dapper 只是一个代码文件,完全开源,你可以在项目里任何位置,来实现数据到对象ORM操作(当然先引用Dapper文件),体积小速度快。使用好处增删改查比较快,不用自己写sql,因为这都是重复技术含量低的工作,还有程序中大量的数据库中读取数据然后创建model,并且为model字段赋值,这都是很轻松的,个人认为Dapper可以看做HelpSQL,甚至比HelperSQL性能高一点。如果你喜欢原生的SQL,那么有喜欢ORM的简单,那你一定钟情于Dapper 并且爱上他。Dapper的优势:
- Dapper是一个轻量级ORM类,代码就是一个SQLMapper.cs文件,编译后一般在40k左右的dll;
- Dapper快,为啥说快呢?因为Dapepr速度接近IDataReader,取列表的数据超过DataTable;
- Dapper支持什么数据库?支持Mysql,sqlLite,SQLServer,Oracle等一系列数据库,(备注:我个人在在做demo中,就是使用了Mysql,SQLServer,公司和个电脑装的数据库不一样,就都测试了);
- Dapper的R支持多表并联的对象,支持一对多,多对多关系,并且没侵入性,想用就用 ;
- Dapper原理就是通过Emit反射IDateReader的队列,来快速得到和产生对象;这也是性能高的原因之一;
1. 在NuGet中引用Dapper
2. 新建一个ConnectionFactory类
创建链接对象,這里我们封装两个方法分别获取SQLServerr 和MySQL
public class ConnectionFactory
//获取web 中的配置文件
private static readonly string QlwMysqlConnection = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["sqlconnectionString"];
/// <summary>
/// sqlServer 数据库
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public static IDbConnection SqlServerConnection()
string sqlconnectionString = QlwMysqlConnection; //ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["sqlconnectionString"].ToString();
var connection = new SqlConnection(sqlconnectionString);
if (connection.State == ConnectionState.Closed)
return connection;
/// <summary>
/// mySQl 数据库
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public static IDbConnection MySqlConnection()
string mysqlconnectionString = QlwMysqlConnection; //ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["mysqlconnectionString"].ToString();
var connection = new MySqlConnection(mysqlconnectionString);
if (connection.State == ConnectionState.Closed)
return connection;
3. Dapper封装方法
public static class DapperDBContext
public static List<T> AsList<T>(this IEnumerable<T> source)
if (source != null && !(source is List<T>))
return source.ToList();
return (List<T>)source;
public static int Execute(string sql, object param = null, IDbTransaction transaction = null, int? commandTimeout = null, CommandType? commandType = null, int databaseOption = 1)
using (var conn = ConnectionFactory.MySqlConnection())
var info = "SQL语句:" + sql + " \n SQL参数: " + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(param) + " \n";
// LogHelper.ErrorLog(info); // 可以记录操作
var sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.Start();
var restult = conn.Execute(sql, param, transaction, commandTimeout, commandType);
LogHelper.ErrorLog(info + "耗时:" + sw.ElapsedMilliseconds + (sw.ElapsedMilliseconds > 1000 ? "#####" : string.Empty) + "\n"); // 可以记录操作
return restult;
public static int Execute(CommandDefinition command, int databaseOption = 1)
using (var conn = ConnectionFactory.MySqlConnection())
var info = " SQL语句:" + command.CommandText + " \n SQL命令类型: " + command.CommandType + " \n";
// LogHelper.Info(info);// 可以记录操作
var sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.Start();
var restult = conn.Execute(command);
// LogHelper.Info(info + "耗时:" + sw.ElapsedMilliseconds + (sw.ElapsedMilliseconds > 1000 ? "#####" : string.Empty) + "\n");// 可以记录操作
return restult;
4. Dapper常用CRUD
4.1 Select查询
- SQLMapper中QueryMultiple()方法
// 摘要:
// Execute a command that returns multiple result sets, and access each in turn: // 上句话的翻译是: 执行一个返回多个结果集的命令,并依次访问每个结果集
