重要: 如果您在亚马逊商城销售商品,则必须遵守适用于这些商品和商品信息的所有联邦、州和地方法律以及亚马逊政策。根据亚马逊政策,只有美国居民才能在 Amazon.com 上销售杀虫剂和杀虫剂设备。 Important: If you supply products for sale on Amazon, you must comply with all federal, state, and local laws and Amazon policies applicable to those products and product listings. Per Amazon policy, only U.S. residents may sell pesticides and pesticide devices on Amazon.com.

在美国,杀虫剂和杀虫设备必须遵守《联邦杀虫剂、杀真菌剂和灭鼠剂法案》(简称“FIFRA”)以及适用的州和地方法律,包括注册和贴标要求。杀虫剂和杀虫剂设备包括: (1) 任何用于预防、消灭、驱除害虫或减轻虫害的商品,以及 (2) 作出任何抗微生物、抗真菌、抗细菌、抗霉菌或杀虫功效声明的商品。
In the United States, pesticides and pesticide devices must comply with the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (“FIFRA”) and applicable state and local laws, including registration and labeling requirements. Pesticides and pesticide devices include: (1) any product intended for preventing, destroying, repelling, or mitigating any pest and (2) any product that makes any antimicrobial, antifungal, antibacterial, anti-mold, or pesticide claims.


  • 杀虫剂 Insecticides
  • 灭鼠剂 Rodenticides
  • 除草剂 Herbicides
  • 杀真菌剂 Fungicides
  • 驱虫剂 Repellants
  • 抗微生物杀虫剂 Antimicrobial pesticides


  • 紫外线装置 Ultraviolet light units
  • 发声器 Sound generators
  • 捕虫器 Insect traps
  • 地面振动器 Ground vibrators
  • 水处理装置 Water-treatment units
  • 空气处理装置 Air-treatment units

作出任何抗微生物、抗真菌、抗细菌或其他杀虫剂声明的商品(例如,宣称可消毒、驱除昆虫、清除过敏原或预防细菌的商品)可根据美国国家环境保护局 (EPA) 法规被视为杀虫剂或杀虫剂设备。有关更多信息,请转至美国国家环境保护局网站上有关杀虫剂的页面。
Products that make any antimicrobial, antifungal, antibacterial, or other pesticide claim (for example, products marketed to disinfect, repel insects, remove allergens, or prevent bacteria) may be considered pesticides or pesticide devices under Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations. For more information, go to the EPA page on Pesticides.
如果商品声明、声称或暗示可以或应该用于预防、消灭、驱除任何类型的害虫、减轻虫害或采取任何其他类似措施,则商品可被美国国家环境保护局归类为杀虫剂。“害虫”示例包括昆虫、霉菌、细菌、螨虫和动物。对于 Amazon.com 上的商品,此信息可能会出现在详情页面文本或图片上的任意位置。
A product may be classified by the EPA as a pesticide if the product claims, states or implies, even indirectly, that it can or should be used to prevent, destroy, repel, mitigate, or take any other similar action against any kind of pest. Examples of “pests” include insects, mold, bacteria, mites, mildew, and animals. For listings on Amazon.com, this could appear anywhere in detail page text, on an image, or both.


  • 预防、阻止、清除、中和或控制细菌或其他害虫 Prevents, blocks, removes, neutralizes or controls bacteria or other pests
  • 消毒或灭菌 Sanitizes, disinfects or sterilizes
  • 防霉 Resists mildew
  • 去除或预防霉菌 Removes or prevents mold

除了这些较常见的声明之外,还有非常广泛的商品由于在描述商品时使用了特定的术语,也被 FIFRA 认定为杀虫剂。以下是这些不太常见的声明的几个示例:

  • 声称抗菌的门把手 A door knob claiming to resist bacteria
  • 声称具有抗微生物性能的袜子或鞋靴 Socks or shoes that claim antimicrobial properties
  • 声称可以防止发霉的船或汽车罩 A boat or automobile cover claiming to prevent mildew
  • 声称具有抗细菌效果的床垫 A mattress claiming to be antibacterial
  • 声称可从机械上防止发霉的除湿器 A dehumidifier claiming to mechanically prevent mold
  • 声称抗尘螨的枕头套 A pillow case claiming to be resistant to dust mites
  • “防霉”浴帘 A “mildew resistant” shower curtain


