In this chapter, we will explore the design of the graphical user interface (GUI) for pdCalc. Whenever one designs a GUI, a widget platform needs to be selected. As previously noted, I have chosen to use Qt for the creation of the GUI. That said, this is not a how-to chapter on using Qt to design an interface. Rather, I assume that the reader has a working knowledge of Qt, and the chapter itself focuses on design aspects of the GUI. In fact, as much as possible, I will refer the reader to the source code to see detailed aspects of the widget implementations. Any discussion of the Qt implementation is either merely incidental or worthy of particular emphasis. If you have no interest in GUI design, this chapter can be skipped entirely with virtually no loss in continuity.

6.1 Requirements(要求)

In Chapter 5, we began our analysis of the command line interface (CLI) by deriving an interface abstraction that would be used by both the CLI and the GUI. Obviously, we will reuse this interface here, and we therefore already know the abstract interface to which our overall user interface must conform. We thus begin this chapter by defining the requirements for the GUI specialization.

As with the CLI, we quickly discover that the requirements from Chapter 1 are woefully inadequate for specifying a graphical user interface. The given requirements are only functional. That is, we know what buttons and operations the calculator should support, but we know nothing about the expected appearance.

In a commercial project, one would (hopefully) engage the client, a graphic artist, and a human computer interactions expert to assist in designing the GUI. For our case study, it suffices to fully specify our own requirements:

  1. The GUI should have a window that displays both input and output. The output is the top six entries of the current stack.
  2. The GUI should have clickable buttons for entering numbers and all supported commands.
  3. The GUI should have a status display area for displaying error messages.


  1. GUI应该有一个窗口,显示输入和输出。输出是当前Stack的前六个条目。
  2. GUI应该有可点击的按钮来输入数字和所有支持的命令。
  3. GUI应该有一个状态显示区,用于显示错误信息。

The above requirements still do not explain what the calculator should actually look like. For that, we need a picture. Figure 6-1 shows the working calculator as it appears on my Linux desktop (Kubuntu 16.10 using Qt 5.7.1). To show the finished GUI as a prototype for designing the GUI is most certainly “cheating.” Hopefully, this shortcut does not detract from the realism of the case study too much. Obviously, one would not have a finished product at this stage in the development. In a production setting, one might have mock-ups drawn either by hand or with a program such as Microsoft PowerPoint, Adobe Illustrator, Inkscape, etc. Alternatively, maybe the GUI is being modeled from a physical object, and the designer either has photographs or direct access to that object. For example, one might be designing a GUI to replace a physical control system, and the requirements specify that the interface must display identical dials and gauges (to reduce operator retraining costs).
上面的要求仍然没有说明计算器的实际样子。为此,我们需要一张图片。图6-1显示了工作中的计算器,它出现在我的Linux桌面上(Kubuntu 16.10,使用Qt 5.7.1)。把完成的GUI作为设计GUI的原型来展示,无疑是 “作弊”。希望这个捷径不会过多地减损案例研究的真实性。很明显,在开发的这个阶段,人们不会有一个成品。在生产环境中,人们可能会用手或用诸如Microsoft PowerPoint、Adobe Illustrator、Inkscape等程序来绘制模拟图。另外,也许GUI是根据一个物理对象建模的,设计者要么有照片,要么能直接接触到该对象。例如,一个人可能正在设计一个GUI来取代一个物理控制系统,并且要求界面必须显示相同的表盘和仪表(以减少操作员的再培训成本)。

Figure 6-1. The GUI on Linux with no plugins

The GUI for pdCalc was inspired by my HP48S calculator. For those familiar with any of the Hewlett-Packard calculators in this series, the interface will feel somewhat familiar. For those not familiar with this series of calculators (likely, the majority of readers), the following description explains the basic behavior of the GUI.

The top third of the GUI is a dedicated input/output (I/O) window. The I/O window displays labels for the top six stack levels on the left, with the top of the stack being at the bottom of the window. Values on the stack appear on the right side of the window on the line corresponding to the number’s location on the stack. As the user enters a number, the stack reduces to showing only the top five stack elements, while the number being entered is displayed left justified on the bottom line. A number is terminated and entered onto the stack by pressing the enter button.

Assuming sufficient input, an operation takes place as soon as the button is pressed. If insufficient input is present, an error message is displayed above the I/O window. With respect to commands, a valid number in the input area is treated as the top number on the stack. That is, applying an operation while entering a number is equivalent to pressing Enter and then applying the operation.

To economize on space, some buttons have a shifted operation above and to the left of the button itself. These shifted operations can be activated by first pressing the shift button and then pressing the button below the shifted text. Pressing the shift button places the calculator in shift mode until a button with a shifted operation is pressed or until the shift button is pressed again. For clarity, a shifted operation is often the inverse of the operation on the button.

To ease input, many buttons are bound to keyboard shortcuts. Numbers are activated by pressing the corresponding number key, the enter button is activated by pressing the enter key, shift is activated by pressing the s key, backspace is activated by pressing the backspace key, the exponentiation operation is activated by pressing the e key, and the four basic arithmetic operations (+, -, , /) are activated by pressing the corresponding keys.

Finally, a few operations are semi-hidden. When not entering numbers, the backspace button drops the top entry from the stack, while the enter button duplicates the top entry on the stack. Some of these combinations are not intuitive and therefore might not represent very good GUI design. However, they do mimic the input used on the HP48S. If you have never used an HP48 series calculator before, I highly suggest building and familiarizing yourself with the GUI from the GitHub repository before continuing.

If you’re wondering what a proc key does, it executes stored procedures. It is one of the “new” requirements we’ll encounter in Chapter 8.
如果你想知道proc键是做什么的,它可以执行存储过程。它是我们将在第8章遇到的 “新 “要求之一。

One’s first critique about the GUI might be that it is not very pretty. I agree. The purpose of the GUI in this chapter is not to demonstrate advanced Qt features. Rather, the purpose is to illustrate how to design a code base to be modular, robust, reliable, and extensible. Adding code to make the GUI more attractive rather than functional would distract from this message. Of course, the design permits a prettier GUI, so feel free to make your own pretty GUI on top of the provided infrastructure.

We now have sufficient detail to design and implement the calculator’s GUI. However, before we begin, a short discussion on alternatives for building GUIs is warranted.

6.2 Building GUIs

Essentially, two distinct paths exist for building a GUI: construct the GUI in an integrated development environment (IDE) or construct the GUI in code. Here, I loosely use the term code to indicate building the GUI by text, whether it be by using a traditional programming language like C++ or a declarative markup syntax like XML. Of course, between the two extremes is the hybrid approach, which utilizes elements from both IDEs and code.

6.2.1 Building GUIs in IDEs

If all you need is a simple GUI, then, certainly, designing and building your GUI in an IDE is the easier route. Most IDEs have a graphical interface for laying out visual elements onto a canvas, which, for example, might represent a dialog box or a widget. Once a new canvas is set up, the user visually builds the GUI by dragging and dropping existing widgets onto the canvas. Existing widgets consist of the built-in graphical elements of the GUI toolkit (e.g., a push button) as well as custom widgets that have been enabled for drag-and-drop in the IDE framework. Once the layout is complete, actions can be tied together either graphically or with a little bit of code. Ultimately, the IDE creates code corresponding to the graphically laid out GUI, and this IDE-created code is compiled with the rest of your source code.

Building a GUI using an IDE has both advantages and disadvantages. Some of the advantages are as follows. First, because the process is visual, you can easily see the GUI’s appearance as you perform the layout. This is in direct contrast with writing code for the GUI, where you only see the look of the GUI after compiling and executing the code. The difference is very much akin to the difference between using a WYSIWYG text editor like Microsoft Word and a markup language like LaTeX for writing a paper. Second, the IDE works by automatically generating code behind the scenes, so the graphical approach can significantly reduce the amount of coding required to write a GUI. Third, IDEs typically list the properties of a GUI element in a property sheet, making it trivial to stylize a GUI without constantly consulting the API documentation. This is especially useful for rarely used features.
使用IDE构建GUI既有优势也有劣势。其中的一些优点如下。首先,由于这个过程是可视化的,你可以在执行布局时很容易看到GUI的外观。这与为GUI写代码形成了直接的对比,在那里你只能在编译和执行代码后看到GUI的外观。这种区别非常类似于使用所见即所得的文本编辑器(如Microsoft Word)和使用标记语言(如LaTeX)来写论文的区别。第二,IDE的工作原理是在幕后自动生成代码,所以图形化的方法可以大大减少编写GUI所需的编码量。第三,IDE通常在属性表中列出GUI元素的属性,使GUI的风格化变得微不足道,而无需不断查阅API文档。这对很少使用的功能特别有用。

Some of the disadvantages to using an IDE to build a GUI are as follows. First, you are limited to the subset of the API that the IDE chooses to expose. Sometimes the full API is exposed, and sometimes it is not. If you need functionality that the IDE’s author chose not to grant you, you’ll be forced into writing your own code. That is, the IDE may limit fine-tuned control of GUI elements. Second, for repetitive GUI elements, you may have to perform the same operation many times (e.g., clicking to make text red in all push buttons), while in code, it’s easy to encapsulate any repeated task in a class or function call. Third, using the IDE to design a GUI limits the GUI to decisions that can be made at compile time. If you need to dynamically change the structure of a GUI, you’ll need to write code for that. Fourth, designing a GUI in an IDE ties your code to a specific vendor product. In a corporate environment, this may not be a significant concern because the development environment may be uniform throughout the company. However, for an open source, distributed project, not every developer who might want to contribute to your codebase will want to be restricted to the same IDE you chose.

6.2.2 Building GUIs in Code

Building a GUI in code is exactly what the name implies. Rather than graphically placing widgets on a canvas, you instead write code to interact with the GUI toolkit. Several different options exist for how the code can be written, and often, more than one option is available to you for any given GUI toolkit. First, you can almost always write source code in the language of the toolkit. For example, in Qt, you can build your GUI entirely by writing C++ in a very imperative style (i.e., you direct the GUI’s behavior explicitly). Second, some GUI toolkits permit a declarative style (i.e., you write markup code describing the style of GUI elements, but the toolkit defines the elements’ behaviors). Finally, some toolkits use a script-based interface for constructing a GUI (often JavaScript or a JavaScript derivative syntax) perhaps in conjunction with a declarative markup. In the context of this chapter, building a GUI in code refers exclusively to coding in C++ against Qt’s desktop widget set.

As you might expect, building a GUI in code has nearly the opposite trade-offs as building a GUI with an IDE. The advantages are as follows. First, the full API to the widgets is completely exposed. Therefore, the programmer has as much fine- tuned control as desired. If the widget library designer wanted a user to be able to do something, you can do it in code. Second, repetitive GUI elements are easily managed through the use of abstraction. For example, in designing a calculator, instead of having to customize every button manually, we can create a button class and simply instantiate it. Third, adding widgets dynamically at runtime is easy. For pdCalc, this advantage will be important in fulfilling the requirement to support dynamic plugins. Fourth, designing a GUI in code grants complete IDE independence, provided that the build system is independent of the IDE.

While building a GUI in code has many advantages, disadvantages exist as well. First, the layout is not visual. In order to see the GUI take shape, you must compile and execute the code. If it looks wrong, you have to tweak the code, try again, and repeat this process until you get it right. This can be exceedingly tedious and time consuming. Second, you must author all of the code yourself. Whereas an IDE will autogenerate a significant portion of the GUI code, particularly the parts related to the layout, when you are writing code, you must do all the work manually. Finally, when writing a GUI in code, you will not have access to all of a widget’s properties succinctly on a property sheet. Typically, you’ll need to consult the documentation more frequently. That said, good IDE code completion can help significantly with this task. Someone may cry foul to my last remark, claiming, “It’s unfair to indicate that using an IDE can mitigate a disadvantage of not using an IDE.” Remember, unless you’re writing your source code in a pure text editor (unlikely), the code editor is still likely a sophisticated IDE. My comparison is between building a GUI using an IDE’s graphical GUI layout tool versus writing the code manually using a modern code editor, likely itself an IDE.

6.2.3 Which GUI Building Method Is Better?

The answer to the overly general question in the section header is, of course, neither. Which technique is better for building a GUI is entirely context dependent. When you encounter this question in your own coding pursuits, consult the trade-offs above, and make the choice most sensible for your situation. Often, the best solution is a hybrid strategy where some parts of the GUI will be laid out graphically while other parts of the GUI will be built entirely from code.
A more specific question in our context is, “Which GUI building method is better for pdCalc?” For this application, the trade-offs heavily favor a code-based approach. First, the visual layout for the calculator is fairly trivial (a status window, a display widget, and a grid of buttons) and easily accomplished in code. This fact immediately removes the most significant advantage of the IDE approach: handling a complex layout visually. Second, the creation and layout of the buttons is repetitive but easily encapsulated, which is one of the advantages of a code-based approach. Finally, because the calculator must support runtime plugins, the code approach works better for dynamically adding widget elements (runtime discovered buttons).
在我们的背景下,一个更具体的问题是,”哪种GUI构建方法对pdCalc更好?” 对于这个应用来说,权衡利弊后,我们更倾向于采用基于代码的方法。首先,计算器的视觉布局是相当琐碎的(一个状态窗口、一个显示部件和一个按钮的网格),很容易在代码中完成。这一事实立即消除了IDE方法的最重要的优势:以视觉方式处理一个复杂的布局。其次,按钮的创建和布局是重复的,但很容易封装,这也是基于代码的方法的优点之一。最后,由于计算器必须支持运行时插件,代码方法在动态添加部件元素(运行时发现的按钮)时效果更好。
In the remainder of this chapter, we’ll explore the design of pdCalc’s GUI in code. In particular, the main emphasis will be on the design of components and their interfaces. Because our focus is not on widget construction, many implementation details will be glossed over. Never fear, however. If you are interested in the details, all of the code is available for your perusal in the GitHub repository.

6.3 Modularization(模块化)

From the outset of this book, we have discussed decomposition strategies for the calculator. Using the MVC architectural pattern, we split our design into a model, a view, and a controller. In Chapter 4, we saw that one of the main components, the command dispatcher, was split into subcomponents. Whereas the CLI was simple enough to not need modularization, the GUI is sufficiently complex that decomposition is useful.

In Chapter 5, we determined that any user interface for our system must inherit from the UserInterface abstract class. Essentially, the UserInterface class defines the abstract interface of the view in the MVC pattern. While the GUI module must inherit from UserInterface and hence present the same abstract interface to the controller, we are free to decompose the internals of the GUI however we see fit. We’ll again use our guiding principles of loose coupling and strong cohesion to modularize the GUI.