public static SqlMapper.GridReader QueryMultiple(this IDbConnection cnn, CommandDefinition command);
// 摘要:
// Execute a command that returns multiple result sets, and access each in turn
public static SqlMapper.GridReader QueryMultiple(this IDbConnection cnn, string sql, object param = null, IDbTransaction transaction = null, int? commandTimeout = null, CommandType? commandType = null);
// 摘要:
// Execute a command that returns multiple result sets, and access each in turn
public static Task<SqlMapper.GridReader> QueryMultipleAsync(this IDbConnection cnn, CommandDefinition command);
// 摘要:
// Execute a command that returns multiple result sets, and access each in turn
public static Task<SqlMapper.GridReader> QueryMultipleAsync(this IDbConnection cnn, string sql, object param = null,
IDbTransaction transaction = null, int? commandTimeout = null, CommandType? commandType = null);
- 在DapperDBContext 中加个方法,我们可以根据不同业务扩展方法,
/// <summary>
/// WueryMultiplie 执行一个返回多个结果集的命令,并依次访问每个结果集
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sql"></param>
/// <param name="param"></param>
/// <param name="transaction"></param>
/// <param name="commandTimeout"></param>
/// <param name="commandType"></param>
/// <param name="databaseOption"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static Dapper.SqlMapper.GridReader QueryMultiple(string sql, object param = null, IDbTransaction transaction = null, int? commandTimeout = null, CommandType? commandType = null, int databaseOption = 1)
var conn = ConnectionFactory.MySqlConnection();
var sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.Start();
// 因为using 的作用域之后,连接自动关闭,
var restult = conn.QueryMultiple(sql, param, transaction, commandTimeout, commandType);
return restult;
catch (Exception ex)
throw new Exception(ex.ToString());
注意事项:不知道你在上面代码中有没有遇到一个问题,上篇文章我们封装用到using,这次没有用到,是因为封装过程报错:报错:“阅读器关闭时尝试调用 Read 无效” ,原因也很简单:因为using 的作用域之后,连接自动关闭,这里需要说明的是,在数据读取完毕或者不再需要SqlDataReader时,必须将其进行手动关闭。
- SQL调用
/// <summary>
/// 单表查数据
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public List<Department> select()
string sql = @"select *from Department";
var list = DapperDBContext.Query<Department>(sql, null).ToList(); //(多个结果集)为了比较就写一起
var all = selectAll();
var dep = all.Read<Department>().ToList();
var auth = all.Read<AuthResources>().ToList();
return list;
/// <summary>
/// 多个结果集
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public Dapper.SqlMapper.GridReader selectAll()
var sql = "select * from Department; select * from AuthResources";
var multiReader = DapperDBContext.QueryMultiple(sql);
return multiReader;
4.2 模糊查询
db.Query<Remitente>("SELECT *
FROM Remitentes
WHERE Nombre LIKE @n", new { n = "%" + nombre + "%" })
4.3 单条数据插入
public class DepartmentRepository
/// <summary>
/// 插入单条数据以及多条数据
/// </summary>
/// <param name="department"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public bool Add(List<Department> department, AuthResources authResources)
#region 插入单条数据
string sql = @" INSERT INTO Department (ID,EID,Name,Remarks,Description,Notice,ParentId,AddTime,IsDel,UpdateTime) VALUES(@ID,@EID,@Name,@Remarks,@Description,@Notice,@ParentId,@AddTime,@IsDel,@UpdateTime); ";
