BETA version changelog


Release date 2022/2/20

To upgrade, run the following commands step by step, and finally clear the browser cache

  1. composer remove dcat/laravel-admin
  2. composer require dcat/laravel-admin: "2.2.0-beta"
  3. php artisan admin:update # will not overwrite the translation files menu.php and global.php

New features

1. Added support for Laravel version 9.x

2. Support for using table forms in hasMany and array forms

Use the following

  1. $form->array($field, function ($form) {
  2. $form->table('table_json', function ($form) {
  3. $form->text('title');
  4. ...
  5. });
  6. });

3. Data table filter add findInSet method

#1639 @guanguans sql: ... WHERE FIND_IN_SET("$input", $column), example

  1. $grid->filter(function ($filter) {
  2. $filter->findInSet($field);
  3. });

4. Tweak code generator to select default directory logic

#1627 @Edwin The new version will use the directory set by the configuration parameter as the default directory, which is Admin by default.


  1. fix the problem that table form does not support help method #1616 @jcbt
  2. repair the problem that the default application home page is inaccessible when registering extension route after enabling multiple applications
  3. fix the problem of not being able to hide the reset button of pop-up form #1631 @Sparkinzy
  4. fix autocomplete error reported by js component when the field value is digital #1661 @Sparkinzy
  5. fix the problem that permission management form can’t read routing information when setting route prefix as “/“


Release date 2021/12/25

To upgrade, execute the following commands step by step, and finally clear the browser cache

  1. composer remove dcat/laravel-admin
  2. composer require dcat/laravel-admin: "2.1.7-beta"
  3. php artisan admin:update # will not overwrite the translation files menu.php and global.php

New features

1. Add admin_redirect function

This function can be used instead of the redirect function to support pjax and ajax requests

  1. // no need to add the admin prefix
  2. return admin_redirect('auth/users');
  3. // If you want to jump to a link that is not prefixed with admin, you need to pass the full url link
  4. return admin_redirect(url('users'));


  1. fix destroyThumbnail problem when using file upload form to delete files
  2. fix the problem that row data cannot be deleted when hasMany/array/table form field name is the same as subform field name


Release date 2021/12/12

To upgrade, run the following commands step by step, and finally clear the browser cache

  1. composer remove dcat/laravel-admin
  2. composer require dcat/laravel-admin: "2.1.6-beta"
  3. php artisan admin:update # will not overwrite the translation files menu.php and global.php

New features

1. Add Form::autocomplete() form

#1514 @Edwin This form allows you to search for form values while filling out the form and display the results in a dropdown list, using the following

  1. $form->autocomplete($column[, $label])->options(['foo', 'bar', ...]) ;

The effect is as follows !

It is also possible to get data from the remote API

  1. // the first parameter of the ajax function is the ajax url, the second parameter is the valueField (optional), and the third parameter is the groupField (optional)
  2. $form->autocomplete($column[, $label])->ajax('/countries', 'name', 'region');

The remote API server-side request parameter is query, and the sample code is as follows

  1. class CountryController extends AdminController
  2. {
  3. public function search()
  4. {
  5. $countries = Country::when(request('query'), function ($query, $value) {
  6. $query->where('name', 'like', "%{$value}%");
  7. })->get();
  8. return Admin::json($countries->toArray());
  9. }
  10. }

For more usage refer to the document Data Forms - Field Usage - autocomplete

2. Image/file upload support for arttribute method #1510 @iwzh The attribute method allows you to set attributes to a hidden field form for file uploads, used as follows

  1. $form->file($column)->attribute(['foo' => 'bar', ...]) ;

3. Add between table header filter to data table #1510 @iwzh is used as follows

  1. $grid->column('created_at')->filter(
  2. Grid\Column\Filter\Between::make()->datetime()
  3. );

4. Add depthColumn to the model tree to save the current hierarchy

#1549 @weiwait

Use the following

  1. class Category extends Model
  2. {
  3. use ModelTree;
  4. // Defining the depthColumn property will save the current row's hierarchy in the data table
  5. protected $depthColumn = 'depth';
  6. }

5. Form Row layout can be set independently of width #1530 @iwzh is used as follows

  1. $form->row(function ($row) {
  2. // Set the default width for all fields
  3. $row->defaultWidth(3);
  4. // Set the width of each field independently
  5. $row->width(4)->text(...) ;
  6. });

Functional improvements

1. Adjust the parameter type accepted by the rows method callback function when exporting data from a data table to Collection #1584 @jourdon is used as follows

  1. use Illuminate\Support\Collection;
  2. $grid->export()->rows(function (Collection $rows) {
  3. foreach ($rows as $index => &$row) {
  4. // The format of $row is the model
  5. dd($row);
  6. }
  7. return $rows;
  8. });


  1. fix the problem of uploading image thumbnails with OSS #1499 @jorry2008
  2. fix the problem that the default item of data table filter cannot be set to 0 #1506 @liushoukun
  3. repair the problem of abnormal validation rules of one-to-one correlation form #1516
  4. fix the problem that when uploading form files, you can’t continue to drag and drop the files if they have been added #1541 @hmilyfyj
  5. fix the problem of style loss when paginator is switched under LazyRenderable #1539 @jyiL
  6. fix the problem of wrong data type of paging perPage when using MongoDB for data table #1555 @SmallRuralDog
  7. fix the problem that pjax can’t initialize a tag again after the page is rendered with pjax #1576 @xyzzxy123
  8. fix the invalid parameter of refresh of Column::switch() method of data table #1595 @wxfjamdc
  9. fix the problem that uploading multiple pictures will cause the old picture thumbnails to be deleted #1556


Release date 2021/9/16

To upgrade, execute the following commands step by step, and finally clear the browser cache

  1. composer remove dcat/laravel-admin
  2. composer require dcat/laravel-admin: "2.1.4-beta"
  3. php artisan admin:update # will not overwrite the translation files menu.php and global.php


  1. fix the problem that the pop-up window of admin list is empty when you click to view permission
  2. fix the problem that non-equal query for the fields in the data table is not effective
  3. repair the problem that the original field value cannot be obtained in displayer after using if method for data table column.


Release date 2021/9/14

To upgrade, run the following commands step by step, and finally clear the browser cache

  1. composer remove dcat/laravel-admin
  2. composer require dcat/laravel-admin: "2.1.3-beta"
  3. php artisan admin:update # will not overwrite the translation files menu.php and global.php

Functional improvements

1. Refactored in-line editing of data tables

The current version refactored the UI style of the in-line edit form for editable, checkbox and radio to show the form in a popup window. And a new in-line editing form textarea has been added, with the following effect.

! ! ! !

2. Add favicon parameter to configuration file

From the current version, you can configure favicon link in config/admin.php with the parameter favicon.

3. Support displaying the message of exceptions thrown when submitting data forms

As of the current version, if an exception is thrown when submitting a form, it will look like this

  1. $form->submitted(function ($form) {
  2. throw new \Exception('Access forbidden');
  3. });

Then you will see the following message in the page


5. Optimize the use of array and table forms in tool forms

In the old version of Widgtet/Form, if you use array and table forms, and if you use file upload form in array and table forms, you need to customize the file upload address in order to upload properly, so this version has optimized this function, and after the updated version, you don’t need to customize the upload address anymore.

