
    如果一个大表走了全表扫描,会严重影响 SQL 性能。这时我们可以查看大表与谁进行关联。如果大表与小表(小结果集)关联,我们可以考虑让大表作为嵌套循环被驱动表,大表走连接列索引。如果大表与大表(大结果集)关联,我们可以检查大表过滤条件是否可以走索引,也要检查大表被访问了多少个字段。假设大表有 50 个字段,但是只访问了其中 5 个字段,这时我们可以建立一个组合索引,将 where 过滤字段、表连接字段以及 select 访问的字段组合在一起,这样就可以直接从索引中获取数据,避免大表全表扫描,从而提升性能。下面脚本抓出走了全表扫描的 SQL,同时显示访问了表多少个字段,表一共有多少个字段以及表段大小。

    1. select a.sql_id,
    2. a.sql_text,
    3. d.table_name,
    4. REGEXP_COUNT(b.projection, ']') ||'/'|| d.column_cnt column_cnt,
    5. c.size_mb,
    6. b.FILTER_PREDICATES filter
    7. from v$sql a,
    8. v$sql_plan b,
    9. (select owner, segment_name, sum(bytes / 1024 / 1024) size_mb
    10. from dba_segments
    11. group by owner, segment_name) c,
    12. (select owner, table_name, count(*) column_cnt
    13. from dba_tab_cols
    14. group by owner, table_name) d
    15. where a.sql_id = b.sql_id
    16. and a.child_number = b.child_number
    17. and b.object_owner = c.owner
    18. and b.object_name = c.segment_name
    19. and b.object_owner = d.owner
    20. and b.object_name = d.table_name
    21. and c.owner = 'SCOTT'
    22. and b.operation = 'TABLE ACCESS'
    23. and b.options = 'FULL'
    24. order by 5 desc;

    在 Scott 账户中运行如下 SQL。

    1. select owner,object_name from t where object_id>100;


    1. select a.sql_id,
    2. a.sql_text,
    3. d.table_name,
    4. REGEXP_COUNT(b.projection, ']') || '/' || d.column_cnt column_cnt,
    5. c.size_mb,
    6. b.FILTER_PREDICATES filter
    7. from v$sql a,
    8. v$sql_plan b,
    9. (select owner, segment_name, sum(bytes / 1024 / 1024) size_mb
    10. from dba_segments
    11. group by owner, segment_name) c,
    12. (select owner, table_name, count(*) column_cnt
    13. from dba_tab_cols
    14. group by owner, table_name) d
    15. where a.sql_id = b.sql_id
    16. and a.child_number = b.child_number
    17. and b.object_owner = c.owner
    18. and b.object_name = c.segment_name
    19. and b.object_owner = d.owner
    20. and b.object_name = d.table_name
    21. and c.owner = 'SCOTT'
    22. and b.operation = 'TABLE ACCESS'
    23. and b.options = 'FULL'
    24. order by 5 desc;
    2. ------------- ------------------------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------
    3. 51mu5j3aydw94 select owner,object_name from t T 2/15 9

    在实际工作中,我们可以对脚本适当修改,比如过滤出大于 1GB 的表、过滤出表总字段数大于 20 的表、过滤出访问了超过 10 个字段的表等。