When I decompose a module, I first think in terms of strong cohesion. That is, I attempt to break the module into small components that each do one thing (and do it well). Let’s try that with the GUI. First, any Qt GUI must have a main window, defined by inheriting QMainWindow. The main window is also the entry point to the MVC view, so our main window must also inherit from UserInterface. The MainWindow is our first class. Next, visually inspecting Figure 6-1, the calculator is obviously divided into a component used for input (collection of buttons) and a component used for display. We therefore add two more classes, the InputWidget and the Display. We’ve already discussed that an advantage of using the code approach to building a GUI is to abstract the repeated creation of buttons, so we’ll make a CommandButton class as well. Finally, let’s add a component responsible for managing the look-and-feel of the calculator (e.g., fonts, margins, spacing, etc.), which is aptly named the LookAndFeel class. A component for stored procedure entry also exists, but we will delay the discussion of that component until Chapter 8.
当我分解一个模块时,我首先考虑的是高内聚。也就是说,我试图将模块分解成小的组件,每个组件只做一件事(而且要做得好)。让我们用GUI来试试。首先,任何Qt GUI都必须有一个主窗口,通过继承QMainWindow定义。主窗口也是MVC视图的入口,所以我们的主窗口也必须继承自UserInterface。MainWindow是我们的第一个类。接下来,目测图6-1,计算器显然被分成了一个用于输入的组件(按钮集合)和一个用于显示的组件。因此我们又添加了两个类,InputWidget和Display。我们已经讨论过,使用代码的方法来构建GUI的一个好处是可以抽象出按钮的重复创建,所以我们也要做一个CommandButton类。最后,让我们添加一个负责管理计算器的外观和感觉的组件(例如,字体、边距、间距等),它被恰当地命名为LookAndFeel类。一个用于存储过程输入的组件也存在,但我们将把这个组件的讨论推迟到第8章。

Let’s now look at the design of each class, starting with the CommandButton. We’ll discuss any necessary refinements to this initial decomposition if and when they arise.

6.3.1 The CommandButton Abstraction(命令按钮的抽象)

I begin the discussion by describing how buttons are abstracted. This is a sensible place to begin since buttons underlie the input mechanism for both numbers and commands to the calculator.

Qt provides a push button widget class that displays a clickable button that emits a signal when the button is clicked. This QPushButton class provides the basis for the functionality that we require for number and command input. One prospective design we could employ would be to use QPushButtons as-is. This design would require explicitly writing code to connect each QPushButton manually to its own customized slot. However, this approach is repetitive, tedious, and highly error-prone. Moreover, some buttons need additional functionality not provided by the QPushButton API (e.g., shifted input). Therefore, we instead seek a button abstraction for our program that builds upon the QPushButton, supplements this Qt class with additional functionality, but also simultaneously restricts the QPushButton’s interface to meet exactly our requirements. We’ll call this class the CommandButton.
Qt提供了一个按钮部件类,显示一个可点击的按钮,当按钮被点击时发出信号。这个QPushButton类为我们需要的数字和命令输入的功能提供了基础。我们可以采用的一个前瞻性设计是按原样使用QPushButton。这种设计需要明确地编写代码,将每个QPushButton手动连接到它自己的定制槽。然而,这种方法是重复的、乏味的,而且非常容易出错。此外,有些按钮需要QPushButton API不提供的额外功能(例如,移位的输入)。因此,我们要为我们的程序寻找一个按钮抽象,它建立在QPushButton的基础上,用额外的功能来补充这个Qt类,但也同时限制了QPushButton的接口,以完全满足我们的要求。我们将这个类称为CommandButton。

In pattern parlance, we are proposing something that acts as both an adapter and a facade. We saw the adapter pattern in Chapter 3. The facade pattern is a close cousin. Whereas the adapter pattern is responsible for converting one interface into another (possibly with some adaptation), the facade pattern is responsible for providing a unified interface to a set of interfaces in a subsystem (often as a simplification). Our CommandButton is tasked with doing both. We are both simplifying the QPushButton interface to a restricted subset that pdCalc needs but simultaneously adapting QPushButton’s functionality to match the requirements of our problem. So, is CommandButton a facade or an adapter? The difference is semantic; it shares characteristics of each. Remember, it is important to understand the objectives of different patterns and adapt them according to your needs. Try not to get lost in rote implementations from the Gang of Four [6] for the sake of pattern purity.

6.3.2 The CommandButton Design(命令按钮的设计)

Introductory remarks aside, we still must determine what exactly our CommandButton needs to do and how it will interact with the rest of the GUI. In many ways, a CommandButton looks and acts similarly to a QPushButton. For example, a CommandButton must present a visual button that can be clicked, and after the button is clicked, it should emit some kind of signal to let other GUI components know a click action has occurred. Unlike a standard QPushButton, however, our CommandButton must support both a standard and shifted state (e.g., a button that supports both sin and arcsin). This support should be both visual (both states should be shown by our CommandButton widget) and functional (click signals must describe both a standard click and a shifted click).

We therefore have two design questions to answer. First, how do we design and implement the widget to appear correctly on the screen? Second, how will the calculator, in general, handle shifted operations?

Let’s first address the CommandButton appearance problem. Sure, we could implement our button from scratch, paint the screen manually, and use mouse events to trap button clicks, but that’s overkill for CommandButton. Instead, we seek a solution that reuses Qt’s QPushButton class. We essentially have two options for reuse: inheritance and encapsulation.

First, let’s consider reusing the QPushButton class in the CommandButton class’s design via inheritance. This approach is reasonable since one could logically adopt the viewpoint that a CommandButton “is-a” QPushButton. This approach, however, suffers from an immediate deficiency. An “is-a” relationship implies public inheritance, which means that the entire public interface of QPushButton would become part of the public interface for CommandButton. However, we already determined that for simplicity within pdCalc, we want CommandButton to have a restricted interface (the facade pattern). OK, let’s try private inheritance and modify our viewpoint to an “implements-a” relationship between CommandButton and QPushButton. Now we encounter a second deficiency. Without public inheritance from QPushButton, CommandButton loses its indirect inheritance of the QWidget class, a prerequisite in Qt for a class to be a user interface object. Therefore, any implementation inheriting QPushButton privately would also require public inheritance from QWidget. However, because QPushButton also inherits from QWidget, the multiple inheritance of both of these classes by CommandButton would lead to ambiguities and is thus disallowed. We must seek an alternative design.

Now, consider encapsulating a QPushButton within a CommandButton (i.e., CommandButton “has-a” QPushButton). We probably should have started with this option since general practice indicates we should prefer encapsulation to inheritance whenever possible. However, many developers tend to start with inheritance, and I wanted to discuss the drawbacks of that approach without resorting merely to C++ canon. Aside from breaking the strong inheritance relationship, choosing an encapsulation approach overcomes the two drawbacks of using inheritance previously discussed. First, since the QPushButton will be encapsulated within a CommandButton, we are free to expose only those parts of the QPushButton interface (or none at all) that make sense for our application. Second, by using encapsulation, we’ll avoid the multiple inheritance mess of inheriting from both the QWidget and QPushButton classes simultaneously. Note that I do not object, in principle, to designs that use multiple inheritance. Multiple inheritance is simply ambiguous in this instance.
现在,考虑将一个QPushButton封装在一个CommandButton中(即CommandButton “有一个 “QPushButton)。我们也许应该从这个选项开始,因为一般的实践表明,只要有可能,我们应该首选封装而不是继承。然而,许多开发者倾向于从继承开始,我想讨论这种方法的缺点,而不是仅仅诉诸于C++教条。除了打破强继承关系外,选择封装方式还克服了之前讨论的使用继承的两个缺点。首先,由于QPushButton将被封装在CommandButton中,我们可以自由地只暴露QPushButton接口中那些对我们的应用有意义的部分(或者根本没有)。其次,通过使用封装,我们可以避免同时继承QWidget和QPushButton类的多重继承问题。请注意,原则上我并不反对使用多重继承的设计。在这种情况下,多重继承只是模棱两可。

Encapsulating relationships can either take the form of composition or aggregation. Which is right for the CommandButton class? Consider two classes, A and B, where A is encapsulating B. In a composite relationship, B is an integral part of A. In code, the relationship is expressed as follows:

  1. class A {
  2. // ...
  3. private:
  4. B b_;
  5. };

In contrast, aggregation implies that A is merely using a B object internally. In code, aggregation is expressed as follows:

  1. class A {
  2. // ...
  3. private:
  4. B* b_; // or some suitable smart pointer or reference
  5. };

For our application, I think aggregation makes more sense. That is, our CommandButton uses a QPushButton rather than is composed from a QPushButton. The difference is subtle, and an equally logical argument could be made for declaring the relationship to be composition. That said, both designs work mechanically within Qt, so your compiler really won’t care how you choose to express the relationship.