遵守《联邦杀虫剂、杀菌剂和灭鼠剂法案》以及所有适用的州和地方法律(包括注册和贴标要求)的杀虫剂和杀虫剂设备。要符合在美国销售的要求,所有杀虫剂必须贴有有效的 EPA 注册号和 EPA 工厂号标签,或符合以下指定的豁免之一。杀虫剂设备必须标有 EPA 工厂号。
Pesticides and pesticide devices that comply with FIFRA and all applicable state and local laws, including registration and labeling requirements. To be eligible for sale in the US, all pesticides must be labeled with a valid EPA registration number and EPA establishment number, or qualify for one of the exemptions specified below. Pesticide devices must be labeled with an EPA establishment number.


  • 未经注册的杀虫剂(例如,杀虫粉笔、Tres Pasitos)Unregistered pesticides (for example, insecticide chalk, tres pasitos)
  • 非美国居民销售的杀虫剂商品和杀虫设备 Pesticide products and pesticide devices sold by non-U.S. residents
  • 并非用于在美国销售的杀虫剂商品(这些商品可能看似是知名品牌,但是没有标注 EPA 注册号或工厂号)Pesticide products not intended for sale in the U.S. (these may look like recognized brands, but they do not have an EPA registration or establishment number)
  • “杀虫剂标记”属性中没有 EPA 信息的杀虫剂商品 Pesticide listings without EPA information in the Pesticide Marking attribute
  • 并非在美国国家环境保护局注册工厂所在地或设施制造的杀虫剂装置,标签上缺少清晰可见的 EPA 工厂号,或作出虚假声明或误导性声明 Pesticide devices that were manufactured in a location or facility other than an EPA-registered establishment, that lack a clearly visible EPA establishment number on the label, or that make false or misleading claims
  • 限制使用的杀虫剂(普通公众不得购买或使用)Restricted use pesticides, which are not to be available for purchase or use by the general public
  • 标注仅用于专业用途的杀虫剂商品 Products labeled for professional use only
  • 标有供国家许可或注册的个人/公司使用,灭杀白蚁的杀虫剂商品 Products labeled for use by individuals/firms licensed or registered by the state to apply termiticide products
  • 未在美国国家环境保护局进行注册且未按照所有适用的州和地方法律作出杀虫功效声明的商品,包括那些需要遵守特定的州注册要求的商品,除非符合以下几项例外情况之一 Products not registered with the EPA and all applicable state and local laws that make a pesticide claim, including those that may be subject to specific state registration requirements, unless subject to one of the limited exclusions below
  • 含有虚假或误导性声明或者贴错标签(例如有关杀虫剂或其成分安全性的声明:“安全”、“无毒”、“无害”、或“纯天然”)的杀虫剂商品 Pesticide products that make false or misleading claims or are otherwise misbranded (for example, claims regarding the safety of the pesticide or its ingredients, such as “safe”, “non-poisonous”, “non-injurious”, “harmless”, “non-toxic”, or “all natural”)
  • 作出公共卫生声明的杀虫剂商品(例如,宣传可以控制或减轻任何疾病、感染或病理现象的商品)Pesticide products that make public health claims (for example, products marketed to control or mitigate any disease, infection, or pathological condition)
  • 按照亚马逊政策未获批准品牌的驱蚊手环和驱蚊贴。已获批准的品牌: Bugables、BugBand、BuggyBands、BuggyBeds、Cliganic、Coleman、Cutter、Evergreen Research、Mosquitno、Mosquito Guard、OFF!、Ortho、Para’Kito、Pic、Repel、RiptGear、Safer Brand、Sawyer、Scentpellent、Summit、Superband、Terro、Thermacell
  • 包装破损,或者销售的数量/容量与美国国家环境保护局批准的标签上所列信息不一致的杀虫剂商品 Pesticide products that are in broken packaging or are being sold in a quantity or amount different from what is listed on the label approved by the EPA



