You can use feather icon in Vuesax Framework component instead of boring materialize icons.
您可以在Vuesax Framework组件中使用feather图标,而不是无聊的materialize图标。

Using Font Icon version 使用字体图标

Vuesax Component framework mainly support materialize icons as theme icons. But They don’t look much great. So, we added font icon version of Feather Icons.
Vuesax组件框架主要支持将materialize图标作为主题图标。但是它们看起来并不好。因此,我们添加了Feather Icons字体图标。
When passing icon name in component’s prop, you can use icon-pack prop and icon prop to use feather icons in Vuesax Components.
在组件的prop中传递图标名称时,可以使用icon-packprop和iconprop在Vuesax Components中使用feather图标。

TIP Vuexy Admin uses feather icons in all components of Vuesax Framework instead of materialize icons.Vuexy Admin在Vuesax Framework的所有组件中使用feather图标,而不是materialize图标。

To use feather icons, You just have to pass feather as icon-pack and prefix icon-{iconName} in icon prop.
To better understand this, check out below examples.
要使用feather图标,您只需要在prop中传递featheras icon-packprefixicon-{iconName}``icon

  1. <template>
  2. <vs-input icon-pack="feather" icon="icon-search" label-placeholder="Search" class="is-label-placeholder" />
  3. <vs-button icon-pack="feather" icon="icon-camera">Button</vs-button>
  4. <vs-button icon-pack="feather" icon="icon-code">Button</vs-button>
  5. </template>

TIP View all feather icons here . 在此处查看所有羽毛图标。