v3 to v4

This is detailed changelog/guide for Upgrading your project from Vuexy Admin v3 to v4. Article: How to upgrade to latest version??

Sidebar, Navbar, Customizer & Layout

  • updateSidebarWidth action is renamed to updateVerticalNavMenuWidth
  • breakpoint state is handled through App.vue file. UPDATE_WINDOW_BREAKPOINT commit is removed from vxSidebar.vue file.
  • Sidebar component have new name for resolving conflicts between new layout’s components. This results in many changes including store property changes. Please refer to API table at the bottom of this page for changes.
  • sidebarItems.js is renamed and also have new structure which supports horizontal layout. Also file is renamed to navMenuItems.js.
  • Customizer is update for new features including live layout change.


  • Webpack imports like :src="require(...)" in template tag is removed to support “API Ready” release. It makes even easier to integrate API and remove the issue of different path for assets.

  • axios now have it’s own configuration file /src/axios.js. This is used in fake-db API calls. You can now add your own configurations in this file and import axios form this file with your configurations.


  • New timeline component is added. Previously it was just static template code. Component name: vx-timeline
  • Import/Export added.
  • new custom classes are added in _customClasses.scss.
  • Horizontal Layout style file added - _layoutHorizontal.scss.
  • New Router animation added.


  • All apps data come from API calls.
  • Basic card’s page data is also from API call.
  • _customClasses.scss & _fixesVuexy.scss is refactored
  • Navbar Styles, Layout Styles and other component’s style are refactored now.
  • _layoutModern.scss is renamed to _layoutVertical.scss.
  • Main.vue layout file is updated according to new changes.


  • Removed ag-grid SVG icons from assets.
  • icon-no-border custom class for input is removed. Vuesax component framework implemented this class now. Use icon-no-border prop for removing icon border from input.


    Apps modules and some other modules which are not required at first place is now dynamically added for performance improvement.


  • All user related information is moved to userInfo root-state. userRole is also included in this state.
  • User properties are changed according to auth providers(Firebase & Auth0). Makes it much easier to integrate other plugins with apps and auth providers. e.g. name => displayName
  • This user state will also be used to define default properties of user. Please check UPDATE_USER_INFO mutation for implementation.
  • Final user-info state will be merger of localStorage data and default properties defined in variable.
  • Added: New scroll state is available to check scrollTop of body.

More info on this state will be written above state declaration

  • UPDATE_USER_ROLE mutation is removed. You can use UPDATE_USER_INFO for updating active user role.
  • New UPDATE_USER_INFO mutation is added for updating active user info. This will be used for updating user info received either from auth provider or any other CRUD operation.


  • Removed: updateWindowWidth action is removed. Now, it’s state’s mutation is directly called as it’s don’t make any API call.

    ACL (vue-acl)

  • Getting initial role is updated according new update in user-info state management

  • store action updateUserRole is now updated, Please check for required parameter and behavior. Please check UPDATE_USER_INFO mutation is removed mutation is done by calling dispatching another store action UPDATE_USER_INFO. So, this action will update role in vue-acl and for updating role in other locations like localStorage and store use UPDATE_USER_INFO action.

You can make API call between vue-acl role change and UPDATE_USER_INFO action dispatch to update role in your server.


  • Auth0 service src/auth/authService.js now uses updateUserInfo mutation for updating user info.

    Store: Auth

  • UPDATE_AUTHENTICATED_USER mutation is removed. Now user’s data is updated using UPDATE_USER_INFO mutation in src/store/auth/moduleAuthActions.js

    Chat App

  • UserProfile.vue component is updated. Please check new required props in src/views/apps/chat/UserProfile.vue

  • In UserProfile.vue getStatusColor computed property is updated as statusColor.
  • Static file contacts.js is no more used. Hence, contact property is also updated. Please check new contact properties(which are same as auth provider).


  • Because v4 of Vuexy Admin is API Ready now store action uses axios to make API calls in actions.
  • Chat State is now empty objects. All data will be filled using API calls.
  • All Contacts and Chat is now received using API instead of static js file.
  • New contact getter added + Few mutations are added for setting contacts and chats in store after successful API call.
  • Chat Pinning is also handled using API call.
  • At the you just need to make API call from SFC file and update API call in store action and you are set.

