1. 检查安装依赖程序            yum install -y python python-setuptools python-utils python-argparse       2. 下载glances             wget       3. 解压缩            tar zxvf v2.5.tar.gz       4. 安装            cd glances-2.5/            python install
    Usage:      For the standlone mode ,just run :
                    $ glances       For the Web sever mode , run:            $ glances -w                 and enter the URL http://      For the clinet/server mode ,run :            $ glances -s            On the server side and run:                 $ glances -c              On the clinet one                 $ glance —browser

    FAQ:      error 1: ImportError : cannot import name dictConfig            A: this is because not install python-utils       error 2: