🚀 原文地址:https://rasa.com/docs/rasa/business-logic



1. 使用表单来处理业务逻辑的分步指南


1.1 定义表单


  • 插槽映射:所需要收集的信息
  • 响应:机器人应该如何询问每条信息



  • 食物

  • 人数
  • 是否想坐在外面


  1. forms:
  2. restaurant_form:
  3. required_slots:
  4. - cuisine
  5. - num_people
  6. - outdoor_seating

这些插槽需要添加到领域中 slots 部分,以及定义填充插槽时的插槽映射。对于任何 from_entity 填充的插槽,该实体还需要添加到域(domain.yml)中。表单填充的插槽通常不应该影响对话,所以我们需要将 influence_conversation 设置为 false

  1. entities:
  2. - cuisine
  3. - number
  4. slots:
  5. cuisine:
  6. type: text
  7. mappings:
  8. - type: from_entity
  9. entity: cuisine
  10. num_people:
  11. type: float
  12. mappings:
  13. - type: from_entity
  14. entity: number
  15. outdoor_seating:
  16. type: bool
  17. mappings:
  18. - type: from_intent
  19. intent: affirm
  20. value: true
  21. conditions:
  22. - active_loop: restaurant_form
  23. requested_slot: outdoor_seating
  24. - type: from_intent
  25. intent: deny
  26. value: false
  27. conditions:
  28. - active_loop: restaurant_form
  29. requested_slot: outdoor_seating

number 插槽是由实体填充,DucklingEntityExtractor 可以提取数字等实体,要使用 DucklingEntityExtractor 需要在 NLU 管道(config.yml)中添加。

  1. language: en
  2. pipeline:
  3. # other components
  4. - name: DucklingEntityExtractor
  5. dimensions: ["number"]


根据用户的意图来填充 outdoor_seating 插槽,如果是 affirm,则插槽值为 true;如果是 deny,则为 false

但是,如果用户正在回答“你想坐在外面吗?”这个问题,则该插槽只可以设置为 truefalse。为了强制执行此条件,outdoor_seating 插槽条件要求 restaurant_form 处于活跃状态,并且要求插槽是 outdoor_seating。如果没有条件,并且用户在早些时候发送了带有确认或拒绝意图的消息,则在激活表单时就已经填充了 outdoor_seating 插槽。因此,该表格不会提示用户选择户外座位。




要指定机器人应该如何询问所需信息,我们可以在域文件(domain.yml)中定义名为 utter_ask_{slotname} 的响应:

  1. responses:
  2. utter_ask_cuisine:
  3. - text: "What cuisine?"
  4. utter_ask_num_people:
  5. - text: "How many people?"
  6. utter_ask_outdoor_seating:
  7. - text: "Do you want to sit outside?"

1.2 更新配置

表单的常规对话路径应该定义为规则,这意味着你需要将 RulePolicy 添加到域文件中(domain.yml)的策略中:

  1. policies:
  2. - name: RulePolicy

1.3 创建规则


  1. rules:
  2. - rule: activate restaurant form
  3. steps:
  4. - intent: request_restaurant # intent that triggers form activation
  5. - action: restaurant_form # run the form
  6. - active_loop: restaurant_form # this form is active
  7. - rule: submit form
  8. condition:
  9. - active_loop: restaurant_form # this form must be active
  10. steps:
  11. - action: restaurant_form # run the form
  12. - active_loop: null # the form is no longer active because it has been filled
  13. - action: utter_submit # action to take after the form is complete
  14. - action: utter_slots_values # action to take after the form is complete


1.4 更新NLU训练数据



我们需要为激活表单的意图(nlu.yml)添加训练示例,为意图 request_restaurant 添加示例:

  1. nlu:
  2. - intent: request_restaurant
  3. examples: |
  4. - im looking for a restaurant
  5. - can i get [swedish](cuisine) food in any area
  6. - a restaurant that serves [caribbean](cuisine) food
  7. - id like a restaurant
  8. - im looking for a restaurant that serves [mediterranean](cuisine) food
  9. - can i find a restaurant that serves [chinese](cuisine)

from_entity 填充的插槽可以被任何用户话语填充,无论何种意图,只要提取了正确的实体。这意味着,如果用户在他们的第一条消息中提供了 cuisine 实体,则该位置将在表单的开头填充,并且机器人不会再次向他们询问美食。


当表单填充查插槽时,它不会注意预测的是哪个意图,除非插槽映射明确要求或排除意图。对于餐厅搜索示例,outdoor_seating 插槽被映射到两个意图上,所以你需要为这些意图添加训练数据。

对于 cuisinenumber 插槽,因为未指定意图,因此我们可以向通用 inform 意图添加示例。我们需要来标注 cuisine 实体,以便 DIETClassifier 可以学习提取它。我们不需要标注 number 实体,因为 DucklingEntityExtractor 是一种基于规则的提取器,未针对训练数据进行训练。每个意图仅显示几个示例,为了能让机器人正常工作,我们应该添加此处显示的更多训练数据:

  1. nlu:
  2. - intent: affirm
  3. examples: |
  4. - Yes
  5. - yes, please
  6. - yup
  7. - intent: deny
  8. examples: |
  9. - no don't
  10. - no
  11. - no I don't want that
  12. - intent: inform
  13. examples: |
  14. - [afghan](cuisine) food
  15. - how bout [asian oriental](cuisine)
  16. - what about [indian](cuisine) food
  17. - uh how about [turkish](cuisine) type of food
  18. - um [english](cuisine)
  19. - im looking for [tuscan](cuisine) food
  20. - id like [moroccan](cuisine) food
  21. - for ten people
  22. - 2 people
  23. - for three people
  24. - just one person
  25. - book for seven people
  26. - 2 please
  27. - nine people


  1. intents:
  2. - request_restaurant
  3. - affirm
  4. - deny
  5. - inform

1.5 定义响应


  1. responses:
  2. utter_submit:
  3. - text: "All done!"
  4. utter_slots_values:
  5. - text: "I am going to run a restaurant search using the following parameters:\n
  6. - cuisine: {cuisine}\n
  7. - num_people: {num_people}\n
  8. - outdoor_seating: {outdoor_seating}"

2. 总结


  • 在配置文件 config.yml 中添加 RulePolicy 策略
  • 在域中定义所需插槽的表单
  • 在域中给所有必需的插槽添加插槽映射
  • 添加激活和提交表单的规则
  • 添加用于激活表单的意图示例
  • 添加用于填充必要插槽的意图示例
  • 定义表单完成后机器人要采取的操作或响应
  • 使用定义的新意图和动作来更新领域

要尝试新定义的表单,请通过运行 rasa train 来重新训练模型,然后通过 rasa shell 来启动。由于 DucklingEntityExtractor 用于提取实体,因此我们在后台启动 Duckling