,一堆小 bug,还能来点小调整。终于整好了好兄弟们!

McLib 2.0-dev14:

— Fixed in-GUI keybinds not working due to invisible focused element
— 修复了因为不可见的聚焦的控件导致的 GUI 中热键不起作用的问题

Metamorph 1.2-dev11:

— Added body part drag-n-drop sorting
— 加入了身体部分的拖拽排序功能
— Fixed a bug with morph categories disappearing (reported by @ItsKylos, @AlphaThink, @Chunk7 and other people)
— 修复了伪装分类消失的问题(由 @ItsKylos、@AlphaThink、@Chunk7 等人报告)
— Fixed horse morph not getting its sadle (reported by @Datron)
— 修复了马伪装不能装备鞍的问题(由 @Datron 报告)

Aperture 1.4-dev9:

— Fixed pick texture for overlay doesn’t show up after first time (reported by @Chunk7)
— 修复了在第一次为附加层选择材质后就无法再次选择的问题

Blockbuster 2.0-dev21:

— Added a config option to disable right clicking on actors to ride (suggested by @Forager)
— 加入了取消右键演员时骑乘该演员的选项(由 @Forager 建议)
— Added dim chroma blocks (non emiting light chroma blocks) along side with shining chroma blocks (suggested by a lot of people in the past)
— 加入了不发光的色度方块(由过去的很多人建议)
— Changed the layout in Blockbuster’s creative morph menu
— 修改了 Blockbuster 的创造模式伪装菜单的布局
— Changed particle morph to spawn particles according to rotations in body parts rather than global (suggested by @Centryfuga)
— 修改了粒子伪装中粒子的生成方式,现变为根据身体部分的旋转生成,而不是根据全局(由 @Centryfuga 建议)
— Fixed director block menu copying morph issue (when picking same morph and editing other one they would change together)
— 修复了导演方块菜单中复制伪装出现的问题(选择两个相同的伪装并编辑其中一个时两个会一起更改)
— Fixed surface option of box shape of snowstorm particle system not working correctly
— 修复了暴雪粒子系统的箱型的表面选项不正确工作的问题
— Fixed variables in snowstorm’s expressions not being updated
— 修复了暴雪粒子中变量的表达式不更新的问题
— Fixed expressions in lighting & tinting of snowstorm getting stuck from the previous editing
— 修复了暴雪粒子的光照与颜色的表达式卡在上一次编辑的问题
— Fixed replay morph jumping twice when starting dragging
— 修复了回放伪装在开始拖动时会跳跃两下的问题
— Fixed action not being saved after deselecting (reported by a lot of people, but since people are talking in #dev-issues, I’m too lazy to give credit due to too much text to read in order to figure out who reported this issue)
— 修复了动作在取消选中后不保存的问题(由很多人报告,但因为好多人在主群闲聊在 #dev-issues 频道讨论了起来,我懒得看那么多字来确定是谁提的这个问题了,所以不给署名)

With every dev-build, this update becomes more and more stable! Thank you guys very much for testing my mods!
I’m pretty sure majority of the bugs have been found and squashed, and it’s great! I really hope to release all of these updates to the public on June 26th. Hopefully you guys will be able to find any important bugs before release, meanwhile I’ll try to finish some stuff I have in my GitHub ToDo lists.
我很确定主要的 bug 都已经被发现并修复了,这是好的!我很希望在6月26日公开发布这次更新。希望好兄弟们能在发布之前找到一些重要的 bug,同时我也会努力完成我在 GitHub 上待办清单里列出的事情。

Have a fun and stable testing!
祝好兄弟们测试乐无边,没 bug 爽上天!


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📦 tubby-devpack-vol-14.zip