    这个例子展示怎么读取一个模拟输入引脚,并把结果按0-255的范围分配。用那个结果来设置一个输出引脚的脉冲宽度(PWM)来变暗或者变亮一个LED等,并打印这个值到Arduino IDE软件的串口监视器。

    • Arduino or Genuino 开发板
    • 电位计
    • 红色LED灯
    • 220 ohm 电阻

    模拟-模拟输入输出串口 - 图1
    连接一个电位计的引脚到5V,中间的引脚到模拟引脚pin0,最后的引脚接地。然后串联一个LED灯()和一个220 ohm电流限制电阻到数字引脚pin9。LED灯的长,正极的引脚连接到电阻的输出端,而短,负极的引脚接地。
    模拟-模拟输入输出串口 - 图2

    1. outputValue = map(sensorValue, 0, 1023, 0, 255);

    最新的映射后的传感数据输出到模拟输出引脚来使LED变亮或变暗,就好像电位计在调节那样。最后未处理值和已换算值都发送到Arduino IDE软件的串口监视窗口里。

    1. /*
    2. Analog input, analog output, serial output
    3. Reads an analog input pin, maps the result to a range from 0 to 255
    4. and uses the result to set the pulsewidth modulation (PWM) of an output pin.
    5. Also prints the results to the serial monitor.
    6. The circuit:
    7. * potentiometer connected to analog pin 0.
    8. Center pin of the potentiometer goes to the analog pin.
    9. side pins of the potentiometer go to +5V and ground
    10. * LED connected from digital pin 9 to ground
    11. created 29 Dec. 2008
    12. modified 9 Apr 2012
    13. by Tom Igoe
    14. This example code is in the public domain.
    15. */
    16. // These constants won't change. They're used to give names
    17. // to the pins used:
    18. const int analogInPin = A0; // Analog input pin that the potentiometer is attached to
    19. const int analogOutPin = 9; // Analog output pin that the LED is attached to
    20. int sensorValue = 0; // value read from the pot
    21. int outputValue = 0; // value output to the PWM (analog out)
    22. void setup() {
    23. // initialize serial communications at 9600 bps:
    24. Serial.begin(9600);
    25. }
    26. void loop() {
    27. // read the analog in value:
    28. sensorValue = analogRead(analogInPin);
    29. // map it to the range of the analog out:
    30. outputValue = map(sensorValue, 0, 1023, 0, 255);
    31. // change the analog out value:
    32. analogWrite(analogOutPin, outputValue);
    33. // print the results to the serial monitor:
    34. Serial.print("sensor = ");
    35. Serial.print(sensorValue);
    36. Serial.print("\t output = ");
    37. Serial.println(outputValue);
    38. // wait 2 milliseconds before the next loop
    39. // for the analog-to-digital converter to settle
    40. // after the last reading:
    41. delay(2);
    42. }

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    • map()
    • analogRead()
    • analogWrite()
    • serial()
    • AnalogInput - 用电位计来控制LED灯闪烁
    • AnalogWriteMega - 永一个Arduino或者Genuino Mega开发板来使12个LED灯一个接一个逐渐打开和熄灭
    • Calibration - 定义期望中的模拟传感值的最大值和最小值
    • Fading - 用模拟输出(PWM引脚)来使LED灯变亮或者变暗
    • Smoothing - 使多个模拟输入引脚的读取值变得平滑