
某发布日,应用线上重启应用后,在运行一段时间后,所有通过 Apache HttpClient 发送的请求,会报 org.apache.http.conn.ConnectionPoolTimeoutException: Timeout waiting for connection from pool 错误,显示连接池耗尽。
后续大量应用出现同类状态,应用发布均未涉及 Apache HttpClient 使用方式的更改,尝试应用版本回滚后,问题依然存在。




复现 POC

参考资料里有 POC 完整代码,可直接在 IDEA 中运行

先提一个问题:案例中我们为什么要去替换 entity 对象,原始需求是什么?
原始需求是:由于业务需要,我们需要提前读取返回内容记录日志,但是原始的 BasicHttpEntity 不支持通过 Entity.toString 多次读取,所以我们把这替换成了 BufferedHttpEntity ,实现可重复读。


  1. // 字节码注入代码
  2. // 注入:org.apache.http.message.BasicHttpResponse#getEntity
  3. public Object overwrite (EnhanceInstance enhanceInstance, Method method, Object[] allArguments, Class<?>[] argumentsTypes, OverwriteMethod originMethod) throws Throwable {
  4. HttpEntity httpEntity = (HttpEntity) TracerReflectionUtils
  5. .getFieldValueByClassAndFiledName(BasicHttpResponse.class,
  6. "entity",
  7. enhanceInstance);
  8. if (null != httpEntity && !httpEntity.isRepeatable() && null == enhanceInstance.getDynamicField()) {
  9. ((BasicHttpResponse) enhanceInstance)
  10. .setEntity(new BufferedHttpEntity(httpEntity));
  11. enhanceInstance.setDynamicField(true);
  12. return httpEntity;
  13. }
  14. return originMethod.call(allArguments);
  15. }

注意 第 4 、9、12 行,如果我们使用 javassist 实现,等价于

StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("org.apache.http.entity.BufferedHttpEntity newEntity = new org.apache.http.entity.BufferedHttpEntity(this.entity);");
sb.append("org.apache.http.HttpEntity originalEntity = this.entity;");
sb.append("this.entity = newEntity;");
sb.append("return originalEntity;");


httpClient.execute 入手,一路跟踪到 MainClientExec(负责处理连接和通讯),关键代码如下。

// file => org/apache/http/impl/execchain/MainClientExec.java
// line => 333
// check for entity, release connection if possible
// response 为 BasicHttpResponse 实例,即为字节码更改的对象
final HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity(); 
if (entity == null || !entity.isStreaming()) {
    // connection not needed and (assumed to be) in re-usable state
    // 如果 entity 不是流数据,则直接释放当前连接
    return new HttpResponseProxy(response, null);

// 监听数据流是否到达 EOF,判断是否释放当前连接
return new HttpResponseProxy(response, connHolder);

跟踪进入 ResponseEntityProxy

// file => org/apache/http/impl/execchain/ResponseEntityProxy.java

// line => 53
public HttpResponseProxy(final HttpResponse original, final ConnectionHolder connHolder) {
    this.original = original;
    this.connHolder = connHolder;
    // 绑定数据流和连接,我们继续调试跟踪进去
    ResponseEntityProxy.enchance(original, connHolder);

继续跟踪进入 ResponseEntityProxy

// file => org/apache/http/impl/execchain/ResponseEntityProxy.java

// line => 50
public static void enchance(final HttpResponse response, final ConnectionHolder connHolder) {
    final HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity();
    // 注意,只有 entity 为 Stream 流,才会绑定 ResponseEntityProxy 代理监听
    if (entity != null && entity.isStreaming() && connHolder != null) {
        response.setEntity(new ResponseEntityProxy(entity, connHolder));

ResponseEntityProxy 的继承关系如下,通过对 Stream 流的监听,最终会触发 eofDetected ,使用 connHolder.releaseConnection 来释放连接。
Screen Shot 2021-03-04 at 12.09.55 AM.png

我们再回到开头,我们对 getEntity 的注入代码,看看代码之间是如何相互影响的。

StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
// 此处的 BufferedHttpEntity 不是 stream 流,即 isStreaming = false
sb.append("org.apache.http.entity.BufferedHttpEntity newEntity = new org.apache.http.entity.BufferedHttpEntity(this.entity);");
// 原始的 entity 为 BasciHttpEntity,其 isStreaming = true
sb.append("org.apache.http.HttpEntity originalEntity = this.entity;");
// 原始值设置了 newEntity
sb.append("this.entity = newEntity;");
// 返回值却是原始值
sb.append("return originalEntity;");

第一次调用 getEntity ,返回的是 originalEntity ,类型为 BasciHttpEntity ,导致直接释放连接的代码被跳过

// file => org/apache/http/impl/execchain/MainClientExec.java
// line => 333
final HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity(); 
// 返回 entity 为 originalEntity(BasciHttpEntity),无法进入该 if 逻辑以直接释放连接
if (entity == null || !entity.isStreaming()) {
    return new HttpResponseProxy(response, null);

第二次调用 getEntity ,返回的其实是第一次的 newEntity ,类型为 BufferedHttpEntity ,同样无法进入该 if 逻辑以监听 EOF 释放连接。

// file => org/apache/http/impl/execchain/ResponseEntityProxy.java

// line => 50
public static void enchance(final HttpResponse response, final ConnectionHolder connHolder) {
    final HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity();
    // 返回的是 newEntity(BufferedHttpEntity),同样无法进入该 if 逻辑以监听 EOF 释放连接
    if (entity != null && entity.isStreaming() && connHolder != null) {
        response.setEntity(new ResponseEntityProxy(entity, connHolder));

随着请求越来越多,当未被及时释放的连接达到连接池上限的时候,就会曝出 Timeout waiting for connection from pool 错误。



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