Now that we have decided to aggregate the QPushButton within the CommandButton, we can proceed with the overall design of the CommandButton class. Our CommandButton must support both a primary and secondary command. Visually, I chose to display the primary command on the button and the secondary command in blue above and to the left of the button. (I’ll discuss how the shifted state operates momentarily.) Therefore, the CommandButton merely instantiates a QPushButton and a QLabel and places them both in a QVBoxLayout. The QPushButton displays the text for the primary command, and the QLabel displays the text for the shifted command. The layout is depicted in Figure 6-2. To complete the design, as previously stated, in order to interact graphically with the rest of the GUI, the CommandButton must publicly inherit from the QWdiget class. The design results in a reusable CommandButton widget class for a generic push button, declaring both a primary and secondary command. Because the push button action is achieved by using a QPushButton, the overall implementation of the CommandButton class is remarkably simple.
Figure 6-2. The layout of the CommandButton

One final, small detail for reusing the QPushButton remains. Obviously, because the QPushButton is encapsulated privately in the CommandButton, clients cannot externally connect to the QPushButton’s clicked() signal, rendering it impossible for client code to know when a CommandButton is clicked. This design is actually intentional. The CommandButton will internally trap the QPushButton’s clicked() signal and subsequently re-emit its own signal. The design of this public CommandButton signal is intricately linked to the handling of the shifted state.

We now return to modeling the shifted state within the calculator. We have two practical options. The first option is to have CommandButton understand when the calculator is in the shifted state and only signal the correct shifted or unshifted command. Alternatively, the second option is to have CommandButton signal with both the shifted and unshifted commands and let the receiver of the signal sort out the calculator’s current state. Let’s examine both options.

The first option, having CommandButton know if the calculator is in a shifted or unshifted state, is fairly easy to implement. In one implementation, the shift button notifies every button (via Qt signals and slots) when it is pressed, and the buttons toggle between the shifted and unshifted state. If desired, one could even swap the text in the shift position with the text on the button every time the shifted state is toggled. Alternatively, the shift button can be connected to one slot that sets a global shift state flag that buttons can query when they signal that a click has occurred. In either implementation scenario, when the button is clicked, only the command for the current state is signaled, and the receiver of this command eventually forwards the single command out of the GUI via a commandEntered() event.

In the second option, the CommandButton is not required to know anything about the calculator’s state. Instead, when a button is clicked, it signals the click with both the shifted and unshifted states. Essentially, a button just informs its listeners when it is clicked and provides both possible commands. The receiver is then responsible for determining which of the possible commands to raise in the commandEntered() event. The receiver presumably must be responsible for tracking the shifted state (or be able to poll another class or variable holding that state).

For the CommandButton, both designs for handling the calculator’s state work fairly well. However, personally, I prefer the design that does not require CommandButton to know anything about the shifted state. In my opinion, this design promotes better cohesion and looser coupling. The design is more cohesive because a CommandButton should be responsible for displaying a clickable widget and notifying the system when the button is clicked. Requiring CommandButton to understand calculator states encroaches on the independence of their abstraction. Instead of just being generic clickable buttons with two commands, the buttons become integrally tied to the concept of the calculator’s global state. Additionally, by forcing CommandButton to understand the calculator’s state, the coupling in the system is increased by forcing CommandButton to be unnecessarily interconnected to either the shift button or to the class they must poll. The only advantage gained by notifying every CommandButton when the shift button is pressed is the ability to swap the labels for the primary and secondary commands. Of course, label swapping could be implemented independently of the CommandButton’s signal arguments.

6.3.3 The CommandButton Interface

Getting the design right is the hard part. With the design in hand, the interface practically writes itself. Let’s examine a simplified version of the CommandButton class’s definition, shown in Listing 6-1.

Listing 6-1. The CommandButton Class

  1. class CommandButton : public QWidget {
  2. Q_OBJECT // needed by all Qt objects with signals and slots
  3. public : CommandButton(const string& dispPrimaryCmd, const string& primaryCmd,
  4. const string& dispShftCmd, const string& shftCmd,
  5. QWidget* parent = nullptr);
  6. CommandButton(const string& dispPrimaryCmd, const string& primaryCmd,
  7. QWidget* parent = nullptr);
  8. private slots:
  9. void onClicked();
  10. signals:
  11. void clicked(string primCmd, string shftCmd);
  12. };

The CommandButton class has two constructors: the four-argument overload and the two-argument overload. The four-argument overload permits specification of both a primary command and a secondary command, while the two-argument overload permits the specification of only a primary command. Each command requires two strings for full specification. The first string equates to the text the label will present in the GUI, either on the button or in the shifted command location. The second string equates to the text command to be raised by the commandEntered() event. One could simplify the interface by requiring these two strings to be identical. However, I chose to add the flexibility of displaying a different text than that required by the command dispatcher. Note that we require overloads instead of default arguments due to the trailing parent pointer.

The only other public part of the interface is the clicked() signal that is emitted with both the primary and shifted commands for the button. The rationale behind a twoargument versus one-argument signal was previously discussed. Despite being private, I also listed the onClicked() slot in CommandButton’s interface to highlight the private slot that must be created to catch the internal QPushButton’s clicked() signal. The onClicked() function’s sole purpose is to trap the QPushButton’s clicked() signal and instead emit the CommandButton’s clicked() signal with the two function arguments.

If you look at the actual declaration of the CommandButton class in CommandButton.h, you will see a few additional functions as part of CommandButton’s public interface. These are simply forwarding functions that either change the appearance (e.g., text color) or add visual elements (e.g., a tool tip) to the underlying QPushButton. While these functions are part of CommandButton’s interface, they are functionally optional and are independent of CommandButton’s underlying design.

6.3.4 Getting Input

The GUI is required to take two distinct types of inputs from the user: numbers and commands. Both input types are entered by the user via CommandButtons (or keyboard shortcuts mapped to these buttons) arranged in a grid. This collection of CommandButtons, their layout, and their associated signals to the rest of the GUI compose the InputWidget class.

Command entry is conceptually straightforward. A CommandButton is clicked, and a signal is emitted, reflecting the command for that particular button. Ultimately, another part of the GUI will receive this signal and raise a commandEntered() event to be handled by the command dispatcher.

Entering numbers is a bit more complicated than entering commands. In the CLI, we had the luxury of simply allowing the user to type numbers and press enter when the input was complete. In the GUI, however, we have no such built-in mechanism (assuming we want a GUI more sophisticated than a CLI in a Qt window). While the calculator does have a Command for entering numbers, remember that it assumes complete numbers, not individual digits. Therefore, the GUI must have a mechanism for constructing numbers.

Building a number consists of entering digits as well as special symbols such as the decimal point, the plus/minus operator, or the exponentiation operator. Additionally, as the user types, he might make errors, so we’ll want to enable basic editing (e.g., backspace), as well. The assembly of numbers is a two-step process. The InputWidget is only responsible for emitting the button clicks required for composing and editing numbers. Another part of the GUI will receive these signals and assemble complete number input.

