- Understanding router.js 了解router.js
- Understanding Router() Instance 了解Router实例
- Router Layouts 路由视图
- Routes & Lazy Loading 路由和延迟加载
- Add Menu Items 添加Sidebar菜单项
- Using Parent Property of Route使用Route的Parent属性
- Creating Breadcrumb 新建面包屑导航
- Page title 页面title
- Add Permission Control 添加权限控制
- Set Route as fixed height page(App Page) 将Route设置为固定高度页面(应用页面)
Create routes powered by Vue Router. You can add and remove routes in router.js
file in src
Understanding router.js 了解router.js
import Vue from 'vue'
import Router from 'vue-router'
Above code in router.js
, imports vue
and vue-router
and register them in our app.Now Following code export router to be used in main.js
export default new Router({ ... })
Understanding Router() Instance 了解Router实例
First thing you will notice in Router()
is mode
option, this option is set to history
. Default value of mode is hash mode
. Which uses the URL hash to simulate a full URL so that the page won’t be reloaded when the URL changes.
您将在Router() 中注意到的第一件事是mode选项,此选项设置为history,默认值为hash。它使用URL Hash来模拟完整的URL,以便在URL更改时不会重新加载页面。
To get rid of the hash, we used history
mode. which leverages the history.pushState
API to achieve URL navigation without a page reload. By using history
mode in our router we can create beautiful URLs.
为了摆脱哈希值,我们使用了history模式。 它利用history.pushState API实现URL导航,而无需重新加载页面。 通过在路由器中使用history模式,我们可以创建漂亮的URL。
base is the base URL of the app. For example, if the entire single page application is served under /app/
, then base should use the value “/app/“
base是应用程序的基本URL。 例如,如果整个单页应用程序在/ app /下提供,则base应使用值”/app/“
We used scrollBehavior function to scroll to top when navigating to a new route. return statement return {x:0, y:0}
make page to scroll to top when new route is visited. You can find more on scrollBehavior in vue-router docs .
导航到新的路由时,我们使用了scrollBehavior函数滚动到顶部。 return语句return {x:0,y:0}使页面在进入新路由时滚动到顶部。 您可以在vue-router docs中找到有关scrollBehavior的更多信息。
Router Layouts 路由视图
Vuexy Admin have two layouts: 1. Main Layout and 2. Full page layout.
Vuexy Admin具有两种布局:1.Main Layout 和2. Full page layout.
property contains two objects regarding this two layouts. All routes which requires the main layout are children of Main Layout and other routes which requires full page layout, are children of Full Page Layout.
routes属性包含关于这两种布局的两个对象。 所有需要Main Layout布局的路由都是Main Layout的子级,而其他需要Full Page Layout布局的路由则是Full page layout的子级。
Path for both layouts are set to ''
(empty string) so that children gets root url. This gives benefites of users can see beautiful URLs regardless of route’s layout.
两种布局的路径都设置为””,以便子级获得根url。 这给用户带来了好处,无论路由的布局如何,用户都可以看到漂亮的URL。
Routes & Lazy Loading 路由和延迟加载
Vue Router
is configured to use Lazy Loading which makes Vuexy Admin blazing fast. component defined in router is lazy loaded through this code:
Vue路由器配置为使用“延迟加载”,这使Vuexy Admin的运行速度更快。 路由器中定义的组件通过以下代码延迟加载:
component: () => import('./views/apps/todo/Todo.vue')
Each route should map to a component and then component is called when use navigates to url regarding to path
In our exmaple Todo App will be only imported if user visits '/apps/todo'
url. All Routes also have name
property so that you can also use Named Routes
在我们的示例中,仅当用户访问”/apps/todo” URL时才导入Todo App。 所有路由还具有name属性,因此您也可以使用命名路由
This technique decrease the bundle size and reduces load time of Vuexy Admin.
这种技术减小了包的大小并减少了Vuexy Admin的加载时间。
Add Menu Items 添加Sidebar菜单项
To add/remove items in sidebar, You have to edit sidebarItems.js
file. Vuexy Admin uses custom sidebar which is slightly upgraded version of Vuesax Framework vs-sidebar
component. This sidebar is built in a way which makes your work a lot easier.
