Vuexy Admin is built using Vue CLI . Vue CLI is nicely documented to start off. You don’t need to install or configure tools like Webpack or Babel. They are preconfigured and hidden so that you can focus on the code.
Vuexy Admin是使用Vue CLI构建的。 Vue CLI很好地记录了它的开始。 您不需要安装或配置Webpack或Babel之类的工具。 它们是预先配置和隐藏的,因此您可以专注于代码
Follow along to get everything running 按照以下步骤完美运行整个项目
- First of all it’s required to Install Node and npm 首先需要安装Node和npm
- You can download Vuexy Admin .zip file from Themeforest, Unzip the zip file that you have downloaded from Themeforest. Inside the zip file, you will find the
folder anddocumentation.html
file for documentation.您可以从Themeforest下载Vuexy Admin .zip文件,解压缩从Themeforest下载的zip文件。 在zip文件中,您将找到vuexy文件夹和documentation.html文件以获取文档。 - Open your favourite console application (Terminal, iTerm, Command Prompt etc.). Navigate to the
folder and Install packages using one of the following command:npm i
,npm install
. This command will install all the required Node.js modules into the node_modules directory insidevuexy
folder. And now, you are ready to run the Vuexy Admin for the first time.打开您喜欢的控制台应用程序(终端,iTerm,命令提示符等)。 导航到vuexy文件夹,然后使用以下命令之一安装软件包:npm i,npm install。 此命令会将所有必需的Node.js模块安装到vuexy文件夹内的node_modules目录中。 现在,您已经准备好首次运行Vuexy Admin。 - To run project locally:
npm run serve
. This command will runs the app in development mode. Open http://localhost:8080 to view it in the browser. The page will automatically reload if you make changes to the code.在本地运行项目:npm run serve。 此命令将在开发模式下运行该应用程序。 打开http:// localhost:8080在浏览器中查看它。 如果更改代码,页面将自动重新加载。
WARNING Sometimes app may run on different port than
. To be sure, You can check correct address in console right after labelApp running at:
. 有时,应用程序可能在与8080不同的端口上运行。请确保“App running at”后控制台显示的是正确的地址。TIP If installation fails there’s are some common solutions:如果安装失败,则有一些常见的解决方案:
- Use yarn for better dependency management 使用yarn更好地进行依赖管理
- Use stable & recommended node.js release rather than latest 使用稳定且推荐的node.js版本而不是最新版本
- Download fresh zip from themeforest and retry 从themeforest下载最新的zip文件并重试
Starter Kit 入门套件
Vuexy Admin also provide starter kit to kick start your project with just base code. You can find start-kit named vuexy-starter
in root of unzipped folder.
Vuexy Admin还提供入门工具包,仅用基本代码即可启动您的项目。 您可以在解压缩文件夹的根目录中找到名为vuexy-starter的入门工具包。
Starter kit have all components and their styles. It also includes themeConfig.js
file to quickly change theme appearance.
入门套件包含所有组件及其样式。 它还包括themeConfig.js文件,可快速更改主题外观。
To run starter kit you just have to command npm install
, which will install all the packages. Upon successful execution of command you can run your project using npm run serve
command. Now visit the displayed url in console to have a look at starter kit.
要运行入门工具包,只需命令npm install,它将安装所有软件包。 成功执行命令后,您可以使用npm run serve命令运行项目。 现在,您可以访问控制台中显示的URL查看这个入门套件项目。