  1. $this->array('...' , function ($form) {
  2. // No need to customize the upload address
  3. $form->image('img');
  4. });

4. Add support for addElementClass method on data form html

In the old version, the class set by addElementClass did not work for the html method, so this has been improved in the new version

  1. $form->html(...) ->addElementClass(['class1', ...]) ;

5. Data form image upload form does not check if image exists when accessing thumbnails



  1. fix the problem that data forms cannot be merged correctly when using closure validation rules #1429 @Edwin
  2. fix the problem that the file name generated after the sequenceName method is enabled for file upload has a duplicate suffix
  3. repair the problem that files cannot be uploaded after setting required validation rules for one-to-one fields in file upload form
  4. repair the problem of blank filtering sidebar under some operations #1445 @Abbotton
  5. fix the problem of invalid second parameter specified in model method of selectTable, multipleSelectTable and other fields #1460 @hhniao
  6. fix the problem of not being able to translate the text of dimensions verification failure prompt in the image upload form
  7. fix the problem that the picture upload form cannot be submitted after using picture upload form in array, table and hasMany forms and setting dimensions validation rules
  8. repair the problem that only the first picture can be previewed in multi-picture upload
  9. repair the problem that the dynamic display of the form does not take effect if the field value has decimal point


Release date 2021/7/12

To upgrade, step-by-step execute the following commands and clear the browser cache

  1. composer remove dcat/laravel-admin
  2. composer require dcat/laravel-admin: "2.1.2-beta"
  3. php artisan admin:update # will not overwrite the translation files menu.php and global.php

Feature improvements

1. Add Grid\Model::apply() method

This method can be used to apply quick search and filtering query criteria to a data table.

In the old version, it was very troublesome to use the quick search and filtering query criteria

  1. $grid->header(function ($collection) use ($grid) {
  2. $query = Model::query();
  3. // Get the table filter where condition array to iterate through
  4. $grid->model()->getQueries()->unique()->each(function ($value) use (&$query) {
  5. if (in_array($value['method'], ['paginate', 'get', 'orderBy', 'orderByDesc'], true)) {
  6. return;
  7. }
  8. $query = call_user_func_array([$query, $value['method']], $value['arguments'] ? []);
  9. });
  10. // Find out the statistics
  11. $data = $query->get();
  12. // Customize the component
  13. return new Card($data);
  14. });

Starting with the current version you can use the apply method to simplify the above code

  1. $grid->header(function ($collection) use ($grid) {
  2. $query = Model::query();
  3. // Get the table filter where condition array to iterate through
  4. $grid->model()->apply($query);
  5. // Find out the statistics
  6. $data = $query->get();
  7. // Customize the component
  8. return new Card($data);
  9. });


  1. fix the problem that data form can’t disable bulk delete button
  2. fix the problem that Gaode map form does not zoom when it has coordinates #1377 @gzxy-0102
  3. repair the problem that the download button of file upload form is not displayed #1405
  4. fix the problem of data filtering parameters not taking effect after using simplePaginate in data table #1405


Release date 2021/7/12

To upgrade, execute the following commands step by step and clear your browser cache

  1. composer remove dcat/laravel-admin
  2. composer require dcat/laravel-admin:"2.1.1-beta"
  3. php artisan admin:update # The translation files menu.php and global.php will not be overwritten

New features

1. Add model tree expand method to control whether to expand all child node data

Expand all child node data by default

  1. // Expand the child node data
  2. $tree->expand();
  3. // Collapse all child node data
  4. $tree->expand(false);

2. Add file upload form download function

  1. $form->file('...')->downloadable();

3. Add the Gaudet map form

Set in the configuration file config/admin.php #1331 @gaizhixin

  1. 'map' => [
  2. 'provider' => 'amap',
  3. 'keys' => [
  4. // Configure the key of Gaode Map
  5. 'amap' => 'key',
  6. ],
  7. ],

4. New addElementClass method for setting custom classes to form fields

  1. // If you don't want to add a prefix, set the second parameter to false
  2. $form->text(...)->addElementClass(['class1', 'class2'], false);

5. Add table batch operation to set the drop-down menu split line function

Support the following two ways

  1. // Way 1
  2. $grid->batchActions(function ($batch) {
  3. $batch->add(...);
  4. // Show split line
  5. $batch->divider();
  6. ...
  7. });
  8. // Way 2
  9. use Dcat\Admin\Grid\Tools\ActionDivider;
  10. $grid->batchActions([
  11. new Action1(),
  12. ...
  13. new ActionDivider(),
  14. ...
  15. ]);

Feature improvements

1.table form support custom view

  1. $this->table(...)->setView('...');

2. Optimize the operation experience and UI after menu shrinkage

When the menu shrinks, the cursor moves up and automatically expands if the menu is clicked, it will automatically shrink back after jumping; and fixes the problem of mini-logo being shown incorrectly.

3. Data table row action column no longer shows empty dropdown menu when there is no action button

Data table row action column no longer shows empty dropdown menu when there is no action button #1327 @jiangyuntao

4. Optimize display of image upload form images

#1366 @ShermanTsang


  1. repair the problem that Grid::__toString() will report an error if there is no data when the tree table (tree) expands its sub-nodes
  2. repair the problem of invalid filtering conditions reduction after enabling asynchronous rendering function of data table
  3. repair the problem of abnormal display of the number of filtering items in asynchronous rendering of the table
  4. repair the problem that setting class of form fields will overwrite the default class.
  5. repair the problem of displaying abnormal messages when visiting the page without authority after closing debug mode
  6. repair the problem that Grid::disableBatchDelete fails after the configuration file custom batch delete button
  7. repair the problem that tertiary menu cannot be hidden after menu indentation
  8. repair the problem that the built-in permission system reports error when clicking Add permission when it is set to no route prefix
  9. repair the problem of not disabling the authority middleware when the built-in authority system is disabled.
  10. repair the problem that editing data cannot be displayed when the second parameter of select and model of selectTable is not id.
  11. fix the problem that some forms setting size style does not take effect #1361 @Abbotton
  12. fix the problem that the table sorting function is not compatible with Grid\Model::latest and oldest methods


Release date 2021/5/23

To upgrade, step-by-step execute the following commands and clear the browser cache

  1. composer remove dcat/laravel-admin
  2. composer require dcat/laravel-admin: "2.1.0-beta"
  3. php artisan admin:update # will not overwrite the translation files menu.php and global.php

New features

1. Add table asynchronous rendering feature

When the table on a page displays a particularly large amount of data (many columns and many rows) and loads more components, it may lag, so you can use the table asynchronous rendering feature to effectively reduce the page lag: the

  1. // Enable asynchronous rendering of tables
  2. $grid->async();

Note that there is no need to enable this feature if the page is not visibly stuttering, and that it is not available if there are multiple data tables on the page! Refer to datagrid - asynchronous rendering for detailed usage

Feature improvements

1. Support for Laravel Octane 1.x version

This version adapts the changes related to Laravel Octane 1.x version, refer to Laravel Octane for the specific usage.

2. Call expand(false) to disable automatic pop-up filter sidebar

  1. // disable automatic popup filter sidebar
  2. $grid->filter(function ($filter) {
  3. $filter->expand(false);
  4. ...
  5. });

3. Upgrade tinymce to v5.8.0 version


4. Automatically clear the menu cache after binding the menu to the permissions and roles pages


  1. fix withConstraints method invalid for detail page url problem #1232
  2. fix the problem that the form value is converted into an associated array when the multi-image/file upload form deletes pictures
  3. fix the problem that Baidu map component cannot be used after https is enabled #1162


Release date 2021/4/30

To upgrade, step-by-step execute the following command and clear the browser cache

  1. composer remove dcat/laravel-admin
  2. composer require dcat/laravel-admin: "2.0.24-beta"
  3. php artisan admin:update # will not overwrite the translation files menu.php and global.php

New features

1. Add the ability to bind menus directly when creating or editing roles and permissions

This feature is enabled by default and can be disabled by configuring the parameters and, the effect is as follows


2. New Form\Tree::treeStatus() method to allow separate parent node selection


  1. $form->tree('xxx')
  2. ->treeState(false) # allow separate parent selection
  3. ->setTitleColumn('title')
  4. ->nodes(...) ;

Effects !


  1. fix the problem of not being able to use domain name to distinguish applications in case of multiple applications
  2. fix the problem that Admin::pjax() method is not declared as static.
  3. repair the problem that only a single option takes effect after grid filter checkbox can only select multiple options @outer199
  4. fix the problem that the default icon setting of menu is invalid
  5. repair the problem of error when using embeds form in php7.4 or above #1204
  6. fix the problem of using `$form->list(…)’ under step-by-step form ->limit(…) Refresh the page with error after the parameter check does not pass #1206
  7. fix the problem of not being able to jump after editing and creating after disabling pjax #1208


Released on 2021/4/18

To upgrade, execute the following commands step by step and clear the browser cache

  1. composer remove dcat/laravel-admin
  2. composer require dcat/laravel-admin: "2.0.23-beta"
  3. php artisan admin:update

New features

1. Add support for Laravel Octane

Laravel Octane is a Swoole/RoadRunner driven project that can improve the performance of the Laravel framework, after installation it can significantly improve the performance of Laravel projects, Dcat Admin is also compatible with the Laravel Octane environment, just add the following configuration to the configuration file config/octane.php.