要在边栏中添加/删除项目,您须编辑sidebarItems.js文件。 Vuexy Admin使用自定义边栏,它是Vuesax Framework vs-sidebar组件的微升级版本。 该侧边栏的构建方式使您的工作更加轻松。
Open sidebarItems.js
which is located in src/layouts/components/vx-sidebar/
. This file exports list of object(Array) which is passed as prop to vx-sidebar
打开位于src/layouts/components/vx-sidebar /中的sidebarItems.js。 该文件导出数组对象列表,该列表作为prop传递给vx-sidebar组件。
each object
in this Array is sidebar-item
. To create group, you have to pass url
as null
or use submenu
property to define group’s items. Which will be again object with similar properties.
此数组中的每个对象都是一个侧边栏项目。 要创建组,您必须将url传递为null或使用submenu属性来定义组的项目。 它将再次成为具有类似属性的对象。
url: "/apps/email",
name: "Email",
slug: "email",
icon: "MailIcon",
i18n: "Email",
Above code creates item which navigates to /apps/email
url: null, // You can omit this 你可以忽略这个
name: "Dashboard",
slug: "dashboard",
icon: "HomeIcon",
i18n: "Dashboard",
submenu: [
url: '/dashboard/analytics',
name: "Analytics",
slug: "dashboard-analytics",
i18n: "Analytics",
url: '/dashboard/ecommerce',
name: "eCommerce",
slug: "dashboard-eCommerce",
i18n: "eCommerce",
Above code create group named Dashboard
, having two sub items Analytics
and eCommerce
header: "Apps",
i18n: "Apps",
Above code creates group header in sidebar.
WARNING item’s slug should be identical to name property of that route defined in router.js file. 项目的slug应与router.js文件中定义的路由的name属性相同。 e.g.
name should bedashboard-analytics
in router.js file and in sidebarItems.js file link’s slug should be same. 例如:/dashboard/analytics名称在router.js文件中应为dashboard-analytics,而在sidebarItems.js文件中,链接的slug应相同。
At the bottom of this page you will find API table which explains each property of object(item).
在此页面的底部,您将找到API表,该表解释了对象 (item) 的每个属性。
Using Parent Property of Route使用Route的Parent属性
From v3.3, You can use meta property parent
in route for activating sidebar item, even if that route is not defined in sidebarItems.js
This is helpful if you want to display inner pages while having sidebar link active.
Please consider checking Knowledge Base page. It has inner pages which is not defined in sidebarItems.js therefor they are not visible in sidebar anywhere. Now, if you visit any of that inner page, sidebar link (Knowledge Base) will not remain active because sidebar link and current route link is different now.
请考虑Knowledge Base页面。 它具有在sidebarItems.js中未定义的内部页面,因此在任何侧边栏中都不可见。 现在,如果您访问该内页中的任何一个,则侧栏链接(Knowledge Base)将不会保持活动状态,因为侧栏链接和当前路由有所不同。
To tackle this we added new property meta in route called parent
which let you define parent of that route. If you check router.js
in our admin template, you will find below code…
为了解决这个问题,我们在父级的路由中添加了新的属性parent,您可以定义该路由的父级。 如果您在我们的管理模板中检查router.js,则会发现以下代码…
path: '/pages/knowledge-base/category',
name: 'page-knowledge-base-category',
component: () => import('@/views/pages/KnowledgeBaseCategory.vue'),
meta: {
breadcrumb: [
{ title: 'Home', url: '/' },
{ title: 'Pages' },
{ title: 'KnowledgeBase', url: '/pages/knowledge-base' },
{ title: 'Category', active: true },
parent: 'page-knowledge-base', // It's where MAGIC happens
rule: 'editor'
As you can see, we added parent meta and it’s value is name of /pages/knowledge-base
route. So, if you visit /pages/knowledge-base/category
in your application sidebar item with /pages/knowledge-base
slug will be active.
如您所见,我们添加了parent属性,其值为/pages/knowledge-base路由的名称。 因此,如果您在应用程序侧边栏中访问/pages/knowledge-base/category,则带有/pages/knowledge-base slug的项将处于活动状态。
WARNING As above make sure sidebar item’s slug and route’s meta’s parent property have same value. 如上所述,确保侧边栏项目的slug和路由meta的parent属性具有相同的值。
Creating Breadcrumb 新建面包屑导航
To add breadcrumb to any route, just add meta to that route.
path: '/ui-elements/colors',
name: 'colors',
component: () => import('./views/ui-elements/colors/Colors.vue'),
meta: {
breadcrumb: [
{ title: 'Home', url: '/' },
{ title: 'Colors', active: true },
pageTitle: 'Colors'
In above code you can see meta
property, which is used to create breadcrumb specified page/route. meta
property must have breadcrumb
property and value for this breadcrumb
property is Array of objects.