6.3.5 The Design of the InputWidget

Conceptually, the design of the InputWidget class is straightforward. The widget must display the buttons needed for generating and editing input, bind these buttons to keys (if desired), and signal when these buttons are clicked. As previously mentioned, the InputWidget contains buttons for both digit entry and command entry. Therefore, it is responsible for the digits 0-9, the plus/minus button, the decimal button, the exponentiation button, the enter button, the backspace button, the shift button, and a button for each command. Recall that as an economization, the CommandButton class permits two distinct commands per visual button.

For consistency throughout the GUI, we’ll use the CommandButton exclusively as the representation for all of the input buttons, even for buttons that neither issue commands nor have secondary operations (e.g., the 0 button). How convenient that our design for the CommandButton is so flexible! However, that decision still leaves us with two outstanding design issues. How do we lay out the buttons visually, and what do we do when a button is clicked?
为了整个GUI的一致性,我们将专门使用CommandButton来表示所有的输入按钮,即使是那些既不发布命令也没有二级操作的按钮(例如0按钮)。我们对CommandButton的设计是如此的灵活,这是多么方便啊 然而,这个决定仍然给我们留下了两个悬而未决的设计问题。我们如何在视觉上布置这些按钮,以及当一个按钮被点击时,我们该怎么做?

Two options exist for placing buttons in the InputWidget. First, the InputWidget itself owns a layout, it places all the buttons in this internal layout, and then the InputWidget itself can be placed somewhere on the main window. The alternative is for the InputWidget to accept an externally owned layout during construction and place its CommandButtons on that layout. In general, having the InputWidget own its own layout is the superior design. It has improved cohesion and decreased coupling over the alternative approach. The only exception where having the InputWidget accept an external layout would be preferred would be if the design called for other classes to share the same layout for the placement of additional widgets. In that special case, using a shared layout owned externally to both classes would be cleaner.

Let’s now turn our attention to what happens when a button is clicked within the InputWidget. Because the InputWidget encapsulates the CommandButtons, the clicked() signal for each CommandButton is not directly accessible to consumers of the InputWidget class. Therefore, the InputWidget must catch all of its CommandButtons’ clicks and re-emit them. For calculator commands like sine or tangent, re-emitting the click is a trivial forwarding command. In fact, Qt enables a shorthand notation for connecting a CommandButton’s clicked() signal directly to an InputWidget commandEntered() signal, forgoing the need to pass through a private slot in the InputWidget. Digits, number editing buttons (e.g., plus/minus, backspace), and calculator state buttons (e.g., shift) are better handled by catching the particular clicked() signal from the CommandButton in a private slot in the InputWidget and subsequently emitting a InputWidget signal for each of these actions.

As just described, as each input button is pressed, the InputWidget must emit its own signal. At one extreme, the InputWidget could have individual signals for each internal CommandButton. At the other extreme, the InputWidget could emit only one signal regardless of the button pressed and differentiate the action via an argument. As expected, for our design, we’ll seek some middle ground that shares elements from each extreme.

Essentially, the InputWidget accepts three distinct types of input: a modifier (e.g., enter, backspace, plus/minus, shift), a scientific notation character (e.g., 0-9, decimal, exponentiation), or a command (e.g., sine, cosine, etc.). Each modifier requires a unique response; therefore, each modifier binds to its own separate signal. Scientific notation characters, on the other hand, can be handled uniformly simply by displaying the input character on the screen (the role of the Display class). Thus, scientific notation characters are all handled by emitting a single signal that encodes the specific character as an argument. Finally, commands are handled by emitting a single signal that simply forwards the primary and secondary commands verbatim as function arguments to the signal.

In constructing the signal handling, it is important to maintain the InputWidget as a class for signaling raw user input to the rest of the GUI. Having the InputWidget interpret button presses leads to problems. For example, suppose we designed the InputWidget to aggregate characters and only emit complete, valid numbers. Since this strategy implies that no signal would be emitted per character entry, characters could neither be displayed nor edited until the number was completed. This situation is obviously unacceptable, as a user would definitely expect to see each character on the screen as she entered it.

Let’s now turn our attention to translating our design into a minimal interface for the InputWidget.

6.3.6 The Interface of the InputWidget

Let’s begin the discussion of the InputWidget’s interface by presenting the class declaration. As expected, our clear design leads to a straightforward interface. See Listing 6-2.

Listing 6-2. The InputWidget

  1. class InputWidget : public QWidget {
  3. public:
  4. explicit InputWidget(QWidget* parent = nullptr);
  5. signals:
  6. void characterEntered(char c);
  7. void enterPressed();
  8. void backspacePressed();
  9. void plusMinusPressed();
  10. void shiftPressed();
  11. void commandEntered(string, string);
  12. };

Essentially, the entire class interface is defined by the signals corresponding to user input events. Specifically, we have one signal indicating entry of any scientific notation character, one signal to forward command button clicks, and individual signals indicating clicking of the backspace, enter, plus/minus, or shift buttons, respectively.

If you look in the GitHub repository source code in the InputWidget.cpp file, you will find a few additional public functions and signals. These extra functions are necessary to implement two features introduced in subsequent chapters. First, an addCommandButton() function and a setupFinalButtons() function are needed to accommodate the dynamic addition of plugin buttons, a feature introduced in Chapter 7. Second, a procedurePressed() signal is needed to indicate a user request to use a stored procedure. Stored procedures are introduced in Chapter 8.

6.4 The Display

Conceptually, the calculator has two displays, one for input and one for output. This abstraction can be implemented visually either as two separate displays or as one merged input/output display. Both designs are perfectly valid; each is illustrated in Figure 6-3.
Figure 6-3. Input and output display options

Choosing one style of I/O versus the other ultimately reduces to the customer’s preference. Having no particular affinity for either style, I chose a merged display because it looks more like the display of my HP48S calculator. With a display style chosen, let’s now focus on the design implications this choice implies.

With a separate on-screen widget for input and output, as seen in Figure 6-3a, the choice to have separate input and output display classes would be obvious. The input display would have slots to receive the InputWidget’s signals, and the output display would have slots to receive completed numbers (from the input display) and stack updates. The cohesion would be strong, and the separation of components would be appropriate.

Our design, however, calls for a commingled input/output display, as seen in Figure 6-3b. The commingled design significantly alters the sensibility of using independent input and output display classes. While lumping input and output display concerns into one class does decrease the cohesion of the display, trying to maintain two independent classes both pointing to the same on-screen widget would lead to an awkward implementation. For example, choosing which class should own the underlying Qt widget is arbitrary, likely resulting in a shared widget design (using a shared_ptr, perhaps?). However, in this scenario, should the input or the output display class initialize the on-screen widget? Would it make sense for the input display to signal the output display if the input display shared a pointer to the single display widget? The answer is simply that a two-class design is not tenable for a merged I/O display widget even though we might prefer to separate input and output display concerns.
然而,我们的设计需要一个混合的输入/输出显示,如图6-3b所示。混合的设计大大改变了使用独立的输入和输出显示类的感觉。虽然把输入和输出显示的关注点放在一个类中确实降低了显示的内聚力,但试图维持两个独立的类都指向同一个屏幕上的小部件会导致一个尴尬的实现。例如,选择哪个类应该拥有底层的Qt widget是任意的,可能会导致共享widget的设计(也许使用shared_ptr?然而,在这种情况下,应该由输入还是输出显示类来初始化屏幕上的widget?如果输入显示共享一个指向单一显示部件的指针,那么输入显示向输出显示发出信号是否有意义?答案很简单,对于一个合并的I/O显示部件来说,两类设计是站不住脚的,即使我们可能更喜欢把输入和输出显示的问题分开。

The aforementioned discussion identifies a few interesting points. First, the visual presentation of the design on screen can legitimately alter the design and implementation of the underlying components. While this may seem obvious once presented with a concrete GUI example, the indirect implication is that GUI class design may need to change significantly if the on-screen widgets are changed only slightly. Second, situations exist where the result is cleaner when the design directly contradicts the elements of good design postulated in Chapter 2. Obviously, the guidelines in Chapter 2 are meant to aid the design process, not to serve as inviolable rules. That said, my general advice is to aim to preserve clarity over adherence to guidelines, but only violate best practices judiciously.

