Extension of basic use

Basic use

Set the read and write permissions for extension-related directories

Before using the extension function, you need to ensure that the user has the read and write permissions of the extension related directories, otherwise it may cause the extension installation to fail, please ensure that you have the read and write permissions of the following directories

  1. ProjectDirectory/dcat-admin-extensions extension installation directory, which can be changed according to the configuration parameter admin.extensions.dir
  2. public/vendor extends the static resource distribution directory
  3. resources/lang language package directory

Extension installation

The extensions in Dcat Admin support the following three installation methods, and after installing success, you can see the related extension information in admin/auth/extensions extension management page.

1. Install via the App Market

Stay tuned…

2. Local installation

Download the extended zip archive, note that it must be zip format, and then open the extensions management page admin/auth/extensions, and then click the form toolbar local installation button to upload and submit.

3.composer installation

Install directly with composer according to the instructions provided in the extended developer documentation.

  1. composer require {extension name}

enable extensions

After installation, you need to click Update to xxx version and update the Enable button on the extensions management page before you can use it normally.

Developing extensions

For a detailed tutorial, please refer to the Development Extensions chapter.

Service registration and initialization

{tip} If you’re not familiar with the concept of a service provider, head over to Laravel Documentation - Service Providers to learn it first.

The extended ServiceProvider class is actually a service provider, the only difference is that the extended ServiceProvider can’t override boot! method, you need to replace the boot method with init.

Version management

Each extension has a version.php file, through this file you can achieve the version management function, every time we release a new version we just need to add a new version number and the relevant description to this file

  1. <?php
  2. return [
  3. // key It's the version number, be careful not to prefix it with v!
  4. '1.0.0' => [
  5. 'Version description information, can have multiple',
  6. 'Description 2...',
  7. 'create_operation_log.php', // Version migration file, can have multiple
  8. ],
  9. '1.0.1' => [
  10. 'Version description information, can have multiple',
  11. 'update_operation_log.php', // Version migration files
  12. ],
  13. ...
  14. ];


After installing the new version of the code, you can click the update button on the extension management page admin/auth/extensions to upgrade.

Clicking update will run the migration file if there is a migration file, recreate the menu if there is a menu, and republish the resource file if there is a static resource.

Rollback version

You can roll back to the specified version by commanding php artisan admin:ext-rollback {extension name} {version number}, but be aware that rolling back extensions will delete data and may result in data loss, so please be careful!!!!


If your extension is already installed, you can uninstall the extension through the extension page admin/auth/extensions, but be aware that uninstalling the extension will delete data and may result in data loss, please be careful!

If you want to remove the extensions completely, just delete the extensions folder in the dcat-admin-extensions directory.


The default directory for the view is extensions/resources/view

  1. ├── resources
  2. ├── ...
  3. └── views # 视图目录
  4. └── index.blade.php # 视图示例文件

As soon as you put the view file in the above directory, the system will automatically register an alias to the view directory, which is the same as the extension name. Suppose your extension package name is dcat-admin/form-step, then you can load the view in the following way

  1. return view('dcat-admin.form-step::index');

Static resources

Assuming your extension package name is dcat-admin/form-step, you can register aliases for your static resources via the $js and $css attributes on FormStepServiceProvider if your extension contains static resources as follows

  1. └── resources
  2. └─── assets
  3. ├── css
  4. └── index.css
  5. └── js
  6. └── index.js
  1. class FormStepServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
  2. {
  3. protected $js = [
  4. 'js/index.js',
  5. ];
  6. protected $css = [
  7. 'css/index.css',
  8. ];
  9. }

Then you can load the static resource by doing the following

  1. use Dcat\Admin\Admin;
  2. // Use your package name directly to bring in the static resources of the extensions!
  3. Admin::requireAssets('@dcat-admin.form-step');

Of course, you can also load static resources without registering aliases via the $js and $css attributes, but you can also load them directly using the following method, with the same effect

  1. // The above is equivalent to
  2. Admin::js(['@dcat-admin.form-step/js/index.js']);
  3. Admin::css(['@dcat-admin.form-step/css/index.css']);