  • 经由已注册该用途的杀虫剂处理过,且除保护商品本身以外未作出任何公共卫生声明或杀虫功效声明的商品(请参阅美国国家环境保护局的使用杀虫剂处理过的商品要求)Items treated with a pesticide that has been registered for that use and that do not make any public health claims or pesticide claims beyond preservation of the article itself (see EPA requirements for Treated Articles)

  • 仅使用特定的活性和惰性成分制成,且符合特定贴标和其他要求的杀虫剂商品(请参阅美国国家环境保护局的最低风险杀虫剂要求)Pesticide products made exclusively from a specific list of active and inert ingredients and that meet specific labeling and other requirements (see EPA requirements for Minimum Risk Pesticides)
  • 美国食品药品监督管理局管制的人类和动物药物(有关更多信息,请参阅受限商品: 药物和药物用具

同时请记住,有些杀虫剂可能是危险品,因此无法使用亚马逊物流进行配送。有关更多信息,请参阅危险品识别指南。Human and animal drugs regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (for more information, go to Restricted products: Drugs & drug paraphernalia)


要销售这些商品,需要获得亚马逊的批准。根据亚马逊的政策,只有美国居民才可以在 Amazon.com 上发布杀虫剂商品,且必须完成培训。对于每种杀虫剂商品,必须提供 EPA 注册号。
Approval from Amazon is required to sell these products. As per Amazon policy, only U.S. residents are eligible to list pesticide products on Amazon.com, and must complete a training. For each pesticide product, an EPA registration must be provided.


  1. 在卖家平台中,选择【库存】,然后点击【添加新商品】。In Seller Central, select Inventory and click Add a product.
  2. 搜索您要销售的 ASIN。In Seller Central, select Inventory and click Add a product.
  3. 在搜索结果中,点击该 ASIN 对应的【有商品发布限制】链接。In the search results, click the Listing limitations apply link across from the ASIN.
  4. 点击【请求批准】开始申请流程。Click Request approval to start the application process.
  5. 转至卖家大学后,请完成培训并获得 80% 或更高的分数。Once redirected to Seller University, complete the training with an 80% or higher score.
  6. 通过培训后,在“结果”页面点击【继续】,然后点击【退出课程】。Once you have passed the training, click Continue from the Results page and click Exit the course.
  7. 转至申请工作流程后,选中复选框同意“保证”的内容,然后点击【提交】。Once redirected to the application workflow, check the box to agree to the Guaranty and click Submit.

    切记: 卖家需要完成此培训,才能在亚马逊商城发布杀虫剂商品。您仅需通过此课程一次。完成课程后,您必须为适用商品信息提供 EPA 信息(见下文)。 Remember: Sellers are required to complete the training prior to listing pesticides on Amazon. You need only pass this course once. When you have completed the course, you must provide EPA information for applicable listings (see below).


All listings of pesticides, pesticide devices, or products that make pesticidal claims require sellers to input a Pesticides marking attribute.
要发布杀虫剂商品和设备,您需要提供 EPA 注册号和/或 EPA 工厂号,或者提供商品享有美国国家环境保护局法规豁免的认证。
Listings of pesticide products and devices require evidence of an EPA registration and/or EPA establishment number or a certification that the product is exempt from EPA regulations.
您必须为每个杀虫剂或杀虫剂设备商品提供有效的 EPA 注册号或 EPA 工厂号(如适用),或指明您的商品符合豁免条件。
You must provide a valid EPA registration number or EPA establishment number, as applicable, for each pesticide or pesticide device listing, or specify that your product qualifies for an exemption.
有关向新的或现有的杀虫剂或杀虫设备商品信息中添加杀虫剂标记属性的详细说明,请参阅合规编号属性 - 杀虫剂标记页面。
Detailed instructions for adding the Pesticide Marking attribute to new or existing pesticide or pesticide device listings are available on the Compliance ID attribute – Pesticide Marking page.


To learn more about selling or supplying pesticides and pesticide devices online, the publicly available pesticides eLearning course can be found here, or you can visit the following links:

上次更新时间:2021 年 5 月 26 日