Now that we’ve decided to pursue a single I/O display with a single underlying Display class, let’s look at its design.

6.4.1 The Design of the Display Class

I confess. My original design and implementation for the Display class was inept. Instead of using proper analysis techniques and upfront design, I grew the design organically (that is, alongside the implementation). However, as soon as my design forced the Display class to emit commandEntered() signals for the GUI to function properly, I knew the design had a “bad smell” to it. The class responsible for painting numbers on the screen should probably not be interpreting commands. That said, the implementation worked properly, so I left the code as it was and completed the calculator. However, when I finally started writing about the design, I had so much difficulty trying to formulate a rationale for my design that I finally had to admit to myself that the design was fatally flawed and desperately needed a rewrite.
我承认。我最初对Display类的设计和实现是不合格的。我没有使用适当的分析技术和前期设计,而是有机地增长了设计(也就是说,与实现同时进行)。然而,当我的设计迫使Display类发出commandEntered()信号以使GUI正常工作时,我就知道这个设计有一种 “坏味道”。负责在屏幕上画数字的类也许不应该解释命令。尽管如此,这个实现还是正常的,所以我把代码保持原样,完成了计算器。然而,当我终于开始写这个设计的时候,我在试图为我的设计提出一个理由时遇到了很大的困难,最后我不得不承认这个设计有致命的缺陷,迫切需要重写。

Obviously, after redesigning the display, I could have simply chosen to describe only the improved product. However, I think it is instructive to study my first misguided attempt, to discuss the telltale signs that the design had some serious problems, and finally to see the design that eventually emerged after a night of refactoring. Possibly, the most interesting lesson here is that bad designs can certainly lead to working code, so never assume that working code is an indicator of a good design. Additionally, bad designs, if localized, can be refactored, and sometimes refactoring should be undertaken solely to increase clarity. Refactoring, of course, assumes your project schedule contains enough contingency time to pause periodically just to pay down technical debt. Let’s briefly study my mistake before returning to a better design.

6.4.2 A Poor Design

From the analysis above, we determined that the calculator should have one unified Display class for handling both input and output. The fundamental mistake in my design for the display derived from incorrectly interpreting that one Display class implied no additional classes for orthogonal concerns. Hence, I proceeded to lump all functionality not handled by the InputWidget class into a single Display class. Let’s start along that path. However, rather than completing the design and implementation as I had previously done, we’ll stop and redesign the class as soon as we see the first fatal flaw emerge (which is what I should have done originally).

With a single Display class design, the Display is responsible for showing input from the user and output from the calculation engine. Showing the output is trivial. The Display class observes the stackChanged() event (indirectly, since it is not part of the GUI’s external interface), and updates the screen display widget (a QLabel, in this case) with the new stack values. Conceptually, showing the input is trivial as well. The Display directly receives the signals emitted by the InputWidget class (e.g., characterEntered()) and updates the screen display widget with the current input. The simplicity of this interaction belies the fundamental problem with this design, which is that the input is not entered atomically for display. Instead, it is assembled over multiple signals by entering several characters independently and finalizing the input by pressing the enter button. This sequential construction of the input implies that the calculator must maintain an active input state, and input state has no business existing in a display widget.

So what, aside from ideological aversion, is wrong with the Display class maintaining an input state? Can’t we just view the state as simply a display input buffer? Let’s follow through with this design to see why it is flawed. Consider, for example, the backspace button, whose operation is overloaded based on the input state. If the current input buffer is nonempty, the backspace button erases one character from this buffer. However, if the current input buffer is empty, pressing the backspace button causes the issuance of the command to drop the top number from the stack. Since, under this design, the Display owns the input state and is the sink for the backspacePressed() signal, the Display must be the source of the dropped number from the stack command. Once the Display starts issuing commands, we’ve completely given up on cohesion, and it’s time to find the pasta sauce because spaghetti code ensues. From here, instead of just abandoning the design, I doubled down, and my original design actually got worse. However, instead of proceeding further along this misguided path, let’s simply move on to examining a better approach.

6.4.3 An Improved Display Design

Early in the discussion of the poor display design, I pointed out that the fatal mistake came from assuming that a unified display necessitated a single class design. However, as we’ve seen, this assumption was invalid. The emergence of state in the calculator implies the need for at least two classes, one for the visual display and one for the state.

Does this remind you of a pattern we’ve already seen? The GUI needs to maintain an internal state (a model). We’re currently in the midst of designing a display (a view). We have already designed a class, the InputWidget, for accepting input and issuing commands (a controller). Obviously, the GUI itself is nothing more than an embodiment of a familiar pattern, the model-view-controller (MVC). Note that relative to the MVC archetype seen in Figure 2-2 in Chapter 2, the GUI can replace direct communication between the controller and the model with indirect communication. This minor change, which promotes decreased coupling, is facilitated by Qt’s signals and slots mechanism.

We now divert our attention to the design of the newly introduced model class. Upon completion of the model, we’ll return to the Display class to finish its now simpler design and interface.

6.5 The Model

The model class, which I aptly called the GuiModel, is responsible for the state of the GUI. In order to achieve this goal properly, the model must be the sink for all signals that cause the state of the system to change, and it must be the source of all signals indicating that the state of the system has changed. Naturally, the model is also the repository for the state of the system, and it should provide facilities for other components of the GUI to query the model’s state. Let’s look at GuiModel’s interface in Listing 6-3.

Listing 6-3. The GuiModel Interface

  1. class GuiModel : public QObject {
  3. public:
  4. enum class ShiftState { Unshifted,
  5. Shifted };
  6. struct State { /* discussed below */
  7. };
  8. GuiModel(QObject* parent = nullptr);
  9. ~GuiModel();
  10. void stackChanged(const vector<double>& v);
  11. const State& getState() const;
  12. public slots:
  13. // called to toggle the calculator's shift state
  14. void onShift();
  15. // paired to InputWidget's signals
  16. void onCharacterEntered(char c);
  17. void onEnter();
  18. void onBackspace();
  19. void onPlusMinus();
  20. void onCommandEntered(string primaryCmd, string secondaryCmd);
  21. signals:
  22. void modelChanged();
  23. void commandEntered(string s);
  24. void errorDetected(string s);
  25. };

The six slots in the GuiModel class all correspond to signals emitted by the InputWidget class. The GuiModel interprets these requests, changes the internal state as appropriate, and emits one or more of its own signals. Of particular note is the commandEntered() signal. Whereas the GuiModel’s onCommandEntered() slot accepts two arguments, the raw primary and secondary commands corresponding to the CommandButton that was pressed, the GuiModel is responsible for interpreting the shifted state of the GUI and only re-emitting a commandEntered() signal with the active command.

