You can manage the data by adding a table with a nice and very functional style


To implement a data table we have the component vs-table, also sub components and slots for a better management of the structure and operation

  • vs-th: Component
  • vs-tr: Component
  • vs-td: Component
  • thead: Slot
  • tbody: Slot
  • header: Slot

    TIP In order to manipulate the data within the table, it is necessary to add the property: > data="myDataTable" and thus be able to use the > slot-scope="{data}"


You can have a sebra effect by adding the property stripe


There are times when we need to add a state to our tr in the table so we have the property state inside the component vs-tr


You can add a paginated table with the pagination property

TIP by default the maximum number of elements per page is > 5 to change it using the > max-items property

Single Selected

You can add the functionality of select a specific tr to do this add the property data with the value to be selected, it is usually the triterated
if you need to execute a certain function to select the user, we have the property @selected , as the first parameter the data is returned

Multiple Selected

To select multiples tr we have the property multiple and each of the selected items will be added to thev-model

Edit Data Table

You can edit the data with slot edit, so you have better flexibility and mastery of what you need

Filter and Sorter

You can add the Filter functionality by adding the search property
if you need a property to be sorted you just have to add the sort-key property and the value you need to be sorted


You can add a filtered, sorted, paginated and multi selected table with combination of the search, multiple and pagination properties for example

SST (Server-site Table)

The table stops doing its functionalities on the client side and proceeds to issue the functions that the user does to capture them and make the requests to the server’s api making the change in the data


Name Type Parameters Description default
data Array, Object Data that will be represented in the table.
header slot Header of the table.
thead slot thead of the table and where the vs-th should be added.
tbody slot tbody of the table and where the vs-tr should be added.
stripe Boolean Add a stripes effect. false
hoverFlat Boolean Change effect hover and flat. false
maxHeight px Change the high maximum of the table, generating the scroll. false
multiple Boolean Determines if multiple items can be selected. false
notSpacer Boolean Eliminates the space between each tr. false
search Boolean Determine if the filtering functionality through an input is active. false
pagination Boolean Determine if the page is active so that only a certain number of items can be displayed. false
maxItems Number Change the maximum number of items that can be displayed when the page is active. 5
state (vs-tr) Boolean Determine the state of the element with a color.
data (vs-tr) Object, Number, Array, String Determines the value of the element for when it is selected.
sortKey (vs-th) String Determine the value to be raffled and if this activates that functionality.
data (vs-td) String This property is required if you are going to use the edit slot.
noDataText String Change the text of the notification when there is no data in the table.
sst (server-site table) Boolean It does not execute the functions of the client side like search, pagination change or sort, now the methods are executed (search, change-page and sort) to be used when making the call to the api of the server. false