
1. 源码

  1. from functools import wraps
  2. from inspect import isgenerator
  3. from typing import Text
  4. from rich.panel import Panel
  5. from rich.progress import Progress, BarColumn, SpinnerColumn, TimeRemainingColumn, TimeElapsedColumn
  6. class RichProgress(Progress):
  7. def get_renderables(self):
  8. yield Panel(self.make_tasks_table(self.tasks), title="⌛ Progress Frame", expand=False)
  9. def progressbar(func):
  10. """Add a progress bar decorator for generator function to display in the terminal"""
  11. @wraps(func)
  12. def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
  13. func_generator = func(*args, **kwargs)
  14. if not isgenerator(func_generator):
  15. raise Exception(f"{func.__name__} is not a generator function!")
  16. total = next(func_generator)
  17. with RichProgress(
  18. "[progress.description]{task.description}({task.completed}/{task.total})",
  19. SpinnerColumn(finished_text="🚀"),
  20. BarColumn(),
  21. "[progress.percentage]{task.percentage:>3.2f}%",
  22. SpinnerColumn(spinner_name="clock", finished_text="🕐"),
  23. TimeElapsedColumn(),
  24. "⏳",
  25. TimeRemainingColumn()) as progress:
  26. description = "[red]Loading"
  27. task = progress.add_task(description, total=total)
  28. try:
  29. while True:
  30. p = next(func_generator)
  31. if p != total:
  32. description = "[red]Loading"
  33. else:
  34. description = "[green]Finished"
  35. progress.update(task, completed=p, description=description)
  36. except StopIteration as result:
  37. return result.value
  38. return wrapper

2. 使用方法


  1. import time
  2. from airbus.decorators import progressbar
  3. @progressbar
  4. def dummy_loop():
  5. total = 20
  6. yield total
  7. for i in range(1, total + 1):
  8. yield i
  9. time.sleep(1)
  10. return "done"
  11. print(dummy_loop())