  1. 'listeners' => [
  2. ... ,
  3. RequestReceived::class => [
  4. ... .Octane::prepareApplicationForNextOperation(),
  5. ... .Octane::prepareApplicationForNextRequest(),
  6. // Enable support for Dcat Admin
  7. Dcat\Admin\Octane\Listeners\FlushAdminState::class,
  8. class],
  9. ...
  10. ],

Laravel Octane is still in beta phase, for installation and more information about Laravel Octane Please go to the documentation at for more information.

2. Add simplePaginate feature to tables

Enabling simplePaginate function will use Laravel‘s simplePaginate function for pagination, which can greatly improve the page response speed when the data volume is large. However, it is important to note that the total rows of the data table will not be queried after using this feature.

  1. // Enable
  2. $grid->simplePaginate();
  3. // Disable
  4. $grid->simplePaginate(false);

Functional improvements

1. Refactor translation function

In past versions, the field names could not be translated automatically when using the asynchronous forms and asynchronous forms functions, but from the current version onwards you can specify the path to the translation file for automatic translation using the `translation‘’ attribute, as follows

  1. <?php
  2. namespace App\Admin\Forms;
  3. use Dcat\Admin\Traits\LazyWidget;
  4. use Dcat\Admin\Widgets\Form;
  5. use Dcat\Admin\Contracts\LazyRenderable;
  6. class MyForm extends Form implements LazyRenderable
  7. {
  8. use LazyWidget;
  9. /**
  10. * Specify the translation file name
  11. *
  12. * @var string
  13. */
  14. protected $translation = 'my-form';
  15. public function form()
  16. {
  17. $this->text('field1');
  18. $this->text('field2');
  19. ...
  20. }
  21. ...
  22. }

The language package resources/lang/{locale}/my-form.php has the following contents

  1. <?php
  2. return [
  3. 'fields' => [
  4. 'field1' => 'field1',
  5. 'field2' => 'field2',
  6. ...
  7. ],
  8. ];

And you can also specify the path to the current translation file in the controller

  1. use Dcat\Admin\Http\Controllers\AdminController;
  2. class UserController extends AdminController
  3. {
  4. /**
  5. * Specify the name of the translation file
  6. *
  7. * @var string
  8. */
  9. protected $translation = 'user1';
  10. ...
  11. }

Of course it can also be specified via the Admin::translation() method

  1. use Dcat\Admin\Admin;
  2. Admin::translation('user');

2. Add form-related configuration parameters

Add several form-related configuration file parameters admin.grid.*:

  1. 'grid' => [
  2. // table row action class
  3. 'grid_action_class' => Dcat\Admin\Grid\Displayers\DropdownActions::class,
  4. // Grid batch action class
  5. 'batch_action_class' => Dcat\Admin\Grid\Tools\BatchActions::class,
  6. // Table paginator class
  7. 'paginator_class' => Dcat\Admin\Grid\Tools\Paginator::class,
  8. // The default configuration of several action classes for the grid row
  9. 'actions' => [
  10. 'view' => Dcat\Admin\Grid\Actions\Show::class,
  11. 'edit' => Dcat\Admin\Grid\Actions\Edit::class,
  12. 'quick_edit' => Dcat\Admin\Grid\Actions\QuickEdit::class,
  13. 'delete' => Dcat\Admin\Grid\Actions\Delete::class,
  14. 'batch_delete' => Dcat\Admin\Grid\Tools\BatchDelete::class,
  15. ],
  16. ...
  17. ],

3. Remove display of table footer information after disabling table paging

Starting from the current version, the table footer information will no longer be displayed if paging of the table is disabled.

4. Optimize Filter::panel() layout spacing

5. Optimize the file publishing function, the menu.php and global.php files will no longer be overwritten when publishing language pack files

Starting from the current version, the menu.php and global.php files are no longer overwritten when using the admin:update and admin:publish --force command files.

6. Update Tinymce version to 5.6.2



  1. fix the problem of error when field type is Object in data table @xiaohuilam
  2. fix the problem that file upload fails and still prompts successful upload
  3. repair the problem of not using the incoming $request object when matching the middleware of permission judgment @asmodai1985
  4. fix the problem of invalid setting message for the second parameter of rules method of the form
  5. fix the problem that Helper::array() converts 0 to an empty array
  6. fix the problem that the row selector cannot select sub-level rows of tree table
  7. Fix the problem that `KeyValue::setValueLabe
  8. fix the problem that hasmany and table form resets the form when deleting options
  9. fix the problem of displaying wrong text of edit button for table row operation @GemaDynamic
  10. fix the problem that sub-level rows of tree table can’t use form pop-up window properly #813


Release date 2021/4/1

To upgrade, step-by-step execute the following command and clear the browser cache

  1. composer remove dcat/laravel-admin
  2. composer require dcat/laravel-admin: "2.0.22-beta"
  3. php artisan admin:update


  1. repair some functions missing CSRF_TOKEN error problem
  2. fix the error reported by menu auto-adaptation height function


Release date 2021/3/30

To upgrade, step-by-step execute the following commands and clear the browser cache

  1. composer remove dcat/laravel-admin
  2. composer require dcat/laravel-admin: "2.0.21-beta"
  3. php artisan admin:update

New features

1. Add table column selector ColumnSelector to support persistent storage

In the configuration file config/admin.php you can configure the way to store the state of the column selector, the supported storage methods are as follows

  • Dcat\Admin\Grid\ColumnSelector\SessionStore ColumnSelector state data is stored in session, only valid in the login state
  • Dcat\Admin\Grid\ColumnSelector\CacheStore Column selector state data is stored in Laravel Cache cache system for up to 300 days and can be configured with admin.grid.column_selector.store_params.driver which defaults to file
  1. 'grid' => [
  2. ...
  3. 'column_selector' => [
  4. 'store' => Dcat\Admin\Grid\ColumnSelector\SessionStore::class,
  5. 'store_params' => [
  6. 'driver' => 'file',
  7. ],
  8. ],
  9. ],

2. Add an end method (end) to the form conditional judgment (if)

  1. $grid->column('status')
  2. ->if(...) // Condition 1
  3. ->display(...)
  4. ->display(...)
  5. ->if(...) // condition 2
  6. ->display(...)
  7. ->display(...)
  8. ->end() // end the previous condition
  9. ->display(...) ; // All conditions are valid

3. Add the default check (check) and disable (disable) functions of the table row selector

The check method can be used to set the default selected rows, this method accepts an array type or an anonymous function parameter

  1. // Set the default check for rows 1/3/5
  2. $grid->rowSelector()->check([0, 2, 4]);
  3. // Pass the closure
  4. $grid->rowSelector()->check(function () {
  5. // set the default to check rows 1/3/5
  6. return in_array($this->_index, [0, 2, 4]);
  7. });
  8. // Use other fields of the current row in the closure
  9. $grid->rowSelector()->check(function () {
  10. // set the default to check rows with id > 10
  11. return $this->id > 10;
  12. });

The disable method allows you to set the rows that are not allowed to change their check status, this method accepts an array type or an anonymous function parameter

  1. // Disable row 1/3/5 from being selected
  2. $grid->rowSelector()->disable([0, 2, 4]);
  3. // Pass the closure
  4. $grid->rowSelector()->disable(function () {
  5. // disable row 1/3/5 from changing selection status
  6. return in_array($this->_index, [0, 2, 4]);
  7. });
  8. // Use other fields of the current row in the closure
  9. $grid->rowSelector()->disable(function () {
  10. // disable the selected state for rows with id > 10
  11. return $this->id > 10;
  12. });
  13. // disable can be used in conjunction with the check method
  14. $grid->rowSelector()->check([2, 4])->disable([0, 2, 4]);

