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What "full stack" means
The terms "full stack" and "Full Stack Python" are ambiguous but I am using a specific definition here on this site. These term can be defined for a web stack either to mean
Every layer, from the machine code up to the browser, are written in Python
Python code interacts with code written in other languages such as C and JavaScript to provide a complete web stack
I named this site specifically for the second definition: Python is one programming language among many that are used to build your application stack.
Some folks took the title of the site to mean Python runs everything from the web browser on down. That's simply not practical or possible. While Python is an amazing programming language, there are many tasks it does not do well.
Python is just one language among many that allows our computers to execute software and communicate with each other.
For beginners, learning the syntax and libraries in Python necessary to build a web application or web API is a major undertaking. Even intermediate and advanced Python software developers need to constantly program and learn to keep up with our ever evolving ecosystem. I created Full Stack Python to be just one of many resources that help Python developers build and maintain their programming skills.
That's what "full stack" means. What do you want to learn next?
What're the future plans for Full Stack Python?
Take me back to the Full Stack Python introduction.
想找到一个完整的,一步一步的部署方案吗?请看《The Full Stack Python Guide to Deployments》.
1. 简介学习编程为什么用 Python?Python 2 还是 3?企业 PythonPython CommunityBest Python Podcasts最佳 Python 资源最佳 Python 视频2. 开发环境VimEmacs3. 核心语言生成器推导式4. Web 开发Web 框架DjangoFlaskBottlePyramidMorepath其它 Web 框架Web 设计级联样式表 (CSS)JavaScriptWebSockets模板引擎Web 应用安全静态网站生成器Jinja25. 数据关系型数据库NoSQL 数据存储对象关系映射器PostgreSQLMySQLSQLite6. Web APIsAPI 集成API 的创建Twilio7. 部署服务器平台即服务(PaaS)操作系统Web 服务器WSGI 服务器源码控制应用程序依赖静态内容任务队列配置管理持续集成日志监控Web 分析Docker缓存微服务DevOpsNginxApache HTTP 服务器CaddyGreen Unicorn (Gunicorn)UbuntuPelicanLektorMkDocs8. 测试单元测试集成测试代码度量调试9. MetaBotsChange LogFuture DirectionsAbout the AuthorSQLAlchemyPeewee …或者显示全部目录内容.
What "Full Stack" Means
重要的更新内容会通过 Twitter 账号@fullstackpython发布。
需要更加详细的教程吗?请看 《The Full Stack Python Guide to Deployments》。
1. 简介2. 开发环境3. 核心语言4. Web 开发5. 数据6. Web APIs7. 部署8. 测试 » 9. Meta …or view the full table of contents.
This site is based on Matt Makai's project Full Stack Python, thanks for his excellent work!
此网站由 @haiiiiiyun 和 开源爱好者们 共同维护。 若发现错误或想贡献,请访问: Github fullstackpython.cn 项目