The remainder of the GuiModel interface involves the GUI’s state. We begin by discussing the rationale behind the nested State struct. Rather than declare each piece of the model’s state as a separate member within GuiModel, I find it much cleaner to lump all of the state parameters into one struct. This design facilitates the querying of the model’s state by permitting the entire system state to be returned by const reference with one function call as opposed to requiring piecemeal access to individual state members. I chose to nest the State struct because it is an intrinsic part of GuiModel that serves no standalone purpose. Therefore, the State struct naturally belongs in GuiModel’s scope, but its declaration must be publicly declared in order for other components of the GUI to be able to query the state.
GuiModel接口的其余部分涉及GUI的状态。我们首先讨论嵌套的状态结构背后的原理。与其在 GuiModel 中把模型状态的每一个部分作为单独的成员来声明,我发现把所有的状态参数放在一个结构中要干净得多。这种设计方便了模型状态的查询,因为它允许整个系统状态通过常量引用返回,只需调用一个函数即可,而不需要零散地访问各个状态成员。我选择嵌套State结构是因为它是GuiModel内在的一部分,没有独立的作用。因此,State 结构自然属于 GuiModel 的范围,但它的声明必须被公开声明,以便 GUI 的其他组件能够查询状态。

The constituents of the State struct define the entire state of the GUI. In particular, this State struct comprises a data structure holding a copy of the maximum number of visible numbers on the stack, the current input buffer, an enumeration defining the shift state of the system, and a Qt enumeration defining the validity of the input buffer. The declaration is shown in Listing 6-4.

Listing 6-4. The State struct for the GuiModel

  1. struct State {
  2. vector<double> curStack;
  3. string curInput;
  4. ShiftState shiftState;
  5. QValidator::State curInputValidity;
  6. };

An interesting question to ask is, why does the GuiModel’s State buffer the visible numbers from the top of the stack? Given that the Stack class is a singleton, the Display could access the Stack directly. However, the Display only observes changes in the GuiModel (via the modelChanged() slot). Because state changes unrelated to stack changes occur frequently in the GUI (e.g., character entry), the Display would be forced to wastefully query the Stack on every modelChanged() event since the Display is not a direct observer of the stackChanged() event. On the other hand, the GuiModel is an observer of the stackChanged() event (indirectly via a function call from the MainWindow). Therefore, the efficient solution is to have the GuiModel update a stack buffer only when the calculator’s stack actually changes and give the Display class access to this buffer, which is guaranteed by construction to be current, for updating the screen.
一个有趣的问题是,为什么GuiModel的State要从堆栈的顶部缓冲可见的数字?鉴于Stack类是一个单子,Display可以直接访问Stack。然而,Display只观察GuiModel的变化(通过modelChanged()槽)。因为与堆栈变化无关的状态变化经常发生在GUI中(例如,字符输入),显示器将被迫在每个modelChanged()事件上浪费地查询堆栈,因为显示器不是堆栈Changed()事件的直接观察者。另一方面,GuiModel是stackChanged()事件的观察者(通过MainWindow的一个函数调用间接地)。因此,有效的解决方案是让 GuiModel 只在计算器的堆栈实际发生变化时更新一个堆栈缓冲区,并让 Display 类访问这个缓冲区,这个缓冲区通过构造保证是当前的,用于更新屏幕。

6.6 The Display Redux

We are now ready to return our attention to the Display class. Having placed all of the state and state interactions in the GuiModel class, the Display class can be reduced simply to an object that watches for model changes and displays the current state of the calculator on the screen. Other than the constructor, the interface for the Display class consists of only two functions: the slot to be called when the model changes, and a member function to be called to show messages in the status area. The latter function call is used to display errors detected within the GUI (e.g., invalid input) as well as errors detected in the command dispatcher (as transmitted via UserInterface’s postMessage()). The entire interface for the Display class is given in Listing 6-5.

Listing 6-5. The Display Class Interface

  1. class Display : public QWidget {
  3. public:
  4. explicit Display(const GuiModel& g, QWidget* parent = nullptr, int nLinesStack = 6, int minCharWide = 25);
  5. void showMessage(const string& m);
  6. public slots:
  7. void onModelChanged();
  8. };

The optional arguments to the Display class’s constructor simply dictate visual appearance of the stack on the screen. Specifically, a client of the Display class has flexibility over the number of stack lines to display and the minimum width (in units of fixed width font characters) of the on screen display.

6.7 Tying It Together: The Main Window

The main window is a fairly small class that serves a big purpose. To be precise, it serves three purposes in our application. First, as in most Qt-based GUIs, we need to provide a class that publicly inherits from QMainWindow that acts, naturally, as the main GUI window for the application. In particular, this is the class that is instantiated and shown in the function that launches the GUI. Following my typical creative naming style, I called this class the MainWindow. Second, the MainWindow serves as the interface class for the view module of the calculator. That is, the MainWindow also must publicly inherit from our abstract UserInterface class. Finally, the MainWindow class owns all of the previously discussed GUI components and glues these components together as necessary. For all practical purposes, gluing components together simply entails connecting signals to their corresponding slots. These straightforward implementation details can be found in the MainWindow.cpp source code file. We’ll spend the remainder of this section discussing the MainWindow’s design and interface.

We’ve written a Qt application; it’s obvious that we’ll have a descendant of QMainWindow somewhere. That, in and of itself, is not terribly interesting. What is interesting, however, is the decision to use multiple inheritance to make the same class also serve as the UserInterface to the rest of pdCalc. That said, is that truly an interesting decision, or does it just seem provocative because some developers have a moral aversion to multiple inheritance?

Indeed, I could have separated the QMainWindow and the UserInterface into two separate classes. In a GUI where the main window was decorated with menus, toolbars, and multiple underlying widgets, I perhaps would have separated the two. However, in our GUI, the QMainWindow base serves no purpose other than to provide an entry point for our Qt application. The MainWindow literally does nothing else in its QMainWindow role. To therefore create a separate MainWindow class with the sole purpose of containing a concrete specialization of a UserInterface class serves no purpose other than to avoid multiple inheritance. While some may disagree, I think a lack of multiple inheritance, in this instance, would actually complicate the design.

The situation described above is actually an archetypical example of where multiple inheritance is an excellent choice. In particular, multiple inheritance excels in derived classes whose multiple base classes exhibit orthogonal functionality. In our case, one base class serves as the GUI entry point to Qt while the other base class serves as the UserInterface specialization for pdCalc’s GUI view. Notice that neither base class shares functionality, state, methods, or ancestors. Multiple inheritance is especially sensible in situations where at least one of the base classes is purely abstract (a class with no state and only pure virtual functions). The scenario of using multiple inheritance of purely abstract bases is so useful that it is permitted in programming languages that do not otherwise allow multiple inheritance (e.g., interfaces in both C# and Java).

the two pure virtual functions in the UserInterface class, and a few functions for dynamically adding commands (you’ll encounter these functions in Chapter 7 when we design plugins). For completeness, the interface for MainWindow is shown in Listing 6-6.

Listing 6-6. The Interface for MainWindow

  1. class MainWindow : public QMainWindow, public UserInterface {
  2. class MainWindowImpl;
  3. public:
  4. MainWindow(int argc, char* argv[], QWidget* parent = nullptr);
  5. void postMessage(const string& m) override;
  6. void stackChanged() override;
  7. // plugin functions ...
  8. };

6.8 Look-and-Feel

Before we conclude this chapter with some sample code to execute the GUI, we must return briefly to the final component of the GUI, the LookAndFeel class. The LookAndFeel class simply manages the dynamically customizable appearance of the GUI, such as font sizes and text colors. The interface is simple. For each point of customization, a function exists to return the requested setting. For example, to get the font for the display, we provide the following function:

  1. class LookAndFeel
  2. {
  3. public:
  4. // one function per customizable setting, e.g.,
  5. const QFont& getDisplayFont() const;
  6. // ...
  7. };

Because we only need one LookAndFeel object in the calculator, the class is implemented as a singleton.