4. Add KeyValue form custom title translation function

  1. $form->keyValue(...) ->setKeyLabel('keyName')->setValueLabel('keyValue');

5. Add Grid::scrollbarX method to show horizontal scrollbar of table

Show the horizontal scrollbar of the grid, not by default

  1. // Enable
  2. $grid->scrollbarX();
  3. // Disable
  4. $grid->scrollbarX(false);

6. Add admin:update command Starting from the current version, you can run admin:update directly after upgrading, which is equivalent to running

  1. php artisan admin:publish --assets --migrations --lang --force
  2. php artisan migrate

Feature improvements

1. Form display is compatible with hump style association names when editing data

In the old version, if you need to edit a model association field and the model association name is hump style, you need to change the name to underscore style to display it properly, which is very unfriendly to developers. Starting from the current version, you can use the hump style association names directly without any special handling

  1. return Form::make(User::with(['myProfile']), function (Form $form) {
  2. // Directly use camel style naming, no need to do anything else
  3. $form->text('myProfile.full_name');
  4. ...
  5. });

2. Adjust the tool form data setting logic to get default method data in the form method

  1. use Dcat\Admin\Widgets\Form;
  2. class Setting extends Form
  3. {
  4. public function form()
  5. {
  6. // 获取 default 方法设置的数据
  7. $id = $this->data()->id;
  8. $name = $this->data()->name;
  9. $this->text('name');
  10. ...
  11. }
  12. public function default()
  13. {
  14. return [
  15. 'id' => 1,
  16. 'name' => 'abc',
  17. ...
  18. ];
  19. }
  20. }

3.hasMany and array forms support overall validation using rules validation rules

  1. $form->hasMany(...) ->rules('size:2');

4. Adjust the default placeholder for selectTable to select ...

5. Optimize form row layout spacing



  1. fix the problem that ModelTree can’t delete the child nodes with more than one level of interval when deleting nodes
  2. repair the problem that the export function may be abnormal in some environments
  3. repair the problem that the initial value of form linkage (load) is lost after loading @xqbumu
  4. repair the problem of abnormal display of prompt information after file upload failure
  5. repair the problem of incorrect primary key assignment if the data details Show instantiation function passes the model @jisuye
  6. fix the problem that the table setConstraints method is invalid for quick editing #1119
  7. fix the problem of abnormal preview image function in iframe page
  8. fix the problem that the form cannot be submitted after the fields with required validation rules are deleted in hasMany and array forms
  9. fix the abnormal loading problem of table dialogTree when the top ID is string 0 #1122


Release date 2021/3/8

To upgrade, step-by-step execute the following commands and clear the browser cache

  1. composer remove dcat/laravel-admin
  2. composer require dcat/laravel-admin: "2.0.20-beta"
  3. php artisan admin:publish --assets --migrations --force
  4. php artisan migrate

Feature improvements

1. selectTable form retains the data state of the previous page when the form is refreshed

selectTable form will retain the selected or unselected data state of the previous page after refreshing or paging

2. selectTable form set display field name optimization

In the old version, if you want to set the selected or displayed fields of selectTable form, you need to set them in the Renderable object, which is very troublesome and inconvenient, from the current version, developers can set the selected or displayed fields directly by the following method

  1. $form->selectTabole('user_id')
  2. ->from(UserTable::make())
  3. ->pluck('full_name', 'id'); // the first parameter is the field to be displayed, the second parameter is the field that will be saved to the form when selected
  4. // You can also use the following method directly
  5. $form->selectTabole('user_id')
  6. ->from(UserTable::make())
  7. ->model(UserModel::class, 'id', 'full_name');

3.selectTable, multiSelectTable, radio, checkbox forms add load method

Starting from the current version, selectTable, multipleSelectTable, radio, checkbox can also link select and multipleSelect forms using the load method

  1. $form->radio('type')->options([...]) ->load('category', 'categories/options');
  2. $form->select('categories');

The interface categories/options returns the following format

  1. [
  2. {
  3. "id": 9,
  4. "text": "xxx"
  5. },
  6. {
  7. "id": 21,
  8. "text": "xxx"
  9. },
  10. ...
  11. ]

4. Add menu horizontal layout automatically adapt to the page and the menu height change function

Enable the menu horizontal layout function, when the page height or menu height changes, the page will be self-adapting, self-adjusting content spacing

5. Add table Grid::dropColumn() method to delete set columns

  1. $nameColumn = $grid->column('name');
  2. // Delete the column with the name `name`
  3. $grid->dropColumn('name');
  4. // Equivalent to
  5. $grid->dropColumn($nameColumn);

6. Add the admin_javascript function

This function can be used to add JS code to the configuration array of php, with the following usage

  1. $form->text('number')->inputmask([
  2. 'oncomplete' => admin_javascript('function () {
  3. // Here is the js code
  4. alert('inputmask complete');
  5. }'),
  6. ]);

6.Form form bottom can be checked by default View, Continue editing, Continue creating and other option functions

Use the following #1073

  1. $form->footer(function (Footer $footer) {
  2. // set ``view`` to be selected by default
  3. $footer->defaultViewChecked();
  4. // set `Continue editing` to be checked by default
  5. $footer->defaultEditingChecked();
  6. // set `Continue creating` to be checked by default
  7. $footer->defaultCreatingChecked();
  8. });
  9. // set `Viewing` to be checked by default
  10. $form->defaultViewChecked();
  11. // set `Continue editing` to be checked by default
  12. $form->defaultEditingChecked();
  13. // set `Continue creating` to be checked by default
  14. $form->defaultCreatingChecked();


  1. fix the problem that the form must be sorted by with first when using the correlation field
  2. repair the problem that multiple asynchronous components cannot be rendered at the same time on the same page
  3. repair the problem of abnormal jumping after deleting child node data under tree table #1071
  4. repair the abnormal export problem when there is an empty array in the export field of the table
  5. repair the problem that the picture element of the page disappears when using sortable function to sort the form multi-picture upload
  6. repair the problem of invalid setting false for disable method of form fields
  7. repair the problem that multipleSelect form cannot pass all selected options into the interface when using load linkage loading #1076
  8. fix the problem of abnormal selection function when there are multiple options starting with 0 in table specification selector


Release date 2021/2/21

To upgrade, step-by-step execute the following command and clear the browser cache

  1. composer remove dcat/laravel-admin
  2. composer require dcat/laravel-admin:"2.0.19-beta"
  3. php artisan admin:publish --assets --migrations --force
  4. php artisan migrate


  1. fix no access problem when requesting built-in api in non-admin role
  2. fix the problem of using time range form in popup window to report error


Released on 2021/2/20

To upgrade, run the following commands step by step and clear the browser cache

  1. composer remove dcat/laravel-admin
  2. composer require dcat/laravel-admin:"2.0.18-beta"
  3. php artisan admin:publish --assets --migrations --force
  4. php artisan migrate

Feature improvements

1. Add horizontal layout at the top of the menu (Horizontal)

Set the value of the configuration parameter admin.layout.horizontal_menu to true to enable this feature, the effect is as follows

BETA version changelog - 图1

Permission middleware and skip login judgment can fill in the route alias and do not need to increase the prefix

Configuration file and permission setting route alias without filling in the route prefix

  1. 'permission' => [
  2. ...
  3. // Skip the permissions
  4. 'except' => [
  5. // You can fill in the route alias directly, and you don't need to write the route prefix
  6. 'custom.users',
  7. ],
  8. ],

3. Add _index field to save row number for data table row data

The _index field is used to save the row number, starting from 0, and is used as follows

  1. // Use in the display callback
  2. $grid->column('serial number')->display(function () {
  3. return $this->_index + 1;
  4. });
  5. // used in a row action
  6. $grid->actions(function ($actions) {
  7. $index = $this->_index;
  8. ...
  9. });

