- 👀 #12 What is Hashable protocol in SwiftUI?"> 👀 #12 What is Hashable protocol in SwiftUI?
- #13 Sort, Filter, and Map data arrays in Swift">👀 #13 Sort, Filter, and Map data arrays in Swift
- #14 How to use Core Data with @FetchRequest in SwiftUI
- #15
- #16
- #17 Multi-threading with background threads and queues in Xcode(23:48)">👀 #17 Multi-threading with background threads and queues in Xcode(23:48)
- 👀 #18 How to use weak self in Swift(20:32)
👀 #12 What is Hashable protocol in SwiftUI?
👀 #13 Sort, Filter, and Map data arrays in Swift
- Sort - organize data by criteria
2. Filter - create a subset of your data
3. Map - transform data from one type to another#14 How to use Core Data with @FetchRequest in SwiftUI
👀 #17 Multi-threading with background threads and queues in Xcode(23:48)
👀 #18 How to use weak self in Swift(20:32)
- 避免强引用,导致一直无效的等待无法deinit回收