什么是 SQL?

SQL, 全称为Structured Query Language(结构化查询语言)。 要讲SQL就绕不开database(数据库), 平时所说的数据库,一般就是指的 Relational database(关系型数据库)

关系型数据库(Relational databases)

数据库由若干张表(Table)组成,这里说的数据Table很像Excel里的表; 正如Excel里的表格,Table也是由 行(rows)和列(columns)组成

一个Table存储一个类别的数据,每一行是一条数据,每一列是这种数据的一个属性; Table就像一个二维的表格,列(columns)是有限固定的,行(rows)是无限不固定的


SELECT 查询 101

Select 查询某些属性列(specific columns)的语法

  1. SELECT column(列名), another_column,
  2. FROM mytable(表名);

Select 查询所有列

  1. SELECT *
  2. FROM mytable(表名);



  1. SELECT column, another_column,
  2. FROM mytable
  3. WHERE condition
  4. AND/OR another_condition
  5. AND/OR …;
  6. 注:这里的 condition 都是描述属性列的


Operator(关键字) Condition(意思) SQL Example(例子)
=, !=, < <=, >, >= Standard numerical operators 基础的 大于,等于等比较 col_name != 4
BETWEEN … AND … Number is within range of two values (inclusive) 在两个数之间 col_name BETWEEN 1.5 AND 10.5
NOT BETWEEN … AND … Number is not within range of two values (inclusive) 不在两个数之间 col_name NOT BETWEEN 1 AND 10
IN (…) Number exists in a list 在一个列表 col_name IN (2, 4, 6)
NOT IN (…) Number does not exist in a list 不在一个列表 col_name NOT IN (1, 3, 5)


Operator(操作符) Condition(解释) Example(例子)
= Case sensitive exact string comparison (notice the single equals)完全等于 col_name = “abc”
!= or <> Case sensitive exact string inequality comparison 不等于 col_name != “abcd”
LIKE Case insensitive exact string comparison 没有用通配符等价于 = col_name LIKE “ABC”
NOT LIKE Case insensitive exact string inequality comparison 没有用通配符等价于 != col_name NOT LIKE “ABCD”
% Used anywhere in a string to match a sequence of zero or more characters (only with LIKE or NOT LIKE) 通配符,代表匹配0个以上的字符 col_name LIKE “%AT%”
(matches “AT”, “ATTIC”, “CAT” or even “BATS”) “%AT%” 代表AT 前后可以有任意字符
_ Used anywhere in a string to match a single character (only with LIKE or NOT LIKE) 和% 相似,代表1个字符 colname LIKE “AN
(matches “AND”, but not “AN”)
IN (…) String exists in a list 在列表 col_name IN (“A”, “B”, “C”)
NOT IN (…) String does not exist in a list 不在列表 col_name NOT IN (“D”, “E”, “F”)

特别注意:在字符串表达式中的字符串需要用引号 “ 包含,如果不用引号,SQL会认为是一个属性列的名字,如:col_name = color 表示 col_name和color两个属性一样的行 col_name = “color” 表示 col_name 属性为字符串 “color”的行


  1. SELECT DISTINCT column, another_column,
  2. FROM mytable
  3. WHERE condition(s);


  1. SELECT column, another_column,
  2. FROM mytable
  3. WHERE condition(s)
  4. ORDER BY column ASC/DESC;

ORDER BY col_name 这句话的意思就是让结果按照 col_name 列的具体值做 ASC升序 或 DESC 降序,对数字来说就是升序 1,2,3,… 或降序 … 3,2,1 . 对于文本列,升序和降序指的是按文本的字母序。


  1. SELECT column, another_column,
  2. FROM mytable
  3. WHERE condition(s)
  4. ORDER BY column ASC/DESC
  5. LIMIT num_limit OFFSET num_offset;

注意:limit 结果数量 offset 第几位(数组里,需要实际顺序 - 1)


用INNER JOIN 连接表的语法

  1. SELECT column, another_table_column,
  2. FROM mytable (主表)
  3. INNER JOIN another_table (要连接的表)
  4. ON mytable.id = another_table.id (想象一下刚才讲的主键连接,两个相同的连成1条)
  5. WHERE condition(s)
  6. ORDER BY column, ASC/DESC
  7. LIMIT num_limit OFFSET num_offset;

在查询条件中处理 NULL

  1. SELECT column, another_column,
  2. FROM mytable
  3. WHERE column IS/IS NOT NULL --- 关键
  4. AND/OR another_condition
  5. AND/OR …;


  1. SELECT particle_speed / 2.0 AS half_particle_speed (对结果做了一个除2
  2. FROM physics_data
  3. WHERE ABS(particle_position) * 10.0 >500
  4. (条件要求这个属性绝对值乘以10大于500);
  1. -- AS使用别名 --
  2. SELECT col_expression AS expr_description,
  3. FROM mytable;


  1. 对全部结果数据做统计
  2. SELECT AGG_FUNC(column_or_expression) AS aggregate_description,
  3. FROM mytable
  4. WHERE constraint_expression;


Function Description
COUNT(*), COUNT(column)** 计数!COUNT(*) 统计数据行数,COUNT(column) 统计column非NULL的行数.
MIN(column) 找column最小的一行.
MAX(column) 找column最大的一行.
AVG(column) 对column所有行取平均值.
SUM(column) 对column所有行求和.


  1. -- 用分组的方式统计 --
  2. SELECT AGG_FUNC(column_or_expression) AS aggregate_description,
  3. FROM mytable
  4. WHERE constraint_expression
  5. GROUP BY column;

HAVING 语法(对分组之后的数据再做SELECT筛选)

  1. -- HAVING进行筛选 --
  2. SELECT group_by_column, AGG_FUNC(column_expression) AS aggregate_result_alias,
  3. FROM mytable
  4. WHERE condition
  5. GROUP BY column
  6. HAVING group_condition;


  1. -- 这才是完整的SELECT查询 --
  2. SELECT DISTINCT column, AGG_FUNC(column_or_expression),
  3. FROM mytable
  4. JOIN another_table
  5. ON mytable.column = another_table.column
  6. WHERE constraint_expression
  7. GROUP BY column
  8. HAVING constraint_expression
  9. ORDER BY column ASC/DESC