Please follow the below steps to upgrade the Laravel version in your exiting project.

    • Symfony 5 Required

    Laravel 7 upgraded its underlying Symfony components to the 5.x series, which is now also the new minimum compatible version.

    • PHP 7.2.5 Required

    Likelihood Of Impact: Low

    • Updating Dependencies

    Update your laravel/framework to ^7.0 in your composer.json file. In addition, update your nunomaduro/collision to ^4.1, phpunit/phpunit to ^8.5, laravel/tinker to ^2.0, and facade/ignition to ^2.0.

    The following first-party packages have new major releases to support Laravel 7. If there are any, read through their individual upgrade guides before upgrading:

    1. Browser Kit Testing v6.0
    2. Envoy v2.0
    3. Horizon v4.0
    4. Nova v3.0
    5. Scout v8.0
    6. Telescope v3.0
    7. UI v2.0 (No changes necessary)

    Finally, examine any other third-party packages consumed by your application and verify you are using the proper version for Laravel 7 support.
    You must have to update below mentioned packages in composer.json file.

    All authentication scaffolding has been moved to the laravel/ui repository. If you are using Laravel’s authentication scaffolding, you should install the ^2.0 release of this package and the package should be installed in all environments. If you were previously including this package in the require-dev object of your application’s composer.json file, you should move it to the require object:

    composer require laravel/ui
    • Next, please update your session configuration file’s secure option to have a fallback value of null. You can find it in config/session.php.


    • Second, You’ll need to make some changes in App\Exceptions\Handler class should accept instances of the Throwable interface instead of Exception instances:


    • Now run the below command to upgrade:

      composer update
    • After successfully executing composer update command, check the Laravel version:

      php artisan --version
    • After successfully updating Laravel version, run below command to serve your project.


    php artisan key: generate
     run dev or  dev
    php artisan serve`