4. Rename markdown component static resource aliases to avoid conflicts with custom blade tags

5. Add configuration parameter to set the default menu icon is used to set the default menu icon, the default value is feather icon-circle

6. Add new block locations NAVBAR_BEFORE and NAVBAR_AFTER

  1. use Dcat\Admin\Admin;
  2. // Output content to the front of the top navigation bar
  3. admin_inject_section(Admin::SECTION['NAVBAR_BEFORE'], view('...'));
  4. // Output content after the top navigation bar
  5. admin_inject_section(Admin::SECTION['NAVBAR_AFTER'], view('...'));

6. Optimize form field selector code


  1. fix the problem of abnormal display of new tag on the extension management page #1044
  2. fix the problem of error reported after successful file uploading and direct deletion #1058
  3. repair the abnormal input value problem of Form::number form after using min and max methods


Release date 2021/2/5

To upgrade, step-by-step execute the following commands and clear the browser cache

  1. composer remove dcat/laravel-admin
  2. composer require dcat/laravel-admin:"2.0.17-beta"
  3. php artisan admin:publish --assets --migrations --force
  4. php artisan migrate

Function improvement

1. Optimize the table sorting function

Support orderBy to sort directly using related table fields, note that only one to one and one to many related relationships are supported here

  1. $grid->model()->orderBy('profile.age');

2. Add the function of customizing parent_id value in the model tree and tree table

Model tree and tree table can be customized in model with parent_id value, the default value is 0.

  1. class Category extends Model
  2. {
  3. use ModelTree;
  4. // Set the default parent_id to A
  5. protected $defaultParentId = 'A';
  6. }

3. Data details file supports displaying multiple files


  1. $show->field('...')->files();


BETA version changelog - 图2

4.Form::input supports array batch settings

  1. $form->submitted(function ($form) {
  2. $form->input(['k1' => 'v1', 'k2' => 'v2' ...]);
  3. });

5. Extension management supports logo and alternate display

Refer to the documentation extensions for detailed usage

6. Add admin_route method to get URL by alias

The app/Admin/routes.php route is registered as follows

  1. Route::group([
  2. 'prefix' => config('admin.route.prefix'),
  3. 'namespace' => config('admin.route.namespace'),
  4. 'middleware' => config('admin.route.middleware'),
  5. ], function (Router $router) {
  6. // Set alias
  7. $router->resource('users', 'UserController', [
  8. 'names' => ['index' => 'my-users'],
  9. ]);
  10. });

Get URL by alias

  1. // Get the url
  2. $url = admin_route('my-users');
  3. // Determine the route
  4. $isUsers = request()->routeIs(admin_route_name('users'));

JsonResponse::location allows not to pass parameters

The current page will be automatically refreshed after 1 seconds if no parameters are passed

  1. return Admin::json()->success('operation successful')->location();

9.Page LayoutLayout\Column support equal width layout

Equal-width layout is used when the column width is set to 0 #1018

  1. use Dcat\Admin\Layout\Row;
  2. use Dcat\Admin\Layout\Content;
  3. return Content::make()
  4. ->body(function (Row $row) {
  5. $row->column(0, view('...'));
  6. });

10. The page layout Layout\Row supports no-gutters property

.row with margin-left: -15px;margin-right: -15px; attribute, you can eliminate this attribute by defining the .no-gutters attribute on .row so that the page is not 30px extra wide, i.e. <div class="row no- gutters"...

  1. $content->row(function (Row $row) {
  2. // Enable no-gutters
  3. $row->noGutters();
  4. $row->column(9, function (Column $column) {
  5. $column->row($this->card(['col-md-12', 20], '#4DB6AC'));
  6. $column->row(function (Row $row) {
  7. // Enable no-gutters
  8. $row->noGutters();
  9. $row->column(4, $this->card(['col-md-4', 30], '#80CBC4'));
  10. $row->column(4, $this->card(['col-md-4', 30], '#4DB6AC'));
  11. $row->column(4, function (Column $column) {
  12. $column->row(function (Row $row) {
  13. // Enable no-gutters
  14. $row->noGutters();
  15. $row->column(6, $this->card(['col-md-6', 30], '#26A69A'));
  16. $row->column(6, $this->card(['col-md-6', 30], '#26A69A'));
  17. });
  18. });
  19. });
  20. });
  21. });

The effect is as follows

BETA version changelog - 图3

11. Retain the get parameter of the URL after deleting data from the form

In the previous version, the get parameter of the URL was lost after deleting data, resulting in jumping back to the first page of the form. This version has optimized this feature, and the get parameter of the URL is still retained after deletion #961

12. Refactor file upload front-end code

This feature is a technical optimization, this version refactored the file upload front-end code, split the code to make it easier to read and maintain


  1. fix MultipleSelect form style exception problem #967
  2. fix the abnormal problem of using select2 form after loading markdown component #990
  3. fix the problem of losing traditional Chinese file name saved under Linux server when uploading files #993
  4. fix the problem that Widgets\Dropdown::click cannot display default options
  5. fix the problem of NaN when clicking the plus/minus button when the text content of number component in form form is empty #995
  6. repair the problem that the picture preview fails to indicate that the translation file cannot be used
  7. repair the problem of abnormal judgment of Range form of one-to-one association relationship using validation rules
  8. repair the problem of route alias conflict under multiple applications


Release date 2021/1/11

To upgrade, step-by-step execute the following command

  1. composer remove dcat/laravel-admin
  2. composer require dcat/laravel-admin:"2.0.16-beta"
  3. php artisan admin:publish --assets --migrations --force
  4. php artisan migrate

Breaking changes

1. Adjusted disableHorizontal to horizontal for form fields

Change the form field layout to horizontal, this is enabled by default and is used as follows

  1. // Disable the horizontal layout
  2. $form->text('...')->horizontal(false);

Feature improvements

1. Enhance the sortable function of form fields

Make form fields support sortable for relational table fields and json fields

Note that associative relationships only support hasOne and belongsTo types of field sorting, and do not support multiple levels of nesting!

  1. // Sorting fields in the associated table
  2. $grid->column('profile.age')->sortable();
  3. // Specify the name of the field to be sorted
  4. $grid->column('my_age')->sortable('profile.age');
  5. // json field sorting
  6. $grid->column('options.price')->sortable('options->price');
  7. // Sort the json fields of the association table
  8. $grid->column('profile.options.price')->sortable('profile.options->price');

Support MySql order by cast(`{field}` as {type}) usage

  1. $grid->column('profile.age')->sortable(null, 'SIGNED');
  2. $grid->column('profile.options.price')->sortable('profile.options->price', 'SIGNED');

2. Add admin_exist function to replace exit

admin_exist is used to interrupt the execution of the program and respond to the browser with data for display, instead of exit and die, the following is a brief description of usage

Usage 1, return Content layout object, this usage can be used to return error messages to the front end

  1. use Dcat\Admin\Widgets\Alert;
  2. use Dcat\Admin\Layout\Content;
  3. // Interrupt the program and display a custom page to the front end
  4. admin_exit(
  5. Content::make()
  6. ->title('title')
  7. ->description('description')
  8. ->body('Page content 1')
  9. ->body(Alert::make('Server error~', 'Error')->danger())
  10. );

The effect is as follows

BETA version changelog - 图4

Usage 2, returning json formatted data, often used for api request interception for form submissions, or api request interception for Action

  1. use Dcat\Admin\Admin;
  2. admin_exit(
  3. Admin::json()
  4. ->success('succeeded')
  5. ->refresh()
  6. ->data([
  7. ...
  8. ])
  9. );
  10. // Of course you can also respond directly to the array
  11. admin_exit([
  12. ...
  13. ]);

Usage 3, direct corresponding Response object or string

  1. admin_exit('Hello world');
  2. admin_exit(response('Hello world', 500));

3. Add Show\Field::bool() and Show\Field::bold() methods

Show if the field value is true, otherwise show #940

  1. $show->field('...')->bool();

Bolded field values

  1. $show->field('...') ->bold();
  2. // Specify the color
  3. $show->field('...') ->bold(admin_color()->primary());