在上面的代码中,您可以看到meta属性,该属性用于创建面包屑指定的页面/路由。 meta属性必须具有breadcrumb属性,并且此面包屑属性的值是对象数组。
Single object is single link in breadcrumb.
{ title: 'myPage', url: '/urlToThatPage' },
Above code will create breadcrumb link named myPage
and it will navigate to /urlToThatPage
. You can also add non-routing link to breadcrumb if you omit url property in that object.
First link in breadcrumb will be always treated as home/root link. This home link will have HomeIcon
面包屑中的第一个链接将始终被视为主目录/根目录链接。 此主页链接将具有HomeIcon。
Last item in array
must be active page’s name
, which breadcrumb get from title
property. This last object in array
must have active
set to true
数组中的最后一项必须是被激活得页面的名称,该名称从title属性获得。 数组中的最后一个对象必须将active设置为true。(当然了,面包屑导航中最后一个链接就是正在查看或者说是激活的链接)
{ title: 'Home', url: '/' },
{ ... },
{ ... },
{ title: 'Colors', active: true }
Page title 页面title
You can define page title directly in route creation process by providing pageTitle
property to meta.
meta: {
breadcrumb: [...],
pageTitle: 'Colors'
If your title is dynamic, you can use mounted
hook of vueJS to update page title.
mounted() {
this.$emit('changeRouteTitle', 'nameOfYourPage');
Above code will change title of your page when your SFC(single file component)/page is rendered.
当呈现SFC (单文件组件)/页面时,上述代码将更改页面的标题。
TIP To see how to add dynamic page name, check >
.要查看如何添加动态页面名称,请检查src / views / pages / KnowledgeBaseCategory.vue。Add Permission Control 添加权限控制
You can restrict user to access page by using ACL provided in Vuexy Admin. You can check implementation of access control in this section.
您可以使用Vuexy Admin中提供的ACL限制用户访问页面。您可以在本节中检查访问控制的实施情况。 WARNING We used > vue-acl library for providing ACL in our application. Creator of vue-acl rewritten whole code since 4.0.7(approx). Since then route protection is not working.So, we highly recommend till creator of that library don’t fix that bug, Please use > vue-acl@4.0.7我们使用vue-acl库在应用程序中提供ACL。 vue-acl的作者从4.0.7(大约)起重写了整个代码。 从那时起,路由保护就无法正常工作。因此,我们强烈建议您在该库的作者未修复该错误之前,请使用vue-acl@4.0.7。
For adding route protection to any route just add authRequired meta and set it to true. So, vue-router will check if user authentication when that route is visited.
要向任何路由添加路由保护,只需添加authRequired元并将其设置为true。 因此,vue-router将在访问该路由时检查用户身份验证。
path: '/dashboard/analytics',
name: 'dashboard-analytics',
component: () => import('./views/DashboardAnalytics.vue'),
meta: {
rule: 'admin',
authRequired: true
Set Route as fixed height page(App Page) 将Route设置为固定高度页面(应用页面)
We provided apps like email, todo etc. Which is of fixed height. This requires changes some styles. We we made class which handles styling. All you have to do is just set meta in that application route.
我们提供固定高度的电子邮件、待办事项等应用程序。这需要更改一些样式。我们提供了处理样式的class。 您所要做的只是在该应用程序路由中设置meta。
Please check below code snippet.
path: '/apps/todo/:filter',
name: 'todo',
component: () => import('./views/apps/todo/Todo.vue'),
meta: {
rule: 'editor',
parent: "todo",
no_scroll: true, // add this
Name | Type | Parameters | Description | default |
url | String | valid url. null for group. | url is valid url. Either defined in router or external url. | |
name | String | Display name of item/group. | ||
slug | String | named route | added for accessing name property of route/item from router file. 添加后即可访问在router文件中定义的当前route的name属性。 |
icon | String | Valid icon name | Icon name of feather icon for group and item. Sub items of group have defualt icon. feather图标的组和项目的图标名称。 组的子项具有默认图标。 |
i18n | String | i18n key | Displays group and item name according to localization. pass i18n key to get correct display name 根据本地化显示组和项目名称。 传递i18n键以获取正确的显示名称。. |
submenu | Array | For creating groups. This array can have sidebar items and groups. 用于创建组。 该数组可以具有侧边栏项目和组。 |
isDisabled | Boolean | true, false | Create disabled menu item or group 创建禁用的菜单项或组 |
false |