    Calendar App

  • Old calendar Removed from template completely

  • Calendar is also API Ready


  • Because v4 of Vuexy Admin is API Ready now store action uses axios to make API calls in actions.
  • Calendar module’s State is now empty objects. All data will be filled using API calls.
  • Actions and mutations are updated like other apps.

    ToDo App

  • ToDo app’s filter now works using router parameter "filter"

  • ToDo Filter is updated using router-link instead of click event
  • Tasks are fetched using API call whereas search is performed internally by vuex store. So, searching for task won’t make any API call. However if you want to make API call when task is searched, just tweak the template code and update fetchTasks action.
  • updateTask action handles all task updates. Individual mutation and action of task property is removed, this makes code more easy to read and simple to work with.
  • TodoItem component is renamed to TodoTask
  • Todo app now have more readable names e.g. todoItemId => taskId, todoList => taskList etc.


  • isDone task property is renamed to isCompleted.
  • Store is updated according to new API ready template.
  • todoTags state is renamed to taskTags
  • Store now have new mutations and action as per API Ready template.

    EMail App

  • EMail app’s filter now works using router parameter "filter"

  • Email Filter is updated using router-link instead of click event
  • Some properties are changed according to url+filter behavior
  • Mail properties is updated. e.g. mailType => mailFolder
  • mailFolder property now have same values as filter name. e.g. trashed => trash, inboxed => inbox etc.
  • moveTo method’s parameter is changed according to new mail properties.
  • Updated simple if-else to ternary operator
  • New functional component EmailMailCard.vue is introduced to render single message and threaded message using single component. Therefor EmailView.vue is updated.


  • new meta state is available in email app to store meta data of email app.
  • filteredMails getter now only filter serach query because mail’s folder filter is handled through router parameter
  • NumdraftMails & unreadMails getters are removed. These will be included in meta state which will be fetched through API.
  • actions now uses axios to fetch data from server.
  • new actions are added and some are removed. Most of them is updated for making API call. This is same for mutations.

    Components Updated

    TheNavbar.vue component is updated according to new “API Ready” release + Code redundancy removed.

    File Name Changes

    | | | | | | —- | —- | —- | —- | | VxSidebar.vue | VerticalNavMenu.vue | renamed | - | | VxSidebarGroup.vue | VerticalNavMenuGroup.vue | renamed | - | | VxSidebarItem.vue | VerticalNavMenuItem.vue | renamed | - | | vxSidebarGroup.scss | verticalNavMenuGroup.scss | renamed | - | | _layoutModern.scss | _layoutVertical.scss | renamed | - |

Property Changes

store - state sidebarItemsMin verticalNavMenuItemsMin updated -
store - state sidebarWidth verticalNavMenuWidth updated -
store - state isSidebarActive isVerticalNavMenuActive updated -
store - action updateSidebarWidth updateVerticalNavMenuWidth updated -
store getter - windowBreakPoint added -
Main.vue - computed sidebarWidth verticalNavMenuWidth updated -
Main.vue - method setSidebarWidth setVerticalNavMenuWidth updated -
TheNavbar.vue - method sidebarWidth verticalNavMenuWidth updated -
VxSidebar.vue - prop sidebarItems navMenuItems updated -
VxSidebar.vue - computed isSidebarActive isVerticalNavMenuActive updated -
VxSidebar.vue - computed reduceSidebar isVerticalNavMenuReduced updated -
VxSidebar.vue - computed setSidebarWidth setVerticalNavMenuWidth updated -
VxSidebarGroup.vue - computed sidebarItemsMin verticalNavMenuItemsMin updated -

Class Changes

sidebar-swipe-area v-nav-menu-swipe-area updated
main-menu-sidebar v-nav-menu updated
scroll-area—main-sidebar scroll-area-v-nav-menu updated
sidebarx - removed

Ref Changes

mainSidebar verticalNavMenu updated
sidebarLink - removed
sidebarGrp - removed


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