内网渗透中有诸多的渗透利器,wmic 绝对排的上号,这里记录一下,备忘 C:\Windows\System32\wbem
★★连接远程的电脑,不过好象对要开 RPC 服务
wmic /node:"" /password:"password" /user:"administrator"
wmic bios get Manufacturer,Name
wmic computersystem get domain
wmic computersystem where "name='abc'" call rename 123
wmic cpu get name
DATAFILE - DataFile 管理
wmic datafile where "drive='e:' and path='\\test\\' and FileName='cc' and Extension='cmd'" list
wmic datafile where "drive='e:' and FileName='cc' and Extension='cmd' and FileSize>'1000'" list
wmic datafile where "drive='e:' and Extension='cmd' and FileSize>'10000000'" call delete
wmic datafile where "drive='e:' and Extension<>'cmd' and path='test'" call delete
wmic datafile where "drive='e:' and path='\\test\\' and FileName='cc' and Extension='cmd'" call copy "e:\aa.bat"
wmic datafile "c:\\hello.txt" call rename c:\test.txt
wmic datafile where "drive='h:' and extension='txt' and path like '%\\test\\%' and filename like '%perl%'" get name
wmic ENVIRONMENT where "name='temp'" get UserName,VariableValue
wmic ENVIRONMENT where "name='path' and username='<system>'" set VariableValue="%path%;e:\tools"
wmic ENVIRONMENT create name="home",username="<system>",VariableValue="%HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%"
wmic ENVIRONMENT where "name='home'" delete
FSDIR - 文件目录系统项目管理
wmic FSDIR where "drive='e:' and filename='test'" list
wmic FSDIR where "drive='e:' and path='\\test\\' and filename<>'abc'" call delete
wmic fsdir "c:\\good" call delete
wmic fsdir "c:\\good" rename "c:\abb"
LOGICALDISK - 本地储存设备管理
wmic LOGICALDISK get name,Description,filesystem,size,freespace
PROCESS - 进程管理
wmic process list brief
(wmic startup list brief插播一条)
wmic process where "name='svchost.exe' and ExecutablePath<>'C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\svchost.exe'" call Terminate
wmic process call create notepad
★★wmic 获取进程名称以及可执行路径:
wmic process get name,executablepath
★★wmic 删除指定进程(根据进程名称):
wmic process where name="qq.exe" call terminate 或者用 wmic process where name="qq.exe" delete
★★wmic 删除指定进程(根据进程PID):
wmic process where pid="123" delete
SERVICE - 服务程序管理
wmic service list brief
wmic SERVICE where name="Spooler" call startservice
wmic SERVICE where name="Spooler" call stopservice
wmic SERVICE where name="Spooler" call PauseService
★★更改spooler服务启动类型[auto|Disabled|Manual] 释[自动|禁用|手动]
wmic SERVICE where name="Spooler" set StartMode="auto"
wmic SERVICE where name="test123" call delete
SHARE - 共享资源管理
wmic SHARE where name="e$" call delete
WMIC SHARE CALL Create "","test","3","TestShareName","","c:\test",0
STARTUP - 用户登录到计算机系统时自动运行命令的管理
wmic STARTUP list
SYSDRIVER - 基本服务的系统驱动程序管理
wmic SYSDRIVER list
wmic process call create shutdown.exe
wmic /node: /password:123456 process call create "shutdown.exe -r -f -m"
wmic nteventlog get path,filename,writeable
wevtutil cl "windows powershell"
wevtutil cl "security"
wevtutil cl "system"
wmic product get name,version
wmic product list brief
wmic process where name="chrome.exe" list full
REG query HKCU /v "pwd" /s
netsh wlan show profiles
netsh wlan show profiles name="profiles的名字" key=clear
wmic bios list full | find /i "vmware"
参考 http://www.jb51.net/article/49987.htm