4. Add Form\Footer::view() method

The `Form\Footer::view() method allows you to customize the bottom view of a data form #957

  1. $form->footer(function ($footer) {
  2. $footer->view('...' , [...]) ;
  3. });

5. Add form default to show specified Tab function

  1. // Show the Tab with the title Title 2 by default
  2. $form->getTab()->active('Title2');
  3. // You can also specify an offset
  4. $form->getTab()->activeByIndex(1);
  5. $form->tab('Heading 1', function ($form) {
  6. ...
  7. });
  8. $form->tab('Title2', function ($form) {
  9. ...
  10. });

6. Add form Form\Row::horizontal() method

Set the layout to horizontal

  1. $form->row(function (Form\Row $form) {
  2. $form->horizontal();
  3. ...
  4. });

7. Form Modal adds custom icon functionality

  1. $grid->column('...') ->modal(function ($modal) {
  2. // Custom icons
  3. $modal->icon('feather icon-x');
  4. return ... ;
  5. });

8. Add route domain restriction configuration

You can restrict the domain name of a route by configuring the parameter admin.route.domain, opening the configuration file config/admin.php

  1. 'route' => [
  2. 'domain' => env('ADMIN_ROUTE_DOMAIN'),
  3. 'prefix' => env('ADMIN_ROUTE_PREFIX', 'admin'),
  4. 'namespace' => 'App\\Admin\\Controllers',
  5. 'middleware' => ['web', 'admin'],
  6. ],

9. Add enable or disable configuration for admin.session middleware

After 2.0 version admin.session middleware is no longer enabled by default, if your application has both frontend and backend, you need to enable admin.session middleware, otherwise it will cause front and backend session conflict problem.

Set the value of the configuration parameter admin.route.enable_session_middleware to true to enable it

  1. 'route' => [
  2. 'domain' => env('ADMIN_ROUTE_DOMAIN'),
  3. 'prefix' => env('ADMIN_ROUTE_PREFIX', 'admin'),
  4. 'namespace' => 'App\Admin\\Controllers',
  5. 'middleware' => ['web', 'admin'],
  6. // enable admin.session middleware
  7. 'enable_session_middleware' => true,
  8. ],


  1. fix the problem that Model is converted to array format in the first parameter of Grid::header and Grid::footer callback of data table
  2. repair the problem that the color of file upload button cannot be changed when switching themes #938
  3. repair the invalid setting of the third parameter of Widgets\Table construction method
  4. fix the problem of using config(['admin.layout.color' => '...']) inapp/Admin/bootstrap.php` ‘ Override theme color may be invalid
  5. fix the problem of invalid data table filter reset association form fields #949
  6. repair the problem of abnormal display of group function of table filter #929
  7. fix the problem that only the first set title is displayed in all popups when there are multiple selectTable forms on the page #926


Release date 2021/1/3

To upgrade method, step by step execute the following command

  1. composer remove dcat/laravel-admin
  2. composer require dcat/laravel-admin:"2.0.15-beta"
  3. php artisan admin:publish --assets --migrations --force
  4. php artisan migrate

Feature improvements

1. Upgrade select2 to v4.1.x-beta version

Upgrade select component to v4.1.x-beta, make tags form experience better, and support multi-language translation.

Widgets/Modal added vertical centering and scrollable popups.

Use as follows #901

  1. $modal = Modal::make()
  2. ->xl()
  3. ->centered() // Set the pop-up window to be vertically centered
  4. ->scrollable() // Set the content of the pop-up window to be scrollable
  5. ->title(...)
  6. ->body(...);

3. Admin::requiredAssets supports passing dynamic parameters

  1. use Dcat\Admin\Admin;
  2. // Register front-end component aliases
  3. // {lang} is a dynamic parameter
  4. Admin::asset()->alias('@test', [
  5. 'js' => ['/vendor/test/js/{lang}.min.js'],
  6. ]);
  7. // {lang} will be replaced with zh_CN
  8. Admin::requireAssets('@test', ['lang' => 'zh_CN']);
  9. // It can also be used like this
  10. Admin::requireAssets('@test?lang=zh_CN');


  1. Fix the problem that the form block layout cannot save data #883
  2. Fix currency failure under hasMany form #886
  3. Repair the problem of automatically jumping to the detail page after saving the data form #893
  4. Fix the problem that editor form can not clear the data #895
  5. Fix the required validation exception of tags under hasMany form #905
  6. Repair the problem of all files being emptied when deleting a single file in multi-file upload form #914
  7. fix the problem that form fields cannot use model accessor


Release Date 2020/12/24

To upgrade the method, step by step execute the following command

  1. composer remove dcat/laravel-admin
  2. composer require dcat/laravel-admin:"2.0.14-beta"
  3. php artisan admin:publish --assets --migrations --force
  4. php artisan migrate

Function improvement

1. Optimize the error message prompt for file upload failure

In the old version, the error message for file upload failure was not very clear, which made it difficult to define the reason for the error, so in this version, the error message is optimized, and the specific reason will be displayed once the file upload fails.

Bug fixes

  1. fix the problem that the form field conflicts with the model casts attribute and the abnormal display problem using string splicing in the display closure #876
  2. fix the problem that the dynamic display function of the form cannot be used #879
  3. fix the problem of not being able to display editing data when using Block layout #877


Release Date 2020/12/23

To upgrade the method, step by step execute the following command

  1. composer remove dcat/laravel-admin
  2. composer require dcat/laravel-admin:"2.0.13-beta"
  3. php artisan admin:publish --assets --migrations --force
  4. php artisan migrate

Bug fixes

  1. fix the problem that the table may report an error when displaying related fields when the related data does not exist #867
  2. fix the problem that display method is invalid when the table uses data repository to return arrays or non-model collection #869


Release Date 2020/12/22

To upgrade the method, step by step execute the following command

  1. composer remove dcat/laravel-admin
  2. composer require dcat/laravel-admin:"2.0.12-beta"
  3. php artisan admin:publish --assets --migrations --force
  4. php artisan migrate

Disruptive changes

1. image/file upload form removeable renamed to removable

  1. $form->file('...')->removable();

Feature improvement

1.Support PHP8.0

2. Image/file upload form supports listening to WebUploader events

The on method can listen to WebUploader file upload related events

  1. $form->file('...')
  2. ->on('startUpload', <<<JS
  3. function () {
  4. console.log('File upload started...', this);
  5. // Attach custom parameters to the file upload interface before uploading files
  6. this.uploader.options.formData['custom_field'] = '...';
  7. }
  8. JS
  9. )
  10. ->on('uploadFinished', <<<JS
  11. function () {
  12. console.log('File upload is complete');
  13. }
  14. JS
  15. );
  16. //

3. Listen for changes when a file is successfully uploaded or deleted

You can listen for changes when a file is uploaded successfully or when a file is deleted by the following methods

  1. $file = $form->file('...');
  2. Admin::script(
  3. <<<JS
  4. $('{$file->getElementClassSelector()} .file-input').on('change', function () {
  5. console.log('Document changed', this.value);
  6. });
  7. JS
  8. );

4. Allow intercepting and responding to error messages in the uploading event

Starting from this version, we support intercepting file uploads in the uploading event of the form and responding to error messages on the front-end.

