Use the simulator and debugging tools for debugging. The simulatorequipped with debugging tools simulates most APIs of iphone device. You can complete the debugging of basic functions and styles in the simulator.

Note: The following function demonstrations are for reference only, and the actual interface is subject to the IDE interface you open.


The simulator provides the following functions:

  • Equipment simulation, such as size, accuracy, etc.
  • Compiling log, error prompts, refresh.

Simulator and Debugging tool - 图1


The debugger combined with the simulator provide a customized “Chrome Devtool”, as well as extensions such as axml based on it. Here’s the default display:

  • AXML:dom and css debugging based on mini-program elements.
  • Console:Check operation logs and errors.
  • Storage:Check and edit cache data.
  • Sources:Check source code and debugging breakpoints.
  • Network:Check network resources, requests.

Simulator and Debugging tool - 图2