A great question to ask is, “Why do we need this class at all?” The answer is that it gives us the opportunity to dynamically modify the appearance of the calculator based on the current environment, and it centralizes in memory access to the look-and-feel of pdCalc. For example, suppose we had wanted to make our GUI DPI aware and choose font sizes accordingly (I didn’t in the source code, but you might want to). With a static configuration file (or, the conceptual equivalent, registry settings), we would have to customize the settings for each platform during the installation process. Either we would have to build customization within the installer for each platform, or we would have to write code to execute during the installation to create the appropriate static configuration file dynamically. If we have to write code, why not just put it in the source where it belongs? As an implementation decision, the LookAndFeel class could be designed simply to read a configuration file and buffer the appearance attributes in memory (a look-and-feel proxy object). That’s the real power of the LookAndFeel class. It centralizes the location of appearance attributes so that only one class needs to be changed to effect global appearance changes. Maybe even more importantly, a LookAndFeel class insulates individual GUI components from the implementation details defining how the GUI discovers (and possibly adapts to) the settings on a particular platform.
一个很好的问题是,“为什么我们需要这个类?” 答案是,它给了我们机会根据当前环境动态地修改计算器的外观,而且它集中了内存中对pdCalc的外观和感觉的访问。例如,假设我们想让我们的GUI具有DPI意识并相应地选择字体大小(我在源代码中没有这样做,但你可能想这样做)。如果有一个静态的配置文件(或者在概念上等同于注册表设置),我们将不得不在安装过程中为每个平台定制设置。要么我们必须在安装程序中为每个平台建立自定义设置,要么我们必须编写代码在安装过程中执行,以动态地创建适当的静态配置文件。如果我们必须写代码,为什么不直接把它放在属于它的源代码中?作为一个实现的决定,LookAndFeel类可以被设计成简单地读取一个配置文件并在内存中缓冲外观属性(一个外观代理对象)。这就是LookAndFeel类的真正力量。它集中了外观属性的位置,所以只需要改变一个类就可以实现全局的外观变化。也许更重要的是,LookAndFeel类将单个GUI组件与定义GUI如何发现(并可能适应)特定平台上的设置的实现细节隔离开。

The full implementation for the LookAndFeel class can be found in the in LookAndFeel.cpp file. The current implementation is very simple. The LookAndFeel class provides a mechanism for standardizing the GUI’s look-and-feel, but no implementation exists to allow user customization of the application. Chapter 8 briefly suggests some possible extensions one could make to the LookAndFeel class to make pdCalc user customizable.

6.9 A Working Program

We conclude this chapter with a working main() function for launching the GUI. Due to additional requirements you’ll encounter in Chapter 7, the actual main() function for pdCalc is more complicated than the one listed below. However, the simplified version is worth listing to illustrate how to tie pdCalc’s components together with the GUI to create a functioning, standalone executable. See Listing 6-7.

Listing 6-7. A Working main() Function

  1. int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  2. {
  3. QApplication app { argc, argv };
  4. MainWindow gui { argc, argv };
  5. CommandDispatcher ce { gui };
  6. RegisterCoreCommands(gui);
  7. gui.attach(UserInterface::CommandEntered,
  8. make_unique<CommandIssuedObserver>(ce));
  9. Stack::Instance().attach(Stack::StackChanged,
  10. make_unique<StackUpdatedObserver>(gui));
  11. gui.setupFinalButtons();
  13. gui.fixSize();
  14. return app.exec();
  15. }

Note the similarities between the main() function for executing the GUI above and the main() function for executing the CLI listed at the conclusion of Chapter 5. The likenesses are not accidental and are the result of pdCalc’s modular design.

As with the CLI, to get you started quickly, a project is included in the repository source code that builds an executable, pdCalc-simple-gui, using the above main() function as the application’s driver. The executable is a standalone GUI that includes all of the features discussed up to this point in the book.

Before concluding this section, I’ll make a few comments about the implementation above. First, the QApplication class, calling show() on the gui, and the app.exec() call are all boilerplate Qt code. As it concerns us here, those calls simply enable us to start up the GUI and show it on the screen. Second, setupFinalButtons() is called on the gui, but we never defined this function as part of MainWindow’s interface. This function is needed to add the buttons correctly in the presence of plugins. With the standalone GUI designed in this chapter, the setupFinalButtons() function is unnecessary. I included this function in the code listing above so that the main() function above could be used as-is with the existing GitHub repository code. Finally, the fixSize() function is also not included in the interface built in this chapter. This function is an implementation detail and contributes nothing to the GUI’s design. The function is simply used to fix the size of the GUI on screen and remove the ability to resize it. Again, the necessity of this function arises due to plugins because we can only know the final geometry of the GUI after plugins have added their buttons.

6.10 A Microsoft Windows Build Note

pdCalc is designed to be both a GUI and a CLI. In Linux, no compile time distinction exists between a console application (CLI) and a windowed application (GUI). A unified application can be compiled with the same build flags for both styles. In Microsoft Windows, however, creating an application that behaves as both a CLI and a GUI is not quite as trivial because the operating system requires an application to declare during compilation the usage of either the console or the Windows subsystem.
pdCalc被设计成既是GUI又是CLI。在Linux中,控制台应用程序(CLI)和窗口应用程序(GUI)之间不存在编译时的区别。一个统一的应用程序可以用相同的编译标志来编译两种风格。然而,在Microsoft Windows中,创建一个既能作为CLI又能作为GUI的应用程序并不那么简单,因为操作系统要求应用程序在编译时声明使用控制台或Windows子系统。

Why does the declaration of the subsystem matter on Windows? If an application is declared to be a windowed application, if it is launched from a command prompt, the application will simply return with no output (i.e., the application will appear as if it never executed). However, when the application’s icon is double-clicked, the application launches without a background console. On the other hand, if an application is declared to be a console application, the GUI will appear when launched from a command prompt, but the GUI will launch with a background console if opened by double-clicking the application’s icon.

Conventionally, Microsoft Windows applications are designed for one subsystem or the other. In the few instances where applications are developed with both a GUI and a CLI, developers have created techniques to avoid the above problem. One such technique creates two applications, a .com and an .exe, that the operating system can appropriately call depending on the option selected via command line arguments.

In order to keep pdCalc’s code simple and cross platform, I ignored this problem and simply built the GUI in the console mode (pdCalc-simple-gui, however, having no CLI, is built in windowed mode). Indeed, this means that if the application is launched by doubleclicking pdCalc’s icon, an extra console window will appear in the background. If you intend to use the application primarily as a GUI, the problem can be remedied by simply removing the ability to use the console (e.g., comment out the line win32:CONFIG += console in the build file). If you need access to both the CLI and the GUI and the extraneous console drives you crazy, you have two realistic options. First, search the Internet for one of the techniques discussed above and give it a try. Personally, I’ve never gone that route. Second, build two separate executables (maybe called pdCalc and pdCalc-cli) instead of one executable capable of switching modes based on command line arguments. The application’s flexible architecture trivially supports either decision.
为了保持pdCalc的代码简单和跨平台,我忽略了这个问题,只是在控制台模式下构建GUI(pdCalc-simple-gui,然而,没有CLI,是在窗口模式下构建的)。事实上,这意味着如果通过双击pdCalc的图标来启动应用程序,一个额外的控制台窗口会在后台出现。如果你打算把这个程序主要作为GUI使用,这个问题可以通过简单的移除使用控制台的能力来解决(例如,在pdCalc.pro构建文件中注释掉win32:CONFIG += console这一行)。如果你需要同时访问CLI和GUI,而不相干的控制台让你发疯,你有两个现实的选择。首先,在互联网上搜索上面讨论的技术之一,并试一试。就个人而言,我从未走过这条路。第二,建立两个独立的可执行文件(也许叫pdCalc和pdCalc-cli),而不是一个能够基于命令行参数切换模式的可执行文件。该应用程序的灵活架构可以支持这两种决定。