  1. $form->uploading(function (Form $form) {
  2. return $form->response()->error('File upload failed, please try again!');
  3. });

5. Listen to selectTable selected value change

  1. $selectTable = $form->selectTable('...')->from(...);
  2. Admin::script(
  3. <<<JS
  4. $('{$selectTable->getElementClassSelector()} input[type="hidden"]').on('change', function () {
  5. console.log('Change of selected values', this.value);
  6. });
  7. JS
  8. );

6. adjust the tree form no data return, cancel the return of 404 status code

7. Adjust the value type of row attribute of table displayer class to model

8. Dark mode details optimization

  1. $grid->column(...)->modal(function () {
  2. // $this points to the model object
  3. dd($this);
  4. });
  5. $grid->actions(function () {
  6. // $this points to the model object
  7. dd($this);
  8. });

9. Optimize the problem of overflowing chart display in cards


10.widget component add when method

  1. $modal = Dcat\Admin\Widgets\Modal::make()
  2. ->when($condition, function ($modal) {
  3. // When the value of $condition is true, the logic inside the closure will be executed
  4. $modal->xl();
  5. })
  6. ->body(...)
  7. ->render();

Bug fixes

  1. fix Grid\Filter::group can’t keep selected state #739
  2. fix Form::hasMany problem of validating required even after form entry is deleted #795
  3. fix the problem that map form cannot be used
  4. fix the problem that guessClassFileName will report error when composer class mapping file is generated and the class file is deleted
  5. fix the problem of error when using Fetched event for data export #815
  6. fix the problem that filter cannot be reset after setting Grid name.
  7. fix the problem that select2 can’t use Chinese language pack automatically #839
  8. fix the problem that continue to create and continue to edit jump route error #814
  9. fix range form setting rules invalid when one-to-one association is enabled
  10. fix the problem that time filtering dropdown will be blocked when fixColumns is enabled #833
  11. fix the problem that menu fa icon can’t be aligned automatically #758
  12. fix the problem of submitting errors with hasMany in row layout #801
  13. fix form hasMany can’t use select linkage #769


Release date 2020/12/06

To upgrade, step-by-step execute the following command

  1. composer remove dcat/laravel-admin
  2. composer require dcat/laravel-admin: "2.0.11-beta"
  3. php artisan admin:publish --assets --force
  4. php artisan admin:publish --migrations --force # table structure changes
  5. php artisan migrate

Bug fixes

  1. fix Dcat.init listener failure due to repeated page refreshes using pjax
  2. fix admin:export-seed --users which generates redundant code
  3. repair the problem of abnormal jumping after saving the form editing page
  4. repair the problem that hasMany will add data repeatedly if you choose to continue editing on the form page
  5. fix the problem that the original select2 config is lost after linking select forms #779
  6. fix map form loading exception problem #764
  7. fix the problem that the page cannot be refreshed automatically after the data is deleted by the batch delete function
  8. fix the problem that hasMany form editing page cannot display row and column layouts properly
  9. fix the problem that Dcat.init listener will be unbound by asynchronous pop-up window
  10. fix a bug that the table toolbar dropdown menu is blocked by the fixed list pane #728
  11. fix a problem where cached content is still read when showColumnSelector is disabled

Functional improvements

1. Add title parameter to Form::divider.

Add title parameter to display the title in the middle of the divider, usage

  1. $form->divider('title');

2. Grid::footer and Grid::header adjusted to support multiple callbacks

  1. $grid->header(...) ;
  2. $grid->header(...) ;
  3. $grid->header(...) ;

3. Optimize form specification filters and select form styles


Posted on 2020/11/29

To upgrade the method, execute the following step-by-step commands

  1. composer remove dcat/laravel-admin
  2. composer require dcat/laravel-admin:"2.0.10-beta"
  3. php artisan admin:publish --assets --force
  4. php artisan admin:publish --migrations --force # Table structure changed.
  5. php artisan migrate

Functional improvements

1. Add a prompt window in the upper right corner of the form to display field validation error messages.

This feature is enabled by default and can be disabled by the validationErrorToastr method.

  1. $form->validationErrorToastr(false);

2.Add Tree::maxDepth method to limit the maximum level of the model tree .

  1. $tree->maxDepth(5);

3. Optimize the export function, support title settings associated with the relational fields and automatically read the title of the grid column .

In the current version, exported columns are the same as column columns by default, so you no longer need to set the exported column name and translation manually, and the associated relational fields are supported.

  1. $grid->column('id');
  2. $grid->column('name');
  3. ...
  4. // Default is the same as the column above
  5. $grid->export();

4. Add a resetButton and submitButton method to the tool form.

  1. // Disable the Reset and Submit buttons
  2. $form->resetButton(false);
  3. $form->submitButton(false);

5. Add parameters to the disable and readOnly methods of the form fields to control whether they are enabled or not.

  1. // pass false to disable
  2. $form->text(...)->disable(false);

6. Adding withDeleteData to file uploads allows users to set request parameters and add primary key fields to the upload and delete interfaces.

The withDeleteData method allows you to pass custom parameters to the file delete interface.

  1. $form->file(...)->withDeleteData(['key' => 'value]);

7. Add embeds form to disable display of titles.

The second parameter, passed as false, does not display the title.

  1. $form->embeds('field', false, function ($form) {
  2. ...
  3. });

8. Rewrite some of the unit test cases to support 2.x usage.

Bug fixes

  1. fix the problem that existing permissions cannot be selected on admin detail page.
  2. fix the problem of admin:export-seed command exporting seeder class name exception.
  3. fix the form deletion jump exception
  4. fix the problem of form jumping exception when continuing to edit.
  5. fix the problem that parent table fields cannot be saved when parent table and hasMany have the same field name.
  6. fix the problem that the style of selected submenu is abnormal in dark mode #712
  7. fix the problem that form dynamic display function is invalid under form block layout #723
  8. optimize the display of selectOptions hierarchy and solve the problem of prefix rendering increasing with the hierarchy depth index #618
  9. fix the problem that admin_view does not return data.
  10. fix the problem that links set by select form, ajax and load cannot take parameters #745
  11. fix the problem that the handle method of the table row operation action can only get id of the last row of data.
  12. fix the problem that list form edit page cannot delete existing data #759
  13. Fix the error in the embeds scope form’s name attribute.


Posted on 2020/11/18

To upgrade the method, execute the following step-by-step commands

  1. composer remove dcat/laravel-admin
  2. composer require dcat/laravel-admin:"2.0.9-beta"
  3. php artisan admin:publish --assets --force
  4. php artisan admin:publish --migrations --force # 表结构有变动
  5. php artisan migrate

Bug Fix.

  1. fix the function failure of form filter::select form remote load /load/ajax etc.
  2. fix the front-end moment-timezone component path loading error #701
  3. fix the problem of not being able to set permissions due to Form::tree not being able to save data.
  4. fix the problem of filling default value exception when the hasMany form has the same field name as the parent table.
  5. repair the problem of adding new page report when form tab layout is nested with row layout #648
  6. fix the problem of not being able to get all the values under range after submission when the form has range type field.
  7. fix the problem that select2 component is invalid when Form::select uses form linkage.


Posted on 2020/11/16

To upgrade the method, execute the following command step by step

  1. composer remove dcat/laravel-admin
  2. composer require dcat/laravel-admin:"2.0.8-beta"
  3. php artisan admin:publish --assets --force
  4. php artisan admin:publish --migrations --force # Table structure changed
  5. php artisan migrate

As a supplement to 2.0.7-beta, the following issues are fixed in this release

  1. fix the problem of not being able to view permissions on the admin page
  2. fix the problem of form block layout failure
  3. fix the problem of abnormal initialization of file upload form.
  4. fix the problem that some form fields don’t support rendering multiple fields on a single page at the same time.


Posted on 2020/11/15

To upgrade the method, execute the following command step by step

  1. composer remove dcat/laravel-admin
  2. composer require dcat/laravel-admin:"2.0.7-beta"
  3. php artisan admin:publish --assets --force
  4. php artisan admin:publish --migrations --force # Changes in table structure
  5. php artisan migrate

Functional improvements

  1. Introduce the jquery.initialize component to listen to dynamically generated page elements and set a callback, the following is a simple example to demonstrate usage.

In older versions, if an element is dynamically generated by JS, and we need to bind a click event to that element, then we usually do this

  1. <div class="selector">test</div>
  2. <script>
  3. Dcat.ready(function () {
  4. // You need to be off first and then on, otherwise page refresh will cause double bind problem.
  5. $(document).off('click', '.selector').on('click', '.selector', function () {
  6. ...
  7. })
  8. });
  9. </script>

The above approach is troublesome, you need to off and then on; secondly, you can not do some special treatment for dynamically generated elements, for example, if you want to change the background color after .selector is generated, there is no way to do this.

In this version we can use the Dcat.init method to listen to the dynamically generated elements.

