Laravel Octane

Laravel Octane is a project based on Swoole/RoadRunner driver that can improve the performance of Laravel framework, after installation it can significantly improve the performance of Laravel projects.

Dcat Admin is compatible with the Laravel Octane environment, just add the following configuration to the configuration file config/octane.php.

  1. 'listeners' => [
  2. ... ,
  3. RequestReceived::class => [
  4. ... .Octane::prepareApplicationForNextOperation(),
  5. ... .Octane::prepareApplicationForNextRequest(),
  6. // Enable support for Dcat Admin
  7. Dcat\Admin\Octane\Listeners\FlushAdminState::class,
  8. class],
  9. ...
  10. ],

Laravel Octane is still in beta phase, for installation and more information about Laravel Octane Please go to the documentation at for more information.