var result = DapperDBContext.Execute(sql, department[0]);
return result >= 1;
4.4 单表批量数据插入
// department是100条数据 public bool Add(List<Department> department, AuthResources authResources)
#region 插入单条数据
string sql = @" INSERT INTO Department (ID,EID,Name,Remarks,Description,Notice,ParentId,AddTime,IsDel,UpdateTime) VALUES(@ID,@EID,@Name,@Remarks,@Description,@Notice,@ParentId,@AddTime,@IsDel,@UpdateTime); ";
var result = DapperDBContext.Execute(sql, department); //直接传送list对象
return result >= 1;
4.5 多表多数据批量插入
這里我们采用事物,事物本身有两个特有特性:原子性和统一性,比如:向ABC三个表同时插入,只要有个插入有误都失败,如果不采用事物,采用纯sql插入可能出现数据不一致,AB成功,C失败 。 那我们在DapperDBContext中继续封装一个事物的方法,不知道你现在有没有体会到,我们为啥在中间一层,为了我们根据业务的扩展而却要。 方法可以自己扩展,根据自己业务需要去延伸。。。。。方法中用到的Tuple(元组)方法我们就不做介绍,后期我会整理一篇专门介绍元组的方法以及一些新的特性。事物同样可以满足一个表多条数据插入
/// <summary>
/// 多表操作--事务
/// </summary>
/// <param name="trans"></param>
/// <param name="databaseOption"></param>
/// <param name="commandTimeout"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static Tuple<bool, string> ExecuteTransaction(List<Tuple<string, object>> trans, int databaseOption = 1, int? commandTimeout = null)
if (!trans.Any()) return new Tuple<bool, string>(false, "执行事务SQL语句不能为空!");
using (var conn = ConnectionFactory.MySqlConnection())
using (var transaction = conn.BeginTransaction())
var sb = new StringBuilder("ExecuteTransaction 事务: ");
foreach (var tran in trans)
sb.Append("SQL语句:" + tran.Item1 + " \n SQL参数: " + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(tran.Item2) + " \n");
// 根据业务添加纪录日志 LogHelper.InfoLog("SQL语句:" + tran.Item1 + " \n SQL参数: " + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(tran.Item2) + " \n");
conn.Execute(tran.Item1, tran.Item2, transaction, commandTimeout);
var sw = new Stopwatch();
// 根据业务添加纪录日志 LogHelper.InfoLog(sb.ToString() + "耗时:" + sw.ElapsedMilliseconds + (sw.ElapsedMilliseconds > 1000 ? "#####" : string.Empty) + "\n");
return new Tuple<bool, string>(true, string.Empty);
catch (Exception ex)
//todo:!!!transaction rollback can not work.
return new Tuple<bool, string>(false, ex.ToString());
public bool Add(List<Department> department, AuthResources authResources)
#region 事务:元组形式插入多条数据
var param = new List<Tuple<string, object>>();
Tuple<string, object> tupel;
var sw = new Stopwatch();
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
tupel = new Tuple<string, object>(@" INSERT INTO Department (ID,EID,Name,Remarks,Description,Notice,ParentId,AddTime,IsDel,UpdateTime) VALUES(@ID,@EID,@Name,@Remarks,@Description,@Notice,@ParentId,@AddTime,@IsDel,@UpdateTime) ", new
ID = Guid.NewGuid(),
EID = Guid.NewGuid(),
Name = "部门",
Remarks = "",
Description = "",
AddTime = DateTime.Now,
IsDel = 0,
UpdateTime = DateTime.Now,
ParentId = Guid.NewGuid(),
Notice = "",
tupel = new Tuple<string, object>(@" INSERT INTO AuthResources (ID,EID,AuthId,ResourceId,AddTime,IsDel,UpdateTime) VALUES(@ID,@EID,@AuthId,@ResourceId,@AddTime,@IsDel,@UpdateTime) ", new
ID = Guid.NewGuid(),
EId = Guid.NewGuid(),
AuthId = Guid.NewGuid(),
ResourceId = Guid.NewGuid(),
AddTime = DateTime.Now,
IsDel = 0,
UpdateTime = DateTime.Now,
param.Add(tupel); //调用上面我们封装的事物方法:ExecuteTransaction
var result = DapperDBContext.ExecuteTransaction(param).Item1;
return result;