  1. <div class="selector">test</div>
  2. <script>
  3. Dcat.ready(function () {
  4. // $this is the jquery dom object of the current element.
  5. // id is the id attribute of the current element, if the current element has no id, a random id will be generated automatically.
  6. Dcat.init('.selector', function ($this, id) {
  7. // Change the background color of the element.
  8. $this.css({background: "#fff"});
  9. // There's no need for off and then on again, because the anonymous function will only be executed once!
  10. $this.on('click', function () {
  11. ...
  12. });
  13. });
  14. });
  15. </script>

Thanks to the introduction of the jquery.initialize component, in the current version we have optimized the front-end code of the form component to support the dynamically generated form type HasMany more easily. Significantly reduces the complexity of the code.

2.Form::hasMany and Form::array forms support column and row layout

If there are more fields, you can use column and row layout to save space.

  1. $form->array('field', function (NestedForm $form) {
  2. $form->column(6, function (NestedForm $form) {
  3. $form->text('...');
  4. ...
  5. });
  6. $form->column(6, function (NestedForm $form) {
  7. ...
  8. });
  9. });

3.Routes configured with the admin.auth.except parameter do not require authentication privileges #673

  1. Add when method to Form, Grid and Show field classes

Usage examples, similar to Laravel QueryBuilders when method

in the table

  1. // Closing code will be executed when the first parameter is true.
  2. $grid->column('title')->when(true, function (Grid\Column $column, $value) {
  3. $column->label();
  4. });

form (document)

  1. // Closing code will be executed when the first parameter is true.
  2. $form->text('email')->when(true, function (Form\Field\Text $text, $value) {
  3. $text->type('email');
  4. });
  1. Administrator model add canSeeMenu method to control whether the menu is visible or not.
  1. <?php
  2. namespace App\Models;
  3. use Dcat\Admin\Models\Administrator as Model;
  4. class Administrator extends Model
  5. {
  6. /**
  7. * :: Control whether the menu is visible or not, return true by default
  8. *
  9. * @param array|\Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model $menu menu node
  10. * @return bool
  11. */
  12. public function canSeeMenu($menu)
  13. {
  14. return true;
  15. }
  16. }

6.Add admin_script、admin_style、admin_js、admin_css and admin_require_assets functions

  1. // Equivalent to Admin::script
  2. admin_script('console.log(xxx)');
  3. // Equivalent to Admin::style
  4. admin_style('.my-class {color: red}');
  5. // Equivalent to Admin::js()
  6. admin_js(['@admin/xxx.js']);
  7. // Equivalent to Admin::css()
  8. admin_css(['@admin/xxx.css']);
  9. // Equivalent to Admin::requireAssets()
  10. admin_require_assets(['@select2']);
  1. simplify the action (Action) of the JS code logic, to remove the memory of the selector function


  1. Fix anomaly in the orderable form #674
  2. fix the JsonResponse methodIf error.
  3. fix table, form, and data detail specifying label #684
  4. fix the problem that the table Grid::rows callback doesn’t work properly.
  5. fix the problem of some types of statistical cards failing to load asynchronously due to exceptions in adding JS code to widgets.
  6. fix the getKey method exception for table row operations #691
  7. fix the problem of not being able to use the linkage function when there are multiple select forms in the page.
  8. Fix the problem of the table not being able to refresh automatically after deleting data.


Posted on 2020/11/7

To upgrade the method, execute the following command step by step

  1. composer remove dcat/laravel-admin
  2. composer require dcat/laravel-admin:"2.0.6-beta"
  3. php artisan admin:publish --assets --force
  4. php artisan admin:publish --migrations --force # 表结构有变动
  5. php artisan migrate

Breaking Changes

1.Form::tags form is saved as array type by default

  1. // You need to convert the format you save to the database yourself
  2. $form->tags('tag')->saveAsJson();

2.The session middleware is disabled by default

3.Form\Tree::disableFilterParents renamed to Form\Tree::exceptParentNode

  1. $form->tree('cate')->exceptParentNode(false);
  1. Adjust the method name of the file upload form part ```php // Enable chunked uploads, disableChunked changed to chunked $form->image(‘avatar’)->chunked(true);

// Enable auto-save field values, disableAutoSave changed to autoSave $form->image(‘avatar’)->autoSave(false);

// Enable the file deletion function, disableRemove changed to removable $form->image(‘avatar’)->removable(false);

  1. **Functional improvements**
  2. 1.Code generator add field dragging sorting function, this method is contributed by partner [@codingyu](
  3. 2. menu table to add `show` and `extension` field, `show` field is used to control whether to display the menu; `extension` field is used to mark whether to expand the menu
  4. 3.`Form::table``Form::array``Form::embeds` supports relational fields
  5. ```php
  6. $form->table('profile.options', function ($form) {
  7. ...
  8. });
  1. Add vertical display of Form::checkbox and Form::radio form options.

    1. $form->checkbox('xxx')->inline(false)->options([...]);
  2. Configuration file skip login and permission authentication allows configuration of routing aliases.

    1. 'auth' => [
    2. 'except' => [
    3. ...
    4. 'user.login',
    5. ],
    6. ],

6.Form\Row adds getKey and model methods

  1. Optimize the form filter select form selection effect, the default is not selected

  2. Form tab layout optimization


  1. fix Form::checkbox problem when check/uncheck all options.
  2. fix the problem that the default menu TITLE can not be translated in Taiwan Traditional Chinese.
  3. fix the problem that the number field in NestedForm is filtered when the input value is 0 #634
  4. fix the problem of getting primary key error when the model tree RowAction asynchronously processes the interface.
  5. Fix the problem of table filters failing to reset the search value of the associated table fields [#650] (
  6. fix form filter multipleSelect form exception problem


Posted on 2020/10/29


  1. fix the problem of table search multiple related table fields sql error I232T7
  2. fix the problem of Form::datetimeRange form not being able to select logs.
  3. Fix the problem of not being able to add multiple Form::table form fields #627
  4. fix the error in the form filter MultipleSelectTable.
  5. Fix the problem of abnormal style of table specification filter.


Posted on 2020/10/27


  1. fix the problem that the admin_javascript_json function will automatically empty-filter an array of null values.
  2. fix the error of using tab layout for data form #620
  3. fix the problem of abnormal permissions for temporary directories generated by extended local installation #625
  4. fix the error when using html method to set view with script tag #624.
  5. Fix the error of displaying data details using correlations (one-to-many) #623
  6. fix the dropdown menu calculation display position exception #I22S2N


Posted on 2020/10/27


  1. fix the problem of abnormal display of return information in form row editing
  2. Fix invalid setting of admin.auth.member #613
  3. fix the abnormal Chinese translation problem of editor form #611
  4. fix the problem that Filter::scope can’t filter pagination parameters when selecting filter item.
  5. fix issues related to form event interception
  6. Fix the problem of abnormal use of tree form #619

Functional improvements

  1. add the configuration of skip privileges and login authentication
  2. Extending the service provider to include middleware and route-checking registrations
  3. batch operation change event monitoring optimization
  4. Increase RowSelector robustness to avoid errors due to unprocessed json array type fields #609


Posted on 2020/10/21


  1. Fix naming space exception in controller file generated by code generator #600
  2. fix the problem of configuration file logo path error
  3. Fix the problem of invalid search for associated fields in tables
  4. fix the problem of duplicate selectors generated by model tree operation
  5. fix the problem of accessing permissionless page report
  6. Fix the problem that table filter multipleSelect cannot select the value of the associated table field #603
  7. Fix invalid form tab layout #605

Functional improvements

  1. Auth\Permission to move to Http directory
  2. Replace the json field in the data table with text
  3. add login password error translation
  4. add admin_javascript_json function, make most of the component configuration support passing JS code
  5. Admin::color Add dark mode color.


Posted on 2020/10/20


  • Fix data table filter search bug #599
  • Fix code generator error in generating controller base class namespace #600

Functional improvements

  • Code Generator adds page TITLE and breadcrumb translation functionality.
  • Exception handling optimization
  • Add admin_setting_array function.