
JavaFX 图像视图 控件可以在 JavaFX GUI 中显示图像。ImageView 控件必须添加到场景图中才可见。JavaFX ImageView 控件由 javafx.scene.image.ImageView 类表示。

The JavaFX ImageView control can display an image inside a JavaFX GUI. The ImageView control must be added to the scene graph to be visible. The JavaFX ImageView control is represented by the class javafx.scene.image.ImageView.

创建一个 ImageView

您可以通过创建 ImageView 类的实例来创建 ImageView 控件实例。ImageView 类的构造器需要一个 javafx.scene.image.Image 的实例作为参数。Image 对象代表 ImageView 控件要显示的图像。

You create an ImageView control instance by creating an instance of the ImageView class. The constructor of the ImageView class needs an instance of a javafx.scene.image.Image as parameter. The Image object represents the image to be displayed by the ImageView control.

这是一个 JavaFX ImageView 实例化的示例:

Here is a JavaFX ImageView instantiation example:

  1. FileInputStream input = new FileInputStream("resources/images/iconmonstr-home-6-48.png");
  2. Image image = new Image(input);
  3. ImageView imageView = new ImageView(image);

首先创建一个 FileInputStream,它指向要显示的图像的图像文件。

First a FileInputStream is created which points to the image file of the image to display.

其次,创建一个 Image 实例,将 FileInputStream 作为参数传递给 Image 的构造器。这样,Image 类就知道从哪里加载图像文件了。

Second an Image instance is created, passing the FileInputStream as parameter to the Image constructor. This way the Image class knows where to load the image file from.

最后 ImageView 实例被创建,将 Image 实例作为参数传递给 ImageView 的构造器。

Third an ImageView instance is created, passing the Image instance as parameter to the ImageView constructor.

ImageView 添加到场景图中

要使 ImageView 可见,您必须将其添加到场景图中。这意味着将其添加到 Scene 对象中。由于 ImageView 不是 javafx.scene.Parent 的子类,它不能直接添加到场景图中。 它必须嵌套在另一个组件中,例如布局组件。

To make the ImageView visible you must add it to the scene graph. This means adding it to a Scene object. Since ImageView is not a subclass of javafx.scene.Parent it cannot be added directly to the scene grahp. It must be nested inside another component, for instance a layout component.

这是一个示例,它通过将 JavaFX ImageView 嵌套在 HBox 布局组件中来将其添加到场景图:

Here is an example that attaches a JavaFX ImageView to the scene graph by nesting it inside a HBox layout component:

  1. package com.jenkov.javafx.controls;
  2. import javafx.application.Application;
  3. import javafx.scene.Scene;
  4. import javafx.scene.control.Button;
  5. import javafx.scene.image.Image;
  6. import javafx.scene.image.ImageView;
  7. import javafx.scene.layout.HBox;
  8. import javafx.stage.Stage;
  9. import;
  10. public class ImageViewExperiments extends Application {
  11. @Override
  12. public void start(Stage primaryStage) throws Exception {
  13. primaryStage.setTitle("ImageView Experiment 1");
  14. FileInputStream input = new FileInputStream("resources/images/iconmonstr-home-6-48.png");
  15. Image image = new Image(input);
  16. ImageView imageView = new ImageView(image);
  17. HBox hbox = new HBox(imageView);
  18. Scene scene = new Scene(hbox, 200, 100);
  19. primaryStage.setScene(scene);
  21. }
  22. public static void main(String[] args) {
  23. Application.launch(args);
  24. }
  25. }

运行上述 JavaFX ImageView 示例的结果是一个如下所示的应用程序:

The result of running the above JavaFX ImageView example is an application that looks like this:

A JavaFX ImageView component displayed in the scene graph.

标签和按钮中的 ImageView

可以在 JavaFX LabelButton 中使用 ImageView。这将使 LabelButton 的文字左侧显示 ImageView。请参阅有关 JavaFX 标签JavaFX 按钮 的内容以了解做法。

It is possible to use an ImageView in both a JavaFX Label and Button. This will cause the Label and Button to display the ImageView to the left of the text in the Label or Button. See the texts about JavaFX Label and JavaFX Button for information about how to do that.